Bible in school


Master of Puppets
Registered Senior Member
I was just wondering. Does anybody study bible at school?

It's just I hate bible and that lame ass orthodox Shas party tells me that I have to learn BIBLE! But I hate bible! I can't stand those stupid stories! What do I care why Noah's son looked at his fathers penis 6000 years ago?!?! Please! This is pathetic!
And the funny thing is that the material for these tests is freakin huge! 5 books with 200 pages in each book (on average)!!!
Why?!?! Oh yeah, I know why! If I know which wife king David f*cked, it will help me in hard times and will help me pass the exams in the university! Oh yeah! Now I see! :mad:
And I don't even believe in god! I eat pork, for christs sake! When I'm shocked, I don't say "oh my God" I say "holy crap". This test tomorrow is going to fail me and my life will be in deep sh*t!
I'm so desparate that I got a bible techer (pathetic and embarassing) just so that he will slap me whenever I fall asleep coz I can't stay awake while reading about the analysis of the leadership capability of moses after the exodus written by some Israel Koifman. Get a life and get a piece of nice fried ham and get laid, Israel Koifman!

Phew... I believe this helped me to unload some of my fury, but it sure won't help me tomorrow in the exam... now excuse me, while I continue to study WHAT IHZAK'EL AND ISHMAEL WERE TALKING ABOUT 5000 YEARS AGO!!!:mad:
I don't have to study the bible in school.....It sounds pretty weird to me.... I read it though, being christian. I find it fairly enjoyable:D
I got a detention when I was 13 for argueing Atheism in Bible class.:D
Oh and countless warnings for refusing to sing hymns at assembly. Yes I went to a fundamentalist christian school. Come to think of it I was actualy pushing it, as the headmaster had a cane.:(
It was kind of pray or be punished.

Perhaps and explenation for my predjudice against christianity.
I went to christian school for 7 years. so the answer is yes.
I had to take OT and NT bible classes. The old testiment class was lame as all we did was memorize names and places. the new class was cool as it was more like a theology class that examined christianity from a relativly objective standpoint. so differeing opions were not shut down. there were a couple of atheist and a buhdist in the class. they tended to ask the most questions.

I think it's at least interesting to know what the story is behind this religion that seems to be so popular. even if you don't buy it.

so bible class can be cool:cool:
As if! I didn't need any direction!!

It's true that studying the Bible can be enjoyable,it is only when the thirst is there though, I find. Doesn't anyone else find it hard to watch television ( It's hard not to see through the acting in quite a few shows). Trying to find something alternative to do can be hard, but see if anyone else can find anything better.
Ok, I did the test and it sucked. The questions were mainly about stuff I didn't learn... I guess God does exist but he hates me more than I hate him...

I don't have to study the bible in school.....It sounds pretty weird to me.... I read it though, being christian. I find it fairly enjoyable

:bugeye: Maybe bible is enjoyable, when you read (not study) it in your spare time and don't have to learn what every single word of 20 books in the bible means. I mean, I have to learn almost by heart all the laws (how to make a bitch out of your slave, how to slaughter your cow right, how to get away from a murder of a pregnant woman, that kind of stuff, and there's lots of it) in Genesis and Exodus.
I would gladly switch places with you, my friend, but I'm afraid that's not practical...

you poor bastard

Thanks for the encouragement. If you cheer me up just a bit more i might pass the test... or purchase a shotgun...:)
Dude, take a deep breath in...deep breath out.

Okay, if you go to a Chrisitan/Catholic school, or any religious school for that matter, then why do you seem so surprised?

Otherwise, there aren't many schools/colleges/universities, if any, that REQUIRE a Bible Class, so it is more than likely you got there by your own choosing. And if you didn't, no one is making you stay at the class or school.
If you actually want to pass Bible class, there are summarized versions of the Bible that say the important places and people, and a shory summary of the stories. I find Bible stories long and drawn out unecessarily, but I know a lot of people that enjoy it (The everyday English versions)
You reminded me that I forgot to remind that I'm not Christian, I'm Jewish and live in Israel.
And what so aggravates me is the fact that all Israeli students have to study bible at school, be it a student from an orthodox school or a totaly secular one. I eat pork in lunch brakes and then I have to study bible...
If I had a choice I would definitely not be studying bible right now.
Although high scores in the bible finals isn't required to get into universities around here, but bible is a very significant ingredient in the matriculation certificate (or whatever it is called). There is such a thing called the average of the grades of the matriculation exams, which is also comprised of the bible exam grade. And that is a very important certificate that can mean the difference between a PH.D physicist and a doughnut salesman.

