Best UFO Case I've Ever Seen?


Registered Senior Member
After watching some of the Unsolved Mysteries UFO video's on DVD, I must say the best "case" I saw was the one involving Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum in Texas. For several reason's. First of all, the story is scary. It's more of a human rights issue in some way's because of what they suffered.

Story from:

The Piney Woods Incident, Cash-Landrum

An extremely haunting UFO sighting which has well stood the test of time was an event which took place in the Piney Woods of Texas, near the town of Huffman. On the chilly night of December 29.1980, two women and one child encountered a craft of unknown origin, and all three suffered not only emotional trauma, but severe physical injury as well.

Fifty-one year old Betty Cash was driving through the woods traveling from New Caney to Dayton on Farm to Market road 1485. Riding with her was her friend, Vickie Landrum, fifty-seven years old, and Vickie's seven year old grandson, Colby. They were looking for an open Bingo game, but found all of them closed down for the Holiday season. They stopped for a meal at a restaurant, and then continued their journey. Soon, the three began to see a light in the distance, and in a few short minutes this light became a glowing object, slowly crossing the tops of the tall pine trees. The area that they were in was densely occupied by pine and oak trees, surrounded by occasional swamps and small lakes. As they proceeded along their way, their initial thought was that the object was an airplane or helicopter from one of the airfields not too distant from their location. Suddenly, ahead of them loomed an immense diamond-shaped craft, which was hovering over the road ahead of them. At regular, fast intervals, the object would shoot down a stream of reddish-orange flames. Vickie would later describe it as being "like a diamond of fire". Being a devout Christian, she had had never believed in UFOs or extraterrestrials, and at this moment, she believed that she was witnessing the end of the world.

They could also hear a constant beeping sound as the strange craft spit out its fiery downspout. Frightened, Betty came to a quick stop to keep from running under the craft. The car's heater had been running to kill the frosty air of the night, but now the inside of her vehicle was so hot she had to turn off her heater, and leave the car, along with Vickie and Colby. Now outside of the vehicle, they could hear a steady roaring sound coming from the frightening sight ahead of them. Young Colby became so afraid that his grandmother took him back into the car to comfort him. Betty stayed outside. In some strange way, she was fascinated with the almost unbelievable vision before her. As she stood watching the craft, suddenly the sky was full of helicopters. Betty said, "They seemed to rush in from all seemed like they were trying to encircle the thing." She assumed that they were from Tomball Airfield, northwest of Houston, or Ellington Air Force Base, south of Houston. The eerie object now began to lift into the air, and proceed to the southwest, with helicopters in pursuit.
As Betty returned to the car, the door handle was so hot she could hardly open the front door. Her hand was burned getting inside. She immediately turned on her air conditioner to cool off the inside of the vehicle. After the object had left the area, they restarted their vehicle, hoping to get home and never see the craft again. But after several miles of dark highway, they left the Farm to Market road in favor of the freeway. Ahead in the distance, they could again see the object with its bright lights illuminating the helicopters which were still trying to encircle it.

At this vantage point, the two ladies could actually count the number of copters in the air, 23. Some of them they identified as the double rotor CH-47 Chinook; the others were the faster, single engine rotor type, which they thought were Bell-Huey.

After a fast trip home, all three of the witnesses became extremely sick within the next few hours. Betty's head and neck were blistered, and soon her eyes were swollen shut. She was also terribly nauseated. By the next morning, she was almost in a coma. Vickie and Colby suffered very similar symptoms, yet not as severe as Betty's.

After a couple of miserable days being cared for at Vickie's home, Betty checked into a hospital where she was treated as a burn victim, remaining for 15 days. Her hair began to fall out, and her eyes swelled so badly, she could not see for about a week. Colby had problems with his eyes, and Vickie was losing her hair also. In addition, her scalp was numb and painful. All three of the victims were treated for radiation poisoning, and their condition was listed by doctors as life-threatening. Before long, skin sores developed, weight loss began, and skin cancer was diagnosed.

As to the origin of the helicopters, local air bases were questioned, but would not admit to sending any helicopters out that night. The only public statement made by military officials came from Fort Hood press officer Major Tony Geishauser. In an interview with the Corpus Christi Caller newspaper, he stated that no Fort Hood aircraft were in the Houston area that night. "I don't know any other place around here that would have that number of helicopters," he said. "I don't know what it could be..... unless there's a super secret thing going on and I wouldn't necessarily know about it."

