Bible Codes

Why not? But Why? After all, someone vanishing into "thin air" is a completely unprecedented. There is no scientific data connected to such an event which would allow us to pin down the speculation as to why it happened. Perhaps Mr. Lang was hit by a miniature black hole? Perhaps he was transported Star Trek-like into an alien spaceship?

Unfortunately Occam's Razor forces us to consider that Mr. Justice Peck and Mrs. Lang had an understanding (it was Justice Peck that rented her house afterwards, please note) which involved the "disappearance" of Mr. Lang. Maybe they murdered him. Maybe he just walked out one day and Mrs. Lang, unable to face the social consequences, made up the story with the help of her friend the Justice and his brother-in-law. Or maybe the entire story is a myth.

However, this is all beside the point, because it has nothing to do with Bible Codes, and qqcd'a has cross-posted again in defiance of the moderator's post preceding.
I think you have the wrong thread. This is a thread about "The Bible Code," a psuedoscientific approach to divining the future through alleged "codes" in the xian bible.
If a Human had omniciance or a better way of explaining it, the ability to see all time at once. Then choices would be easy as the outcome is there imediately. George Lucas made a movie about jedi with powers of a similar effect. They can catch a glimpse of the future just enough to miss the dangers. In the bible individuals like moses have been given this insight to trigger events on the side of light. Yes the bible is a map leading a few chosen through a wilderness of evil. Like I said Freemason can not break the code nor buy future stocks in the events to come. When it was announced that GOd will send his final sacrifice he sent a message. Jesus was not defeated as the message was a design for a greater purpose. If you could see past present and future all at once, you would notice Jesus died to show the futility and weakness of the flesh. Jesus inspired mortal man to look beyond the flesh that lucifer and his followers use to bargain with. The Bible is simply beyond your reach because you chose to follow satan. Change your mind tomorrow and the bible decodes right in front of your eyes. Spies can not infiltrate gods master plan because there actions will eventually give them away. Freemason warn of this by the symbol of the all seeing eye which is not a power given to evil. Lucifer relies on the imagination of man to amaze and create wonder. Lucifer will not sit at the feet of God instead he will be lost in eternity forever mocked by single minded creatures that once were the angels of GOD. Man has seen many horrors that have dragged on for what seems like a eternity. We have suffered due to Gods love of a fallen angel that has remained in defiance till the very end. Man does not need satan to strengthen our spirit and satan will not be rewarded and sit at the feet of God. Without satan there would be no need for hardship or strength to tolerate pain. Before satan was cast out he was a beaughtiful and powerful angel that could sing and show his devotion to GOD. We serve God because we are a part of GOd and the rest are just a cancer to be remade into something else when the time comes. Every attempt to save Satan has been attemped and he chose a spiritual exile. Spirits can not be killed but Freemasons can cease to exist if so granted. You have chosen armageddon now trying to trigger a response of biblical proportions. It is your own cultish existense you are seeing the end of. Jesus will choose the time of his return and nobody can change that fact. The events have already begun like a butterfly effect and the Freemasons will be uncloaked and exposed as mere criminals for all to see.

quelquechosedautre said:
Having worked as a Commodity analyst in the City of London, I can testify that one rule and one rule above all others holds regarding history...

Rationalising future predictions on the basis of CURRENT EVENTS is laughably useless. Whatever threat that the current events pose has ALREADY been nullified by the State etc as soon as it was identified. It is the UNFORSEEN THREAT that is so dangerous, the one that is NOT OBVIOUS.

Consider if you will, in the early 1980`s, in the midst of the Arab Israeli talks, the the very end of the evening news on BBC, a VERY minor news story ran about some scrap metal dealers turning up, unwanted on deserted isle of South Georgia. The Arab-Israeli talks were another damp squib that came to nothing, whilst the scrap metal story rapidly developed into the Falklnads War, with Argentina and the UK blasting away at each other and the USA HAVING TO ASSIST the UK to win, as it was later revealed that Thatcher had threatened to start nuking Agentine cities, stating with Valparaiso if we lost the land war, and with Argentina backed by Russia, this could have turend EXTREMELY NASTY FOR THE WORLD.

