Beware of those announcing their arrival with boasts of piety and spiritual depth . .

They are totally different.

One involves saying a public prayer

The other involves handing out tracks to people who take them.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
M*W: I couldn't agree with you more! Apologizing for one's admission of guilt is the healthy thing to do. It frees up the mind from the burden of its wrong doing, it lightens the heart from the sadness or discomfort it has caused, it returns psychological relief from the anguish the act has caused. I could go on and on. Ignoring one's infraction on another person can have deadly health affects on the doer. Forgiveness begins when we realize we've made a mistake and hurt someone else.

Simply saying one is sorry puts the mind, body, spirit and intellect at peace in all of the parties concerned, and the healing will then begin.

So...what are you waiting for? Tell Him you're sorry before it's too late.
So...what are you waiting for? Tell Him you're sorry before it's too late.
M*W: I'm not sorry that I'm an atheist. I was speaking about showing forgiveness for what one does or fails to do. It's fine and good to forgive each other (it's therapeutic), but it's much harder to forgive oneself. That's the most important thing to do.

M*W's Friendly Atheist Quote of the Day:

"What mean and cruel things men can do for the love of God." ~ W. Somerset Maugham
They are totally different.

One involves saying a public prayer

The other involves handing out tracks to people who take them.


All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I suppose...
Still, seems like splitting hairs to me