The black top road was badly damaged by the emissions from the craft that night, but it was very quickly repaired. Investigators were at a loss to explain the events of that night, except to say that Betty, Vickie, and Colby had encountered a craft of undetermined origin, or possibly an experimental government craft. The three unwilling participants in this event sued the U.S. Government for medical damages, but during a congressional hearing, the Department of the Army Inspector General denied any military involvement in the case, and disallowed any compensation for the three unwilling participants in the Piney Woods affair.

There would be several other witnesses to the strange craft / and or helicopters of that night. Among them were:

An off duty Dayton, Texas policeman and his wife who were driving home from Cleveland the same night and saw a large number of CH-47s.

A Crosby, Texas man who was directly under the flight path, reported seeing a large number of heavy military helicopters flying overhead.

A Dayton, Texas, oilfield worker Jerry McDonald saw a large UFO fly directly overhead while he was in his back garden. He thought it might be a blimp at first, but soon knew it was something more sinister. "It was kind of diamond shaped and had two twin torches that were shooting brilliant blue flames out the back", he said. He saw that it had two bright lights on it and a red light in the center.

In a freaky circumstance of luck, corroboration of the unknown object of that night would come in 1981. In April, a CH-47 flew into Dayton for the purpose of a public showing. This allowed local residents to view the machine, both inside and out. Colby spotted the helicopter as it was flying into town, and became very upset. Vickie took him to the landing site, hopefully to allay his fears. As they reached the Chinook, a long line of locals had already formed, waiting to see the giant machine. When their turn finally came, Vickie and Colby entered the helicopter.

Accompanied by another visitor in addition to Colby, Vickie began to recount her experience in the Piney Woods. Vickie and the other unnamed witness both claimed that the pilot said he had been in the air the night of the traumatic sighting. He was sent to check on a UFO that was in trouble near Huffman! Vickie began to discuss her injuries due to the burns and radiation poisoning. Upon hearing her confession, the pilot quickly clammed up, and moved them out of the craft. The pilot was later found by the UFO group VISIT. He would only admit that he knew of the Cash/Landrum case, but refused to admit that he had been in the area the night of the sighting.

In 1981 I represented three People in a lawsuit against the United States Government for injuries that resulted from their contact with an unusual aerial object. Betty Cash, Vicky Landrum and Colby Landrum are the only three People to ever sue our government for injuries from a UFO. On the eighteenth anniversary of her encounter, Betty Cash died.

Betty Cash was a warrior and heroine. She fought the US government and, even in defeat, showed a spirit and tenacity that will now be her epitaph. CAUS and I pay tribute to a very brave lady...and a victim of this government's callousness to the rights of the individual. The following is the announcement of her death:

From Peter Gersten, Attorney, 1-3-99.

ME: If the object was military, then why not compensate them for their suffering? If the object was unidentified, then could this have been an alien controlled craft? How can you explain the radation burns? This is one of the best cases I've seen simply because it's unexplainable, and the government erases the "experimental aircraft story" because they say it's not ours, and if they are lying, well there goes our democracy!
Didn't Betty Cash undergo heart bypass surgery about 4 years prior to her alleged sighting? And isn't it true that, while she had breast cancer diagnosed after the alleged UFO incident (and subsequent removal of a breast), she never exhibited radiation induced illnesses such as lukemia? Or that her physical effects or vehicle demonstrated any evidence of radiation by geiger counter? I'm betting that the Unsolved episode didn't mention most of these facts or questions.

This case always struck me as an opportunistic but somewhat attention seeking woman who may have witnessed a genuine military manuver and applied a bit of fantasy to it in such a manner as to provide a way of placing blame for her own poor health. I'm sure she believed that an ETI-UFO was the cause of her woes... perhaps it was, but it seems unlikely to me.

