Belief in the paranormal

Which of the following do you believe in? (Note: if undecided, do not select.)

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James R

Just this guy, you know?
Staff member
The situation in the United States in 2005:

How many believers do we have on sciforums?

Note: the poll above asks only for belief. If you are not sure or undecided about whether the given phenomenon exists, do not mark it in the poll. You can discuss it below, though, if you like.
I aknowledge the possibility that reincarnation may exist. Mainly because I remember thinking of life like a Mario game when I was little(and wishful thinking, of course).
Here is my list of beliefs:

-God exists

-Jesus Christ was the savior

-The bible was written by people whom never witnessed these events, so I cannot be an exact interpertation

-Ghosts exist

-Demons exist

-Satan exists

-Ghosts are not either angels nor demons and that they are trapped here on Earth because either that of a tragic death, or unfinished business

-Poltergeists are not demons either, only malevolent spirits of which their will is unknown

-Ghosts also give off EM readings (supposedly) and their energies can be recorded, via camera, camcorder, or cassette tape (see EVP)
Reincarnation, ESP, telepathy (which is ESP), Clairvoyance (I have clayrovayance...I can see the future), and other ESP's
weren't you the one claiming God exists...or does this go with your beliefs in God?

Gautama Buddha also had these beliefs...aren't you a Buddhist? Oh wait thats right, you're not, you're just an Alan Watts fanatic

But yeah, it doesn't contradict the belief in God...
Gautama Buddha also had these beliefs...aren't you a Buddhist? Oh wait thats right, you're not, you're just an Alan Watts fanatic

But yeah, it doesn't contradict the belief in God...

whats with the attitude? And who is this Alan Watts?
whats with the attitude? And who is this Alan Watts?

What's with YOUR attitude? You're the one who started out with the attitude if you go check these posts....

Alan Watts is a western white Buddhist, they believe you should ignore anything that sounds supernatural that Gautama Buddha says, and only accept the things that don't sound supernatural
What's with YOUR attitude? You're the one who started out with the attitude if you go check these posts....

Alan Watts is a western white Buddhist, they believe you should ignore anything that sounds supernatural that Gautama Buddha says, and only accept the things that don't sound supernatural

well I am no Alan Watt's follower, I do believe in reincarnation.
well I am no Alan Watt's follower, I do believe in reincarnation.

Well if you believe in Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha says:
"And what is the miracle of telepathy? There is the case where a bhikku reads the minds, the mental events, the thoughts, the ponderings of other beings, other individuals, [saying,] 'Such is your thinking, here is where your thinking is, thus is your mind"

"Sariputta, there are these five destinations. What are the five? Hell, the animal realm, the realm of ghosts, human beings and gods"
Well if you believe in Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha says:
"And what is the miracle of telepathy? There is the case where a bhikku reads the minds, the mental events, the thoughts, the ponderings of other beings, other individuals, [saying,] 'Such is your thinking, here is where your thinking is, thus is your mind"

"Sariputta, there are these five destinations. What are the five? Hell, the animal realm, the realm of ghosts, human beings and gods"

its just a mind thing not an actual thing that happens in this life. Its a choice made by a soul as a result of self-reflection
Never experienced anything paranormal or supernatural!

There is however some very strong anecdotal evidence.

Researchers Dean Radin and Rupert Sheldrake have devoted their life's work to discovering scientific evidence of such. I recommend Radin's book 'The Conscious Universe'.