Bible Tampering

Okay, SnakeLord; here goes.

It would be a lot easier if you didn't regard everything as a personal attack.

RESPONSE: Well, I am sorry, Sir, but after viewing your other posts to other people, that seems to be an appropriate term.

I'm sorry, isn't this a forum where people debate religious issues? If you'd like, we can just talk about the weather instead. You cannot sum up the whole reason I live based on your observations on a religious debate forum. What am I supposed to do here, ask for cookie recipies?

RESP: ……. Oh come on!

I am what you'd class as an atheist. You are what I would class as a religious person. When the two of them meet on a religious forum, the chances are a debate will start. You say something, the other responds and so on, yet for some reason you seem to just expect everyone to agree with you in entirety. If they don't, you start making accusations that they're making attacks, when questioning a persons beliefs is a normal everyday event, and rarely does harm unless that person is doubtful of his own beliefs.

RESP: ……And, this type of BS is what you do, which is common for those who consider argumentative suppositions, and excessive use of hypothesis a proper way to debate. In addition, I did not come on this forum to defend my faith, but to read ideas, and to share ideas. I am aware of no rules that would disallow this. My response to you happened because I am interested in people, and I usually suppose that you tough guys are not as bad as you would project. Occasionally, I am wrong, but not often.

You must have a strange thought if you really believe a person will not question your beliefs on a forum such as this.

RESP:….I have answered this before. It was your manner of approach, and not your questioning, that is annoying. This has been covered and I will not respond to it again.

You'd probably be much more at home on a christian's only forum.

RESP:…….Contrare! I would rather be with several like you!

This is the first time I've had someone making such accusations,….

RESP:…….Well, you do not intimidate me, and perhaps this has something to do with it.

other people I talk to are more than willing and able to defend and support their beliefs

RESP: …..Really, then you accept that “other people,” whom you say have been “able to defend their beliefs,” have satisfied you that they have valid reasons for believing as they do, and yet you do not get it.

That response about 'light bulbs' wasn't really what I was after,

RESP: ……See, here is another example of how you pound away on the same point over and over. I told you that you totally missed my point, and by response I deduced that it would be difficult to explain it to you, because our thought patterns differ. You know what? I would not mind getting into that if you gave one hint that you would take me seriously and receive what I say with an open mind. You may not accept this, but I am doing my best to find some value in what you say, because I know that you are of value.

I wonder why you feel so 'attacked' by someone questioning your beliefs - surely if they are rock solid you have nothing to fear or feel threatened by.

RESP:……Oh my goodness! You wish.

there are those type of people that will point out things, question things, and even make criticism of certain things. While you're obviously looking for a world full of the former people, the latter are of greater worth.

RESP: ……..I have done technical and creative writing for many years, and still engage in creative writing. When I was taking technical writing in college, I was introduced to the harshest criticism ever by the instructor. It was brutal, and taught me much. I know about criticism. I am not like most people, insomuch as I do not think like most people that I know, and when one thinks so independently and rebels as much as I have, for as many years as I have, one knows about criticism. However, technical writing is not the same as creative writing. In technical writing, one must know his audience, and the burden is on the writer for the understanding, which must be. In creative writing, the burden is often on the reader, no matter how much the writer has tried to express himself. There are always faultfinders among the sincere searchers. I write from my heart and my head, if someone wants to read it, fine; if not, that is just as fine, because I do it to express, not to impress. Whether anyone ever gets it or not, concerns me not. My exposure is not great because I am not self-promoting. Writing helps one know the truth about oneself.

As a person who 'studies' religion and mythology throughout history, covering every aspect as opposed to just one, I am in a position where questions are ever important. You see, in your own mind you probably have the 'truth'.

RESP: ……….No, my brother, the search for truth has not ended. What I know in my mind is that I know almost nothing and that there are few who know more. We assume that we know things, because someone has told us, we have read it; it makes sense to us, or whatever. Nevertheless, there is another way of knowing, and that is by experience. RESP, CON’T:……As for my religious beliefs, they are just that, beliefs. As I have said many times, I am in a process, just as you are, and the search for truth has not ended. One thing I know is that God is. I swear to you He is. How can you not know this?

You've probably met jesus, found god, and whatever else along those lines.

RESP:……..Well, bless your heart. I have found no one. God has never been lost to me. I will admit times of asking where He was. In time, I have learned, or at least it seems more reasonable that I accept that it has all been done, and that it is up to each of us to receive from our Source. When I was preteen, I was taught to pray and God would answer, and lead to believe that this meant, I would get notable results in a tangible form. As I became an adult, and dedicated myself to being realistic, it made more sense to accept that it has all been done, already. So, do I get answers to my prayers, yes, but not in the way I once expected.

RESP: …..The way many people pray has always troubled me, and I used to become very uncomfortable when asked to pray. It was not embarrassment, but my doubting that I was really praying, and doubting that they, in similar situations, were. So many prayers seemed like sermons to me, and/or seemed mechanical. To me the only way one can be sure that we are praying is when we are sure that we are talking to no one but God.

RESP CON’T: …….After 9-11, prayers, poems and such came often. One day, I received one of the many prayers I had been sent. Why do some think that they must always be telling others what to do. I do not like anyone telling me how to, or when to pray. In addition, it irritated me that people would write admonitions, and even threats, and call them prayers, so I asked myself why I was being so critical, and decided to check it out more closely. Exactly, I wanted to know, what was it about this particular prayer that I would change. So, I moved the prayer to Microsoft Word, and began to work on it. It took only about two minutes, I would suppose, before I deleted the whole thing, and began to write from scratch. Over two hours later with tears to my knees (figuratively speaking), I had a prayer, with no sermon in it. It was to God, not to man, because this is the only way I know to pray. Nor did I ask anyone to forward, repeat, or ever use, but I did send it out, with loving results. I have not written one since. But, I know what was bothering me about the other prayers; they did not seem to be to God, but to influence man to drop what he was doing and prepare himself for the next time tragedy struck. It was presumptuous, as though the writer assumed that everyone would want to repeat the prayer and send it to eight people, and so forth; and it gave the impression that to not be impressed sufficiently to follow his instructions could lead to trouble.

MORE RESP:………..Yes, I believe that we are the sons of God, and are His instruments and that we have done a very poor job—in general—of loving one another, of encouraging one another, myself included. Jesus taught us to love one another, and instead we fuss over doctrine and quarrel about religion. Some run around telling people they are born-again-Christians. Some say, “God loves you as though they are pronouncing an individual blessing on the person to whom they are speaking.” It seems rather silly to me to go around saying that unless one is a teacher. It means little or nothing to the people hearing it. Does this make any sense to you? If not, I apologize for going on and on, but I do this sometimes. Usually, I go back and delete a whole bunch, but I am going to leave this as is. You do not seem to have a very high opinion of believers anyway, so what have I to lose? It is sincere, and that is about the best I can give anyone.

You can't expect everyone to just take your word for it and done with it.