I think a far more interesting case is the Tehran, Iran UFO in 1976. It was discussed in this forum some months (years?) back, but you can find it mentioned here:
Iran is back in the news again with a recent rash of UFO reports, and has ordered its
military to 'shoot on sight' at any unidentified objects over its nuclear installations.
Seems some believe the 'UFO's' may be US spy planes, while others can see no reason
for the US to deploy low altitude spy craft over the installations because of the excellent coverage of activities at the nuclear sites by US spy satellites. A link:
There are also reports of the Russians joining with Iran to investigate the incidents,
as Russia also has had recient sightings of unidentified objects. Some reports seem
to be based on misidentification of meteors, but other reports seem unrelated to meteors. A link:
I can't remember the story itself -- something I read years ago -- Jacques Vallee -- about UFOs in the old Soviet Union -- well, this woman unwittingly steps into a force field of some sort, a cloud type thing that suddenly appeared in a remote village there, she disappears completely and absolutely, and a while later reappears through the opposite end of the cloud as though through a threshold, screaming wildly and insanely, and running in propulsion and at full-tilt from within the cloud.
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SkinWalker said:
Didn't Betty Cash undergo heart bypass surgery about 4 years prior to her alleged sighting? And isn't it true that, while she had breast cancer diagnosed after the alleged UFO incident (and subsequent removal of a breast), she never exhibited radiation induced illnesses such as lukemia? Or that her physical effects or vehicle demonstrated any evidence of radiation by geiger counter? I'm betting that the Unsolved episode didn't mention most of these facts or questions.

This case always struck me as an opportunistic but somewhat attention seeking woman who may have witnessed a genuine military manuver and applied a bit of fantasy to it in such a manner as to provide a way of placing blame for her own poor health. I'm sure she believed that an ETI-UFO was the cause of her woes... perhaps it was, but it seems unlikely to me.

I think a far more interesting case is the Tehran, Iran UFO in 1976. It was discussed in this forum some months (years?) back, but you can find it mentioned here:

Comon dont be so closed minded.. This was nothing short of a military test aircraft, that is defined a UFO... The evidence clearly supports this notion.. The helicopters were there in case the thing crashed to prevent any civilians access to it..

Along the increased UFO sightings in Iran, this is due to the fact they have nuclear intelligence... But it is govermental aircraft not aliens..
These UFOS give the US the ability to actually be seen hovering monitoring these facilities and not be identified as the US..... This gives them the ability to spy without being declared the US is spying.. therefore, this would advert any political or military consequences..

The fact that people label them as aliens has no imminient threat to the population, as most of the population dismisses that belief. Therefore, this makes the UFO spy surveilnace a great tool...

Now, if people actuallly started showing syptoms of MASS HYSTERIA and belief in aliens the goverment would be foreced to display there "new" technology.. .But to think the goverment only posseses aircraft that they proudly display openly in parades etc is nonsense and definitely should not be thought.
This gives them the ability to spy without being declared the US is spying
Yeah, and they just forgot to turn the lights off, right? Ever hear of satallites?
Yeah, and they just forgot to turn the lights off, right? Ever hear of satallites?

Satellites are still very limiting though. It's the reason why older spy planes were brought back into commission even when we had satellites back in the days. I mean hey, there should be no reason to have these new spy drones too since we have such awesome satellites, hmm? To rely just on satellite surveillance to find out what's going on is silly with it's limited top-down view.

- N
terpinator72 said:
Comon dont be so closed minded.. This was nothing short of a military test aircraft, that is defined a UFO... The evidence clearly supports this notion.. The helicopters were there in case the thing crashed to prevent any civilians access to it..

Which evidence supports the notion that it occurred as Cash stated? Beyond anecdotal evidence, there is only physical evidence that Cash was ill with nothing to correlate the illness to the alleged sighting.

