Best UFO Case I've Ever Seen?

SkinWalker said:
There are at least two Naval Air Stations that were within short flights of Dayton, TX: Dallas NAS and Kingsville NAS. Harriers are Navy/Marine equipment and the Air Farce may not have known or been at liberty to divulge an incident with a military air craft (to avoid liability).

The Harrier presents a triangular profile at night, the jet nozzles, when pointed to the ground will cause the aircraft to hover and "shoot" flame.

Heat is radiation. Note that Cash, who exited the protection of the Olds Cutlass, received the most injury (allegedly). Heat is the only radiation that behaves this way since it is conducted by air. Alpha, gamma, xray, etc. particles will pass through metal & glass.

Not according to this transcript. I didn't see the Unsolved Mysteries episode... don't really watch that garbage... prefer the writing of shows like Stargate and X-Files plus the actors are better.

That is all inconsistent to the transcript linked above, ostensibly from a primary source and told shortly after the incident to Air Force personnel, which makes it vastly more reliable than a tale told years later on Unsolved.

Sorry, but it is more likely. There is evidence of the effects of Harrier jets and embellishment of people in recounting extraordinary events. There is no evidence of ETI-UFOs. That alone creates a more likely scenario. Of course there are other explanations as well, including that the entire event was concocted for publicity.

Undoubtedly it makes no sense to you, since you want it to be evidence of ETI-UFO. But if your mind was open to other possibilities and you engaged critical thinking, it would make sense.

Again, inconsistent with the transcript. Where's the evidence of the dashboard?

Where is the official doctor's report (not an actor's account in a re-enactment on Unsolved)?

I can, and did, account for it with more logical, not even prosaic speculation.

Heat is radiation. The car will only shield from heat. If it was particle radiation, then the occupants of the vehicle would have been equally exposed.

I can sum all of this up as this.

If you are claiming it's a secret craft, the military say's you're wrong. They say they had no craft's out that night. Secondly, if it was our craft then they ARE responsible for their injuries.
I'm not saying it's anything. I'm simply not settling for one explanation. An ETI-UFO is but one possibility. Secret aircraft, non-secret aircraft, and complete fabrication are three additional possibilities in the company of perhaps a hundred more. Only a close-minded person would settle for the most improbable and implausible whilst ignoring the possibility of other hypotheses.

I merely speculated on a possibility that was plausible and probable. In both cases, more so than the ETI-UFO speculation.
SkinWalker said:
I'm not saying it's anything. I'm simply not settling for one explanation. An ETI-UFO is but one possibility. Secret aircraft, non-secret aircraft, and complete fabrication are three additional possibilities in the company of perhaps a hundred more. Only a close-minded person would settle for the most improbable and implausible whilst ignoring the possibility of other hypotheses.

I merely speculated on a possibility that was plausible and probable. In both cases, more so than the ETI-UFO speculation.


Oh, okay then. Well, I kind of agree. That's why I think this the most fascinating case I've seen. ;)
If you are claiming it's a secret craft, the military say's you're wrong.
Just thought i'd point out, if its a secret craft they probably arnt likely to admit it exists until they want to admit it.
They say they had no craft's out that night. Secondly, if it was our craft then they ARE responsible for their injuries.
Precisely why they wouldnt accept liability if they can get away with it, as you said nobody could prove it was a government craft so if it was they saved themselves a lot of money really, or are you saying the military is trustworthy? Just curious. :)
Lemming3k said:
Just thought i'd point out, if its a secret craft they probably arnt likely to admit it exists until they want to admit it.

Precisely why they wouldnt accept liability if they can get away with it, as you said nobody could prove it was a government craft so if it was they saved themselves a lot of money really, or are you saying the military is trustworthy? Just curious. :)

In our democracy, they should not be able to get away with something like that. Unfortunatly were left with about 3 scenario's. 1, they made the story and injuries up. 2. The craft was alien, 3. The craft was our's. Number 3 represents any number of problems. It's similar to the supposed area-51 victims who also expererienced some kind of poisening and died after working there. They tried to sue the government but could not, because area-51 "did not exist". So, those people just died..