RESP: ……….I have no expectations. Why do you assume that I do?

is I do not have jesus in my heart, lungs, kidneys or liver, and as such can only question you because you apparently do.

RESP: ………See, that is silly stuff. I never said that I had Jesus in my heart, kidneys or liver. You do this all the time.

Destroy? That would make me right. I'm questioning your beliefs, if they get destroyed that's on your own part, not mine.

RESP: …..I said that you wanted to; I did not once imply that you could. Right?

From my perspective none of them has any more validity than any of the others. I would question a believer in Abellio as much as I would question a believer in Jesus.

RESP: …..So………?

Desperately is a pointless word here. My "non-belief" has been supported since my birth, and nobody has even come close to showing otherwise - in fact, all that a religious person has accomplished thus far is to make me even more of a "non-believer".

RESP: ……Are, or were you, expecting someone to convince you otherwise? Perhaps if you could give up that which binds you.

I didn't go so far as to say "there is no god,"

RESP: …….Of course, only you know for sure what you have said.

but what would make you think a bunch of 2000 year old people would know it any better than anyone else? What would make you think the biblical writers got god 'down to a T', instead of the Sumerians, the Hindu's, the Greeks?

RESP: ……I told you before that I did not learn of God from a book or a religion either. The only way you can truly know God is through you. All that other matters not. I should think that if you really want to know anything that you would want to find out for yourself, rather than looking to others to justify your continued disbelief. Once you know, you will not be so inclined to speculate about others. Once you are at peace, you will be less concerned about people’s preferences, I should think. Once you have joy, you will bring then bring joy to others. I promise.

No. If I was to "buy" into something other than what I already believe, then it would undoubtedly have a lot of supporting evidence, (maybe only to me), and thus would be a worthwhile move.

RESPONSE: ………………..Beautiful!…………………….

I would still however, expect people to question what and why I believe what I do. If it's that credible, every question would be answerable.

RESP: And my advice to you, at least -until you are much older and wiser- is that should such a beautiful thing happen you, “avoid foolish and unlearned questions.” It is a waste of time.

It wasn't "murky", it's a simple question:

RESP: ……No, it was not simple at all; you put a tail on it, a speculative tail. Besides, you gave me the option of answering only the questions I cared to, and I see no relevance to that one and care not to answer it.

What I think you need to understand is this...On my desk are 10 books of ancient texts. I look at book 1, then book 2 and so on until book 10. What is it that would give credence to the biblical texts over any of the others?

RESP: …..Why would I need to understand that?

No. You'd probably just state it's worrying or annoying to think people go to such lengths. I would respond saying it's essential that people do. It helps them gain an understanding of the characters portrayed, might help to show that they even existed in the first place, and is important when people claim how wonderful, educated, queer and god loving Paul was when they don't even fucking know him.

RESP: …….No hostility, huh?

Now see, that's a vast misunderstanding. It takes no work whatsoever to not believe in something that has nothing to show it exists.

RESP: …….Really? Then why do you go to such lengths?

Let me ask you, would you find it hard work not believing in the giant fruit pastille eating iguana from planet thwobble plop?

Regardless, I do not chase after people to find out why they believe what they do. Did you forget that part?

I do not ignore people, I find it rude.

RESP: ………..Well, that is good reason. I do not usually ignore people because my disposition will not allow it, and yes, it is rude.

The main problem is in understanding why someone would instantly accept some "supernatural" belief while denying others

RESP: Listen to me, my good fellow, it has absolutely nothing to do with denying others. That is my point that you apparently keep missing. You simply do not understand, and then make demands regarding matters that are totally unimportant to me insofar as my knowing God. Saying that I have nothing to prove is not a defense, it a fact. That you even believe that something so non-tangible can be proven is mind boggling, because I do not believe it for one second!

RESP CON’T: ……Therefore, all this talk about proof is ridiculous nonsense. I have told you why I believe, but you cannot accept it, because you seem to have this desire to get into things with which you seem to be familiar, but do not particularly interest me. Not to be unkind, but if you would like to discuss your books in an argumentative way, find someone who is interested.

How does a person just say, "well this god is the real one"?

RESP: ……..I suppose the same way that you might say that I am real, without having seen me.

Some texts claim there is only, and has only ever been one god, whereas other texts claim there's hundreds or thousands of god beings. The sky could quite literally be packed to the brim with gods, or completely devoid of them.

RESP: ……Could it?

Humans haven't even managed to figure the brain out completely yet, what would make anyone think anyone has god figured out, let alone people several thousand years ago?

RESP: .............Well, I have surely not figured you out yet, and you seem real enough!

Nowadays there are two distinct paths- those where truth comes from within, (religion), and those where truth comes from the outside, (science). One looks at everything around them and finds answers, while the other looks within themselves and finds answers. Science produces for everyone, religion produces for the individual.

RESP: ... Very good. See, you know stuff.

Again I agree. Unfortunately many people assign an instant answer to that which we do not understand. The very principle of not understanding something, is that you don't give it an instant answer that you accept outright. I'm not speaking of you personally, but this most certainly is the norm.

RESP: …….True, and many people spend their whole lives questioning everything, not meaning you, because you do seem to have other elements in your life, but I would like to see you more tolerant and less presumptuous. We are all in a process and sometimes it does seem that we have to walk through a mess to get to the good part, and then that is not the end of it either. This is why it is so important to have a joy that abides, and a peace that provides understanding.

RESP CON’T: …….You imply that you do not believe that Jesus lived ever, or am I wrong? Yet, let me tell you: I became aware of one of the most useful tools for living, and the truth of it became evident to me after having read the bible since I was twelve, after having completed Bible School, after having held several positions in church and church-related activities, and I had actually stopped going to church regularly. One day, some very familiar words worked their way into my heart, (or I finally owned them, if this makes more sense to you). These words: “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do,” moved in to stay! What wisdom can be found in these words!

MORE RESP: ……When their impact melted my “unforgiveness,” I took another step to realize that this must be an ongoing all-the-time process. The joy I received in really understanding the importance of, -not the words, “Forgive them, Father.” I had known the truth of those words since childhood. No, it was the latter phrase, “they know not what they do.” Wow! Of course! Once this was mine, I began an internal search to clear up a lot of misunderstanding, and then wrote an article claiming that we could change the past. That caused quite a stir, but I hold to it, because it happened for me.

But that's just a personal relation. Billions of people have no incling, understanding, or sign of gods existence, so proof remains essential does it not?

RESP: ……..No one proved it to me, nor could they have.

I live in the country.. I love nothing quite as much as trees, kingfishers, squirrels scampering around the woodland, the moon at night glistening upon a quiet planet, and leaves sway gently in the breeze. I love the smell of grass in the morning, the chattering of finches, the rippling of the lake as it winds it's way through the countryside. I smile at the field overrun by amazingly colourful flowers, and love listening to the woodpecker make his nest. More than that, I love to see the resident kestrel glide overhead.

RESP: ………Thank you for sharing that. What is a kestrel? As for trees, I suppose there are innumerable individuals who love trees.

