Believers More Charitable,Peaceful than Non


A new survey shows a significant gap between Christians and atheists. Most atheists and agnostics think radical Christianity is just as threatening in America as is radical Islam.:rolleyes:

Atheists are less likely than Christians to vote (78% versus 89%), to volunteer to help a non-church-related non-profit (20% versus 30%), to describe themselves as “active in the community” (41% versus 68%), and to personally help or serve a homeless or poor person (41% versus 61%). The typical no-faith American donated just $200 in 2006, which is more than seven times less than the amount contributed by the prototypical active-faith adult ($1500.)

One of the largest gaps was the perception of being “at peace,” a description less frequently embraced by no-faith adults (67% versus 90%).
Yeah obviously, most atheists have no real morals, they just pretend they have morals because they know what religious advocates would say...but in reality they have no morals nor do they actually care about morality, they only care to live life the way they desire....any type of morality atheists have just stems from their own inherent nature...not from atheism itself...unlike with religions....
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Yeah well whenever I give my money away I don't check the box that asks what religion I am.
Yeah obviously, most atheists have no real morals, they just pretend they have morals because they know what religious advocates would say...but in reality they have no morals nor do they actually care about morality, they only care to live life the way they desire....any type of morality atheists have is just stems from their own inherent nature...not from atheism itself...unlike with religions....

Oh gee, thanks for clearing that up! This whole time I thought I was being a good decent moral citizen because of my own thoughts and beliefs... but it looks like it's all thanks to religious advocates like you being around! Thanks for making me a better person, I really appreciate it.
Just when I think the tentacles of the church cannot possibly stretch out any farther, VitalOne shows me how much I've underestimated the grip of power the church has over peoples' minds. I shake my head and laugh. When was the last time VitalOne, or Sandy for that matter, had a thought of their own. Wow!!

Excuse me if I'm being immoral. As for peace, well Christians have demonstrated over the centuries their version of it ad nauseum. Any religon that has their members carry a symbol of death and torture on their person as a badge of honor is obviously in control of more than a few minds.
Yeah obviously, most atheists have no real morals, they just pretend they have morals because they know what religious advocates would say...but in reality they have no morals nor do they actually care about morality, they only care to live life the way they desire....any type of morality atheists have just stems from their own inherent nature...not from atheism itself...unlike with religions....
M*W: Once again you show your extreme ignorance.
Very interesting, a Christian saying how good Christians are, and atheists getting defensive when someone tells them random ideas against them. Atheists: think about it, you shouldn´t really care. Christians: think about it, you are being extremely hypocritical.

Is like: look people, how good am I!!! Oh I am so good, I deserve heaven!! horrah!!
"Radical" Christianity is just as much a threat to human rights and a continued secular government as "radical" Islam. Quick, which weighs more, a pound of feathers, or a pound of lead?

Really, since there are so many more of them, radical Christians probably pose more of a threat. Abortion clinic bombings, vandalism, the assassinations of abortion doctors and workers; at this time, these are not perpetrated by followers of Islam in the U.S., but people who profess to believing in the teachings of Christ.

The Christian Identity movement is more frightening to me than any Islamic threat.

Atheists are such a tiny minority in this country that comparisons with the population at large are going to be mostly meaningless. Philosophy grad students have little time or money to give for the most part.

And believing in mythology just because it makes you happy is a piss poor reason.

There is something feeble and a little contemptible about a man who cannot face the perils of life without the help of comfortable myths. Almost inevitably some part of him is aware that they are myths and that he believes them only because they are comforting. But he dares not face this thought! Moreover, since he is aware, however dimly, that his opinions are not rational, he becomes furious when they are disputed.
-- Bertrand Russell
Atheists are less likely than Christians to vote (78% versus 89%),

so there was about an 85% turn out rate at the last election?!?!

to describe themselves as “active in the community” (41% versus 68%),

DESCRIBE THEMSELVES ,maybe athiests are just more honest

One of the largest gaps was the perception of being “at peace,” a description less frequently embraced by no-faith adults (67% versus 90%).

perception,atheists arent delusional.
If you read the link you'd know the study was done by the Barna Group. George Barna is not exactly kind to Christians. He tells it like it is and reports findings even when they make us look bad.

