Bible in school

Originally posted by YoungWriter

The reason Christians pray to saints is the same reason you may have a friend do you a favor by talking to a person for or before you do.

Oh, and by the way, you seem to be using the world "christian" and "catholic" interchangeably when they aren't. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics.

Bible studies are done out of their own free will outside of Mass. And most don't do Bible studies for extensive periods (maybe once a month for a year, or meet once a week for the next 6 weeks).

For the last time, no one is forcing Chrisitans to go to Mass, and it is a fairly large religion, so they can go to a Mass on vacation (depending on where you go, the service may go faster or be longer).

Here you have used the catholic/christian interchangably...... Christians do not pray to the saints, catholics do.........also catholics go to 'mass', christians just go to a church service (it doesnt really matter what its called tho)

also, I disagree about all catholics being christian but not all christians being catholic....... my high school is attached to a catholic high school (we share a library), and there are very very few christians in the catholic high school, but all the students there call themselves catholic. but you're right that not all christians are catholic.
Originally posted by New Life
Here you have used the catholic/christian interchangably...... Christians do not pray to the saints, catholics do.........also catholics go to 'mass', christians just go to a church service (it doesnt really matter what its called tho)

also, I disagree about all catholics being christian but not all christians being catholic....... my high school is attached to a catholic high school (we share a library), and there are very very few christians in the catholic high school, but all the students there call themselves catholic. but you're right that not all christians are catholic.

Are you perfectly sure about the saints thing? Since there are so many divisions of christianity, I would imagine there'd be at least a few exceptions.

Then again, I never proclaimed myself all knowlegable of all Christian faiths either, so meh.
to the comment by um.....that guy who attmepmted to make a lame joke (one of the posts on the last page)
As i can see by your posts and comments you must be very proud you are one of few people who knows the complete truth. I would find it a burden being superior to everyone when it comes to fact vs fiction. I understand and bow down to your ability to cope with knowing the truth and not letting it go to your head. Without attempting to embarass anyone i'd like to say you are now a hero of mine and i deem it important throughout my life to emulate you. You truly are a man of extreme worth. You have convinced everyone with your amazing amount of evidence and proof, you haven't resorted to simple groundless speculation and personal faith in order to make your point and have shown why us non christians should be christians. You put up too good of an argument for any of us simpletons to debate against so i will hereby denounce any belief i've ever had and listen to the word of edgar. How glad i am you convinced me in such perfect manner to what the real truth is. How could i have been so foolish? Thanks go to you for saving me from burning in the fiery depths of hell forever.

Kindest regards, may jesus give us all homosexual urges.

Originally posted by SnakeLord
As i can see by your posts and comments you must be very proud you are one of few people who knows the complete truth. I would find it a burden being superior to everyone when it comes to fact vs fiction. I understand and bow down to your ability to cope with knowing the truth and not letting it go to your head. Without attempting to embarass anyone i'd like to say you are now a hero of mine and i deem it important throughout my life to emulate you. You truly are a man of extreme worth. You have convinced everyone with your amazing amount of evidence and proof, you haven't resorted to simple groundless speculation and personal faith in order to make your point and have shown why us non christians should be christians. You put up too good of an argument for any of us simpletons to debate against so i will hereby denounce any belief i've ever had and listen to the word of edgar. How glad i am you convinced me in such perfect manner to what the real truth is. How could i have been so foolish? Thanks go to you for saving me from burning in the fiery depths of hell forever.

Kindest regards, may jesus give us all homosexual urges.


Dare I ask who you're referring to?
Originally posted by YoungWriter
Are you perfectly sure about the saints thing? Since there are so many divisions of christianity, I would imagine there'd be at least a few exceptions.

Then again, I never proclaimed myself all knowlegable of all Christian faiths either, so meh.

I am not all knowledgable either, not by a long shot, but i havent yet seen a denomonation that prays to the saints, only the catholics as far as I know. I do know that some denomonations believe that all believers are saints tho, i'm not exactly sure about that.