Bertuzzi hit


Valued Senior Member
This is absolutely disgusting:

TORONTO (Reuters) - Vancouver Canucks (news) winger Todd Bertuzzi (news) was suspended indefinitely without pay by the NHL on Tuesday for deliberately injuring Steve Moore of the Colorado Avalanche (news).

Midway through the third period of Monday's game, won 9-2 by the Avalanche, Bertuzzi skated up behind Moore and struck the Colorado forward in the head, sending him crashing to the ice in a pool of blood.

Moore remained motionless for about 10 minutes while he received treatment before being carried off and taken to a Vancouver hospital for observation.

The extent of his injuries are not known.

A hearing will be conducted on Wednesday at the NHL offices in Toronto.


And the cops decided to stay out of this. For those of you who would argue that this "is part of the game", this hit is as much part of hockey as Tiger Woods swinging his driver across his aponent's head would be. Interesting that Pete Rose was permanently banned from baseball for gambling and this Bertuzzi fucker will probably play again after the attempted murder.
the hit was disgusting or the suspension??...personally it was funny to watch because he road the guy for a good 3 ft. Understandably this is something children should not watch and as the trade deadline closes they are talking heavily on this issue. The psychological state of bertuzzi must be taken into a fact because the hit by Moore on Naslund was a dirty hit with elbows up but no action was taken, if Naslund was gone for the season this would be disappointing and bertuzzi was just standing up for his teammate.
Trying to deflect any of the blame on anyone other than Bertuzzi is pathetic. He is a repeat offender and should be out of the game. The same goes for others, in this and any other sport, who commit premeditated assault on others. There is absolutely no reason for tolerating the increased violence that has increasingly permeated sports in the past decade.

I also feel sorry for Trevor Linden, who broke the Canuck scoring record on a night that Bertuzzi made memorable for all the wrong reasons.

:m: Peace.
I just resaw the hit...and it looked like the momentum from Moore's teammate broke his neck. If you look at it Bertuzzi sucker punched him already(prolly gave hima concussion) but as they were following to the floor...the teammate jumped on top of Bertuzzi causing the impact to the ice.
No wait! It was the ice's fault. Maybe if the ice was more impact-friendly, his neck wouldn't break.
he clearly hit his head on the ice where the helmet did not protect him
but the punch alone, in this case, could easily give him a nasty concussion

Bertuzzi is a moron... why couldn't he just punch him in the ribs or something?
I think he should be permanently banned from the NHL. I also think that the whole Canuks team should be punished somehow for all the "payback" talk leading up to that game. This shit can not be tolerated in any sport! We're not talking about a stick or an elbow that may have accidentally (or not) slipped up to the head. This is a case of a well though out, premeditated assault. I’m glad the RCMP is looking into this and they better press charges. If I was at the game with my 8 year old son, I would sue the NHL. (never mind Jackson’s tit!)
ohoh so the entire philly team should be punished for talk about payback on havlat....or wait the col against detroit with talk about payback back in the late 90s...

There is always talk about payback ...we wouldn't have an nhl if everyplayer was punished. Yes I think bertuzzi should be suspended for the remainder of the season and at most the 1st rd but I mean there's alot of incidents out there with lazy stick work which people can call accidents but its up to the league to crack down on the rules and if they are to suspend bertuzzi they shoulda suspended moore more his hit on naslund. He got what he deserved
Yeah. The whole team should be penalized. The general acceptance and encouragement of “Enforcers” on every team is a bad thing for hockey. I say get rid of these guys (including the idiot Don Chery). Tough defense & offense and DICIPLINE makes good hockey.
dsdsds said:
Yeah. The whole team should be penalized. The general acceptance and encouragement of “Enforcers” on every team is a bad thing for hockey. I say get rid of these guys (including the idiot Don Chery). Tough defense & offense and DICIPLINE makes good hockey.

and while at it, let's ban sticks (they're too dangerous) and skates (they can cut like a knife)
and pucks too. they're too hard and can fructure ankles. let's replace it with a tomato.

and no body checks and no going too fast.

and no commentating unless it's in the form of "it's the game that counts, not the win"

Neurocomp's suggestion is alright... plus a hefty fine
This is hardly the first time something like this has happened in hockey! I doubt many of you are old enough to remember the Flyers of the 70's, (the Broadstreet Bullies)but they had quite a reputation for spilling blood.

and while at it, let's ban sticks (they're too dangerous) and skates (they can cut like a knife)
and pucks too. they're too hard and can fructure ankles. let's replace it with a tomato."

