Bending Light


So dark the con of man
Registered Senior Member
It is a myth, some say that it true... but Albert Einstein supposedly bent light around a ship to make him teleport

It is a myth, some say that it true... but Albert Einstein supposedly bent light around a ship to make him teleport

I thought that was Nikola Tesla's idea. :bugeye:

What do you expect from a prodigy astrophysicist - they're always forgetting something.


What do you expect from a prodigy astrophysicist - they're always forgetting something.

Well, if you look at his member profile, you will find that he is an advanced astrophysicist, as well as a prodigy. Stop downplaying his credentials. :)

is this thread supposed to be a question? or is it just a waste of space?
US Navy denied long back any such experiment, Philadelphia / RainBow project. Moreover Einstein was fully busy with the 'Bomb' during that time. Somehow the story author linked Einstein with the project and cooked up mixing magnetism, time/space warp, teleportation, extra dimensions, levitation, UFO etc.., sci-fi.
Space and time are somehow connected. There are other dimensions that exist right were you are, but you don't have the senses to see them.


"And they're going to find out someday that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either; they're going right around in a circle. That's exactly. You're going to find out one of these days that when you go to heaven, you don't fly off somewhere else; you're still right here too, just in another dimension faster then this. Right through this room's coming color. Every color shirt, dress, whatever you got on is eternal, laying right on records, going around and around the world. Every time you bat your eyes, it's right on record. Watch, television will prove that."
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Every color shirt, dress, whatever you got on is eternal, laying right on records, going around and around the world.

Does this mean that whatever I am wearing when I die I will be wearing for eternity?

*looks at self*

Shit, I gotta start dressing better!
Actually the point was this part:

"And they're going to find out someday that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either; they're going right around in a circle.

Mater is light traped by a force like gravity, and turned in on itself, in a cirlce. E = MC2.
Originally posted by TheVisitor
Actually the point was this part:

"And they're going to find out someday that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either; they're going right around in a circle.

Mater is light traped by a force like gravity, and turned in on itself, in a cirlce. E = MC2.

I thought that the Theory of Relativity read more like:

Energy is matter travelling at the speed of light squared. Therefore should you ever travel at the speed of light squared you would become energy.

Am I wrong?
I believe it is this :

E = MC2

Energy(released) = Mass X speed of light -squared (186,000x186,000) per second.

Nuclear physics. They used it to unlock the power of the sun.

Not Sunny-D either......(I felt that one coming)
Light....the billion's of years of light space they see through telescopes today's being bent right back around in a circle......Heaven is right here where you are standing, but in another dimension faster than this.

"A day to God is a thousand years, and a thousand years is a day..".....365, 000 to 1 is the differential if you assume 1000 years is a day.

Heaven is a faster dimension than this.....just under 2C from "our" perspective. The ratio....2xC=372,000 miles per second. This is all movement by them, not just linear it's a vibration or frequency to us...365,000 is just under 372,000 which is 2xC.
At this vibration rate they would be out of phase with us, and not visible to our normal senses.

Now Hell is below, it may be slower....You heard it said you will be in torment for ever and ever...that is not eternity, but a very long time. The word used in the greek for this place means: "done away the vanishing point." So the same time difference between heaven and also between earth and hell, making it out of phase with our senses to...and incredibly slow compared to us

The rich man in hell..lifts up his eyes..."please send Lazarus to bring me a drink, remember.....and was told "theres a great gulf fixed Lazarus cannot go to you or you to him..
A day to God is a thousand years, ......AND....a thousand years is a day..... Earth or this dimension of in the middle.

365,000 to 1.................1 to 365,000

And one day in hell is like a thousand years.....Jesus said something like that....said you would give your entire life, everything to trade just so your sins could be one less.
One day 1 to 365,250......each day of your life would be a thousand years in hell to pay.

The bible doesn't repete itself for nothing...every word has a proper meaning.
God created the heavens and the says in genesis, and it goes on to say, "and He framed the Worlds also".
Thats not speaking of the same thing.

