Christians, depending on sect, have varying views of heaven and how to get there. But the all require a belief in Christ.
This is an unjust requirement. We are all predispositioned at birth as individuals. Then, we are all taught to believe different things. Some things, we come to reject. Others are burned in to our core being as it is compatible with our predisposition. These ideas can be true or false, but they are part of who we are.
It is wrong to require belief in someone like me who would have to deny who I am and live a lie in order to believe. If there is a just god (which would be one that I would follow) then it seems to be an outrageous requirement. I lived a lie and denied myself for 10 years. I locked away all my doubts in a closet in my mind, and completely embraced the teachings in the Bible. I studied it and lived it. It helped me even keep everything locked in the closet. It was a terrible battle of the mind to ignore what my mind was telling me. Sometimes it was worse than others, but I clung to the Bible and fellow Christians like a good Christian should.
I had little control over who I am today, but I do have a choice. And I tried for 10 years of my adult life to shut away who I am to follow that one requirement. I thought as long as I kept on believing, one day God would make this belief real. It's all I could possibly do to believe. I couldn't erase everything I absorbed before then as a child. I distinctly remember when I was 19 I nearly became atheist. But, I finally chose to lock it away because I found issues with evolution being the tool that resulted in human beings. Boy did I jump into Christianity after that choice. I did give it an honest effort for 10 years.
It is wrong for a god to require me to believe to reach heaven just as it is wrong for me to require a theist to not believe in order to live.
Believing in god is totally against what I am, when I stopped forcing the belief as was required, that's when the healing started in my life. Everything came together and made sense. Peace and love grew in me and my family. I realized how much I was missing out in the things that mattered in life. I was suddenly accountable for the actions I inspire in others by my word or deed.
As a Christian it was too easy to forget that everything we say and do impacts the world around us because Christians are taught that worship is about serving God. Everything you do, even to others is an act of worship if done according to scripture. It is more ego-centric, not completely, but more self-centered. After all, you would only be accountable for the sin you comitted, not another's.
I shouldn't even mention that the blood of Jesus covers all sin, so everyone is free of it if they believe. If Christians are free of their own sin, and were never accountable for the sins of others, are they going to care as much about others as they do themselves?
A change happened as I focused on making the world a better place instead of waiting around until a god would come set everything right.