That's SO goddamn funny, especially the tomato comment. I was on the floor for 5 minutes or so.
ha ha. yeah. Real funny. Funny how you weasel away from the topic. Topic is "FIGHTING in hockey". NERO, OTHE, Imman is for it. I'm against it
Well, throughout hockey, there have been several incidences like this. None of them have resulted in more than a 12 game suspension, and some of them have certainly been worse. Matt Johnson's sucker-punch on Jeff Beukeboom ended Beukeboom's career. Steve Moore will be walking by the weekend, and skating within 6-12 weeks. He is also expected to make a 100% recovery from the injuries. Plus, much of Moore's injuries could have been caused when the others jumped on the pile of players.

Bertuzzi has been suspended for the remaining 12 games, plus the entire playoffs. On top of that, he will have to meet with Commissioner Gary Bettman before training camp begins to determine if the suspension will continue into next season. Also, the Canucks organisation has been fined $250,000. If the Vancouver Police (not RCMP) hand the case over to the crown, and charges are laid, then the sentence may be extended based on how the courts rule (as was the case in the McSorley incident).

There is no doubt that this is inexcusable, and occurrences like these must be stopped. But, Bertuzzi is not normally a dirty player. He and Naslund are best friends, on and off the ice, and I'm sure he was emotionally affected and wasn't thinking clearly. However, he does have a temper, and should probably have counselling of some sort as a condition for return.

I don't see why his punishment should be any more severe than it has, unless assault charges are laid.
I think some of us are missing the point here. Yeah sure, stuff like this has gone on in hockey before -broadstreet bullies, McSorley etc... But what is it gonna take before drastic changes are made?? Is someone gonna have to die before that happens? Imagine, if you will, Moore dying as a result of his injuries.. Would you still hold true to your arguments?? Probably not. Keep in mind this is a case of assault, not two guys squaring off at centre ice willing to exchange blows.

if drastic changes are not made someone will be killed.. Then we'll all say gee, i never thought that would happen.. yeah right.

As for Grapes (Don Cherry for those inept) I love listening to the guy but his time has past.
I'd say let Bertuzzi play again and watch what happens to him when he does. I'll bet there's a price out on his head right now! Let him play, please, then it will be over.
he'll prolly have to go through alot of psycho analysis....but I say let him play in the cup if they make it that far...i mean i don't ever think there was ever a suspension that ran to the cup....usually 2 rds playoffs
Neurocomp, the suspension has already been handed down. If anything, it will be extended, not shortened. Bertuzzi's return is heavily dependent of Moore's. If Moore does not return for the beginning of next season, neither does Bertuzzi, I'm fairly certain of that.

fireguy, so what are you suggesting? Hockey has been far more violent in past generations, so what makes you think that someone will be killed now?
Yes, it has been more violent in the past - violence perpetrated by beer guzzling, cigarette smoking out of shape hasbeens. That violence is now perpetrated by finely tuned 'atheletes' who pump iron(not 12oz. of fluid), ingest performance enhancing 'nutrients'(not nicotine) enhanced by state of the art equipment and focussed training - coaches and mgrs stating, "you're roll is THIS" goon, enforcer etc.

The atheletes of today have evolved to being faster, stronger, better. Our state of mind should keep up with that evolution too. Don't you think?
Yes, I agree that the 'goon' role has perhaps outlived it's necessity. There are two 'buts' to that though; one is case specific, the other not.

The other is Bertuzzi is not an enforcer. He made a grave error in judgement, heated by his emotions, and he is suffering the consequences for those actions. He has to live with the guilt of seriously injuring another player, letting his team down by not being able to play with them, and by being a bad role model for the kids that watch/play hockey. His punishment is by far the most severe for an attack of this sort, and so it should be.

There are other types of players as well...antagonists if you will. Their job is to try and get a rise out of the other team. Players like Matthew Barnaby who will often take shots at the opponent's star players. Enforcers are around so that this doesn't happen. This is only acceptable if the so called grudge is dropped after the 60 minutes, and if no "foul play" is involved (ie. cheap shots, using the stick, etc.).

However, I get the feeling that you want players who commit acts such as these to be kicked out of hockey for good...

cosmictraveller, Bertuzzi is one of the bigger guys in the league. Sending him out on the ice to be punished by another team's players will likely not work out quite as planned (both physically, and because of the NHL's rules against the "third man in").
the enforcer is still needed if they don't crack down on highsticks.

and i know the suspension has already been handed out...i think they shoulda let him play in the cup if they make it that far ...moor didn't get any games for naslund being out 1mth and a 1/2