Belief in God to be saved is unjust, life without God is better.

That is the key to eternity with Him.

By eternity with him you mean eternal life? Eternal life would not be a gift, trust me. Life also involves suffering along with happiness so eternal life also means that you suffer eternally.

Personally I wouldn't want to live forever no matter where and in what condition because this also means that I would suffer forever and I don't want that. Right now there is a lot of suffering in my life and I think I'm in trouble with people with authority. I can only hope that my life will end somewhere so that I wouldn't have to suffer so much.

But really everything needs an exit point.
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By eternity with him you mean eternal life? Eternal life would not be a gift, trust me. Life also involves suffering along with happiness so eternal life also means that you suffer eternally.

Personally I wouldn't want to live forever no matter where and in what condition because this also means that I would suffer forever and I don't want that. Right now there is a lot of suffering in my life and I think I'm in trouble with people with authority. I can only hope that my life will end somewhere so that I wouldn't have to suffer so much.

But really everything needs an exit point.

Unless the suffering is physical, there are better ways to exit suffering than death, but it is a hard path that few travel, and sometimes it takes courage because it means leaving your life behind.
Unless the suffering is physical, there are better ways to exit suffering than death, but it is a hard path that few travel, and sometimes it takes courage because it means leaving your life behind.

But what is that supposed path? Joining a religion?
But what is that supposed path? Joining a religion?

It could be anything. It could be as hard as leaving your home and pushing on alone. Most often though, the most healing path is one where someone else walks you through, and the hardest part about that path is finding it.
This is common knowledge, I have yet to meet an infant that has exactly the same temperment and condition and in the same environment. Aside from this, we all have different mother's, who are all different and unique. I did not choose my mother, therefore I was predispositioned to have her as a mother, instead of your mother.

Got you. I see now I was confused about your statement. I thought you meant predisposition towards doubting on a universal scale. My B.

Of course you are right that at somepoint, a choice is still required to accept the facts of record as truth.

And this is the point I wanted to bring out. In every case there is a percentage of belief and certainty. Someone can have a 100% belief with a small amount of certainty, and unbelievably, have 0% belief with full certainty. You make the case that you must have full certainty to place full belief, yet in many daily cases you place a higher degree of belief then you do certainty. I believe 100% that you are a real person, but honestly do not have 100% certainty.

**this is not an example of my belief in God, or that the numbers are different, this is an example to show that its not as farfetched to believe in something that you are not fully certain about.**


It's not, but my experience is not unique I'm not that special. There has to be other Chrisitans that are either trapped in the religion that need to be freed, ...

My point is, essentially you haven't changed.

...or perhaps I can be enlightened by a theist of sorts into the truth.

Later on you explain your how your road to this current enlightenment was due to your own endeavours,. But now you lay down an impossible gauntlet, most probably to protect yourself.

No, present tense: I default (or digress) to atheism now.

I was refering to original meaning of atheism, not the cult we experience today.

I consider the option that I was atheist all along, and there is no way that is possible because of my experiences, my heart's desire, and my conviction were so strong I remember moments of time in my service to the deity: God.

A man may think he loves his young and beautiful wife, then later decide to leave her because she has become fat, and older.
What he thought was love was pure lust, or coditional love at best.

When i stopped doing that and acknowledged the doubt (facts of reality based on experience and knowledge) as a live option, that started me down the path to enlightenment of life.

Then that whole experience played a (real) part in who you are today, hence everything is reality, because reality is how things actually are.
Yet you deny your past, and embrace your present.
And in your past you denied your now present and embraced your now past.

If God exists, how can the quality of life improve?

So God doesn't exist (in your thinking) because your life has improved?

What purpose does that serve, especially when I repeatedly asked for faith?

A materialist doesn't understand what faith is.
The very act of repeatedly asking for faith confirms this.

Does an ardent consumer of Big Macs really have compassion for cows, despite going all gooey when he sees a cute calf?

I did this in the last days because of Pascal's wager seemed logical enough.

Believing in God only on your terms, is atheism.

"I don't believe in God because there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of such an entity"

I gave God years of my life and years of chances to prove itself, but reality cannot be denied and shut away. It was unhealthy to me, and likely is unhealthy to others who are like I was.

You didn't give anything to God, it was all for you.
And when you didn't get what you wanted, you upped and left.

And why does God require belief to be saved.

We require belief.
And we require the knowledge and understanding of what we are being saved from.
Alot of us just want to bypass stuff, and demand that God
show Himself now, becoming atheist when their wishes aren't met.
This kind of thinking comes about through arrogance and ignorance,
or just plain not wanting to surrender.

For me, I would have to lie to myself to believe.

Now you don't have to lie, because you are more true to yourself.
That's good. But don't make the mistake of thinking that your position is the only way to go.
All you have acheived in actuality is to become more honest to yourself.

Even when I wanted so bad to believe and be delivered from the state of existence,
the situation did not improve over the years.

The husband wants so bad to love his chubby ageing wife, because that's what he's supposed to do.
He tries with all his might, but the truth is he doesn't know how, because she is chubby and ageing.
Eventually he leaves her.
He's being true to himself, but the whole circumstance is based on falsity.
Him being true to himself is only the first step in his journey.

And the last straw is how is it fair when God itself is at least partially responsible for who I am today,
if it exists. It is at least partially responsible for my unbelief.

You are now more true to yourself.
Why would God want to force something on you (faith, belief), when in your heart you don't really want that.
You are now in a position, where for the first time (it sounds like) you are happy with your life.
But what do you do?Y
You jump on the "let chant down God" brigade.
How do you know God was not responsible your first step?

If we are to believe that God exists, we must believe that it is capable of influencing life and does.