It's clues are all through the scriptures..For example: To receieve the revelation of God a believer is "Quickened" up into heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
In another place it says: "He is the judge of the Quick and the Dead."
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Originally posted by TheVisitor

At this ratio....27,400,000,000 % 365,000 = 7506 years....from heavens perspective, which is where God was speaking from when he gave the revelation to His prophets.

I must be missing something here...i did your math and I got 75,068 years. THAT is a lot different.

Originally posted by ChildOfTheMind
It is a myth, some say that it true... but Albert Einstein supposedly bent light around a ship to make him teleport

the path traveled by a photon changes whenever it enters a different medium; so light bends all the time...

What will really boggle the mind is how light comes to it's new angle. Light always travels the path that will require the lest amount of time to get to where it is going. not the shortest distance, but the shortest time. If you send a photon towards a bottle of water (in which light travels slower), the angle traveld by the photon will be such that it spends the least amount of time traveling through the water.

So if a photon is not conscious (and cognitivly deciding the best path to take), what physical proprties of the universe would allowit to travel the shortest time path? How does it know where it's going before it gets there???


Huygens' wavelet model of light explains the shortest-time features of the propagation of light pretty well.

If you want a more modern explanation, Feynman's sum over histories does a good job. In his model, light tries all the paths, but only one is observed because all the non-shortest-time paths interfere destructively with each other.
I must be missing something here...i did your math and I got 75,068 years. THAT is a lot different.


You are correct....thats what I get for trying to use a $1 calculator with 7 digits to figure a twelve digit 3 oclock in the morning!

However.... I have gone back and rewriten my figures.
This still could explain why there are dimensions we can't see.
The remainder of the equation is valid.

The bible says a day with God is a thousand years
The kingdom of heaven is in you. Jesus said.
It's a dimension faster than this one.
The ratio has been given to you by the bible.
It's 365,000 to 1

God----------- 1 day

Heaven------ 1,000 years..................1 day

Earth--------- 365,000,000 years.......1,000 years

Hell------------ ect................................365,000,000 years.

Satan--------- ect.................................ect...

The difference for each dimension is the same ratio on down the ladder.
God speaks to His prophets from heaven and say, "on the third day I will raise Him up"....
Thats the beginning of the third millenium to us. (from the crucifiction, to Christ's second coming).
God came down and spoke to Adam, said the day you eat thereof , you die.....
Adam died at 950 years years that is.
But it was the same day still in Heaven.
From our perspective, those in this other dimension of heaven are here now all around us, in us, going about their bussiness at twice the speed of light.
Thats why we can't see them.
He created the Heavens and the Earth,......... and He "framed" the worlds also.
Those are dimensions.

God created Man first in His image. God is a spirit. This Man was a spirit. In Heaven.
Then God created a Man from the dust of the Earth.
On Earth. For the First Man to dwell in.......
Two diferent dimensions at two different speeds.
Adam was "from" the eternal One....
We are all a tri-une being.
We have a body, a spirit, and a soul.
His "body" here on Earth was immortal, until the "connection between the two was severed, because of sin.
This allowed a "fallen" nature to come upon Man, and his body here was doomed to die....that day.
Adam still had eternal life because he was a "part" , or a "child" of God......He just lost the immortality of his body here on earth.
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heyya all :)

from my sources i have heard percieved read what ever u wanna label it.
that the philidelphia experiment was sabotaged
naughty little soldiers want to kill everyone
scientists want to save everyone
soldiers = those who run the certain branches of the military that control such things.
its a shame they got cooked and melded into the decks of the ship, just to satisfy the bloody minded arrogant greed of thier superiors
ofcoarse light can be bent
all things are bent
straitness is a perverse concept of religouse or skeptic retarded thought

now when you have people that can alter bend light
thats groovey :D
imagine being able to put on youre own party lights at a night club
that would rock
saves on enviromentaly harmful electricity too

humans are taught to be materialistic to the last-enith so they wont believe in something until it is seen with thier eyes
hence the light thoery
silly people!
"i cant see it so its not there"
"and now im going to create an entire maths system to prove im write"

silly people
oh and then comes the bit about brainwashing all the students
and the best brainwashed ones get the best marks in school!
clever little robots
"automatic weapons anyone?"


groove on all

peace light truth love
the path to that we hold above