The Cash lawyer contended that she was the victim of radiation poisoning/exposure, yet none of the expected effects of radiation exposure were present and many symptoms were not indicative of radiation exposure.
Neildo said:
Satellites are still very limiting though. It's the reason why older spy planes were brought back into commission even when we had satellites back in the days.
Planes/drones are used to watch moving targets. 'Nuclear facilities' are not moving targets.
To rely just on satellite surveillance to find out what's going on is silly with it's limited top-down view.
Satellites are no more limited to a top down view than a spy plane.
SkinWalker, don't forget there are many types of radiation affects caused by the many
types of radiation. Only Alpha particles will register on a geiger counter, even beta
particles from radioactive material do not themselves register on a geiger counter.
Then you have gamma rays, x-rays and ultraviolet rays which are all harmful and
can cause cellular damage, but are not radioactive. A short exposure of intense
radiation caused the kinds of effects Betty Cash suffered. I know of no way to prove if her health problems were related to medical x-rays or exposure to a
different source of radiation (the 'UFO'), other than to physically examine the 'UFO'
which was not possible, however. A excerpt to the type of health problems caused by a
brief, but intense, exposure to high energy radiation which matches what was reported
by Cash and her doctor, in Houston, if I recall correctly:
"Non-Stochastic Health Effects
Non-stochastic effects appear in cases of exposure to high levels of radiation, and become more severe as the exposure increases. Short-term, high-level exposure is referred to as 'acute' exposure.

Many non-cancerous health effects of radiation are non-stochastic. Unlike cancer, health effects from 'acute' exposure to radiation usually appear quickly. Acute health effects include burns and radiation sickness. Radiation sickness is also called 'radiation poisoning.' It can cause premature aging or even death. If the dose is fatal, death usually occurs within two months. The symptoms of radiation sickness include: nausea, weakness, hair loss, skin burns or diminished organ function.

Medical patients receiving radiation treatments often experience acute effects, because they are receiving relatively high "bursts" of radiation during treatment."
SkinWalker said:
Didn't Betty Cash undergo heart bypass surgery about 4 years prior to her alleged sighting? And isn't it true that, while she had breast cancer diagnosed after the alleged UFO incident (and subsequent removal of a breast), she never exhibited radiation induced illnesses such as lukemia? Or that her physical effects or vehicle demonstrated any evidence of radiation by geiger counter? I'm betting that the Unsolved episode didn't mention most of these facts or questions.

This case always struck me as an opportunistic but somewhat attention seeking woman who may have witnessed a genuine military manuver and applied a bit of fantasy to it in such a manner as to provide a way of placing blame for her own poor health. I'm sure she believed that an ETI-UFO was the cause of her woes... perhaps it was, but it seems unlikely to me.

I think a far more interesting case is the Tehran, Iran UFO in 1976. It was discussed in this forum some months (years?) back, but you can find it mentioned here:

To answer you're question, no.

Afterward, Betty developed a blinding headache, pains in her neck, and nodules on her head and neck that were filled with a clear liquid. Her eyes swelled shut, and she suffered from nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, and her hair began falling out. Four days later she was admitted to the hospital. Various specialists were unable to diagnose her condition. By the end of February, her medical bills amounted to $10,000.00, and she had developed breast cancer and had a mastectomy.

More importantly, 3 people in total all saw the object. All three were subjected to some radiation. Betty was the one who got out and was closer, so she recieved much higher doses. Her doctor stated that she "recieved very high doses of radiation". The other 2 in the car, the boy and elder woman were very sick but not as bad.

Again, it's the number of witnesses combined with their radiation poisening which still make this such an unsolved case.
terpinator72 said:
Comon dont be so closed minded.. This was nothing short of a military test aircraft, that is defined a UFO... The evidence clearly supports this notion.. The helicopters were there in case the thing crashed to prevent any civilians access to it..

Along the increased UFO sightings in Iran, this is due to the fact they have nuclear intelligence... But it is govermental aircraft not aliens..
These UFOS give the US the ability to actually be seen hovering monitoring these facilities and not be identified as the US..... This gives them the ability to spy without being declared the US is spying.. therefore, this would advert any political or military consequences..

The fact that people label them as aliens has no imminient threat to the population, as most of the population dismisses that belief. Therefore, this makes the UFO spy surveilnace a great tool...

Now, if people actuallly started showing syptoms of MASS HYSTERIA and belief in aliens the goverment would be foreced to display there "new" technology.. .But to think the goverment only posseses aircraft that they proudly display openly in parades etc is nonsense and definitely should not be thought.

You have no evidence to claim it's a government craft, because the government denies ANY INVOLVEMENT in the air that night.

The people involved SUED the government, claiming JUST WHAT YOU'RE CLAIMING and they were dismissed due to lack of evidence. Nice try, but I feel you are just "wanting" to claim it's a secret craft just so it's not ETI.

