Bible Sex Stories!!!!!!!!!

Her vagina tastes like wine:

"How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince's daughter! Your graceful legs are like jewels, the work of a craftsman's hands. Your navel is a rounded goblet that never lacks blended wine.

I think that was the verse I was talking about. So in fact he was drinking from her belly button.

What's wrong with sex in the bible? By the way, I don't believe that any muslims have answered about the fact that the story of lot is told in both the Qu'ran and the Bible. Lot offers his daughters to the crowd in both versions, what about the incest part? Is this in the Qu'ran as well?

And another story on the original bible sex stories site is about Abraham. He's the ancestor of muslims as well as jews. You're attacking yourself with that story.
Preacher_X said:
they are just the rewads in heaven. nothing more. they are not talking about sister shagging like the Bible is. and there are stories of prophets or followers having sex. and there is no graphic detail about having sex on Earth.

all is said is that there will be beautiful virgins waiting in Paradise. the Bible has plenty of stories that the Prophets did on Earth.
Preacher can you not see how ridiculous and contradictory that is? "Yes behave and don't even look at women while you live but HEEYYYYYYYYY BABY DO WE HAVE A NON_STOP SEX ORGY PARTY FOR YOU WHEN YOU DIE!!!"
Does god suddenly change his morality? It is inherantly hypocritical. Not only that but isn't the 72 virgin reward reserved for those that die in Jihad, in other words killing other human beings?
Preacher_X said:
they are just the rewads in heaven. nothing more. ... all is said is that there will be beautiful virgins waiting in Paradise. the Bible has plenty of stories that the Prophets did on Earth.

Because, as all civilized people agree, 73 would have been overkill.

So these women are "just rewards in heaven. nothing more." Hmmm.

(NOTE: That little thud you just heard was Susan Sontag's head exploding.)

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(Preacher X) yes according to the Quran, there is nothing wrong with a MARRIED couple having sex but in the Bible it is seen as a sin.
Can you give me a reference where the bible says that sex inside of marriage is a sin? I've never read anything of the sort...
^^ "The Bible says sex inside of marrage is a sin?"

Hmm.. how about sex with Jinn is that also corrupt in the Bible? :D

John said:
Consider this:

For you to be born two people loved each other and had sex; at least once but probably more, lets say conservatively 10 times before conception and we can use this as the ‘standard’.
For your parents to be born four people (two couples) loved each other and had sex at least twice probably more, say 20 times.
For your grandparents to be born 8 people loved each other and had sex at least 4 times, say 40 times.
For your great grandparents to be born 16 people loved each other and had sex at least 8 times, say 80.
For your great great grandparents to be born 32 people loved each other and had sex at least 16 times, say 160.

That’s five generations of lovemaking. Prior to your birth at least 31 sex acts were performed by your relatives but more probably 310. If each copulating couple preceding you had sex at the rate of three times a week for six months before conception that’s 504 for each couple. 31x504 = 15,624 sex acts were performed for you to come into existence. Therefore sex was a big part of your life even before it began. If the volume of ejaculate is assumed to be 5ml for each act then the total volume of sperm that was emitted for your benefit would be approximately 78 litres.

Your existence is the result of voluminous amounts of bodily fluids being produced in acts of love, lust and perfunctory sex. There may have also been one or two orgasms, hopefully at least 31.

Naturally we can ‘backstrapolate’ more than five generations but all this will achieve is to increase the enormity of sexual effort required to produce the individual that is you.

The act of lovemaking creates the relativities that we take for granted. We belong to a family of people because they loved each other and had sex to combine bodily fluids to create the body of love that is now you.
M*W: John, welcome to sciforums. Your post was both true and very beautiful!
DoctorNO said:
I said "Islamist". Islamists like you love to use that silly version. Thereby you Islamists make that version your own. ;) I know, youre about the upteenth muslim ive seen falling prey for that joke. HORNY FELLA!

You made yourself a joke by lying !! keep lying because I will be always there to expose you. :cool:
DoctorNO said:
Easy, bub. Are you even aware that there are many kinds of “sister”? Like the “Sisters in Islam”.