If it was an experimental/secret craft, merely compensating them and helping them with bill's would not reveal the craft. They wanted to know what kind of radiation was used. My only guess is they did not know what kind, nor what kind of vehicle did it too her. Thus, not our's.
In our democracy, they should not be able to get away with something like that.
Naturally, but im pretty sure it wouldnt be the first time.
Unfortunatly were left with about 3 scenario's. 1, they made the story and injuries up. 2. The craft was alien, 3. The craft was our's. Number 3 represents any number of problems.
Or a combination of 1 and 3, exaggerations, misinterpretations, all possible, this can also make 3 more possible, but its all relavent to what you want to believe, also 3 isnt that unrealistic, i mean we know the military must be developing something and i'd say some kind of craft is a good guess we just dont know what and cant prove it and they arnt going to admit it, but regardless any jump from unknown craft to aliens is quite a leap.
If it was an experimental/secret craft, merely compensating them and helping them with bill's would not reveal the craft.
On the contrary, admitting liability for their injuries would reveal existence of everything they described, and then there would be many questions to answer, which the military would not enjoy, it may not reveal the exact specifics of the craft but it reveals its existence and the public im sure would be interested in what their money is being used for.
They wanted to know what kind of radiation was used. My only guess is they did not know what kind, nor what kind of vehicle did it too her. Thus, not our's.
Who? The military wanted to know? How do you know this? Also the possibility exists that they wished to find out the side effects of their 'test flight' shall we say?
btimsah said:
Yes, but the correlation is that in this case it was not a known military craft that gave them the radiation poisening, as confirmed it was not by the military itself. It was the UFO they saw before the helicopter's got there that produced the intense heat. So, either an alien craft or top-secret craft gave these people radiation poisening.

Actually there is a way to get radiation poisoning and it doesn't involve a craft. It just involves the creation of a paradox, namely the splitting of one universe into two holographic layers to which one layer has a difference from the other layer, this gives the "multiworlds" overall universe an alteration in radiation (This can be Electromagnetic or Thermodynamic).
Lemming3k said:
Naturally, but im pretty sure it wouldnt be the first time.
That doesnt make it true, or even likely.

Or a combination of 1 and 3, exaggerations, misinterpretations, all possible, this can also make 3 more possible, but its all relavent to what you want to believe, also 3 isnt that unrealistic, i mean we know the military must be developing something and i'd say some kind of craft is a good guess we just dont know what and cant prove it and they arnt going to admit it, but regardless any jump from unknown craft to aliens is quite a leap.

Doubtfull. These are good witnesses, who saw what they saw. There's no reason to discount it, is there? The suggestion that this was an alien craft is coupled with the (albeit) hearsay testimony later of a helicopter pilot who told one of the Cash's they went out that night to survey or help a UFO in trouble. Secondly, the conspiratorial answer is everybit as hard to prove as the extraterrestrial answer. Okay, so maybe it's a bit easier but it's still very difficult. The irony is that sometimes the answer could be both, and we'd never be able to ascertain the fact's because of that.

On the contrary, admitting liability for their injuries would reveal existence of everything they described, and then there would be many questions to answer, which the military would not enjoy, it may not reveal the exact specifics of the craft but it reveals its existence and the public im sure would be interested in what their money is being used for.

They are obligated to do so, if they were responsible for this object. They claim no responsiblity for it so the object is a true UFO. Secondly, the craft has allready been revealed, as much as it would be if they admitted liability too. If asked about it, they could merely say it was a top secret project designed to improve the security of the United States. I would not even question that and move on.

Who? The military wanted to know? How do you know this? Also the possibility exists that they wished to find out the side effects of their 'test flight' shall we say?

I seriously doubt they would fly that thing down to burn up some civilians, and then leave them to roast simply because you need an explanation. The possibility also exist's that this was an alien controlled craft. I am not sure why but you seem to believe it's likely they meant to burn these people.
Stryder said:
Actually there is a way to get radiation poisoning and it doesn't involve a craft. It just involves the creation of a paradox, namely the splitting of one universe into two holographic layers to which one layer has a difference from the other layer, this gives the "multiworlds" overall universe an alteration in radiation (This can be Electromagnetic or Thermodynamic).

