Beware of those announcing their arrival with boasts of piety and spiritual depth . .


Valued Senior Member

In a current thread by Rknssshllreign, extremist Christians are quoted in their extreme attack on atheists. While I generally agree with the theme of that thread, I feel that the thread is so lopsided as to describe a very, very small number of religious scamps, and therefore is misleading, and thuis felt that this thread here was necessary, as an introduction into the [title of this thread, of a new topic.

Religion, and Christianity of course, like any other socially identifiable group, are never immune to critiicism. However, if those criticisms are drenched entirely, or nearly so, in mere opinion, reflecting a minority as suggesting catholic represention of the total, then the criticisms fail as uselful additions to the general understanding of human relationships with religion, and indeed, of humanity itself in its intrinsic wholeness.

To characterize religion, especially "Christianity" as totally unreasonable, even those grossests diversions from what may be decent threads of religion [and Christianity] are, for lack of a better word, harmful. All Christians do not believe as the extreme are pictured. A few extremists, or even those simply manifesting absurd misreadings and quotations of the bible (or other religious 'scriptures'), aren't necessarily evil or sinful because of errors in interpretation or understanding of the words as written and intrended; there are Christians with similarities only in fantasy and with, perhaps, pathological imaginations, even though all might confess to a deep and profound faith in similar language.

The "get Jesus or get out" is a model of Christians that only rarely, if ever, fit a picture I have experienced first hand, and I am certainly no Christian, nor even an apologist for any religion including Christianity.

I have a criticism based on what I see as obvious and irrefutable and, I might add, widespread 'diversion' of religious commands from the Master and namesake of Christianity itself. This criticism is claimed to be immune from an attack of 'taking a subject matter out of context' and ignoring other references that might topple the integrity of the meaning of what is asserted.

The New testament offers an interesting plum for consideration. Quoting Jesus, Mathew, 6:5-6 says, paraphrasing, 6:5 'when you pray do not pray as the hypocrites do when praying in the broad streets and the synagogues for all to see.
[Instead] 6:6 When you pray go into your private room and lock your door and then pray.

This sounds reasonable to me, universal even, whoever the author, as who but the individual, even the child, or the mentally challenged, know what is best for themselves as individuals on this most and very intimate subject of soul and the relationship to what is viewed as "God"? I say it is not for anyone else, 'tis a religious crime perhaps, for Pope or country boy preacher, to design and offer prayer, to or for, anyone other than themselves.

The Mathew Chapter 6 then goes on to give what is now known as the "Lord's Prayer" as an example of how to pray, instead of repeating a list of things one wants from "God". Now, as the Lord's Prayer was an example of how an individual should pray in private, then what do we call those churches or synagogues that regularly have the Lords Prayer read allowed by the Priest/Preacher/Deacon/Rabbi/Imman, where the congregation is asked to join in?

Chapter 6:1 begins with a warning to "beware" (In some biblical versions)
of those preceeding their arrival with pronouncements of their piety, with word or symbol - crosses, white collars, priestly garb, whatever? I repeat, in agreement with Jesus, beware of those professing their individual piety and "spiritual goodness"!!

Jesus, or someone other, who originally wrote these words ascribed by Mr. Matthew, seemed to have a solid grasp on religious sagacity as it applies to some modern versions of "Chtristianity". The "Get Jesus or Get out" crowd fits most squarely in the group of which Mathew 6:1 warns, perhaps even to those castigating the 'get J' crowd are equally claiming some 'piety' of which we ought to be wary [of]. One might even claim that the author of this thread has, likewise, announced his arrival with boasts and claims of piety, of which the reader ought to take clear and certain note..:shrug:​
Why the question Emoticon???

You never asked a question. You only stated an opinion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: And you made your point using 10 paragraphs when it could have been said in two.
Emoticon as a namesaje identifier?

Why the question Emoticon???

You never asked a question. You only stated an opinion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

PS: And you made your point using 10 paragraphs when it could have been said in two.

Lines answered as :
1. The emoticon is an assumed Geistkiesel idenifier. Once I knew it all, until I knew so much it drove me into a state of knowing nothing-- I even had to steal this little line, albeit somewhat modified.

2. I agree. I agree.

3. Let's start with a praise of the 40 day/night drenchinh imposed by Mssr. Jehovah, as some writings wopuld have it? -- Why not we praise the current of days 2; or more provocatively, praise even the unknown of all our tomorrows, of "whatever willl be willl be", or so sang so beautifully, Ms. Doris Day, a somewhat silent follower/believer in the 1st Church Christian Science, and America's Premier Chanteuse? -- BTW, as far as I remember, she didn't ever preach her religion, go figure!

4. Only ten paragraphs is a short cut for me. Mssr. John Wayne, America's greatest thesbian and social philosopher/commentor, ever, said that, "apologizing is a sign of weakness", so if I bore ya, Mr. Adstar, then sorreee!.

