Best date idea?

yeah... dating is such a funny word though, I always think of American sitcoms where the guy gets dressed ina suit and picks up the girl and the parents meet him for the first time, and its all kinda hunkey dorey......

Adam, I am sure you love the company of a good women.:p

ive never really been into the dating scene though, ive had two long term boyfriends, one a total fucker who cant see outside his own body.... so, I dont know what the go with dating is really...

Fact, I dont even know the flirting game anymore... I think if Andy and I ever broke up, id be up shit creek...
First off, why pay for a date? Generally, if you're in a relationship I've found that if you pay for a date, the woman will offer to pay later. Usually I end up paying a bit more overall, but nothing I don't mind. Besides, when you like someone (I find) you tend to be more than happy to spend a realistic amount of money on them.

Second, movie dates. I guess you could call me the typical teen in that my last girlfriend and I would generally spend about a quarter of the movie or more (depends on what kind of movie, of course) not looking at the screen.

Third, perfect date I've had. Tough choice. One high choice would be in Mexico when me and a girl spent the day alternating between my room, the beach, the food joints, the lounge and finally the roof of the resort to watch the sunset (we climbed on top). Other than that there was one where the girl and I went for a skate at the local arena and we were the only ones on the skating side of the rink (three guys only on the hockey side). Then went back to my house for a while, enjoyed that (got interupted by her friend twice on her cell phone). I remember the second time the friend called and she was trying desperatly to get off the phone and as soon as she hung up I asked what the friend wanted. She finished about two words of the sentance before she had foud her way into my arms. Very nice feeling. Anyway, from my house to her house for a short while. Then to her friend's house to enjoy a drink. To a cheap little food hut with delicious chicken. Then a nice walk to the theatre for a movie of her choice. That was a really great day.
Originally posted by Tyler
First off, why pay for a date? Generally, if you're in a relationship I've found that if you pay for a date, the woman will offer to pay later.

Yeah, that is what I have been saying. When men pay for a date, women usually pay "next time", unless if this girlfriend is Xev :rolleyes:
That's relationships, which I have sworn off. I'm talking about serial dating.

Of course, with my monumental social skills, I'm a real fucking expert on the subject! :p


Does this mean you won't go out with me? Wahhhh!


Nobody loves me, everybody hates me
Going to the garden, gonna eat worms
Long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones
See how they wriggle and squirm

I bite off the heads, and suck out the juice
And throw the skins away
Nobody knows how fat I grow
On worms three times a day
Ohh...nobody loves me.
Originally posted by Xev
Does this mean you won't go out with me? Wahhhh!

LOL:D It depends.

It sounds like you are type of lady who just wants physical pleasure for one night, and then kick me out of bed to make you breakfast, and then kick me out of the door.

But Xev, it doesn't sound like you had any experience on a "long term" relationship before. But there is always a first time for everything ;) I know you will keep an open mind. :D
"It sounds like you are type of lady who just wants physical pleasure for one night, and then kick me out of bed to make you breakfast, and then kick me out of the door. "

You're confusing me with the other Xev.

Ooooh man, now I have to measure up to the lizardly loveslave with the sky-high libido and lovely eyes.


I give up. No competition with Xenia. Think I'll just go download porn. :(

*Sulks away*
Originally posted by Xev
"You're confusing me with the other Xev."

Ooooh man, now I have to measure up to the lizardly loveslave with the sky-high libido and lovely eyes.


I give up. No competition with Xenia. Think I'll just go download porn. :(

*Sulks away*

Well, nobody does. Xenia is amazing.

If Xenia is as smart as you, she wouldn't be a 3rd rate actress on a show that nobody watches, except you and I. She would probably goes to University of Chicago and become a lawyer ;) (or something equivalent in Germany)
we would all just go to a friends house, smoke pot drink and teh guy I liked was there, we might hook up

i met my current b/f when i was 13 and he was 16, and we went to the cemetery bhind my friends house, and there is one of those "family" stones, that really doesn't go to a grave, just for all the family, and it is shaped like a big bench and is hidden under a tree where we smoked.. um... ciggarettes.. -nods alot-.. ;) ....then we walked to the movies. for the perfect date.... hmmmmm.....
roses, probably an early dinner at a nice restaurant, then off to a concert where its a big name band somewhere small-ish.......probably ending with a bottle of champagne and a hot tub at a hotel in the city..... obiously this wouldn't be a first day.. i suppose you could chop off the hot tub part but.. whats the fun in that???:D

Originally posted by NenarTronian
Hey yall. what's your idea of the best date? Teen oriented, but older stuff will be fine too. So, your idea of a really fun night or day out? You idea of the PERFECT date? Post below!

