Your plea to "reasonable minds" is a further establishing of your inability to percieve the Bible as testimony which are followed by implicitly forceful statements yet devoid of any explicit demonstration.
Being created in the Image of God
What does that mean?
That's a good image.My oh my.
Why doesn't anyone comment on my idea that "being created in the image of God" is a pleonasm, and that all that was actually meant to mean is that God had an idea and he created according to that idea?
It is the simplest explanation and it solves all the problems.
My oh my.
Why doesn't anyone comment on my idea that "being created in the image of God" is a pleonasm, and that all that was actually meant to mean is that God had an idea and he created according to that idea?
It is the simplest explanation and it solves all the problems.
God however is described as being well beyond our ability to behold.
well thats their God. Bible was written by people, their mirrors showed them their own reflections which combined them into their own God. Every planet with consciousness has their own image of God from the reflections seen in mirrors.
Opposite of others, I percieve you as tolerant but searching. Searching for what has has been an answer which eludes me for now.
I don't think being created in the image of God means we look like God. It means God created us the way he wanted to.
If I creat a piece of pottery in my image it does not mean the pottery looks like me. It means I thought up what the pottery would look like and I created it to match what I had conceived.
That is my understanding of being created in the image of God.
My oh my.
Why doesn't anyone comment on my idea that "being created in the image of God" is a pleonasm, and that all that was actually meant to mean is that God had an idea and he created according to that idea?
It is the simplest explanation and it solves all the problems
Very true. Too bad most people are completely oblivious to that fact.Our ability to relate is always based on perception vaguries of sight limited by our understanding of the world.
Why would you say that? Just curious....Genesis shows an overview of the formation of the Earth not from supernatural perspective but from a human perspective.
Huumm... true... but we can use the bible to measure how close to the original perspective each individual is.Unfortuanatly today if we rely on individuals who claim to represent God then no one could do so accurately. As flawed feeling human beings we're encroached upon by our own emotions, perspective and a constantly changing sense of justice.
If I ever get to be 75 years old, I hope I won't say such immature things as you do.
It's all a pile of puke.