RESP CON'T: When I was seven, my biological father picked me up in Bakersfield, where my mother lived, and took me to Oklahoma to stay with him and his family, which was not unlike a nightmare in too many ways. Yet, time and again that wonderment I experienced with nature rescued me. One day, coming home from school, I picked up a leaf that had fallen, and thought it was so pretty. I held it up for the sun to shine through, and counted the veins. Then I began to ponder all the different shapes and sizes of leaves, and different vein patterns. Finally, I had gathered my treasures, and sat myself under a big old tree with all my leaves, and did my analysis. Finally, and it seemed like no time at all, my cousin came yelling that my grandmother was really mad and I had best get home at once. She was no one to mess with, so I deserted my happy place and ran for home. She questioned me, and questioned me some more, not once believing that I had simply been looking at leaves. Finally, when I did not change my story, she issued punishment fit for a lying and disobedient child. Yet, what made me sadder than the punishment was that I had left all those pretty leaves behind.

The kestrel and I have a very interesting history. He played so much of a part in my upbringing it is insane. (Of course we're now talking about the kestrels grandkid).

RESP:………What is/was insane about it?

In all of this beauty, and even in all of the pain and suffering that also goes on in this world, nothing points to a god being. For some, I have no doubt it does, but for me, it doesn't.

RESP: ………….I have no idea what to say here.

I am a thinking man more than anything else.

RESP: ……..That is admirable, but once in a while we need to be still, and let our minds be still. How can God speak to you if your mind is always full and busy? When you are among the trees, listen to their message.

PMT :)
RESPONSE: Well, I am sorry, Sir, but after viewing your other posts to other people, that seems to be an appropriate term.

All due respect, but other threads are irrelevant. I guess you're saying you've read other posts involving other people and then feel that you must take everything as an attack based upon other people and other issues? Sure, I would never claim to be the world's most politest individual, or anywhere close to it, but you still don't have to regard every question as an attack. If I were to take the PM approach and call you retarded, you could then view that as an attack, but asking a question is merely asking a question.

RESP: ……. Oh come on!

It is or it isn't? People debate issues here, which include asking questions. All you should have said was this:

"Look, I'm sorry but any questions concerning my beliefs upset me. Don't ask any."

Would have saved these huge posts. Ah but lest I forget, you "suppose that us tough guys are not as bad as we would project". Might I ask what exactly a 'tough guy' is?

Do remember though, I am not responsible for your fragile temperament.

RESP:…….Contrare! I would rather be with several like you!

Ok, so what's the problem?

RESP:…….Well, you do not intimidate me, and perhaps this has something to do with it.

Ummm.. simply put, you did get intimidated - by a question or two. Perhaps it's more likely you just have a fragile temperament, and were worried about me from all those other threads you read. :bugeye:

RESP: …..Really, then you accept that “other people,” whom you say have been “able to defend their beliefs,” have satisfied you that they have valid reasons for believing as they do, and yet you do not get it.

I think you missed the point.

You know what? I would not mind getting into that if you gave one hint that you would take me seriously and receive what I say with an open mind. You may not accept this, but I am doing my best to find some value in what you say, because I know that you are of value.

I take everyone seriously. Questioning what someone says however, doesn't show any signs of not taking someone seriously - in fact the opposite. If you said something and I just ignored it, you could see that as not taking it seriously.

I have done technical and creative writing for many years.....

Me too. It was a very interesting paragraph, and most certainly has accuracy. It doesn't detract from what I said though.

RESP: ……….No, my brother, the search for truth has not ended.

Pleased to hear it.

Nevertheless, there is another way of knowing, and that is by experience.

Sure.. I will assume for a moment that you have never 'experienced' leprechauns, (an example). Would you just accept their existence nonetheless? Ok, now...

One thing I know is that God is. I swear to you He is. How can you not know this?

Do you see the problem with your quote there? Let me rephrase the same quote: One thing I know is that leprechauns exist. I swear to you they do. How can you not know this?

It seems you'll be able to answer your own question now.

Does this make any sense to you?

Sure. It seems you have more of a problem with religion than I do. (this is humour, don't let it worry you).

The problem is that nothing in the world of religion is concrete, or indeed has any workable base. What else would you expect other than quarrels? I mean cmon, how many 'offshoots' of christianity are there? All of which have their own distinct views on what this and that mean. If god was truly a part of these people, surely they'd all agree with each other, and just quarrel with atheists instead?

You do not seem to have a very high opinion of believers anyway

Well, although that's somewhat of a generalisation, I usually find there is no reason to have a high opinion of believers.

RESP: ……….I have no expectations. Why do you assume that I do?

Well, it's what you portray with comments like "One thing I know is that God is. I swear to you He is. How can you not know this?" as if I'm a halfwit for not seeing everything the same as you do, or that by you swearing something is so, means it really is so, and I should accept it as being so.

RESP: ………See, that is silly stuff. I never said that I had Jesus in my heart, kidneys or liver. You do this all the time.

This is creative writing at work, and is something you should know and be aware of. I don't literally mean god or jesus is actually sitting on your internal organs - it is simply descriptive text with a point that should be derived easily. In short: You have god with you, (you say you've never lost him, so I can state he must be with you {in the spiritual sense} or whatever).

RESP: …..I said that you wanted to; I did not once imply that you could. Right?

To which I replied. "If..." I did not imply I do. Right?

RESP: ……Are, or were you, expecting someone to convince you otherwise? Perhaps if you could give up that which binds you.

Where did any of this come from? Binds? Amusing but worthless. Oh and like you, I don't have any expectations..

RESP: …….Of course, only you know for sure what you have said.

No, you have the ability to read it also. (Sorry, I forgot you don't like absolutes. I "assume" you have the ability to read it).

RESP: ……I told you before that I did not learn of God from a book or a religion either. The only way you can truly know God is through you.

Yeah, I get that, but here is the problem: Believers in other gods can and have said the exact same things, and would jump up and say they feel their gods, and know their gods through themselves. Wouldn't it then state that their gods are just as real as yours? Of course we then have a distinct problem.. one god or 1000 gods?

I should think that if you really want to know anything that you would want to find out for yourself, rather than looking to others to justify your continued disbelief.

Amusing to say the least, but seriously ignorant to how things are. Science justifies my continued disbelief, lack of any evidence whatsoever justifies my continued belief. I question religious folk because I am interested in seeing why they believe the things they do. Is that ok?

Once you know, you will not be so inclined to speculate about others.

So then, why are you inclined to do so?

Once you are at peace, you will be less concerned about people’s preferences

Ah so in your version of 'peace', you lose all interest in everyone else? Why do you have to view it as "concern"? I see nothing but disheartening attitude here.. sort of a "I'm right, who cares about anyone else" kind of attitude.

Besides, as you said earlier - you're still searching for truth. The only way you can ever get closer to that goal is by paying an interest in other people and their ways of life, instead of viewing it as "concern".

Once you have joy, you will bring then bring joy to others. I promise.

Amusing speculation.

RESP: And my advice to you, at least -until you are much older and wiser

You keep referring to my age, as if you know what age that is. While your speculations are amusing, they're also stupid.