  • Don't think about sex with her on the first date, she is not a sex object.
  • Don't talk about sex too much, all women have an "anti-slut" defense going.
  • On the date, touch her (this shows you are a sexual person), in a comfortable way, like when you first say, "Hey sexy" when you say this tickle the side of her stomach or something (it's called anchoring) ;)

I could give you more advice, but that's just for sex reasons.

Going on for a simple date of excitement and joy:
  • If you have a motorcycle (like me ;)) then you can take her riding all over the city, then eventually up a mountain or field, clear from light, and look at the stars.
  • Take a walk with her, preferbaly at a beach (swimming is good), or park, I think this is a good first date to get to know her more on the personal level. Tickle her, joke around, be fun, make her feel comfortable, don't be shy, display confidence.
  • Biking is alright don't get to talk much or create more attraction.
  • If you're someplace like Hawaii, go out on one of those dream cruiselines and take her with you, another thing is you can rent a little paddle boat for the two of you and take her out in the nice ocean and PUSH HER OFF the boat :D Don't be afraid of her, make fun of her, tickling, anchor, and etc.
  • Mini-golf is nice also, put your arms around her and teach her how to golf, etc.

Most of all don't be afraid to touch her, signify your sexuality, show you "aura of confidence" that you aren't a shy little prick that won't hold her hand out of the blue, etc. If she rejects your hand, she is the shy one or she simply ain't attracted to you. Also, do not touch her in awkward spots, like her butt, breasts, etc. It's just a first date, you have to gauge her attraction level for her, look deep into her eyes, for me, I can sense how much a woman is into me. You'll realize once you become so good with women, you'll be surprised how far you can get on a simple first date ;)

I have lots of advice if you need'em, just PM me or something.
Just a note, but I don't think he's looking for advise. The point is to see everyone's idea of the perfect date as they would prefer it to happen.

Originally posted by Tyler
Just a note, but I don't think he's looking for advise. The point is to see everyone's idea of the perfect date as they would prefer it to happen.

Everything that has been posted here can be looked at as advice, it basically is advice.

So I just stated advice (why not? Am I not supposed to?), because that is what it is. Perfect dates are in the eye of the beholder...I just listed a few good ones.

Oh yea, don't pay for her on the first date!!
Actually, I think Xenia has a degree in philosophy. Like I say, no competition possible.


You have a bike? What model?
Hrmm..There is no argument
Best date in the world would be curling up with your significant other under a doona watching a video...espcially if it is cold and grey outside
Of course, chocolate icecream (well..chocolate ANYTHING) is a given :)

Ah..where would we be if it weren't for life's simple pleasures?
well i don't know about dates

but the best one i have been on we just sat in my car (ok i know the image you all have)

it was amasing holding her and looking into her eyes (yes nightfall i AM mushy)

i got a question where did you all want your first times to be?
Originally posted by Asguard
well i don't know about dates

but the best one i have been on we just sat in my car (ok i know the image you all have)

it was amasing holding her and looking into her eyes (yes nightfall i AM mushy)

i got a question where did you all want your first times to be?

umm on a white sandy beach, instead got caught by the parents in my bf's bd room:rolleyes:
what is it with beaches????

beaches have sand and sand is evil


no somewhere pritty under the setting sun
perfect date

the perfect date:

go snowboarding all day, get really cold (so you're chilled to the bone), come home to a nice fireplace/mound of blankets and a big window. hehe

that or watch a thunderstorm (also with the blankets/fireplace).

rock climbing is also good.
By nightfall:

that really doesn't go to a grave, just for all the family, and it is shaped like a big bench and is hidden under a tree where we smoked.. um... ciggarettes.. -nods alot-.. ....then we walked to the movies.

LOL you toked up in a cemetary? Funny, funny. Thanks for all the ideas people, not that i have anyone to put them to use with, but hey! Haha, nightfall..
Ideas that i'd think would be fun?

A hike followed by a picnic by a stream or in a sunny clearing...

Dinner at a small foreign food place, followed by a foreign film from the same country as the food place..

A big party on a beach at night with a bonfire, a bunch of mutual friends, followed by a late night occean swim (may or not be nude)..

Hey, i dunno.