Yo, homey, I've been inspired of late by some rousing religious sonatae, to wit, Bon Jobi's, "Hey God", et al, por ejemplo.

So ya'all demand a question, do ya?

What thinketh thee/thou of solitary prayer, of public recitations of the Lord's Prayer [or were ya familiar with Martthew 6:1 - 6?]; Do you announce or, better, do you approve of announcing one's arrival wearing an exposed cross (p'haps, a Priest's white collar?), or other religious symbol?-- if so Mr. J says, "yo boy, homey, theys hypocrites, whatever religion claimed by the arrival of the 'I gots piety' announcers". Do ya [dis]agree? --or even did ya get swamped, a tad sprinkled, by the elevated drift of this thumbwatt lisping religiouth tithe?:shrug:​
Mssr. John Wayne, America's greatest thesbian and social philosopher/commentor, ever, said that, "apologizing is a sign of weakness", so if I bore ya, Mr. Adstar, then sorreee!.

I don't think I would agree that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Sometimes apologizing and admitting wrong takes far more courage and strength than simply ignoring mistakes, pretending they didn't happen, or lying about it to save face.

And was John Wayne really America's greatest thespian and social philosopher? I think that's debatable. :eek:

Not that I disagree with the sentiments in your original post.

Chapter 6:1 begins with a warning to "beware" (In some biblical versions)
of those preceeding their arrival with pronouncements of their piety, with word or symbol - crosses, white collars, priestly garb, whatever? I repeat, in agreement with Jesus, beware of those professing their individual piety and "spiritual goodness"!!

People have made many idols out of their religious leaders and the established hierarchy.

Lines answered as :
1. The emoticon is an assumed Geistkiesel idenifier. Once I knew it all, until I knew so much it drove me into a state of knowing nothing-- I even had to steal this little line, albeit somewhat modified.​

So you use it as a kind of avatar?? There is a space for an avatar and it ain't on the post. Do you want to be involved in clear communications or what???

3. Let's start with a praise of the 40 day/night drenchinh imposed by Mssr. Jehovah, as some writings wopuld have it?

Is that a request or a question? Sitting here reading it again i see it as neither. Don't waste forum space.

-- Why not we praise the current of days 2; or more provocatively, praise even the unknown of all our tomorrows, of "whatever willl be willl be", or so sang so beautifully, Ms. Doris Day, a somewhat silent follower/believer in the 1st Church Christian Science, and America's Premier Chanteuse? -- BTW, as far as I remember, she didn't ever preach her religion, go figure!

What drivel. Can you put together something that sounds like it does not come out of the mouth of a severe mongoloid or what?

4. Only ten paragraphs is a short cut for me. Mssr. John Wayne, America's greatest thesbian and social philosopher/commentor, ever, said that, "apologizing is a sign of weakness", so if I bore ya, Mr. Adstar, then sorreee!.

Yep reading your posts is like watching paint dry. I guess you think your smart or something but you come over as being plain dumb.

So ya'all demand a question, do ya?

Not so much demand a question as seek a clear question.

What thinketh thee/thou of solitary prayer, of public recitations of the Lord's Prayer [or were ya familiar with Martthew 6:1 - 6?];

Ok the first question i can decipher:

No i do not approve of public or group prayer. I believe that all prayers should be said in private towards God. The "Lords Prayer" was never intended to be a formulated prayer, Jesus never said pray this prayer He said when you pray like this.

Matthew 6
8 “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. 9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

So Jesus was not delivering a formatted prayer He was giving an example of the way to pray.

Do you announce or, better, do you approve of announcing one's arrival wearing an exposed cross (p'haps, a Priest's white collar?), or other religious symbol?--

I have never been one for wearing symbols. I do not need a cross, What other people wear is their business.

if so Mr. J says, "yo boy, homey, theys hypocrites, whatever religion claimed by the arrival of the 'I gots piety' announcers". Do ya [dis]agree?

Who is Mr.J? and this is an English International forum so use English because i can barely understand the rest of what you have put down here,

--or even did ya get swamped, a tad sprinkled, by the elevated drift of this thumbwatt lisping religiouth tithe?:shrug:


All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Say it like John would have, Pilgrim . . .

I don't think I would agree that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Sometimes apologizing and admitting wrong takes far more courage and strength than simply ignoring mistakes, pretending they didn't happen, or lying about it to save face.

And was John Wayne really America's greatest thespian and social philosopher? I think that's debatable. :eek:

Not that I disagree with the sentiments in your original post.

People have made many idols out of their religious leaders and the established hierarchy.

We have no dispute, shucks!