Interesting.. but.. well I think the alien explanation is more plausable.. lmao :D
They are obligated to do so, if they were responsible for this object. They claim no responsiblity for it so the object is a true UFO.
Its incredably easy to claim no liability or responsibility for an object and be lying, you are automatically assuming they wouldnt lie to you, i'd at the very least encourage you to look at it as a posibility.
Secondly, the craft has allready been revealed, as much as it would be if they admitted liability too. If asked about it, they could merely say it was a top secret project designed to improve the security of the United States. I would not even question that and move on.
Thats merely you, i would ask much much more, especially on a technological aspect of things, as would many others, the military i think would deny it either way, if responsible and they admit this they have to answer questions and it becomes global which destroys the secrecy of the project, if it wasnt them then of course they are going to deny it, i see no reason(beneficial reasons of course im not talking moral reasons here) for the military to admit anything or release information no matter who's responsible.
I seriously doubt they would fly that thing down to burn up some civilians, and then leave them to roast simply because you need an explanation. The possibility also exist's that this was an alien controlled craft. I am not sure why but you seem to believe it's likely they meant to burn these people.
There are a lot of possibilities as to exactly what happened, i wouldnt put anything past the military, but please read carefully what i write, in no way do i suggest they meant to do anything to anyone, the suggestion was they were test flying a craft, some people under the flightpath draw a nice conclusion about whats going on, probably add a little to spice it up and bingo, aliens, im more inclined to believe a few people can misinterpret, exaggerate or just plain lie about what they see.
Im not here to disprove anything(or indeed everything) as you seem to think, i hardly have the resources for that, but im giving you options to consider that are just as plausible if not more so than aliens.
I believe the witnesses are mistaken in some way about what they saw until something more substantial comes up, if the best case anyone has for this being true is that a few people saw something they cant explain and the military wont admit its them then its not even worth the time and effort.
Lemming3k said:
Its incredably easy to claim no liability or responsibility for an object and be lying, you are automatically assuming they wouldnt lie to you, i'd at the very least encourage you to look at it as a posibility.

Thats merely you, i would ask much much more, especially on a technological aspect of things, as would many others, the military i think would deny it either way, if responsible and they admit this they have to answer questions and it becomes global which destroys the secrecy of the project, if it wasnt them then of course they are going to deny it, i see no reason(beneficial reasons of course im not talking moral reasons here) for the military to admit anything or release information no matter who's responsible.

There are a lot of possibilities as to exactly what happened, i wouldnt put anything past the military, but please read carefully what i write, in no way do i suggest they meant to do anything to anyone, the suggestion was they were test flying a craft, some people under the flightpath draw a nice conclusion about whats going on, probably add a little to spice it up and bingo, aliens, im more inclined to believe a few people can misinterpret, exaggerate or just plain lie about what they see.
Im not here to disprove anything(or indeed everything) as you seem to think, i hardly have the resources for that, but im giving you options to consider that are just as plausible if not more so than aliens.
I believe the witnesses are mistaken in some way about what they saw until something more substantial comes up, if the best case anyone has for this being true is that a few people saw something they cant explain and the military wont admit its them then its not even worth the time and effort.

Here, let me rephrase what you're saying;

"I don't believe Alien's are visiting us, so I will claim this could be a secret government craft". I will then pretend I don't believe the witnesses somewhat to throw some doubt into".

Even though there's no evidence to suggest it's our craft, and no evidence to suggest the witnesses are lying.
Here, let me rephrase what you're saying;
"I don't believe Alien's are visiting us, so I will claim this could be a secret government craft". I will then pretend I don't believe the witnesses somewhat to throw some doubt into".
Even though there's no evidence to suggest it's our craft, and no evidence to suggest the witnesses are lying.
Rephrase? I think you've more Re-written it.
I'll go through your post.
'I dont believe aliens are visiting', correct, the first thing right isnt bad i suppose(but its downhill from here).
'So i will claim....' I suggest a possibility more realistic than aliens, i claimed nothing, given away by the statements 'i hardly have the resources' and 'im giving you options to consider', also i showed you why it is a possibility not to be dismissed so easily, but you ignored that.
'I will then pretend I don't believe the witnesses somewhat' I said they might be mistaken and i am more inclined to believe that than aliens visiting, flashing rays at some humans doing nothing but driving and completely ignoring the military helicopters around, if im not explaining this clearly in my posts i apologise but im quite sure its all there if you bothered to read it through.
'Even though there's no evidence to suggest it's our craft' The only evidence you have that a craft even existed is a few testimonies, and not one can identify it as alien or as our own, its called a UFO because it is unidentified.
'and no evidence to suggest the witnesses are lying.' I said its a possibilty that they can bend the truth in some way or just plain lie, not only that they can be plain wrong in what they saw.