RESP: ……No, it was not simple at all

Sure it was. Weird that someone who's been dealing with these things since before I was a sperm, has such a hard time. Maybe when you're even older and even wiser it wont be such a problem for you.

RESP: …….No hostility, huh?

You might regard the word 'fucking' as hostile, and that's fair enough I guess, we are all unique individuals after all. There's many things in all of your posts that I regard as hostile, even back from before I posted with your whole "smidging of intelligence" statement, but I recognise it's not often worth worrying over so much. I guess it depends it how close to peace we are within ourselves. :bugeye:

RESP: …….Really? Then why do you go to such lengths?

You'd refer to it as "concerned", I'd refer to it as "interest". I guess you have no idea what I'm talking about.

Regardless, I do not chase after people to find out why they believe what they do. Did you forget that part?

That's because you're not interested, *cough* sorry, "concerned".

Listen to me, my good fellow, it has absolutely nothing to do with denying others. That is my point that you apparently keep missing. You simply do not understand, and then make demands regarding matters that are totally unimportant to me insofar as my knowing God. Saying that I have nothing to prove is not a defense, it a fact. That you even believe that something so non-tangible can be proven is mind boggling, because I do not believe it for one second!

But you claimed anyone "with a smidging of intelligence" would know gods word can't be altered, and yet it took a good couple of pages for you to even come close to telling me what this apparent word of god is, of which you somewhat conclude comes from experience of god himself, and thus leaves you labelling every agnostic, atheist, and other-god believer as having no "smidging of intelligence". Surely such a comment needs justification?

So, we engaged on a discussion where I tried to find out what this word of god is, so I too can gain a "smidging of intelligence". In my haste to gain a smidge or two, I made the opening assumption that the bible was the word of god, for I fail to see any words of god anywhere else. Seeing that as the word of god I had to ask why the other ancient texts weren't perhaps also words of god.

Retract the statement and I wont have to ask questions concerning it. Ok kiddo?

RESP: ……Could it?

You tell me oh old and wise one.

Rest shortly..
RESP: …….True, and many people spend their whole lives questioning everything, not meaning you, because you do seem to have other elements in your life, but I would like to see you more tolerant and less presumptuous.

It's somewhat of an awkward position. Someone cannot debate an issue if they know nothing about it, and once they do know about it, they need to find the correct people to question regarding it. In this case, (christianity of sorts), who exactly do I question? The bizarre thing is that among all these millions of people who all say they've found god, their understanding differs from everyone elses. God certainly likes to create mass confusion among his children.

Sometimes presumption isn't really avoidable unless people are prepared to explain their version of the christian religion in depth before each and every question is asked.

However, questioning is the only way anyone ever learns anything. At school/university etc, there are distinct types of people: those who write what they're told, and those who question what they're told. The first type can get the qualifications just like the latter, even more so perhaps, but do they really understand the issue, or do they just pass via dictation?

You imply that you do not believe that Jesus lived ever, or am I wrong?

All I can really say is "I wasn't there at the time". Aside from the bible, there isn't any evidence to suggest he did exist, and while that doesn't mean he didn't, it's also curious in aspect of all these so called miracles etc.

If there's a guy walking through the middle of London healing blind people and casting demons into pigs, there'd be a lot of people writing about it.

We must also take into account that demi-gods are dime a dozen throughout world culture. (meaning a half human/half god being). Gilgamesh to name but one.

These words: “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do,” moved in to stay! What wisdom can be found in these words!

Although a nice way to remove culpability for everything you might do in life, it's kind of worthless. When I do something great, I'm proud and happy.. when I do something bad, I feel bad within myself. I can't beg for forgiveness and think that solves it, I can't repent to a cloud in the sky to remove my sins... What I can do is make some recompense to those that have been hurt. All the praying in the world for my sins doesn't make those I hurt feel any better. I'd rather just take them round a bottle of wine and apologise to them. God, his son and pet dog have no place in it, nor would they ever need be involved in the affairs of humans. If this guy in the sky wants to punish me when I'm dead for my actions as a human, then that's his perogative, but I give value to human life, not his.

RESP: ……..No one proved it to me, nor could they have.

That means nothing to everyone else.

RESP: ………Thank you for sharing that. What is a kestrel? As for trees, I suppose there are innumerable individuals who love trees.

For ease of explanation, a kestrel is sort of like a mini-eagle.

She questioned me, and questioned me some more, not once believing that I had simply been looking at leaves. Finally, when I did not change my story, she issued punishment fit for a lying and disobedient child. Yet, what made me sadder than the punishment was that I had left all those pretty leaves behind.

Can I ask if she was religiously inclined? What I see is someone who had to answer to authority over life.

RESP:………What is/was insane about it?

It made me a writer.

RESP: ………….I have no idea what to say here.

I guess we all see life differently, but to think for one moment that my differing views on life will get me a seat in a barbecue downstairs, does make me laugh at how tragically daft it is.

RESP: ……..That is admirable, but once in a while we need to be still, and let our minds be still. How can God speak to you if your mind is always full and busy?

He's god, it can't be that hard can it?

When you are among the trees, listen to their message.

*swoosh* *swish* *creak*

S.L.:....All due respect, but other threads are irrelevant. I guess you're saying you've read other posts involving other people and then feel that you must take everything as an attack based upon other people and other issues? Sure, I would never claim to be the world's most politest individual, or anywhere close to it, but you still don't have to regard every question as an attack. If I were to take the PM approach and call you retarded, you could then view that as an attack, but asking a question is merely asking a question.

‘O baloney, Sir. Methinks you are spinning yarn.

SL: ………..It is or it isn't? People debate issues here, which include asking questions. All you should have said was this: "Look, I'm sorry but any questions concerning my beliefs upset me. Don't ask any."

Pity me! Now, this man is going to tell me what to write. Excuse me, but no one tells me what to do; did I not mention this before? Grr. Besides, you know better, but you insist that I am feeing persecuted, am losing my confidence in my faith and struggling to be as smart as you, and get all upset over nothing. Why not let’s get real? How about it, and stop with the nonsense?
[I have to interject here, because I think it is so cool that you are a writer, (among other things)! What do you write. Do you write about nature? You surely could. See! I knew, (when you came up with that bit about “questions begging for answers”). I at once imagined all these little question marks on their knees, saying, “Me first, me first!”]_________________________

SL: Would have saved these huge posts. Ah but lest I forget, you "suppose that us tough guys are not as bad as we would project". Might I ask what exactly a 'tough guy' is?

One that does not need to connect with the creator or the created, I suppose. I only know what the grown-ups tell me.

SL:……….Do remember though, I am not responsible for your fragile temperament.

Hmm. That sounds rather poetic. What exactly does it mean exactly?

SL: Ummm.. simply put, you did get intimidated - by a question or two. Perhaps it's more likely you just have a fragile temperament, and were worried about me from all those other threads you read.