If we are to believe God exists, then accept we don't know anything outside our puny existence.

So, if we are to believe in God, we must accept that chances are good that our lives were shaped by experiences and knowledge that we gained by being in the right place at the right time and that was influenced by God, especially for the first 10 years of our existence when we had little say in choosing the experience.

That's not believing in God.
That's trying to work everything for yourself with no knowledge and understand of reality.
Ulltimately creating your own version of reality, and believing it to be true.

According your position in this life, you have been given a lifeline, don't mess it up.
If you are interested in God, then seek Him out earnestly.
If you conclude He doesn't exist then give real reasons, don't jump on some cultish style bandwagon,
otherwise you would have learned nothing.
Don't make the same mistake as before.

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Originally Posted by Adstar
That is the key to eternity with Him.

By eternity with him you mean eternal life? Eternal life would not be a gift, trust me. Life also involves suffering along with happiness so eternal life also means that you suffer eternally.

No. Eternity with Him is not like the eternal life as we experience it now. We will be changed and there will be no more suffering.

Personally I wouldn't want to live forever no matter where and in what condition because this also means that I would suffer forever and I don't want that.

It does not mean you will suffer forever.

Right now there is a lot of suffering in my life and I think I'm in trouble with people with authority. I can only hope that my life will end somewhere so that I wouldn't have to suffer so much.

I have had a lot of suffering in my life and i expect to face more of the same till the day i die. But i have hope for an eternal existence without suffering and that is part of the Hope that gives me the strength to face suffering in this life.

But really everything needs an exit point.

Or a better beginning. :)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
jan said:
A man may think he loves his young and beautiful wife, then later decide to leave her because she has become fat, and older.
What he thought was love was pure lust, or coditional love at best.
No, it's more like that wife was really a man and I found out about it. If God exists, it has betrayed me.
It is not like you say because I wanted the love to continue, but I could not live a lie.

jan said:
Then that whole experience played a (real) part in who you are today, hence everything is reality, because reality is how things actually are.
Yet you deny your past, and embrace your present.
And in your past you denied your now present and embraced your now past.
Yes, I live in today. I could have experienced this all for a future that I am blind to, a future completely different than what I think now.

jan said:
So God doesn't exist (in your thinking) because your life has improved?
Yes, it is circumstancial, but an interesting point because one of the primary reasons theists give to follow their deity is to improve their quality of life in such a ways that cannot be done without it.

jayleew said:
What purpose does that serve, especially when I repeatedly asked for faith?

jan said:
A materialist doesn't understand what faith is.
The very act of repeatedly asking for faith confirms this.

Does an ardent consumer of Big Macs really have compassion for cows, despite going all gooey when he sees a cute calf?
I think you misunderstand what I meant: if a God desires faith and worship, why wouldn't it simply grant a simple affirmation in one who already chooses to believe. Thereby, sealing the deal. The alternative is to not act and allow the follower to lose faith.

jayleew said:
I did this in the last days because of Pascal's wager seemed logical enough.

jan said:
Believing in God only on your terms, is atheism.[/jan]
This doesn't have anything to do with Pascal's wager, but you make an interesting point I will think about.

jan said:
You didn't give anything to God, it was all for you.
And when you didn't get what you wanted, you upped and left.
If I didn't give my service to God, who did I give it to. What I did, I did out of duty. Things were commanded, so I did them no matter what.

jan said:
We require belief.
And we require the knowledge and understanding of what we are being saved from.
Alot of us just want to bypass stuff, and demand that God
show Himself now, becoming atheist when their wishes aren't met.
This kind of thinking comes about through arrogance and ignorance,
or just plain not wanting to surrender.

That may be for some, it is a good point. For me, I had no choice, I was stood up by God. The last straw wasn't even a request.
I just believed in God that it would meet me at church one day, just like many other times. But this time I actually was conscious of it before I even got there.
I remember dressing my son, who was complaining about going to church. I remember explaining to him that we have to get dressed and go to church, and it is no different than us getting dressed and going to Thanksgiving dinner. You go to celebrate and recognize honor your loved ones, and God sees the sacrifice and will meet us there.

That was the beginning of the end of the beginning of losing my faith in God.

jan said:
Now you don't have to lie, because you are more true to yourself.
That's good. But don't make the mistake of thinking that your position is the only way to go.
All you have acheived in actuality is to become more honest to yourself.
I understand. Thanks.

jan said:
The husband wants so bad to love his chubby ageing wife, because that's what he's supposed to do.
He tries with all his might, but the truth is he doesn't know how, because she is chubby and ageing.
Eventually he leaves her.
He's being true to himself, but the whole circumstance is based on falsity.
Him being true to himself is only the first step in his journey.
Perhaps. I have considered this.

jan said:
You are now more true to yourself.
Why would God want to force something on you (faith, belief), when in your heart you don't really want that.
You are now in a position, where for the first time (it sounds like) you are happy with your life.
But what do you do?Y
You jump on the "let chant down God" brigade.
How do you know God was not responsible your first step?
Yes, I do take this into consideration. In my own fantasy, knowing myself, I know that if God was to be proven, I would be the equivalent of a soldier for it. Perhaps it doesn't need soldiers right now and that is why I am not activated. That doesn't necessarily mean I am ready to kill things, no, it means I would sacrifice my soul to the god. That is not something to be taken lightly, so it must be true before I would do that. Think of me what you will, a nut job or whatever.

This is why I am on the brigade, not to do away with spirituality itself, but to try to wake those that need to be awaken before it is too late and they do hurt someone else because of what they believe, when what they believe may not be true.
I chant down god because of the damage religion does only when it is in the wrong hands. It's hurt and killed millions, and I am one of them.

It is a tragedy to do harm out of ignorance.
