Being created in the Image of God

Two legs, two arms, two eyes, two of most things....;)

We all have two sides, as does GOd... But we also have things which are singular, such as liver, stomach, mouth etc...:)

If you include your own own self of thought that makes GOd in the image of us. If you are white you see jesus as a white man, if you are black, a black man. Hyspan's see him as Hispanic. It's not so much as made in his image, as we make him in our own image.:D

Though to me this is foolish as I believe only in my forefathers. Therefore, I am in the image of my Gods (please note the plural).

Blessings Silentowl
image of God can be seen in your mirror. Just look straight into it.

Accordingly, say you raised your right hand... it is perfectly reasonable to expect one to one correspondence to your actions from your reflection, not a clenched fist.
image of God can be seen in your mirror. Just look straight into it.

So if you draw an image of your neighbor and we ask you to prove that you have really drawn your neighbor; would you then say that the image itself is proof that you drew your neighbor because you drew it in your neighbors image ?
So if you draw an image of your neighbor and we ask you to prove that you have really drawn your neighbor; would you then say that the image itself is proof that you drew your neighbor because you drew it in your neighbors image ?

each, their own God. as for others, its their own problems, their own ideals.
each, their own God. as for others, its their own problems, their own ideals.

Uhm, no.
Man was created in Gods image, or so the bible says.
That means God must look like the average person.
Actually God must look like a man, because he created Adam first.
Uhm, no.
Man was created in Gods image, or so the bible says.
That means God must look like the average person.
Actually God must look like a man, because he created Adam first.

well thats their God. Bible was written by people, their mirrors showed them their own reflections which combined them into their own God. Every planet with consciousness has their own image of God from the reflections seen in mirrors.
well thats their God. Bible was written by people, their mirrors showed them their own reflections which combined them into their own God. Every planet with consciousness has their own image of God from the reflections seen in mirrors.

Hmm but I think we are talking about the Christian God here.
Being created in the Image of God

What does that mean?

When religious mythology claims man is created in the image of its god, it generally means that we are like the gods. We are special and have divine favor. This is an archetype that shows up in many if not most of the world's extant and extinct religions.
When religious mythology claims man is created in the image of its god, it generally means that we are like the gods. We are special and have divine favor. This is an archetype that shows up in many if not most of the world's extant and extinct religions.

Essau, who sold his birthright for something to eat, is another archetype.
Being created in the Image of God

What does that mean?
Oh! From the other thread, eh? :)

I'm pretty sure it's not literal. I don't see God as an "image".
I think it means that we are like Him. We are not a perfect representation of Him, however. It means that we are all God.

The following scripture says it all:

1 Corinthians 16
"For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. ”

The "mirror" suggests that we are Him, but that we don't see that and that we are "dimly" a mirror image of Him.
We all have free will, the ability to see things the way they are, distinguish between right and wrong, etc...this is what it actually means

with God above you, you will never be truly free. How will you exercise your free will when God sets limits to it?
When religious mythology claims man is created in the image of its god, it generally means that we are like the gods.

So then ... we can throw people to eternal hellfire, or send them to eternal heaven, we have created the Universe etc.?

I actually agree with that, but so far only in a metaphorical sense.