More importantly, if it was a secret craft then OUR secret crafts are exposing people to radiation and ruining their lives and not helping them later on.

There are so many problems with the "governmental craft" theory with this story I would not even bother with it.
SkinWalker said:
Which evidence supports the notion that it occurred as Cash stated? Beyond anecdotal evidence, there is only physical evidence that Cash was ill with nothing to correlate the illness to the alleged sighting.

The Cash lawyer contended that she was the victim of radiation poisoning/exposure, yet none of the expected effects of radiation exposure were present and many symptoms were not indicative of radiation exposure.

If a helicopter fly's over you're house and shoot's you while you're walking outside and fly's off - what evidence do you have OTHER than the wound? You're testimony..

The victims' testimony in this case claim they recieved radiation poisening from the UFO they saw that night. Their doctor supports the radiation claim.

The case was dismissed because the airforce denied any knowlege or involvement.
Btimsah, although you address your question to Skinwalker heres some points.

If a Helicopter flew over your house, Firstly a Flightplan would normally have to be submitted unless of course the helicopter is military. It's movements would have to be tracked by ground control and if unidentified due to 9/11 it would cause military interest in fear of it being tied to the use of terrorism, maybe even Customs in case it's smuggling drugs.

This basically means that a helicopter flying over your house would more than likely be identified, and the occupants would be tied to a persons murder/attempted murder.
I'd have the physical evidence of the 20mm round itself.

What we have with regard to Cash-Landrum is only the hearsay of a few people. People do lie, embellish, hallucinate, dream, etc. Even the alleged "sores" are only hearsay and anecdote unless you know of a source to cite medical reports. Just because an entertainment venue tauts the story as an "unsolved mystery," doesn't mean it is. Cosgrove-Meurer Productions could really care less if the event really happened... they just want the ratings and will only push the sensational aspects of the story and purposefully avoid the reasoned or critical perspectives in most cases.

I'm not saying that Cash-Lundrum didn't see something strange. I was stationed at Fort Hood for about 4 years (the most likely origin of the alleged helicopters) and witnessed many strange things being sling-loaded under CH-47's and Blackhawks... I once saw a Hummer being suspended beneath a Chinook that was hidden in a cloud! If I hadn't heard the rotors and had been drinking.... :)

But I think it was far more likely that Cash was a victim of her own poor health and perhaps a poor diet/exercise regimen based on her pre-'ufo' bypass surgery and later breast cancer. Obviously a judge ruled that she failed to provide any evidence to suggest otherwise.
After reading the transcript of Cash & Landrum with an Air Force Colonel, I believe that they may very well have witnessed a Harrier jet or some other VSTOL aircraft that may even have experienced mechanical problems (explaining the helicopter escort) and on its way to a emergency landing.

That would offer explanation for the heat, though exagerration and embellishment must be expected with any anecdotal claims. The number of helicopters that they counted, 23 and 26, is questionable for two reasons: 1) it was dark at 8:30 pm, 12/29/04 - the moon was at half-phase; 2) if the "ufo" was a bright as Cash claimed, it would have blinded them in the way a set of headlights will on a dark night. Indeed, there may even have been the factor of trees since she stated that the whole procession was low enough to the ground to read "United States Air Force" on the sides of the helicopters. The latter is difficult to do in the daytime.

The sounds of the helicopter(s) along with the sound, heat, and light from a jet wash would have created just the effects she described, sans embellishment that is expected in any anecdotal account of an extraordinary experience.

Pics of two Harrier jet washes. Note the heat of the first, the wash pattern of the second

Look at the wash on this one 753 left front hover in flight wide l.jpg

News story of Harrier mechanical problems

I realize that this kind of explanation is just the sort of "debunking" that pisses off the woo-woo's because it, too, is merely speculation. But one has to admit, if one is keeping an open mind while utilizing critical thinking skills, that this speculation is much more likely and probable than an alien spaceship spitting out radioactive fire.

If she experienced any radiation burns, it was from heat. This is actually far more likely since the distance from Cash to Lundrun and the boy were nominal for other types of radiation and the metal of the Olds Cutless' body would not have afforded any protection from radiation that is more damaging than heat.
Stryder said:
Btimsah, although you address your question to Skinwalker heres some points.