You want to hear a funny thing? Our minister of education, her highness Limor Livnat doesn't have this certificate!!! And then she dictates me what to learn no matter how stupid it is and all the teachers are like "you must follow the minister of education, because she's the smartest person to ever roam the earth" I say, in my ass! My imaginary dog is smarter than her!

ILikeSalt, yes there are summaries. Remember the 5 books with 200 pages each? Well, guess what, these are the summaries.
I find Bible stories long and drawn out unecessarily
Oh, you're Jewish, so you study the books of what us Christians call the Old Testament. I gotta admit that most of it is pretty boring, especially the long debates with Jobe and his friends, but there are a few good parts (IMO).
the book of Job is very interesting
I usually use it to disarm attacking christians ;)
ask them why us christians celebrate Jesus's B-day on Dec 25th, and why we go to chruch on Sunday. Why do Catholics pray to saints? Then say if it isn't in the bible, then it's not rightfully part of the religion, so why should you have to study the book that the practitioners of the religion are ignoring in an attempt to understand where they are coming from?

What is in the bible has about 2.3% relevance to what is currently practiced as "modern" Christianity.

however, if the certificate will help you get into college, and college is important to you, then suck it up, study the stuff, go to college, then become a lawmaker, and get the stupid certificate removed from the books.
What happens if Christians stopped going to church?

- They would play and communicate more with their kids and spouse.....After all at least six hours a week would be freed.
- They would have time to plan an outing with their family on Wednesday and Sunday, and any other days that bible studies are being conducted.
- They would have time to plan to go for vacation on Wednesday and Sunday.
- They would have time to send their kids to play sports on Wednesday and Sundays.
- They would have time to visit their neighbors without preaching to them.
- They would have time to get involved in the community without preaching.
- They would stop living, eating, drinking, breathing, educating, singing, being married, dying and being burried all in one place.....Diversity would be introduced to their lives.
perhaps you should find a new school

i went to catholic school so religion classes were part of the curriculum. catholics don't study the bible though. some will tell you that they do but don't be fooled. when have you ever seen a catholic reading a bible? give them a book and verse # and ask them to quote scripture. won't happen. there are possibly a few older irish catholics (my dad included) who follow the religion closely, but for the most part it's a do whatever the hell you want kind of religion. the misconception people have about the Church being all strict come from the middle ages and have filtered out by the 50's-60's.

one of my favorite catholicism jokes: (told by priest during homily)

Did you hear about the church in the next town over? they had this terrible bat problem. bats had moved into the rafters and nothing they did would make them leave. at first the pastor tried ringing the bell loudly to scare them out. when that didn't work, he asked the other priests for ideas. one of them called an exterminator but they all came back the next day. the second priest, and newest member of their clergy, had an idea. he went up into the rafters for a while and when he came back he reported that the bats would not be a problem any longer. the pastor and other priest were astonished. "how did you do it?" they asked. "well," he told them, "i just baptized and confirmed them and welcomed them to the church." they never heard from them again.
Originally posted by river-wind
ask them why us christians celebrate Jesus's B-day on Dec 25th, and why we go to chruch on Sunday. Why do Catholics pray to saints? Then say if it isn't in the bible, then it's not rightfully part of the religion, so why should you have to study the book that the practitioners of the religion are ignoring in an attempt to understand where they are coming from?

What is in the bible has about 2.3% relevance to what is currently practiced as "modern" Christianity.

Actually, that is why The Great Schism happened. Some Catholics believed the Bible was the ONLY source of the church, not people itself, and some believed the Bible should be followed very literally (hence comes the sub-divisions of Christianity, like Catholicism, Protestants, etc...).

So no, there is no Church doctrine that says "rules originate from the Bible." Thats like asking why the death penalty is legal, even though it isn't mentioned in the Constitution. Becuase people are allowed to modify and add to it, and so on.

While I don't know why Chrisitans go to Church on Sunday, it may have to do with the fact that the Jews celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday. The days of Christmas and Easter were placed where they are on the modern calendar to coincide with major roman pagan holidays.

