Betting Against Gods

Boss Foxx

I piss excellence.
Registered Senior Member
In my first thread that I created "Mormons & My Front Door", I was asked why I was an atheist, to which I replied "... It's just that if I were a bettin' man, I'd put my money on there being no God."

Another person then commented that betting against a god was a "guarentee to lose". The argument being that if I win the bet, I get nothing, and if I lose the bet then I risk eternity in Hell.

So what I take from that is it's somehow more reasonable to bet on the existence of a god despite my atheism for no other reason than to avoid the possibility that a god does exist and is a god that would send me to Hell for not believing in him.

So I wonder... is it really that reasonable to bet on the existence of a god for no other reason than to avoid the inprobable chance that I can end up in some afterlife of eternal damnation?
Well you could just as easily say that God punishes 'believers' since he put humans on Earth to follow their own morals and be rational sensible people. Therefor he welcomes atheists into heaven as they have passed his test.

Theists however failed the test and committed the heinous act of trying to describe God and follow institutions in his name... So they burn in hell.

Then there's always a question of "which God" also. There are already thousands created by man... with infinite more waiting to be invented.

Even if there is a God, then how likely is it that we are given a second life after this one? And why should heaven or hell exist even if this sky fairy exists?

Pascal clearly never thought this through... :rolleyes:
lets look at pascals wager, which is in effect, what your gamble is, firstly, given that there is 2600 + gods, the chance of choosing the right one is 1 in 2600.
secondly what of predestination, is it not irrelevent what we chooses to believe, god know who gets rewarded, regardless of our choice.
and thirdly what if the god/gods we have now is not the right one and we dont actually know him/her yet he/she could reward bad and condemn good.
fourthly has christianity or islam etc really lived up to our expectations.
so the only reasonable choice you could make is theres no god/gods and thus no reason to waste my life worrying.
It is only worth betting when the probabilities are high, otherwise one simply doesn't bet.

What is the probability that there is a being so powerful that it can create a whole universe, can be everywhere at the same time, and can know everything past present and future? Based on zero evidence I'd say the probability is so low it is not worth a bet of any type.
I would say the likelyhood of a GOD existing is high.

But what can we say about God?? he created the universe... ok.. how?

Firstly, logic suggest that energy in some form must be applied.. i.e.. six days of work, GOD DID in making the universe.... and on the seventh he rested...

clearly... we are still living in the seventh day, and when it ends... well, who knows.

I base my belief on the sciences which i have found fits quite nicely with the propsal of genesis as put forth by Moses.

I have studied cosmology indepthly... and i have found that the only worthwhile proposal for the existance of the universe as we know it today, is BY THE APPLICATION OF ENERGY FROM AN OUTSIDE SOURCE.

and that source, ,must by definition be GOD.

THIS ALL becomes imaginable in your mind if you can precieve the dimensional progressive pattern i propose for the universes development.

this pattern, of 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D.... ETC.. 12D, 13D, 14, 15..

each dimension is a higher level, being the the result of energy applied as vector forces always at a 90 degree angle, and always apon the product of the previous dimensional rise... or what we might call, dimensional transitions...

it is ideally simple, and yet, for some it is impossible to grasp.... it seems.

first the evidense.

then the theory...


Have you taken any of this to the people I suggested months ago? I.E. The Ph.Ds and other acamedicians?
I have sHared it widely.. on line... and to my own gov't, and various other groups around the world... and no one, who has taken the time, has been able to bring the concept down by any means..... because it is so simple. and so variable.

what i show is a basic understanding of a dimensional progressive pattern... reality may itself be slightly different, but clearly, any open minded person can see that indeed the concept of dimensional progressions on a spatial ether is very fitting as an explination for existance... and it just so happens to match Genesis....

other than failed arguements against it, i have recieved only one responce of any merit, it was an application to recieve grant money from the DOE, which i keep meaning to file.....

If i was a betting man... my money would be put on GOD everytime.


But what can we say about God?? he created the universe... ok.. how?
No that is just a fantasy unless you can show it exists first. What is the composition of a god? How could a single being wield such power? What is the nature of that power? Where did it come from? What created God? Why would a god exist when the universe is likely infinite? Why would it create a universe?

Firstly, logic suggest that energy in some form must be applied..
No it doesn’t if the universe is infinite. The logic is invalid.

i.e.. six days of work, GOD DID in making the universe.... and on the seventh he rested...
Baseless fantasy.

clearly... we are still living in the seventh day, and when it ends... well, who knows.
It is in no way clear of anything like it. This is just childish nonsense.

I base my belief on the sciences which i have found fits quite nicely with the propsal of genesis as put forth by Moses.
Nonsense, you base your belief on a baseless fantasy.