There you go again, stamping me “worried.” I see no need explaining myself repeatedly to one with such an imagination. Again, you do not intimidate me. You have not dissuaded me, nor do I fear you, and you certainly do not—and never will, dominate. Therefore, you may as well forget that stuff.

SL: ……I think you missed the point.

Perhaps. That can happen. :(

SL: ………I take everyone seriously. Questioning what someone says however, doesn't show any signs of not taking someone seriously - in fact the opposite. If you said something and I just ignored it, you could see that as not taking it seriously.

We do not think alike, by this, I mean that our brains do not process input in the same way. You poke fun, and when one does this, my mind says that this one is not taking something seriously, whether it is mine or someone else’s. If someone ignores me, then I think either they did not hear me, are simply rude, embarrassed, or angry, but it does not tell me that they do not take me seriously. So, no! I could not see that!

SL: ……..Me too. It was a very interesting paragraph, and most certainly has accuracy. It doesn't detract from what I said though.

It was not supposed to detract, it was my way of letting you know that I have been criticized before, and it is not your questions, as I attempted to tell you time again; it was the way you commenced, and continued. 1) You ask the same question repeatedly in one message. 2) You make innuendoes, 3) and suppositions with no basis, and so forth. This is the crux of the matter, not that you ask questions. 4) You also add tails to many of your questions.

If I wanted to know why you do not like Schopenhauer, that is what I would ask. If you were to ask me the same question, you would probably say, “Why do you not like Schopenhauer when you love Kant and Hegel so much? [Truth is I have nothing against the first, and no particular affection for the latter two, but] this is the way you ask many of your questions.

You are not a stupid man. You do attempt to intimidate, in which case one might be confounded by all the murky water and attempt to defend some half truth that you champion! But see, my head is not so easily turned. I had a stepfather that argued politics and religion with anyone who would talk with him, and since I was about ten, we argued, until my mother threatened to leave home if we did not shut up for a while. He was a very well educated man, and quick on the draw. Our most fierce argument came when it was time for my parents to sign a card with my preferences for high school subjects. He refused, nor would he allow my mother to sign it. In other words, he was refusing to let me attend high school with my peers. I will never ever forget how much that upset me, until we got it settled. (Of course, it was against the law to not go to school, but that did not stop him, he loved a battle.) He lived for it. He seldom asked a question, however. All he had to do was make a statement and I was on board. I have changed. I grew up. I can say truly that he made the most unsettling and annoying statements. Hardly anyone wanted to visit us because of it. True story! Once he put a loud speaker on the outside of our house and announced to the entire neighborhood his feelings on racial issues. I thought I would die of embarrassment. Thank God, everyone ignored him. Now, it makes me laugh, because it was so utterly uncalled for. Poor thing, and now he lies quietly in his grave.

It is just that I prefer to discuss. This does not mean that I do not want any questions from you, but you are asking almost all of the questions, almost as though you consider yourself the most informed, and perhaps you have been called to teach me something. Well, ……….. on that!

S.L.: …….Sure.. I will assume for a moment that you have never 'experienced' leprechauns, (an example). Would you just accept their existence nonetheless? Ok, now...

That makes no sense. I have experienced knowing God. You may not think so, but you think does not change my life, and I mean no animosity.

S.L. ……Do you see the problem with your quote there? Let me rephrase the same quote: One thing I know is that leprechauns exist. I swear to you they do. How can you not know this?

I see no connection whatsoever, and how was that a quote?

S. L.: …….It seems you'll be able to answer your own question now.

That was a question to you, my friend, so what are you talking about?

S. L.: ………Sure. It seems you have more of a problem with religion than I do. (this is humour, don't let it worry you).

Maybe, but not with religion, just with “some” of the religious.

S.L.: ………The problem is that nothing in the world of religion is concrete, or indeed has any workable base. What else would you expect other than quarrels? I mean cmon, how many 'offshoots' of christianity are there? All of which have their own distinct views on what this and that mean. If god was truly a part of these people, surely they'd all agree with each other, and just quarrel with atheists instead?

How could I disagree with that?

You may have read, (and I have mentioned it before), Spinoza’s Preface to A Theologido-Political Treatise, but I must—I just must quote from it right here. There could not be a better time. I will begin here:

“Piety, great God! and religion are become a tissue of ridiculous mysteries; men, who flatly despise reason, who reject and turn away from understanding as naturally corrupt, these, I say, these of all men, are thought, O lie most horrible! to possess light from on High. Verily, if they had but one spark of light from on High, they would not insolently rave, but would learn to worship god more wisely, and would be as marked among their fellows for mercy as they now are for malice; if they were concerned for their opponents’ souls, instead of for their own reputations, they would no longer fiercely persecute, but rather be filled with pity and compassion. Furthermore, if any divine light were in them, it would appear from their doctrine. I grant that they are never tired of professing their wonder at the profound mysteries of Holy Writ: still I cannot discover that they teach anything but speculations of Platonists and Aristotelians, to which (in order to save their credit for Christianity) they have made Holy Writ conform; not content to rave with the Greeks themselves, they want to make the prophets rave also; showing conclusively that never even in sleep have they caught a glimpse of Scripture’s Divine nature. The very vehemence of their admiration for the mysteries plainly attests, that their belief in the Bible is a formal assent rather than a living faith: and the fact is made still more apparent by their laying down beforehand, as a foundation for the study and true interpretation of Scripture, the principle that it is in every passage true and divine. Such a doctrine should be reached only after strict scrutiny and thorough comprehension of the Sacred Books (which would teach it much better, for they stand in need of no human fictions), and not be set up on the threshold as it were of inquiry.” / -and stop there!

^^^^^^^The first time I read the entirety of this impassioned preface to one of his Chief Works, I knew I had to know more. What was this man saying? Just about everything that my heart was feeling, that is what! It still moves me. You would have to read the whole thing, [if you have not already], to understand—or maybe not—why I am so taken with his passion. And, I like what you said. You may have been trying to insult me (………), but it makes sense. God help us all; we can be such fools!

S. L.: …………..Well, it's what you portray with comments like "One thing I know is that God is. I swear to you He is. How can you not know this?" as if I'm a halfwit for not seeing everything the same as you do, or that by you swearing something is so, means it really is so, and I should accept it as being so.

Okay, okay, but you have not been so gentle with me either, so I shot at you. Did it hurt? I did not mean for it to, but atheists act so devastated with the possibility that anyone with an ounce of brains could believe in God. They say horrible things, and attempt to lump all who claim to believe in one pile, seemingly thinking the world would be better off without them. They assume too often to know what every scientist in the world believes, as though we should pattern ourselves after them, because they themselves “believe in science.” Well, bully! I believe in science too, but that has nothing to do with anything. For the most part, most of us know next to nothing except what we have been told. “Facts” change with experimentation; knowledge increases with openness and learning; understanding increases with enlightenment. What most of us know could be stuffed in the proverbial posterior of a gnat. This is why, philosophically speaking, I claim to know nothing except that God is.