I wouldn't know a "best thespian, from a warm beer". I use this phrase sometimes to work into an apology of sorts without sounding maudlin. The "weakness" bit has some force to it, and at times might backfire. I "apologized" once to an acquantance regarding a trivial issue, but he took the apology as some kind of admission of guilt and he began to lecture me on my error, which really wan't an error, or an insult. It was more like an "excuse me" when two people bump into each other accidentally. I listened for awhile and then interrupted with an "excuse me, but I take back my previous apology, it was too expensive." I then turned on my heel and split, as they say in the street. For saome reason this man never spoke to me again. OK by me.

Your idol remark is interesting, but me thinks there is another side to your coin. Religious leaders are never drawn to the pulpit against their will. It is a driven, motivated and purposeful activity not unlike an interview when job hunting. The idol then very often is a work of personal public relations expertise. Of course some idols are not necessarily evil intended, but there is a professional agenda that cannot be shrugged aside by a simple remark that "the mission of God was my calling".

I often wonder how someone knows its "God" that is calling. When Billy Graham was with George Bush when Jesus came to him, I wonder how George knew it was J? When someone say the "Lord came into him and he was reborn", how is the process verified. It isn't to the faithful that take the rush that they had targeted for, and when the groovy feeling arrives, then the reality is what was expected; It is a simple matter to ascribe (or merely claim) J as the God in Heaven showing one individual all that precious time and attention just to get him/her reborn or saved. J is thinkling, "what a croc".

I am not giving any deep clues into my religion [but everyone has one -- e.g. atheists talk more about God than most pious people], but I would be embarrassed to kneel to my "creator" and ask "for forgiveness" or to suggest, "if you could spare a money miracle, I could sure use a dime or two.", or to humble myself, or worse yet, to waller in self pity and beg for my "creator's" rapt attention just to console my wretched angst. I would be embarrased because I know my creator would be embarrassed that one of his [my creator's] best work, was whining like a little baby, because he feels so bad, bad. A mantra I keep available (knwning it was from "my creator", of course) urges me to consider that all the troubles and heartache that I face when tortured by life's 'slings, arrows and an occasional kick in the juevos', as an endless ocean of targets, right in front there, as you take up arms against your, 'sea of life troubles'.

There are so many twists and greynesses that when failing to win even one round in the struggle, it is never a good policy to become defensive; you must only look at how you can beat that bullshit packet of 'slings, arrows and kick' -- how can you win it? Cockroiach is going to get an ass kicking if it keeps pestering me like a cockaroach in my kitchen. With a subtle rotation of my new 'Addidas', I send another cockaroach to hell.

The secret is to moderate the size of a cockaroach squashed with your ability to judge your own limitations in any particular activity, which is never a boring subject; as the judging become practiced so does the ability to judge one's own limitations inherent in personal competence. The last star is not going to fade from the skies next week, so it pays nothing to be in a hurry, ever. Here the size of the coackaroach may be misapproximated, which may result in some kind of "boo boo". Time and space, simple enough, one need then best, to dance with the universe, scalled up to two steps in "time and space"; there one=two, a grand simplification of the universe, there in front of you.

Don't go looking for interpretation of time and space in the University's School of Physics, as the physicist is as religiously motivated to descibe the entirety of what is right in front of him with models biased to ignore religious parameters, or the existence of such parameters, or the mere pocssibility of it, even denying ESP, the religion encroaching on his self manufactured model of the two step, critically moderates as a self indulging and arbitrary bias that reeks of pathological states akin to sloth in the mental activity department.

The Universe, you can describe in any way that you may wish to, you can even be silly, insincere, obnoxious, arbitrary, lie, steal and cheat, yourself, of course, without feeling that you have been, or are being, rudely treated. It is after all, your universe, and there is enough to go around, so don't feel slighted when you see someone else is driving all of your Cadillacs and Mustangs down the road.

Asking anyone "what it all about [Alfie]", is the mother of all sins, as this is to place your helm in the care of another human being that is, like the Prince of Denmark, indisitinguisable from an Englishman, as the Prince, you see was mad and was just as mad as all Englishmen; he fit right in!!!

Faith in "ones Creator" works 100%, but faith in human guidance works maybe, 12%, max, on average, which means you are getting hosed. Why give up a sure thing for some bullshit 12%, on the average? The secret is not to learn the universe's two step, rather you teach the uNiverse how to "dance". Be bold, approach it like you decided another person seen as an excellent parent for your next child. "Would you like to dance?", works in the high 80%, and with practice "success" becomes a slam dunk sure thing; so treat it as such.

Universes are like women on the dance floor, they really like to led-- to find out how this one, "does his two step".

Conclusion, when you understand women, you understand the universe - its a, lose, lose proposition; such an understanding, must, for any mortal, be entirley faked and subject to some skillfully applied dramatics when showing rapt attention to the 'one and only'.