If a Helicopter flew over your house, Firstly a Flightplan would normally have to be submitted unless of course the helicopter is military. It's movements would have to be tracked by ground control and if unidentified due to 9/11 it would cause military interest in fear of it being tied to the use of terrorism, maybe even Customs in case it's smuggling drugs.

This basically means that a helicopter flying over your house would more than likely be identified, and the occupants would be tied to a persons murder/attempted murder.

Yes, but the correlation is that in this case it was not a known military craft that gave them the radiation poisening, as confirmed it was not by the military itself. It was the UFO they saw before the helicopter's got there that produced the intense heat. So, either an alien craft or top-secret craft gave these people radiation poisening.
SkinWalker said:
What we have with regard to Cash-Landrum is only the hearsay of a few people. People do lie, embellish, hallucinate, dream, etc. Even the alleged "sores" are only hearsay and anecdote unless you know of a source to cite medical reports. Just because an entertainment venue tauts the story as an "unsolved mystery," doesn't mean it is. Cosgrove-Meurer Productions could really care less if the event really happened... they just want the ratings and will only push the sensational aspects of the story and purposefully avoid the reasoned or critical perspectives in most cases.

It's not the hearsay, it's called testimony. Only a fanatical skeptic or debunker would call honest testimony from good people hearsay because he can't explain it. Or in this case, can't debunk it. You're only alternative is to claim (without ANY evidence) they lie, embellish, hallucinate and dream. If I was a producer on Unsolved Mysteries I would avoid you're explanation, if you considered it reasonable. They intereviewed Bettys' doctor and he said many times she was exposed to very high doses of radiation. If you think THEY (the show) and witnesses are lying simply because you can't debunk the story, then oh well.

I'm not saying that Cash-Lundrum didn't see something strange. I was stationed at Fort Hood for about 4 years (the most likely origin of the alleged helicopters) and witnessed many strange things being sling-loaded under CH-47's and Blackhawks... I once saw a Hummer being suspended beneath a Chinook that was hidden in a cloud! If I hadn't heard the rotors and had been drinking.... :)

Did the object in question expose you to radiation? If you had asked the military about the object in question would they claim they were responsible for it? The witnesses in question were not drinking. One was a younger child.

But I think it was far more likely that Cash was a victim of her own poor health and perhaps a poor diet/exercise regimen based on her pre-'ufo' bypass surgery and later breast cancer. Obviously a judge ruled that she failed to provide any evidence to suggest otherwise.

She failed to provide any evidence to suggest the military had ANYTHING to do with the object, and that therefore were responsible for her injuries. A judge can't rule on weather an unknown vehicle gave her radiation poisening.
SkinWalker said:
After reading the transcript of Cash & Landrum with an Air Force Colonel, I believe that they may very well have witnessed a Harrier jet or some other VSTOL aircraft that may even have experienced mechanical problems (explaining the helicopter escort) and on its way to a emergency landing.

If this is true, the airforce claims they had nothing out at that time of night. Secondly, they say it hovered above the road, with flames shooting out of the bottom of it in a triangular shape. Thirdly the object exposed them to radiation poisening.

That would offer explanation for the heat, though exagerration and embellishment must be expected with any anecdotal claims. The number of helicopters that they counted, 23 and 26, is questionable for two reasons: 1) it was dark at 8:30 pm, 12/29/04 - the moon was at half-phase; 2) if the "ufo" was a bright as Cash claimed, it would have blinded them in the way a set of headlights will on a dark night. Indeed, there may even have been the factor of trees since she stated that the whole procession was low enough to the ground to read "United States Air Force" on the sides of the helicopters. The latter is difficult to do in the daytime.

Though, I am not sure what you're point is here, the helicopter's showed up after they saw the object. On Unsovled, there was seperate witness who saw the helicopters as well. Which makes the Military lying about it even worse. I suppose I would believe 4 ordinary people over our military any day. As much as I love and respect our military they will lie about certain things because they are ordered too.

The sounds of the helicopter(s) along with the sound, heat, and light from a jet wash would have created just the effects she described, sans embellishment that is expected in any anecdotal account of an extraordinary experience.