• Sister through biological parentage
• Sister through faith
• Sister through ancestry, as they are all children of Israel

Now is there anything there that says the bride was his biological sister (through parentage)?

Even though she may not be his biological sister, but calling her a "sister" in a pornographic and sick situation as shown in details above is not proper, and may suggest that the sick pervert would fantasize about his biological sister if he had one.
DoctorNO said:
Where oh where does it say “vagina” there? LOL! Such a filthy mind you have.

According to the movie "Sex in the Bible" on A&E TV Station, the Hebrew translation to "Your naval" is referring to the woman's VAGINA. The English translators substituted the word "NAVEL" WITH "VAGINA." Please rent a copy of the movie and watch it.

Why should vaginas and illegal sex done by unmarried lovers be talked about in a sexual fantasy in the book that is supposed to be the True Living Words of GOD Almighty from the first place?
Sorry PM, if A&E did say that (in fact this is where I originally heard it from) it was wrong.

Here's strong's numbers for the word:
From H8324 in the sense of twisting (compare H8270); the umbilical cord, that is, (by extension) a bodice: - navel.
Proud_Muslim said:
Even though she may not be his biological sister, but calling her a "sister" in a pornographic and sick situation as shown in details above is not proper, and may suggest that the sick pervert would fantasize about his biological sister if he had one.
PM don't muslims call female muslims sister and male muslims brother? Is there any sexual perversion attached to that?
invert_nexus said:
I think that was the verse I was talking about. So in fact he was drinking from her belly button.

Yes indeed, so much for the 'true word of God' !! :rolleyes:

What's wrong with sex in the bible?

The bible makes sex a major sin and its only purpose is procreation while Islam consider sex as enjoyment and NOT only for procreation.

By the way, I don't believe that any muslims have answered about the fact that the story of lot is told in both the Qu'ran and the Bible. Lot offers his daughters to the crowd in both versions, what about the incest part? Is this in the Qu'ran as well?

The bible with its sex teachings degrades the prophets to killers, adulterous and villans while the Noble Quran honour the prophets of God.

The story of prophet LOT ( PBUH ) was told in the Noble Quran but it was very different from the bible:

The Noble Quran 26:

160. The prople of Lout (Lot) (those dwelt in the towns of Sodom in Palestine) belied the Messengers.

161. When their brother Lout (Lot) said to them: "Will you not fear Allâh and obey Him?

162. "Verily! I am a trustworthy Messenger to you.

163. "So fear Allâh, keep your duty to Him, and obey me.

164. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islâmic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamîn (mankind, jinns and all that exists).

165. "Go you in unto the males of the mankind.

166. "And leave those whom Allâh has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!"

167. They said: "If you cease not. O Lout (Lot)! Verily, you will be one of those who are driven out!"

168. He said: "I am, indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your (this evil) action (of sodomy).

169. "My Lord! Save me and my family from what they do."

170. So We saved him and his family, all,

171. Except an old woman (his wife) among those who remained behind.

172. Then afterward We destroyed the others.

173. And We rained on them a rain (of torment). And how evil was the rain of those who had been warned.

174. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers.

175. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful.

Here above we see how Allah Almighty destroyed the GAYS, so modern states should take notice and ban all homosexuality because it is major sin which will bring down severe punishment from God.

Here you can also download FREE Programe with the full stories of the prophets as mentioned in the Noble Quran:

And another story on the original bible sex stories site is about Abraham. He's the ancestor of muslims as well as jews. You're attacking yourself with that story.

We dont believe what the bible says about the prophets, the bible is corrupt book, a book that degrades the prophets of God to the level of insanity and criminality is sick book.
path said:
Preacher can you not see how ridiculous and contradictory that is? "Yes behave and don't even look at women while you live but HEEYYYYYYYYY BABY DO WE HAVE A NON_STOP SEX ORGY PARTY FOR YOU WHEN YOU DIE!!!"