She doesn't care if it is dramatically spontaneous, or reheasrsed, as long as all is believable. One must always, always remember, the bottom line basic and fundamental limitation to the receipt of her minimum favors: in your role, never, never, never, forget your lines, so as to appear as if you didn't even know what the freak was going on, in the play I mean. :shrug:​
Praise the Ancient Scribed who frst predicted that the sun also riseth.

Adstar said:
Originally Posted by geistkiesel

Lines answered as :
1. The emoticon is an assumed Geistkiesel idenifier. Once I knew it all, until I knew so much it drove me into a state of knowing nothing-- I even had to steal this little line, albeit somewhat modified. ”

So you use it as a kind of avatar?? There is a space for an avatar and it ain't on the post. Do you want to be involved in clear communications or what???[/quote]
I was merely giving a 'personality sketch, so you would know better how to deal with me.

Adstar said:
“ 3. Let's start with a praise of the 40 day/night drenchinh imposed by Mssr. Jehovah, as some writings wopuld have it? ”

Is that a request or a question? Sitting here reading it again i see it as neither. Don't waste forum space.

I was answering your question in your first post, chill man.

Adstar said:
“ -- Why not we praise the current of days 2; or more provocatively, praise even the unknown of all our tomorrows, of "whatever willl be willl be", or so sang so beautifully, Ms. Doris Day, a somewhat silent follower/believer in the 1st Church Christian Science, and America's Premier Chanteuse? -- BTW, as far as I remember, she didn't ever preach her religion, go figure! ”

What drivel. Can you put together something that sounds like it does not come out of the mouth of a severe mongoloid or what?

Nope, my momma was a Siberian milk herder, and my poppa was a Tibeten tit squezzer, so I come out as you see, mongoloid, or what.

Adstar said:
“ 4. Only ten paragraphs is a short cut for me. Mssr. John Wayne, America's greatest thesbian and social philosopher/commentor, ever, said that, "apologizing is a sign of weakness", so if I bore ya, Mr. Adstar, then sorreee!. ”

Yep reading your posts is like watching paint dry. I guess you think your smart or something but you come over as being plain dumb.

Das me boss, but whatever you do please don throw me inthat briar patch where it sticks, if you get my meaning.

Adstar said:
“ So ya'all demand a question, do ya? ”

Not so much demand a question as seek a clear question.

OK, as clear and certain that needs no interpretation:

Adstar said:
“ What thinketh thee/thou of solitary prayer, of public recitations of the Lord's Prayer [or were ya familiar with Martthew 6:1 - 6?]; ”

Ok the first question i can decipher:

No i do not approve of public or group prayer. I believe that all prayers should be said in private towards God. The "Lords Prayer" was never intended to be a formulated prayer, Jesus never said pray this prayer He said when you pray like this.

I agree, though the prayer was intended as model, not as a formatted ritual, I think we have no dosagreement here. I merely pointed out the hypocrites that Jesus was referring to are widely recognizable in the US a basically Christian/Jewish/MNoslem based religion, yet no Christian that I have heard has ever pointed to Matthew and the Sunday morning ritual that blatantly ignores the message from the namesake of their religion, Christianity.
How sweet life would be withou the ever present threat of lintening to someone's paryer.
Adstar said:
Matthew 6
8 “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him. 9 In this manner, therefore, pray:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
10 Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
13 And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

So Jesus was not delivering a formatted prayer He was giving an example of the way to pray.

As stated above, I totally agree.

The prayer though seems arbitrarily describing God as a leader, with wishes and desires, and the power to grant anything. Ommitted are hints of friendship, a sense of humor, patience, as looking at God as an equal, that didn't need or require any showing of deferbtiasl respect as if he were somer kind of super General, or even that God's personality was anything resembling human personality charateristics. Instead of the Jesus described humbleness befiore God, why not communicate as you would with a friend, one that understood you and that you understood. Ease up, God has seen it all, it mustb be really boring to hear the same litany of mumblings, basically unchanged in the last 2000, or more years.

Adstar said:
“ Do you announce or, better, do you approve of announcing one's arrival wearing an exposed cross (p'haps, a Priest's white collar?), or other religious symbol?-- ”

I have never been one for wearing symbols. I do not need a cross, What other people wear is their business.

I was pointing out that Jesus described such people when saying, "Taker good care not to practice your righteousness in front of men in order to be observed by them; otherwise you will ahve no reward with Your father who is in heaven". Again I was meely amplifying thge widespread use of religious symbols exposed as jewelry, or wearing unique religious clothing, collars, etc. as not going to be among the lucky that make to you know where -- isn't this verse a warning to avoid such folks?

Adstar said:
“ if so Mr. J says, "yo boy, homey, theys hypocrites, whatever religion claimed by the arrival of the 'I gots piety' announcers". Do ya [dis]agree? ”

Who is Mr.J? and this is an English International forum so use English because i can barely understand the rest of what you have put down here,
Mr J is Jesus, talking in the language oif the street, which isn't printed in Holy Scriptures. If tghe persons smiing approaches you where it is unavoidable that you notice his self serving statement that 'he is pios'.
Do you always, as a manner of communication, demand clarification when the moideration of the English language has been altered to suit the communication needs of millions of persons in the US that is.
Adstar said:
“ --or even did ya get swamped, a tad sprinkled, by the elevated drift of this thumbwatt lisping religiouth tithe? ”

"WHAT?", you screamed, you got it, you clever fool you. You've been hustling me!
Adstar said:
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So you are saying, now with ritual repetitious regularity that the Ancient of Days need , or should be "Praised"? Why not just look at the past as a mmory, gone forever, now a mere and and totally skrewed up history when written on paper. Maybe you are simply saying, "remember the good old days"?

The sun will, without logic or reason, and only with the sheer force of a statitical and mathematicl model, as opposed to a statement of a physical fact, i.e. knowledge, and used primnarily to ease a troubled mind who might really be paranoid that just maybe the sun wont rise tomorrow, like physicists.:shrug:
So you use it as a kind of avatar?? There is a space for an avatar and it ain't on the post. Do you want to be involved in clear communications or what???
I was merely giving a 'personality sketch, so you would know better how to deal with me.[/QUOTE]

Your personality sketch only brings confusion. And confusion is not a good basis for discussion.

I was answering your question in your first post, chill man.

I don't understand your answer. Therefore they time you spent typing it was a waste of time and this sentence i have just typed is a waste of time. Wasting time is not an enjoyable pastime for me.

Das me boss, but whatever you do please don throw me inthat briar patch where it sticks, if you get my meaning.

I am not your boss and i have no violent desires towards you.

I agree, though the prayer was intended as model, not as a formatted ritual, I think we have no dosagreement here. I merely pointed out the hypocrites that Jesus was referring to are widely recognizable in the US a basically Christian/Jewish/MNoslem based religion, yet no Christian that I have heard has ever pointed to Matthew and the Sunday morning ritual that blatantly ignores the message from the namesake of their religion, Christianity.

There are people who pray in public because they have never read Mathew, they are only doing what they have been taught is right. There are those who pray in public to get a feeling of belonging with a group that is praying in public. There are people who have been taught by the people they love to pray in public and yes there are people who pray in public because they want to impress others and gain the trust and loyalty of other people. There are many differing motivations to people praying in public and God knows the motivations that lie in the souls of all people. Therefore not all are hipocrites many are just ignorant of the teachings of the Messiah Jesus.

And as for those who have control of the pulpits and TV mass media and who make a public show of prayer. Satan never gives true Christians access to the mass Media. His will is deception and guiding people on to paths that lead to eternal death. The Spiritual harlots are given the biggest and best platforms by the prince of this world, satan.

The prayer though seems arbitrarily describing God as a leader, with wishes and desires, and the power to grant anything. Ommitted are hints of friendship, a sense of humor, patience, as looking at God as an equal, that didn't need or require any showing of deferbtiasl respect as if he were somer kind of super General, or even that God's personality was anything resembling human personality charateristics. Instead of the Jesus described humbleness befiore God, why not communicate as you would with a friend, one that understood you and that you understood.

Love beats friendship any day. God loves me and i respect Him. God is not a human being He is higher than a super general. Now i talk to God in plain English i express myself with emotion I understand that God knows that i know that He is perfect, therefore i do not even try to make a big show of piety when i pray to Him because no amount of flowery words of praise would do justice to his greatness and my lowliness in comparison to Him. Therefore i just talk to God from my heart and understand that He understands my motivations. And no one understands God completely so i cannot talk to God as if i understand Him completely.

Ease up, God has seen it all, it mustb be really boring to hear the same litany of mumblings, basically unchanged in the last 2000, or more years.

Yes God has heard it all before, But you and i have only existed since we where created So when we experience something for the first time it is the first time for us and God understands it. So God might be bored with the situations we pray about but He is very attentative to the emotions that these situations provoke in us.

I was pointing out that Jesus described such people when saying, "Taker good care not to practice your righteousness in front of men in order to be observed by them; otherwise you will have no reward with Your father who is in heaven". Again I was meely amplifying thge widespread use of religious symbols exposed as jewelry, or wearing unique religious clothing, collars, etc. as not going to be among the lucky that make to you know where -- isn't this verse a warning to avoid such folks?

His warning was to avoid being like these people. But once again, different people will wear symbols for different reasons. If i see a car crash i will do my best to help the one injured and distressed, Now God knows if i am doing it because i want to impress others with my goodness and get my name written down in some news paper as a hero, Or if i am doing it only to earn goody goody points with God, Or if i am doing it out of genuine compassion for the one involved in the accident. Sometime doing good in public is unavoidable. Jesus said it is much better to do your good deeds in secret so that even the one benefiting from your good deeds does not know who their benefactor is. But again it is not always possible to achieve this result. So God looks into the heart of each of us.

Mr J is Jesus, talking in the language oif the street, which isn't printed in Holy Scriptures.

Jesus talked in the language of the time and talked to both the begger on the street and the high priest with clarity.

Do you always, as a manner of communication, demand clarification when the moideration of the English language has been altered to suit the communication needs of millions of persons in the US that is.

I talk with Indians and Indonesians and I talk with Koreans and Kenyans and all of them can understand and express their thoughts in clear international English, It is only the cultural imperialists from the USA who seek to impose their language "of the street" on us all, Your language is not the language of the people it is a language of division and language of apartheid, designed to stop clear communications between people. So if your trying to force me to conform to your language then sorry mate I will talk the language of the majority and you can stay in your little language prison that keeps you separate and disadvantaged and in a small minority in the world view. It is your disadvantage, Not mine.

I am not an American and i will not bow down and submit to your cultural whip.

"WHAT?", you screamed, you got it, you clever fool you. You've been hustling me!

The Shout of WHAT? Was not with anger but severe frustration/exasperation.

So you are saying, now with ritual repetitious regularity that the Ancient of Days need , or should be "Praised"?

This is not a prayer. I am not praying to God when i say all praise the Ancient of Days. It is a call to all mankind to praise the Ancient of Days, It is not directed towards God at all.

Why not just look at the past as a mmory, gone forever, now a mere and and totally skrewed up history when written on paper. Maybe you are simply saying, "remember the good old days"?

Are you talking about the Bible? Are you saying that The Ancient Of Days and His Word are Screwed up history? If you are then i totally disagree with you.

The sun will, without logic or reason, and only with the sheer force of a statitical and mathematicl model, as opposed to a statement of a physical fact, i.e. knowledge, and used primnarily to ease a troubled mind who might really be paranoid that just maybe the sun wont rise tomorrow, like physicists.:shrug:

Once again. What? <=== see no caps :D I am exercising self control here :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
There are people who pray in public because they have never read Mathew, they are only doing what they have been taught is right. There are those who pray in public to get a feeling of belonging with a group that is praying in public. There are people who have been taught by the people they love to pray in public and yes there are people who pray in public because they want to impress others and gain the trust and loyalty of other people. There are many differing motivations to people praying in public and God knows the motivations that lie in the souls of all people. Therefore not all are hipocrites many are just ignorant of the teachings of the Messiah Jesus.

I will respond to the rest of your post shortly, but first a scrap for the 'family dog".

Anyone professing the religion of Christianity, is one that use scripture as a County Prosecutor uses the Penal Code. I was referring only to the self styled christians who pray in public, including churches and similar public praying facilities. Whether these christians have actually read Matthew 6:1 -10 (or so) is of no consequence. He is a self profssed christian ergo we have the right to assuke him knolwdgeable of the content of scriptures, certainly inclauding Matthew 6:1 -10. If this person who prays public is familiar with Matthew, he is clearly a hypocrite e.g. the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops, Proests, Preachers, Deacons and all the country boy preachers, "en spiritae", who have been inspired with "the love of Jesus" and all who who officiate at various chirch sites.

and engaging in prayer, are definitionally "christian hypocrites"; those, ncludingb some you have described, who haven't read Matthew , but claim to be knowledgeable in scriptural matters, are equally hypocrites as they remain ignorant from sloth, yet lie to prevent discovery. Those that aren't christian, yet pray in public, I have no reason to quarrel with them, but I don't stop and digest their prayers, which I judge as useless and sapping of spiritual integrity.

I am no prophet, nor do I engage in religious profit enhancing, like most prophets of which I am familiar, the force of their prophetic mission which always requires exercises in elevating personal and organizational profits$, which they sometimes refer to as "bounties returned by God", interest on the note of their commitment which is daily paid to God by their slavish spiritual doings.

Adstar said:
And as for those who have control of the pulpits and TV mass media and who make a public show of prayer. Satan never gives true Christians access to the mass Media. His will is deception and guiding people on to paths that lead to eternal death. The Spiritual harlots are given the biggest and best platforms by the prince of this world, satan.
First, "true Christians" wouldn't be caught dead engaging is such mass media activity. But since you mention it, what say you about the Serpent, allegedly the entitiy who deceived Eve during their fateful dioscussion of God's command that Adam and Eve not eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge? Eve, in responding to the Serpent, remarked that God said they could eat any of the fruit in the garden (to which they were brought to 'toil the soil' as gardners) except the fruit of that tree. Eve said that God told them that if they did eat of that fruit they would surely die.

The Serpent responded by informing Eve that God knows very well that if you eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that their eyes will open and they will become like God knowing good and evil.

So Eve had a nibble and took some to Adam, who also got high, and sure enough after consuming the fruit both had their eyes opened such that they then knew good and evil, to wit, that they had become like God.

The Serpent here didn't deceive Eve and Adam, if was God that had lied to them. God is quoted when remarking to some nearby associates that, "Well Eve and Adam are now like us, the Gods. It is certainly good that they didn't eat from the tree of everlasting life." It seems to me that Genesis here has clearly drawn the line in the sand in its picture of who exactly are the liars, and who be the truth tellers.

BTW, it ain't Satan to which we must focus out attention, it is real and blood boiling humans who are making the attemnpt to enslave the public. Tghe media foirce if which you speak aren't reloigious soldiers, they are, "corporate soldiers". It would be your most lavish advantage to keep this distinction in mind, and alas, to your doom, should you tire along the path and fall into the ditch. :shrug:​
And as for those who have control of the pulpits and TV mass media and who make a public show of prayer. Satan never gives true Christians access to the mass Media. His will is deception and guiding people on to paths that lead to eternal death. The Spiritual harlots are given the biggest and best platforms by the prince of this world, satan.

Does that include Billy Graham?
His actions as shown in this youtube clip seem to have drawn criticism from some claiming to be "true Christians".
brief encounters in the universes' courtrooms . . .

Adstar said:
Said Geistkiesel:
“ Ease up, God has seen it all, it mustb be really boring to hear the same litany of mumblings, basically unchanged in the last 2000, or more years. ”

Yes God has heard it all before, But you and i have only existed since we where created So when we experience something for the first time it is the first time for us and God understands it. So God might be bored with the situations we pray about but He is very attentative to the emotions that these situations provoke in us.

The interesting part of your staement is ",,,since we were created." I take this to meean you are referring to the this current state of existence. Well, I do not refer to any "first time" events anymore. This belief is not generated as a result of something I read in a book, or that someone told me. Simply, I remember.

I also am not in the same mode of communicationn as you discussed. No criticism here , just a statement to clean up any possible ambiguities in the discussion.

As I inferred in a previous post, when we engage in a communiucaion with something 'other wordly', there is always the question of verification and validation. As a safety measure I send my communications to 'numero uno' in a form of 'general delivery'. Howev er, discussions are veruy rare, the exceptions being when I have a unique 'humorous' characterization of the universes' big mommas'.
Anyone caring to read my notes are welcome. I am never in a hurry, so when the mail arrives, it arrives. I generally don't insist on any notification of delivery.

When interacting with the extra-terrestrials, AKA other worlders, on any level, I have found awide range of mental competence : the ultimate nth, upper strata, just kiss me off as interesting with the same sensitivity that you might exhibit when stepping on a piss ant. Then I have kissed off my share of uninteresting entities. The exercise doesn't offer much , anymore, in the way of entertainment, therefore these encounters are fairly rare and brief, sometimes the encounter is with a former acquantence encountered on that other plane, in a 'chance encounter'.:shrug:
Does that include Billy Graham?
His actions as shown in this youtube clip seem to have drawn criticism from some claiming to be "true Christians".

In my humble opinion Billy Graham is on my list of "top ten" offenders. Shortly after Iraq was invaded Billy's son appeared at the Iraqi border asking for permission to enter so he could began the "save Iraq" process. Maybe, and only maybe, if I had a choice between sending the US Army or Billy Graham Jr., I would probably send the the US Army.

I'll get back to you re the youtube.:shrug:
First, "true Christians" wouldn't be caught dead engaging is such mass media activity.

Not necessarily so. If true Christians could be assured that their message would get out without being twisted by the media then it would assist them in heading the call to give the Gospel message to all mankind.

But since you mention it, what say you about the Serpent, allegedly the entitiy who deceived Eve during their fateful dioscussion of God's command that Adam and Eve not eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge? Eve, in responding to the Serpent, remarked that God said they could eat any of the fruit in the garden (to which they were brought to 'toil the soil' as gardners) except the fruit of that tree. Eve said that God told them that if they did eat of that fruit they would surely die.

The Serpent responded by informing Eve that God knows very well that if you eat of the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, that their eyes will open and they will become like God knowing good and evil.

So Eve had a nibble and took some to Adam, who also got high, and sure enough after consuming the fruit both had their eyes opened such that they then knew good and evil, to wit, that they had become like God.

Being like God. is Not being the same as God.