I have studied cosmology indepthly...
And clearly reached unjustified conclusions. Start again.

and i have found that the only worthwhile proposal for the existance of the universe as we know it today, is BY THE APPLICATION OF ENERGY FROM AN OUTSIDE SOURCE.
Which is merely a twisted rationalization in a futile attempt to support your baseless religious fantasy.

and that source, ,must by definition be GOD.
Really, really, dumb. Have you no ability to reason? If even you had a point in the absence of evidence the default answer isn’t that a god did it. That idiotic reasoning has long been discredited.
Well, looking at doodles can be a fun distraction, but I am not a scientist... nor crazy. It appears either would be a prerequesite to interpret those doodles at first glance. Besides, I thought the Kuran and not the Bible explained the nature of the universe. Or maybe it's neither.
CRIS.... IF YOU WANT TO ARGUE COSMOLOGY, then bring it on.

in the end, this is about betting on God, or atheistic nothingness.....

I have studied the evidense, and my suggestion is that you should not be so quick to bet against a lord.....

I cant tell you anything about GOD, but i spent 10 years developing this theory, and it was only when it finally became clear in my mind, that i compared it to genesis, and i was personally amazed to find it fit perfectly.
it was not my intention, and it was not my goal... it wasnt even on the list.
in all my years of studing cosmology, i never consider the bible.
IT JUST SO HAPPENS, that moses said the very same thing 3000 years ago, but he uses very simple descriptions for what modern science describes with many books.

So, im not a theist, trying to use science too push an agenda...

im a scientist, who found his faith in the evidense.

Boss Foxx said:
Well, looking at doodles can be a fun distraction, but I am not a scientist... nor crazy. It appears either would be a prerequesite to interpret those doodles at first glance. Besides, I thought the Kuran and not the Bible explained the nature of the universe. Or maybe it's neither.

two of those doodle pages has text... which helps to explain the doodles.

What kind of sick God allows humans to bet for or against him? Why doesnt God just say "oops! sorry i was late... I was busy not caring... what did I have to do again?"

"end poverty, suffering, disease, hatred, greed, an basically all evils..."

"Sure... abra kada... wait... ah I got to go... my favorite show is on tv!"

God gives us life and the will to live it... after that he seems to of left us to our own efforts, which is how it should be. We must solve our own problems, otherwise, we would be spoiled rotten children.

my parents gave me life and told e to live it... after that they seem to leave me to live on my own power and if I get screwed over and end up needing 250,000 dollars by the end of the day or else im dead and damned to eternal suffering... my parents cannot lend me the money because that would make me spoiled and rotten. *sigh*

Any God that says suffering is good doesn not deserve existence and should kill itself, anything that exists can end its existence. Anything. Everything. Or else it wouldnt be all-powerful... now would it?
Mosheh Thezion:

"I have sHared it widely.. on line... and to my own gov't, and various other groups around the world... and no one, who has taken the time, has been able to bring the concept down by any means..... because it is so simple. and so variable."

Online is a piss-poor way to share real scientific theories, as well as the government, and "various groups". What I suggest MOsheh, is go to the nearest university and ask if you can set up an appointment to discuss some matters with a physics professor. You should bring in both these papers as well as a more clarified version of them in a neater, paper-form (as really, they are horrifically confusing) and then ask what he thinks of them from a professional standpoint. If he approves of even some of your methodology, you should work out any kinks, then send it to a peer-reviewed science journal for widespread critique.

If you are serious about this being science, do this, k? Like, look for universities tomorrow and then tell me how it goes. You live in California, so I'd suggest ULCA, Stanford, Berkley...
I have sHared it widely.. on line... and to my own gov't, and various other groups around the world...

They either think; that your too stupid or completely insane and don't want to waste their time with ya Or Their coming for ya with a straight jacket. :p

CRIS.... IF YOU WANT TO ARGUE COSMOLOGY, then bring it on.
LOL...ROFLMAO..Just spilt the milk through my nose! As if you could debate cosmology with anyone here..

I have studied the evidense, and my suggestion is that you should not be so quick to bet against a lord.

You have nothing, presented no evidence, and are completely delusional of your so called "theory" which hasn't been through peer-scientific review. Nuf said.

The argument being that if I win the bet, I get nothing
Who says you get nothing? If atheism is true, that makes humans The Supreme Beings of the Known Universe! It means that maybe we can become like Gods someday, there are no limitations to existence, no cloud dweller is going to come down and lay judgement on everyone, you are free! You can sin all you want, there is no eternal punishment.

Anyway, why not bet on other religions besides Christianity? Other religions may have worse punishments, making the consequences of being wrong that much more severe.

Also, chosing a religion based on hedging your bets won't work. God will know what your true motivation is and judge you accordingly.