You fail to understand that adultery and uncontroled sex on earth will cause immense problems and disease ( AIDS ) while sex in paradise will be very different indeed, it cant be compared with the earthy sex that we have now.

Does god suddenly change his morality? It is inherantly hypocritical.

God does not change his morality, each place has its own morality laws, it is common sense really.

Not only that but isn't the 72 virgin reward reserved for those that die in Jihad, in other words killing other human beings?

First, Jihad does not mean killing other human beings, it means fighting in SELF DEFENSE, secondly, NO WHERE in the Quran or the HADITH ( the authentic one ) will find any reference to this MYTHICAL 72 virgin, it is a myth that the jewish-controled western media like always to repeat..shame on the IDIOTS who believe it without even checking !! :rolleyes:
§outh§tar said:
^^ "The Bible says sex inside of marrage is a sin?"

Hmm.. how about sex with Jinn is that also corrupt in the Bible? :D


How about Fathers sticking their fingers into their daughters' vaginas before marriage in the Bible !! :p

Let us look at the following Verses in the Bible:

"If a man takes a wife and, after laying with her, dislikes her and slanders her and gives her a bad name, saying, 'I married this woman but when I approached her, I did not find proof of her virginity,' then the girl's father and mother shall bring proof [how do you think they would do that?] that she was a virgin to the town elders at the gate. The girl's father will say to the elders, 'I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said, 'I did not find your daughter to be a virgin.' But here is the proof of my daughter's virginity.' Then her parents shall display the cloth [the father would literally stick his two fingers covered with a piece of cloth into his daughter's vagina before she gets married and keep that bloody cloth for as long as his daughter is married] with before the elders of the town, and the elders shall take the man and punish him. (From the NIV Bible, Deuteronomy 22:13-18)"

Here is a more clear translation from Hebrew Resources:

"The girl's father and mother shall produce the evidence of the girl's virginity before the elders of the town at the gate. And the girl's father shall say to the elders, "I gave this man my daughter to wife, but he had taken an aversion to her; so he has made up charges, saying, 'I did not find your daughter a virgin.' But here is the evidence of my daughter's virginity!" And they shall spread out the cloth before the elders of the town. (From the New JPS translation, Deuteronomy 22:15-17)"

The New JPS translation of Deuteronomy 22:15-17 makes it even more clear about having the parents of the girl displaying the bloody piece of cloth before the elders of the town.

According to the Talmud, the cloth should be "A cloth of less than 3 square finger-breadths. (From the Talmud, Eruvin 29b-30a and Succah 16a)", and before it is being used, it should be "soft, woolen and clean. (From the Talmud, Niddah 17a)"

I don't think the Bible makes sex a sin. It's all in the interpretation. BTW, don't miss my post on strong's number for the word in question.

We dont believe what the bible says about the prophets...

There was a post earlier about in the Qu'ran it has a verse about Lot offering his daughters to the angel-rapers outside. This is practically identical to the bible. So I was wondering if the stuff on Abraham was in the Qu'ran as well.
So there sex in the bible? big deal. Sex is the process of procreation, and many religions have stressed it's importance, including your own Islam, Proud Muslim.

How did Allah make the universe, with his sperm? Sex.
Why was Muhammed's version of heaven, tfull of beautiful women, and nubile young boys for the choosing of the noble muslim men? Sex.
Why did Muhammed marry his own adopted sons wife, which would technically make her, his daughter-in-law? Sex.
Why did Muhammed cheat on his wife with a slave girl? Sex.

Get over it now.
path said:
PM don't muslims call female muslims sister and male muslims brother? Is there any sexual perversion attached to that?

No there isnt but we dont use this word in sexual pornographic sense as the bible does.
I believe the whole proof of virginity thing is blood from the hymen breaking. Not anything to do with father's fingering their daughters. They made a big deal about that in Yentl if I remember right.
invert_nexus said:
There was a post earlier about in the Qu'ran it has a verse about Lot offering his daughters to the angel-rapers outside.

Where ? which verse ? I am not aware of this verse !! :confused: