Belief in God...the purpose.

the trick here is that God is different for us all, and yes thats where the confrontation is.

Trick? What trick? I thought we were talking about the Christian god, and he comes straight from the Bible. And if you talk to any bible reading/preaching practitioner, he/she will tell you that I'll be spending the rest of my after life in hell because I didn't accept Jesus as my lord and savior, no matter how "good" I've been. As far as I'm aware, there are no ifs, ands or buts about that.
Trick? What trick? I thought we were talking about the Christian god, and he comes straight from the Bible. And if you talk to any bible reading/preaching practitioner, he/she will tell you that I'll be spending the rest of my after life in hell because I didn't accept Jesus as my lord and savior, no matter how "good" I've been. As far as I'm aware, there are no ifs, ands or buts about that.

Who cares what humans think or what the religion beliefs have been? :bugeye:

The truth is all that matters, christian or not. We try to find the meaning to this life and if something is irrelevant for us and is not right, we move on.
Who cares what humans think or what the religion beliefs have been? :bugeye:

The truth is all that matters, christian or not. We try to find the meaning to this life and if something is irrelevant for us and is not right, we move on.

Ah, I apologize. I realize why I'm getting screwed up. Maybe you can help clear things up for me.

When you say 'the truth', are you referring to the personal level (what the truth is to each individual) or are you talking universally (ie, water is wet)?

There are certain statements in your OP that I'm also still a little unclear on.

first you need to become an atheist and find that there really is no God
So you are saying that the God in the traditional theist sense doesn't exist?

than you need to understand that God can exist if you want it to exist
That doesn't really make sense to me. Why does this only apply to God? Can I make Superman exist if I want him to exist too?
first you need to become an atheist and find that there really is no God

than you need to understand that God can exist if you want it to exist

Belief in God will make you more powerful because it is image of ideal creature that does good, you will have to belief it exists and others will believe in it too and that alone will make you powerful in soul.

The only question is: do you want God to exist? Or do you feel that you can become a God of your own?

since facing old age with out a continence bag could be a difficult proposal for your average person, the answer to these last q's seems obvious