If your not willing to consider possibilities then please say so and i'll gladly leave you to your aliens, but please do not try to change what is clearly written, its getting you nowhere and its not worth the effort.
Lemming3k said:
Rephrase? I think you've more Re-written it.
I'll go through your post.
'I dont believe aliens are visiting', correct, the first thing right isnt bad i suppose(but its downhill from here).
'So i will claim....' I suggest a possibility more realistic than aliens, i claimed nothing, given away by the statements 'i hardly have the resources' and 'im giving you options to consider', also i showed you why it is a possibility not to be dismissed so easily, but you ignored that.
'I will then pretend I don't believe the witnesses somewhat' I said they might be mistaken and i am more inclined to believe that than aliens visiting, flashing rays at some humans doing nothing but driving and completely ignoring the military helicopters around, if im not explaining this clearly in my posts i apologise but im quite sure its all there if you bothered to read it through.
'Even though there's no evidence to suggest it's our craft' The only evidence you have that a craft even existed is a few testimonies, and not one can identify it as alien or as our own, its called a UFO because it is unidentified.
'and no evidence to suggest the witnesses are lying.' I said its a possibilty that they can bend the truth in some way or just plain lie, not only that they can be plain wrong in what they saw.

If your not willing to consider possibilities then please say so and i'll gladly leave you to your aliens, but please do not try to change what is clearly written, its getting you nowhere and its not worth the effort.

Yes, this is why I say it's the best UFO CASE I'VE EVER SEEN. At least thus far. I thought you were trying to claim it WAS a secret craft.

I would honestly say I lean toward the alien explanation because of the witnesses, size, shape and technology of the craft. As well as the huge amount of ETI evidence I've studied in my life. When you've allready seen enough evidence of ETI, it's easier to make that jump. If you discount, disprove or debunk everybit of ETI evidence you've seen you will never make that jump unless the whole world does with you.

As I've said before, having a bias is normal. We all do, but denying or lying about the bias is what sucks.
I dont feel i have a bias other than i dont believe in things until they are proven to exist, as far as aliens visiting not only can i not see a reason for it, i have not seen evidence for it, UFO's, plenty of evidence, but since they arnt identified im more inclined to believe a mundane explanation such as a human craft of some kind or mistake by a witness, also if something is unknown or unidentifiable, im happier to say that or list possibilities that it could be, than to say for definate what it is.
X-COM: Enermy Unknown, best case of UFO investigation ever
Lemming3k said:
I dont feel i have a bias other than i dont believe in things until they are proven to exist, as far as aliens visiting not only can i not see a reason for it, i have not seen evidence for it, UFO's, plenty of evidence, but since they arnt identified im more inclined to believe a mundane explanation such as a human craft of some kind or mistake by a witness, also if something is unknown or unidentifiable, im happier to say that or list possibilities that it could be, than to say for definate what it is.

Uh, you mean you don't believe in some thing's that have not been proven to exist yet? Do you believe in God? There are lot's of thing's that have not been proven to exist yet, they very well will be proven to exist.

As I've said before, year's from now when we finally prove ETI exist's with physical evidence, a lot of these UFO cases which were debunked, will look awfully silly then. I understand it's hard to claim any UFO might be ETI, but we don't know enough about the universe to claim it's not possible.
Uh, you mean you don't believe in some thing's that have not been proven to exist yet? Do you believe in God?
No i dont believe in god.
There are lot's of thing's that have not been proven to exist yet, they very well will be proven to exist.
Im sorry but thats pure speculation, you cant possibly know what will be proven.
As I've said before, year's from now when we finally prove ETI exist's with physical evidence, a lot of these UFO cases which were debunked, will look awfully silly then.
They will look awfully silly if an alien comes down and says its the first time they've visited, effectively proving them hoaxes or non ETI cases, it works both ways, and speculating what might happen in the future does nothing to prove the present or past.
I understand it's hard to claim any UFO might be ETI, but we don't know enough about the universe to claim it's not possible.
Thats just it, we have to work with what we know, we cant claim its not possible for a purple elephant to exist, but from what we know, they dont, its that simple.
X-COM: Enermy Unknown, best case of UFO investigation ever
I thought i was the only one that owned a copy of that, the best case of ETI is that they dont visit us, i know i wouldnt.