The reason Christians pray to saints is the same reason you may have a friend do you a favor by talking to a person for or before you do.

Oh, and by the way, you seem to be using the world "christian" and "catholic" interchangeably when they aren't. All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics.

What happens if Christians stopped going to church?

- They would play and communicate more with their kids and spouse.....After all at least six hours a week would be freed.

Umm....Masses usually only last slightly over an hour and most Christians go to Mass once a week (if they attend it regularly), not 7 times a week.

- They would have time to plan an outing with their family on Wednesday and Sunday, and any other days that bible studies are being conducted.

Bible studies are done out of their own free will outside of Mass. And most don't do Bible studies for extensive periods (maybe once a month for a year, or meet once a week for the next 6 weeks).

- They would have time to plan to go for vacation on Wednesday and Sunday.

For the last time, no one is forcing Chrisitans to go to Mass, and it is a fairly large religion, so they can go to a Mass on vacation (depending on where you go, the service may go faster or be longer).

- They would have time to send their kids to play sports on Wednesday and Sundays.

Most Masses are conducted in this format (time wise):

Saturday- Evening Mass
Sunday- 2-3 morning Masses, one evening Mass

So that leaves 23 hours in the day (22.5 if you wanna count driving time, I guess) for the rest of the day.

- They would have time to visit their neighbors without preaching to them. - They would have time to get involved in the community without preaching.

Jesus teaches that our Father, who sees what is done in secret, will repay us in secrets. The street preachers and televangilists have "already been repaid", but when we pray and preach, we are to quietly, not forcing it upon everyone. Please, sterotyping just doesn't go far in this world and really displays ignorance. If someone inquires about my religion, I will tell what they want to know. Nothing more, nothing less.

- They would stop living, eating, drinking, breathing, educating, singing, being married, dying and being burried all in one place.....Diversity would be introduced to their lives.

Last time I checked, I live in my house, which isn't a Church or religious institution of any time. I have been in Catholic schooling by my choosing for many years, but have tried public schooling many times, and this fits me. I sing where I want. I breathe every where. I am "married" to many things, including my art, my work, my music, my family, among other things. I die when it happens.

Seriously, don't stereotype. Do some research, and maybe you'll delay my Carpal Tunnel for a while:D


The Bible is not a necessity to study. While I do it for assigned homework (so I do read it regularly) and read when I want in my free time, I don't do extensive studies. Hell, it is a big book.

Most people couldn't memorize passages from a 2,000 paged book, the vast majority of which doesn't apply to Chrisitanity (Hence, the division between Old and New Testament).
you shouldnt be forced to worship god, because we have free will, and god granted us that. but listen the bible is REAlly interstring, theirs so much stuff you can find out from it. half of it's like a history book, beacuse it tells about the struggles of israel, there gloryfying days, and days of pennance. and last but not least it tell's about the new hope.
the vast majority of which doesn't apply to Chrisitanity

I dont understand how people can say that. If it's the word of god how can one part not apply? I always notice this ability christians have to just pick and choose whatever they want. I wonder what god thinks about your claim that his earlier words do not apply to you.
Originally posted by SnakeLord
I dont understand how people can say that. If it's the word of god how can one part not apply? I always notice this ability christians have to just pick and choose whatever they want. I wonder what god thinks about your claim that his earlier words do not apply to you.

Becuase God himself, through his son Jesus, said so. The Old Testament taught an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, while Jesus reduced all of the Ten Commandments to "love God with all your heart, all your mind and all your strength and all your soul" (I think thats the quote) and "to love your neighbor as yourself." He also taught to "do good to those who persecute you."

Personally, I view it as a "before" and "after" kinda thing. This isn't pick and choose, it says right there in the New Testament/

Not that they don't apply or that you can't learn from it. The story of Adam and Eve explain original sin. The story of the Exodus explains how far back the religious battles in the Middle East have gone. And the 10 commandments are still lawful, its just that there isn't the need to have 10.

I could explain this so much better if I wasn't multitasking. PM me if you got any more to discuss...or post...whatever.
young writers right, the ark of the covenent and all that stuff in the old testament was about the jews, but now jesus came for the whole world's salvation
you shouldnt be forced to worship god, because we have free will, and god granted us that. but listen the bible is REAlly interstring

I agree, the bible is interesting. It's just that every other thing in the universe, is, without any exception, significantly <i>more</i> interesting.