Of course, I would like you to “know” this too, but I have no real doctrinal preferences to share. To tell you the truth, I wonder sometimes why people feel so gratified in denouncing any belief in anything. This makes one what? I do not go about bragging that “I know God.” I mention it only when I am asked, or I am responding to something on this forum. I go after no one, nor can you find a thread that I have originated to start an argument about God. What you believe is up to you. I have no worries about it, regardless of what you say. I just think it is really great to have an understanding of God. It works for me. Nonetheless, if you want to think of me as a moron in the last stage of regression, go for it.

S. L.: …..This is creative writing at work, and is something you should know and be aware of.

Woe! Give me a moment to become impressed with your profound definition of “creative writing at work”. So sorry, but I seem to have missed the creativity, while seeing only an imagination working overtime. It is an intentional “smarty pants” kind of statement, right?

S. L. In short: You have god with you, (you say you've never lost him, so I can state he must be with you {in the spiritual sense} or whatever).

Now, see! There you go, sounding cordial. (Could you please put a cap on that G?)

S. L.: .....To which I replied. "If..." I did not imply I do. Right?

Oh shoot! I will give that one to you, ~ at least for now. I do not want to look it up.

S. L.: ……Where did any of this come from? Binds? Amusing but worthless. Oh and like you, I don't have any expectations..

About what? Perhaps, it would be more fair for me to say that I TRY to have no expectations. This way, one is not often disappointed. Is this what you mean?

S.L.: ……….No, you have the ability to read it also. (Sorry, I forgot you don't like absolutes. I "assume" you have the ability to read it).

Where? You tell me where and I will read it, because I do not recall ever having seen it.

S.L.: …….Yeah, I get that, but here is the problem: Believers in other gods can and have said the exact same things, and would jump up and say they feel their gods, and know their gods through themselves. Wouldn't it then state that their gods are just as real as yours?

“Other gods.” Huh! I think you had the same thought as I, and this being that perhaps many of us speak of the same God.

S.L.: ……Of course we then have a distinct problem.. one god or 1000 gods?

Not “we,” dear heart.

S. L.: ……Amusing to say the least, but seriously ignorant to how things are. Science justifies my continued disbelief, lack of any evidence whatsoever justifies my continued belief. I question religious folk because I am interested in seeing why they believe the things they do. Is that ok?

I disagree that science “justifies” your disbelief. Perhaps, your interpretation of what science is all about is colored, flavored, clouded, or whatever by your disbelief. In other words, there are believers who are scientists, and there are believers who accept just as others do, in general, what scientists conclude that they know at this time. Scientists, my dear fellow, are not so inclined to “know” so much. Some of them may not believe in God, but who is to say that their scientific experiences have much to do it. Perhaps they simply disbelieve and let it go at that. I seriously doubt that they jump up and down and high five when they make a new discovery and shout, “See, we are right! There is no God.” Of course not. They go about their business, with their thoughts and their experiments, I think so, anyway. It is you, and people like you that make so much, of knowing so much, about the presumed non-existence of a higher power. “Lalande, or whoever it was, who searched the heavens with his telescope and could find no God, would not have found the human mind if he had searched the brain with a microscope.” Santayana

S.L.: ………So then, why are you inclined to do so?

Actually, that is not what I think about at all, unless I am answering one of your posts, or one similar, (if there is such a thing). [Ha, ha! My turn to be funny!] :p

S.L.: …………Ah so in your version of 'peace', you lose all interest in everyone else? Why do you have to view it as "concern"? I see nothing but disheartening attitude here.. sort of a "I'm right, who cares about anyone else" kind of attitude.

I can see how you misunderstood that, but I did think the word “preferences” would give you a clue. It was, after all, questions about “preferences” that commenced this dialogue.

S.L.: ……….Besides, as you said earlier - you're still searching for truth. The only way you can ever get closer to that goal is by paying an interest in other people and their ways of life, instead of viewing it as "concern".

No so. That is simply not so! My search is for enlightenment, which is not quite the same as being a social worker. As for dealing with people, I have done more than my share of observing human behavior and hearing human opinions. I do not go to man for much of anything. If it comes, it comes. I like to study and reflect and share with those who ask. Most of my life I have been active with people in ways most never are, unless they are licensed to do so. Human nature is not much of a mystery to me. Besides history and politics, my encounter with religion and religious people have given me an understanding that helps me help the wounded, and this is why I say that I suppose the pain was worth it, the feeling of being rejected was worth it, because I have so much liberty now, and I am truly enthusiastic about learning more.

There are different kinds of knowledge says Spinoza. Well, to me, I can learn from anybody; from little children, old people, strangers, family, animals, earth, and so forth. I can learn from reading and talking and listening, but the best and most joyous of all, to me, is enlightenment. This is what I was trying to tell you before, when you had so much to say about a light bulb. The highest form of knowledge, I agree, is intuition, and I believe that intuition happens when we own a truth, then it acts like a smoke alarm, or a warning signal. Conversely, it can be a red light, or a peace sign, because it has become a part of who we are, and has become similar, but even more reliable than instinct.

S.L.:………Amusing speculation.

You must be in stitches by now.

S. L.: ………You keep referring to my age, as if you know what age that is. While your speculations are amusing, they're also stupid.

Stupid, huh? Amused are you, - again, and so soon! (Joking with you.)
We think differently, you and I, Mr. lord of the snakes.

S. L.: …..Sure it was. Weird that someone who's been dealing with these things since before I was a sperm, has such a hard time. Maybe when you're even older and even wiser it wont be such a problem for you.

No, but when you add an assumption to a question, it is no longer a simple question, but rather similar to: “Have you stopped beating your wife?”

S. L.: ………You might regard the word 'fucking' as hostile, and that's fair enough I guess, we are all unique individuals after all.

Believe it or not, I have heard that word before, once or twice. It is your style, I think, to come across as hostile, perhaps you do not mean to do so. This is what I cannot figure.

S. L.: ……..There's many things in all of your posts that I regard as hostile, even back from before I posted with your whole "smidging of intelligence" statement, but I recognise it's not often worth worrying over so much. I guess it depends it how close to peace we are within ourselves.

That was not to you, kiddo. I took the time once to explain the logic of that statement.

S. L.: ………..That's because you're not interested, *cough* sorry, "concerned".

That is right.

S.L.: ……….But you claimed anyone "with a smidging of intelligence" would know gods word can't be altered, and yet it took a good couple of pages for you to even come close to telling me what this apparent word of god is, of which you somewhat conclude comes from experience of god himself, and thus leaves you labelling every agnostic, atheist, and other-god believer as having no "smidging of intelligence". Surely such a comment needs justification?

That is not the truth, and you know this. Here it is once again. Bother to read it, and then perhaps you can let that particular matter rest:
1) I was not talking about atheism..
2) I was talking about people altering God’s Word. If there were no God, then there would be no Word to alter. If there were no Word of God, then my point would have been mute.
3) On the other hand, and you have more than sufficient intelligence to understand this; If God is, and God’s Word is, then mere man would not be able to alter it.
4) Someone thinking that the Bible is the Word of God, and altering it, means nothing, because God’s Word is not comprised of pen and ink. Therefore, the alteration would have been only of what someone thought…was the Word of God.
5) My statement is, therefore, logical if God’s Word is. If it is not, then my point is mute. There is no insult there to anyone.