From Wiki: "Barna is known for providing objective though not-always-flattering surveys regarding the Christian faith and the state of the church."

To compare radical Islam to Christianity is a joke. You don't see Christians blowing up sh!t, sawing people's heads off, and creating chaos.
I read a quite different survey... from a source I don't recall, stating that secular countries are more charitable. I am pretty sure the UK is more charitable compared to the USA (USA is far more religious than the UK), yet we have 45% (at LEAST) who describe themselves as non-religious.

I think it's more conservative vs liberal. Conservatives are less likely to be charitable and more likely to be religious and vice versa with liberals.

VitalOne said:
Yeah obviously, most atheists have no real morals, they just pretend they have morals because they know what religious advocates would say...but in reality they have no morals nor do they actually care about morality, they only care to live life the way they desire....any type of morality atheists have just stems from their own inherent nature...not from atheism itself...unlike with religions....

You are a fucking idiot! The last few centuries, religion has been on the decline, especially in western society and yet our morals are a trifle better than anywhere or anytime religion has it's way. If you had to choose between Islamic law and a Liberal party preaching separation of church and state and other politics favoured by atheists (stem cell research, euthanasia, pro-choice etc), where would your vote go?
Not true. Conservatives who practice religion, live in traditional nuclear families and reject the notion that the government should engage in income redistribution are the most generous Americans, by any measure. Conversely, secular liberals who believe fervently in government entitlement programs give far less to charity. They want everyone's tax dollars to support charitable causes and are reluctant to write checks to those causes, even when governments don't provide them with enough money."

The stereotype that liberals are more compassionate than conservatives is false. Conservatives are more generous in every way -- from volunteering, to donating blood, to giving money. Homes headed by a conservative give 30% more money to charity than liberal families.

Those who give regularly to charity are, on average, happier and healthier than those who don't.
sandy said:
conservative give 30% more money to charity than liberal families.
giving more money and being more giving are two entirely different things, the man who has as million and give ten thousand a year to charity is being kind, and ten thousand is a lot of money, it's 1% of his wealth but he probably made just as much in interest, however the man who has a thousand who gives a hundred to charity is giving far less money, but thats 10% of his wealth, and he cant retrieve it through interest payments, the poorer man is far more giving.
if you've been poor, you know what it's like.
if you've never been poor, you've never known hardship.

I dont mean we all have to experience, poverty, but the rich and well off dont live in the real world.
The liberal/atheist is more (charitable/giving...insert myth here) has been debunked. Again. Liberals/atheists give less and want more. They want handouts for everyone but they don't want to pay the taxes that entails. Most conservative/believers that I know are much happier/healthier than the liberal atheists I know. Much.
To compare radical Islam to Christianity is a joke. You don't see Christians blowing up sh!t, sawing people's heads off, and creating chaos.

Apparently you've forgotten Eric Rudolph, and the series of explosions he was responsible for. And the fact that there were apparently quite a few people willing to help him hide from the feds in N.C.

And the majority of our armed forces are self identified as Christians, and they certainly go around blowing up a lot of shit. I'm sure you view them as justified in all they do, so that doesn't count.
You are a fucking idiot! The last few centuries, religion has been on the decline, especially in western society and yet our morals are a trifle better than anywhere or anytime religion has it's way. If you had to choose between Islamic law and a Liberal party preaching separation of church and state and other politics favoured by atheists (stem cell research, euthanasia, pro-choice etc), where would your vote go?
In the last few centuries morality increased not because of religious decline...but because it's just a better age....certainly if people followed Jesus things would be better...Stalin (an atheist) for instance killed over 20 million...

I definitely wouldn't choose Islamic law....but I wouldn't choose the atheists either...things like euthanasia, genetically engineering humans for fun, bad karma...your karma gets disturbed by the disturbs nature....