Belief in God...the purpose.


first you need to become an atheist and find that there really is no God

than you need to understand that God can exist if you want it to exist

Belief in God will make you more powerful because it is image of ideal creature that does good, you will have to belief it exists and others will believe in it too and that alone will make you powerful in soul.

The only question is: do you want God to exist? Or do you feel that you can become a God of your own?
-I didn't search for God, he found me. If I want him to exist is not a question any more. God's are alive in flesh and blood and they do exists.
-I could be God if he is my father.
How did this god find you? Did you get a knock at your door from it? Was it on the telephone, having looked you up in the directory? Did you get a telegram? Or did it come to you in a dream (a.k.a. the imaginations of our sleeping hours)? Or something else.

Moreover, what is your evidence that the experience you attribute to your god "finding you" isn't just something that you arrived at based upon your cultural influences? Did you exist in a society where your god didn't and it still found you? Or did you have a society where your god was talked about on television, radio, print media, parental sources, peers, schools, government, etc., etc.?

If so, then isn't it more likely that your god "found you" via a cultural meme in the way bell-bottoms and afros found many people in the 70's?
Belief in God...the purpose.

I suppose that depends on which god you're talking about and what people you're talking about. From the perspective of very early men it undoubtedly served as a (to them) valid way of explaining the universe and their own existence, but like everything else it has evolved since then.

Nowadays the reason to have belief in gods seems to appear as an excuse for being a failure. The very tenet of christianity is that humans are failures - but that it's ok to be a failure, you will be forgiven for it. Those that are amusingly condemned in the bible include the rich and the knowledgeable, (the successful). The belief goes on to state that these humans, although failures in this life, will go on to lead the perfect existence once they're dead - no more failures.

You don't see lottery winners in church - they're out on a cruise somewhere enjoying the successful life. The people in church (I've heard the same scenario from every single 'born again' I've ever met), all recount how their wives ran off with another man, their lives were going down the pisser, they were almost suicidal, and so on.

Misery loves company... what better than an invisible, mute sky being that will only ever 'love you' for being that failure? All you have to do is believe you're forgiven for being a failure.. How sweet is that?

It is the last resort of a brain in serious need. You'll often hear theists mention statements like 'there are no atheists in foxholes' and other such stuff - which is the point.. When life goes to shit people start needing some escape from it.

Some people forgive themselves for their failures and get on with life, some need the clouds to do the forgiving. Such is life..
I can not tell you things you won't believe, it's a science fiction. Just imagine someone far more advanced and immortal. Culture, society and all other things didn't influenced me, I didn't pay attentions on those things.
I can not tell you things you won't believe, it's a science fiction. Just imagine someone far more advanced and immortal. Culture, society and all other things didn't influenced me, I didn't pay attentions on those things.
so you lived on a deserted island.
and it's fiction but not science fiction.
does'nt this just answer skinwalkers question quote you "Just imagine someone far more advanced and immortal"
And the survey say, imagination is the right answer!
I use to live in many different places.
Science fiction is something you can't imagine by yourself. Right now I'm like Leonardo da Vinci speaking about things your brains can't imagine.

I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have. - Leonardo da Vinci
Isn't this funny, he believeth in God.
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I'm starting to think faith refers to having faith that there is supreme order, which always favors people who do thing good and well. Actual details are of no consequence; Faith tells you to do as you see best. And to trust that it will end well, or someone will correct you (which is why you need to turst in divine providience and divine guidance, right?).

But I think it matters not whether I want God around or nor; He's either there, or not. None of this changes how the world works.

And of course I can become godlike, duh. Or is this a choice of "follow order or make order"?

Cuz no God has talked to me.

And I don't trust any guy that says he can "talk to god", or any man making that his profession. Or any guy, for that matter, who is trying to convince me by saying "but I know the ultimate truth". Hence there is no order to follow but my own.
THE PURPOSE OF RELIGION... is to humble men...

men... who without a superior God... would see themselves as the top.

men who think they are the top... act that way....

and they are usually assholes.

religion... no matter which one... even science...

serves to make the human.... less self centered... and more humble.

humility... is hard to come by.

THE PURPOSE OF RELIGION... is to humble men...

men... who without a superior God... would see themselves as the top.

men who think they are the top... act that way....

and they are usually assholes.

religion... no matter which one... even science...

serves to make the human.... less self centered... and more humble.

humility... is hard to come by.


its more than that. believe me.
THE PURPOSE OF RELIGION... is to humble men...

men... who without a superior God... would see themselves as the top.

men who think they are the top... act that way....

and they are usually assholes.

Does that make God an asshole?
I'm curious, why? Because it's vulgar?

because this image portrays the "good" and "righteous" ways we should part with in this life. If one shows vulgarity towards such a "good" and "righteous" shows denial of the "good" morality behind the actions.
because this image portrays the "good" and "righteous" ways we should part with in this life. If one shows vulgarity towards such a "good" and "righteous" shows denial of the "good" morality behind the actions.

The good and the righteousness is only a part of God's image. There's the ugly other half that is nothing but submission and suffering.

I'm all for the good and righteous though, don't deny it at all. I do my best to not lie, steal, certainly not murder, treat others as they would treat me, etc. However, without my conforming to the idea of Jesus being God's son, quite similar to Islam's submission to their tenets concerning Mohammed, I would be damned to eternal burning. That doesn't sound good or righteous to me at all.

If what you say is true, that I shouldn't curse the Christian image of God because it would be a denial of good morality, then you are also saying I should advocate slavery and submission with God having the role of lord and master.
The good and the righteousness is only a part of God's image. There's the ugly other half that is nothing but submission and suffering.

I'm all for the good and righteous though, don't deny it at all. I do my best to not lie, steal, certainly not murder, treat others as they would treat me, etc. However, without my conforming to the idea of Jesus being God's son, quite similar to Islam's submission to their tenets concerning Mohammed, I would be damned to eternal burning. That doesn't sound good or righteous to me at all.

If what you say is true, that I shouldn't curse the Christian image of God because it would be a denial of good morality, then you are also saying I should advocate slavery and submission with God having the role of lord and master.

the trick here is that God is different for us all, and yes thats where the confrontation is.