A mischievous person see's how a little boy loves cars and goes up to him and says pssst do you wanna be like daddy and drive the big car, The little boy says "daddy told me i am not allowed to drive because it's dangerous" The mischievous person tells the little boy "of course it's not dangerous don't you see when daddy drives he has fun and it is cool. Daddy just wants to keep the car for himself" Here go inside and grab your daddies car keys of the counter and come on out and you can start the car and drive just like daddy :D " . The Little boy sneaks inside and takes his daddies keys and comes out to the car and gets in and manages to start the engine. 24 seconds later the car has rolled over 300 meters down the road after hitting a truck and bursting into flames.

The Serpent here didn't deceive Eve and Adam, if was God that had lied to them.

False. God told them the truth, Both Adam and Eve died. Satan lied because upon receiving the knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve did not become Gods. All they got was the knowledge that they would use and humanity has used down through the ages to cause endless suffering on earth. They got the knowledge but they didn't have what it took to control it.

God is quoted when remarking to some nearby associates that, "Well Eve and Adam are now like us, the Gods. It is certainly good that they didn't eat from the tree of everlasting life." It seems to me that Genesis here has clearly drawn the line in the sand in its picture of who exactly are the liars, and who be the truth tellers.

Yes the line in the sand is clearly drawn and you have decided to stand on satans side.

BTW, it ain't Satan to which we must focus out attention, it is real and blood boiling humans who are making the attemnpt to enslave the public. Tghe media foirce if which you speak aren't reloigious soldiers, they are, "corporate soldiers". It would be your most lavish advantage to keep this distinction in mind, and alas, to your doom, should you tire along the path and fall into the ditch. :shrug:

What is the benefit of focusing ones attention on the corruption that has always been and will always be until the coming of the Messiah Jesus?

Do you think you can change the way this world is run????? Sorry mate this world is run by satan and those who have chosen him as there lord and that’s the way it is going to remain for the foreseeable future.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

The interesting part of your staement is ",,,since we were created." I take this to meean you are referring to the this current state of existence. Well, I do not refer to any "first time" events anymore. This belief is not generated as a result of something I read in a book, or that someone told me. Simply, I remember.​

So you believe you have always existed? Or you believe you have been reincarnated?

I also am not in the same mode of communicationn as you discussed. No criticism here , just a statement to clean up any possible ambiguities in the discussion.

As I inferred in a previous post, when we engage in a communiucaion with something 'other wordly', there is always the question of verification and validation. As a safety measure I send my communications to 'numero uno' in a form of 'general delivery'. Howev er, discussions are veruy rare, the exceptions being when I have a unique 'humorous' characterization of the universes' big mommas'.
Anyone caring to read my notes are welcome. I am never in a hurry, so when the mail arrives, it arrives. I generally don't insist on any notification of delivery.

When interacting with the extra-terrestrials, AKA other worlders, on any level, I have found awide range of mental competence : the ultimate nth, upper strata, just kiss me off as interesting with the same sensitivity that you might exhibit when stepping on a piss ant. Then I have kissed off my share of uninteresting entities. The exercise doesn't offer much , anymore, in the way of entertainment, therefore these encounters are fairly rare and brief, sometimes the encounter is with a former acquantence encountered on that other plane, in a 'chance encounter'.:shrug:

Now another "WHAT" is needed here?????

Do you believe you talk to aliens?

Or Do you believe you talk to spirits?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days​
My first thought when I read the thread title was the line from the "Kansas" song "Carry On" (Wayward Son): "And if I claim to be a wise man it surly means that I don't know."
Also, I rarely read 10 paragraph posts, I'm not fond of being lectured. Why I read yours,:shrug: :D
I guess I didn't feel 'lectured'.

I have been known to point out the admonishment of public prayer to those who hand out tracts to passers-by. They don't like it.

One thing, though: spelling.
OK, two things: get the 't' key fixed. (I mean tghe 'tg' key.:D )
I have been known to point out the admonishment of public prayer to those who hand out tracts to passers-by. They don't like it.

What has handing out tracts to passers-by got to do with public prayer?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I don't think I would agree that apologizing is a sign of weakness. Sometimes apologizing and admitting wrong takes far more courage and strength than simply ignoring mistakes, pretending they didn't happen, or lying about it to save face.
M*W: I couldn't agree with you more! Apologizing for one's admission of guilt is the healthy thing to do. It frees up the mind from the burden of its wrong doing, it lightens the heart from the sadness or discomfort it has caused, it returns psychological relief from the anguish the act has caused. I could go on and on. Ignoring one's infraction on another person can have deadly health affects on the doer. Forgiveness begins when we realize we've made a mistake and hurt someone else. Simply saying one is sorry puts the mind, body, spirit and intellect at peace in all of the parties concerned, and the healing will then begin.
What has handing out tracts to passers-by got to do with public prayer?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I guess I don't make a distinction between these two ways of giving witness to the faith.

Blessed Be.