Again, the sounds, heat and light from the helicopters occured AFTER they witnessed and experienced the intense heat from the UFO that was almost sitting on the road. Nice try, but that does not make any sense. More importantly the helicopter's would have had to expose them to radiation poisening.

I realize that this kind of explanation is just the sort of "debunking" that pisses off the woo-woo's because it, too, is merely speculation. But one has to admit, if one is keeping an open mind while utilizing critical thinking skills, that this speculation is much more likely and probable than an alien spaceship spitting out radioactive fire.

No, it's not more likely. Given the fact's of the case, you're explanation does not even make sense, let alone more sense than an ETI explanation. Because the witnesses specifically seperate the UFO from the helicopters which arrive after they see and feel the heat from the UFO. The elder woman said her hand made an imprint on the dashboard it was so hot.

If she experienced any radiation burns, it was from heat. This is actually far more likely since the distance from Cash to Lundrun and the boy were nominal for other types of radiation and the metal of the Olds Cutless' body would not have afforded any protection from radiation that is more damaging than heat.

As stated before, she did recieve radiation burns. Just because you can't account for how (other than ETI) does not mean you need to question it, or create doubt about it. The other 2 in the car also recieved lower doses of radiation poisening, but because Betty got out of the car she was exposed to more intense heat and radiation.
btimsah said:
If this is true, the airforce claims they had nothing out at that time of night.

There are at least two Naval Air Stations that were within short flights of Dayton, TX: Dallas NAS and Kingsville NAS. Harriers are Navy/Marine equipment and the Air Farce may not have known or been at liberty to divulge an incident with a military air craft (to avoid liability).

btimsah said:
Secondly, they say it hovered above the road, with flames shooting out of the bottom of it in a triangular shape.

The Harrier presents a triangular profile at night, the jet nozzles, when pointed to the ground will cause the aircraft to hover and "shoot" flame.

btimsah said:
Thirdly the object exposed them to radiation poisening.

Heat is radiation. Note that Cash, who exited the protection of the Olds Cutlass, received the most injury (allegedly). Heat is the only radiation that behaves this way since it is conducted by air. Alpha, gamma, xray, etc. particles will pass through metal & glass.

btimsah said:
Though, I am not sure what you're point is here, the helicopter's showed up after they saw the object.

Not according to this transcript. I didn't see the Unsolved Mysteries episode... don't really watch that garbage... prefer the writing of shows like Stargate and X-Files plus the actors are better.

btimsah said:
Again, the sounds, heat and light from the helicopters occured AFTER they witnessed and experienced the intense heat from the UFO that was almost sitting on the road. Nice try, but that does not make any sense. More importantly the helicopter's would have had to expose them to radiation poisening.

That is all inconsistent to the transcript linked above, ostensibly from a primary source and told shortly after the incident to Air Force personnel, which makes it vastly more reliable than a tale told years later on Unsolved.

btimsah said:
No, it's not more likely.

Sorry, but it is more likely. There is evidence of the effects of Harrier jets and embellishment of people in recounting extraordinary events. There is no evidence of ETI-UFOs. That alone creates a more likely scenario. Of course there are other explanations as well, including that the entire event was concocted for publicity.

btimsah said:
Given the fact's of the case, you're explanation does not even make sense, let alone more sense than an ETI explanation.

Undoubtedly it makes no sense to you, since you want it to be evidence of ETI-UFO. But if your mind was open to other possibilities and you engaged critical thinking, it would make sense.

btimsah said:
Because the witnesses specifically seperate the UFO from the helicopters which arrive after they see and feel the heat from the UFO. The elder woman said her hand made an imprint on the dashboard it was so hot.

Again, inconsistent with the transcript. Where's the evidence of the dashboard?

btimsah said:
As stated before, she did recieve radiation burns.

Where is the official doctor's report (not an actor's account in a re-enactment on Unsolved)?

btimsah said:
Just because you can't account for how (other than ETI) does not mean you need to question it, or create doubt about it.

I can, and did, account for it with more logical, not even prosaic speculation.

btimsah said:
The other 2 in the car also recieved lower doses of radiation poisening, but because Betty got out of the car she was exposed to more intense heat and radiation.

Heat is radiation. The car will only shield from heat. If it was particle radiation, then the occupants of the vehicle would have been equally exposed.