In addition, if that “smidging of intelligence bothers you not at all why have you brought it up again for the third and fourth time. And, I see, we are about to read it again……

S. L.: ……….So, we engaged on a discussion where I tried to find out what this word of god is, so I too can gain a "smidging of intelligence". In my haste to gain a smidge or two, I made the opening assumption that the bible was the word of god, for I fail to see any words of god anywhere else. Seeing that as the word of god I had to ask why the other ancient texts weren't perhaps also words of god.

I had no problem with that. Many, many people call the Bible “the Word of God, but you deny that it is, so I was trying to meet you where you are, and offer an explanation of what I meant. I make no attempt to speak for others, but you seem to want me to, and I will not.
So far as ancient text goes, I have always supposed that some of it is from God. I would have to would I not, if all good things come from God, and wisdom and rightness are good things, then the truth must be that those good things also came from God. So, yes, I would give you that. I am sorry, but I did not before get that question clearly. [What a sentence, but I will leave it, just it case you wish to use it!]

S.L.: …….Retract the statement and I wont have to ask questions concerning it. Ok kiddo?

Well, see if you understand my explanation above. Perhaps, I was not sufficiently clear the first time, but it does not mention atheism. Where do you get that? Stop it, I say!

You tell me oh old and wise one.

Aw shucks, fella. So much respect!

S.L.: ……..Rest shortly..

Are you perhaps speaking of eternal rest?

I will get on the second part of your response ASAP. I have only one phone line, and my Internet time is therefore limited now and then by business needs, and this is one of those times. However, I work these out on Word, as I mentioned (I think), and then paste them to Sciforums. (I have lost too many postings to do otherwise with these longer jobbies.)
I think one good example of the Bible being corrupted is the Jehovah Witness's new version, their bible changes the very foundation of the Bible to agree with their beliefs, which do not agree with any version of the Bible but theirs.
THIS FROM YOU: It's somewhat of an awkward position. Someone cannot debate an issue if they know nothing about it, and once they do know about it, they need to find the correct people to question regarding it. In this case, (christianity of sorts), who exactly do I question? The bizarre thing is that among all these millions of people who all say they've found god, their understanding differs from everyone elses. God certainly likes to create mass confusion among his children.

I would do anything I could possibly do to let you know where I am philosophically. Because this is such a public media, I do contain my thoughts a bit more than I do with the ones I go one on one with in person, or via e-mail. It is not that I am ashamed of anything I say in this forum; nonetheless, I have learned from experience that it is not good to discuss intimately serious matters with so many being from various walks of life. There is simply too much variety out there. Whereas this gives us a good opportunity to sharpen your skills and improve your patience—if you are so inclined—it is not the best place to expose your inner child.

To truly share, one must be willing to be vulnerable, but should also take some responsibility and care to exercise wisdom in doing so. If I have been impatient, and I have at times, I apologize. Mostly, it is because I become frustrated, as I am sure you have as well. See, I always wonder about sincerity. Yet, I know that many who come on strong do so because they are more accustomed than I am at doing battle with words. At the same time, I have a tendency to be sarcastic. This is not a time that I wish to use my repartee.

Tell me, what you really want from me, and I will give you the best answers I know. But, the words “proof,” “science,” and “So, what’s your point?” are red flags to me on this forum. I think these words are used indiscriminately. Nothing wrong with the word, (or statement), but asking anyone on this forum for proof may be useless. It would be interesting to know just how many of us enlightened people could actually prove anything. Most of us “know” what we are told, what we read, and what we have assumed through experience and living, but if the proof of these things rested on our heads, and it was determined that we would prove what we say or die; well, “Here I lay me down to sleep……..”

FROM YOU: Sometimes presumption isn't really avoidable unless people are prepared to explain their version of the christian religion in depth before each and every question is asked.

Absolutely, and I understand this as a valid point, yet it can be done less offensively, and I am not always the most diplomatic in these exchanges with you. Although, I do not feel concern; that is, want to “fix” you because you believe differently, it does not mean that I do not care whether I ever make myself clear. I like people, and there is no greater joy to me than to connect intellectually. It is a validation of sorts. Not connecting on anything becomes discouraging. I am sensitive to people’s feelings. There is nothing I hate more cruelty, and nothing I love more than kindness, but being so imperfect myself, and realistic, I know that cruelty happens, and that kindness, or not, is seldom personal. Your presumptions are understandable, and I scolded you for them, but you (to me) seemed much like a charging bull and not ready to listen to any reason, and I wanted to get your attention, not just toss words back and forth. I prefer to talk to someone, not at them.

FROM YOU: However, questioning is the only way anyone ever learns anything. At school/university etc, there are distinct types of people: those who write what they're told, and those who question what they're told. The first type can get the qualifications just like the latter, even more so perhaps, but do they really understand the issue, or do they just pass via dictation?

Again, I agree, and yet, probably the biggest I agree is because I have been a rebel all my life. Almost nothing or no one impresses me much. Therefore, one’s position or learning will not stop me. In Bible School I caused a bit of a ruckus, because I failed at times to “take things by faith” until they became clear to me. “Just how much,” I wondered, was I to take by faith?” I did tend to be obstinate, but I had been emotionally blackmailed too many times to count; I had lived in so many homes with so many different rules that, by fourteen, I had learned that I could challenge, and challenge I did, and still do. I am subtler now—in most instances—but I still challenge. I understand the need to challenge, and I approve, (not that you care), but I do. You seemed rather mean spirited at first, and I misjudged you then I owe you a really big apology, so I will apologize, assuming that your intentions were honorable.

FROM YOU: All I can really say is "I wasn't there at the time". Aside from the bible, there isn't any evidence to suggest he did exist, and while that doesn't mean he didn't, it's also curious in aspect of all these so called miracles etc
I have let this slide, because it did not seem to be something that I wanted to wrestle about, but I am particularly comfortable today with all this, and determined to discover whether we can agree on anything or not, or come to some amicable place in our discussion, I must object, if I am to give an entirely honest impression.

What is so wrong with believing any of the accountings in the Bible? Much of it has been proven, or explained by science. (I know this because I sometimes watched the discovery channel, when I had cable, and from things I have read.) Josephus spoke of Christ, and you will find nothing in the Bible about Josephus. He was born more than thirty years after Christ; therefore, this would make his birth very soon after the death of Christ. Many wrote about Christ, some of these writings were chosen to make the books we now call Bibles. To totally disregard the Bible seems very foolish to me. It is literature. You wrote once that you had read the Bible several times. What does that mean? Does it mean that on several occasions, you read something in the Bible; or, does it mean that you read the entire thing several times, which I find hard to believe. Not that you need to. This is none of my business, but I just want to say that for you to let your prejudices keep you from even considering anything in the Bible as useful is not good. My opinion!