Likewise, the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in 1914 was reported as a minor matter on PAGE NINETEEN of LeMonde in Paris, France, yet snowballed into the First World War.

Several MAJOR THREATS are currently going unchecked and it is THESE that are the treat to the world`s future. ONe of the biggest lies in the Bible code, totally overlooked. The 3rd August 2006 is supposed to see the destruction of Jerusalem, New York etc. But the most important is always overlooked...the wrecking of MAINE on the same day. Because no-one can fit MAINE into news stories it is overlooked, yet bu the same token, that is WHY it is so serious.

And what`s so special about MAINE? Something big, VERY BIG is currently happening in "MAINE". First of all, MAINE has TWO meanings. Firstly, is a state fot he Union, but SCEONDLY, is is also the ancient name for the northeastern strip of New England, INCLUDING CONNECTICUT where, unnoticed a weapon that is so awesome as to dwarf the Nuclear bomb is being calmly put together PRIVATELY, it`s like seeing kids playing catch with a live hand grenade.

The University of Connecticut is currently building a Time Machine. Now this sounds like crazy stuff until you actually read the scientific theory, and test-runs on it. There is NO REASON why it will not work. Indeed, the machine that is being built is the one that inspired the film "PAYCHECK". The University of Connecticut`s machine will be live and operation by the summer of 2006, exactly the same time as the prediction of Bible code.

But the most scarey part is this, because it is being laughed away, because it is not part of the news currently, no-one is taking any notice of it, so it is an UNCHECKED THREAT. Everyone scared of the Arab with the nuke, so the USA is ultra-defended against it, but a fully working time machine in terrorist hands is hard to conceive. Even is it is not possible to survive walking in one end and out the other, it would allow a ZERO delivery time for flight path of a foreign missile to its target in the USA and/or the detonation somehere else in the world of a nuke and it`s transferance to New York by sending the blast a few hours forward in time to allow the natuarl rotation of the earth to place it in downtown Manhattan.

But does anyone take note of this warning...of course not, they just carry on grimmly looking at the warnings given about Jersusalem and New York, discarding a threat, it`s merest shoelaces reach to the sky in magnitude.

The greatest sin is a mother's betrayal, you look upon her for guidance and she shows you shame. Robert your Mother made a dreadful mistake the way she treated you. You never felt true closeness the way your parents should of been. Such intelligence to do incredible things for the side of light. Let go of your hate, look at the world the way god made it. Fear of your flesh has turned you because there was no one to reach you but the dark side. No one to tell you the good you have in you and the great people that will listen. The people will listen and be thankful and not treat you like a pauper or worse.

twowitnesses said:
If a Human had omniciance or a better way of explaining it, the ability to see all time at once. Then choices would be easy as the outcome is there imediately. George Lucas made a movie about jedi with powers of a similar effect. They can catch a glimpse of the future just enough to miss the dangers. In the bible individuals like moses have been given this insight to trigger events on the side of light. Yes the bible is a map leading a few chosen through a wilderness of evil. Like I said Freemason can not break the code nor buy future stocks in the events to come. When it was announced that GOd will send his final sacrifice he sent a message. Jesus was not defeated as the message was a design for a greater purpose. If you could see past present and future all at once, you would notice Jesus died to show the futility and weakness of the flesh. Jesus inspired mortal man to look beyond the flesh that lucifer and his followers use to bargain with. The Bible is simply beyond your reach because you chose to follow satan. Change your mind tomorrow and the bible decodes right in front of your eyes. Spies can not infiltrate gods master plan because there actions will eventually give them away. Freemason warn of this by the symbol of the all seeing eye which is not a power given to evil. Lucifer relies on the imagination of man to amaze and create wonder. Lucifer will not sit at the feet of God instead he will be lost in eternity forever mocked by single minded creatures that once were the angels of GOD. Man has seen many horrors that have dragged on for what seems like a eternity. We have suffered due to Gods love of a fallen angel that has remained in defiance till the very end. Man does not need satan to strengthen our spirit and satan will not be rewarded and sit at the feet of God. Without satan there would be no need for hardship or strength to tolerate pain. Before satan was cast out he was a beaughtiful and powerful angel that could sing and show his devotion to GOD. We serve God because we are a part of GOd and the rest are just a cancer to be remade into something else when the time comes. Every attempt to save Satan has been attemped and he chose a spiritual exile. Spirits can not be killed but Freemasons can cease to exist if so granted. You have chosen armageddon now trying to trigger a response of biblical proportions. It is your own cultish existense you are seeing the end of. Jesus will choose the time of his return and nobody can change that fact. The events have already begun like a butterfly effect and the Freemasons will be uncloaked and exposed as mere criminals for all to see.
One great mistake is to think we can not be forgiven. We forget God sees time differently and when he sees all he will see your choices in the future. If the choices are rightious and you strongly benefit the few that are chosen you become the chosen.
quelquechosedautre said:

Curiously, no-one seems to have considered the possibility that "PETER" is not the next Pope's taken name, but maybe his REAL NAME. On that basis, Peter Turkson, Cardinal of Ghana, PRECISELY fits the prophecy...and no-one's put a penny on him at the bookmakers!

- Robert

Having the insight of MI-6 will probably make you a superb mystic
Robert L Thompsett you are a Freemason:

Freemason are a club of people set up originally to do good eventually as the levels get higher the good stops and the true purpose of the club emerges. The purpose of the club is to infiltrate the good(light) and mislead them through false teachings to utter confusion. The Freemason have decided to go directly to an out right war on the citizens relying on the lack of knowledge of their past. True evil has no form and can not hold power this battle is doomed to failure the good will prevail and the Freemason will even cease to exist. The Armagedin Robert L Thompsett talks about is the death cry of a failed attempt by some very wicked people who will be lowered to the ranks similar to the KKK. I do not know why Robert is here in this chat group at this particular time but I am going to convict him of a crime of mammoth proportions. Robert I convict you of setting up rings of multistalkers that plague Canadians and Citizens of the United States Of America And may God have Mercy on you......

quelquechosedautre said:

Curiously, no-one seems to have considered the possibility that "PETER" is not the next Pope's taken name, but maybe his REAL NAME. On that basis, Peter Turkson, Cardinal of Ghana, PRECISELY fits the prophecy...and no-one's put a penny on him at the bookmakers!

- Robert
This thread has been cleaned of some insults that were directed at one member or another. Please try to keep the discussion on topic rather than tantruming when "Others" don't see your point of view.

Simply keep the personal smears from the thread and try to keep everything on topic (namely explain why you bring other things into the thread better)
Two Questions:

1) Why are you violating forum rules with massive "copy/paste" actions... a simple link and perhaps a fair use excerpt will suffice. Moreover, I'm inclined to just skip all that crap anyway, since it doesn't seem to apply to the thread topic.

2) What does it have to do with Drosnin's fictional book, The Bible Code?

Do you want to let these huge blocks of cut-and-paste remain here?
I missed the "blocks" originally however Cutting and Pasteing is a no-no for many reasons, one is the blatent act of plagurism that can occur the other is that long dead conversations from e-mail/usenet or other forums aren't exactly discussable, mainly because it's like an already choregraphed discussion being posted.

I decided for those reasons and the fact that the posts were too long I would remove the posts completely.
Just because a particular drug was preposed to exist on a different continent doesn't necessarily mean that there was time travel involved. For instance it's a well known fact that what pushed Christopher Columbus to attempt to circum-navigate the earth was some maps that he had purchased from China.

These particular maps had been drawn up during one dynasty, where great "Treasure Fleets" would be sent out to aquire new things to take home to China. [There was a rather good discussion about it within the forums I think] Such treasure fleets would have taken samples of flora and fauna and as with Columbus's mentors, the most prestigious would of have the chance to be indulged by things from new lands.

Egypt in it's hay day would of had pharoahs dealing with offers from near and far all the time. (along with other Civilizations of the period)
possibly the drugs even in medievel times were there because of the freemasons plot to corrupt using drugs......
Proves that you will find what you seek. Codes are everywhere, but are they therefore false?