As for things contained therein that you disbelieve, fine. I do not take it all literally either. Much of it was not intended to be taken literally. Sometimes what was written was written with limited knowledge, and perhaps embroidered, or at the least was affected to some degree by the prophet or the apostle’s personal attributes and limitations. This is true of anything. After exposing my mind to many classes and conversations on the book of Revelation, I refuse to even discuss it with any specificity. Everyone who has a set opinion is so sure that he is right, and one teacher, after finishing hours and hours and videos, books and workbook, stated that it was simple if one took it as it reads. “Then why, pray tell, must I work so hard with charts and diagrams and deciding what was ecclesiastical and what was political, and who went first and who was left.”

After these classes, we had discussion, and I listened carefully. What a ruckus about the condition of this world, and we had better all pray that this one is in office and that is not, because all these things are coming to pass, etc. Then I said: You know, we are supposed to be children of God, and therefore, by our own testimony, believe that Christ cannot set up his Kingdom, until all these things come to pass.” They agreed. “Then why,” I asked are we so afraid that they are coming to pass, and must pray that God will intervene?” Of course, my “we and “us” stuff was to not intimidate them by saying “you.” This is one of my main complaints about what Christians say and do. Another example: In a class at a church in Abilene, Texas: “You folks do believe that the Bible is the word of God, do you not?” Yes, they did. “The whole Bible…..” Yes. “Every word.” Oh, yes. Then why does the minister almost always speak from the four gospels or the Old Testament?

You will love this; they are going to explain something to me now. “You know those red letters in the gospels?” Yes. “Well, they are the words of Jesus.” Yes. “Well, that is why, because gospels contain Jesus’ very own words.” And I say, “Okay, but if the whole Bible, every word, is the word of God, then why would some words be more important than others?” All I got was the same argument, so I nodded and smiled, and dropped it. In addition, most of them were not very familiar with the Bible. If you are familiar with something, how can you, with clear conscience say that you believe it?

These are just some of the problems I have. There are just so many more. It grieves me. Many of those people in those early times day died for their beliefs, (of course, in those time, at least some were reportedly willing to die for the Senate—Josephus), but to be so cavalier about something that should be so important, is beyond me. So, of course! I know why people belittle and make fun of believers, but they are people, my friend. God is not confined to their closed minds. One Journalist, in Abilene, closed her column with “So, come to church Sunday and find God.” I was totally outraged. Little self-admitted, pusillanimous worms of the dust, saved by grace and kept by faith while endeavoring to save the world, say something that stupid and expect people to listen, and come, and even more amazing, some do. They act as though they think they own God. “Change your terminology,” I want to cry aloud! Anyway, enough of that.

YOU WROTE: If there's a guy walking through the middle of London healing blind people and casting demons into pigs, there'd be a lot of people writing about it.

Nevertheless, that was a different time, and I am not so sure that even now it would be the case. People are so skeptical, I have to wonder. When someone can gets stabbed to death and people just walk on by that is pretty amazing.

YOU WROTE: We must also take into account that demi-gods are dime a dozen throughout world culture. (meaning a half human/half god being). Gilgamesh to name but one.


FROM YOU: Although a nice way to remove culpability for everything you might do in life, it's kind of worthless. When I do something great, I'm proud and happy. when I do something bad, I feel bad within myself. I can't beg for forgiveness and think that solves it, I can't repent to a cloud in the sky to remove my sins... What I can do is make some recompense to those that have been hurt. All the praying in the world for my sins doesn't make those I hurt feel any better. I'd rather just take them round a bottle of wine and apologise to them. God, his son and pet dog have no place in it, nor would they ever need be involved in the affairs of humans. If this guy in the sky wants to punish me when I'm dead for my actions as a human, then that's his perogative, but I give value to human life, not his.

You must have missed my meaning. I was talking about my forgiving others; therefore, it is not worthless, because someone cannot decide what is worthless to me. If it were worthless, I would not have mentioned it. What I was saying is that once I understood the wisdom in Christ’s forgiveness, I bought it and owned it, and live it. He, being man, understood, so it seems, that those people were ignorant of what was actually taking place. Whether you believe any of this happened or not, this is the lesson of the story, I find. When someone hurts me deeply, it is because of some lack of understanding. This may be because they are rather uncaring; this may be because they are hurting so much themselves, this may be because they are consumed with anger and strike out indiscriminately, or it may be that they simply do not think (insensitive). In any event, I can now see so clearly that what people do, say, and how they act has far more to do with them than it has to do with me. This is what I was trying to tell you. Whether someone forgives me or not is their matter to resolve, or not.

You really have a lot of baggage about religion, thus the term “pet dog.” I am not sure what to say to you about that. Are you afraid to be sensitive. (Not really a question for which I need an answer.)

YOU WROTE: That means nothing to everyone else.

“Everyone?” You cannot know such a thing. Notwithstanding, even if it did not, what is that to me?

YOU WROTE: Can I ask if she was religiously inclined? What I see is someone who had to answer to authority over life.

I only remember going to church once while I was there. It was at night, and services did not let out until well past midnight. Interestingly, I do not recall the services much, but I surely remember the ride home. After all the handshaking and visiting, it was one or after, because I remember someone commenting something about it being one o’clock in the morning, and I was wondering why they let out so late. As we drove over Oklahoma’s country roads, bumpity bump, I became so sleepy I could not hold my eyes open, even though I had been warned along with my two cousins, not to go to sleep. I nodded, and my grandmother warned me that I had better not nod again if I knew what was good for me. I could help it, I involuntarily nodded again, and wham! I remember feeling weird and a bit scared that she might have ruined my ear or my brain, she hit me so hard right across the side of my face. I was astonished, and stared at her in disbelief. My child mind told me right then that this woman would not care if I died. For all practical purposes, she had been a stranger to me until I had arrived at her house just a short time before. I cannot say for sure but I had probably been there a month or less when that happened. It made a believer of me; I really tried not to cross her again. I failed, but that is beside the point.
YOU SAY: It made me a writer.
I pulled up the information you gave. It says former freelance writer. Why former? In addition, can I know what type of thing(s) you wrote? Do you still write at all?

YOU WROTE: I guess we all see life differently, but to think for one moment that my differing views on life will get me a seat in a barbecue downstairs, does make me laugh at how tragically daft it is.

How dare anyone tell you that! :mad:

YOU WROTE: He's god, it can't be that hard can it?

Yes, it can.

YOU WROTE: *swoosh* *swish* *creak*

Guess I must assume that this is your little boy way of showing you are not impressed. (?) :p

Be of good cheer! PMT
P. M. Thorne said:
Oops! The Last Posting From Pmt Is In Response #2 For
M*W: Bible tampering was done extensively by the early church fathers. The true Bible doesn't exist.

I understand that you are saying there are books not included in the bible that should have been, and possibly that some were that should not have been, (??) But to say it is not the true bible seems a bit confusing, as bible means a book of authority, more or less, right? [I just thought I would mention this, before someone else did! :) Correct me if I am wrong, but like I said, I surely know what you were bringing to fore. PMT