being alone

I had a bird feeder one time...

Originally posted by wet1
Ah, the wonders of nature. Many is the time that I have done most of those items that Teri 2 has mentioned. Except for the rock pool. Not many rocks around where I live.

I absolutely love to sit and watch a storm come in. The smell of the ozone in the air, the freshing of the breeze as it carries the front in. The jagged lightning running across the sky. For a real treat watch it from the ocean where there is nothing to block the horizon. Fantastic!

Got squirrels in the back yard. There is a feeder there I put up 5 or 6 years ago which has a plexiglass front. You can watch then go in and get the feed. And the ever restless humming birds, always trying to guard the feeder from the others. I can sit and watch them at any time. There is also a wind chime I hung about 20 feet off the ground in the same tree as the feeder is at. When the wind stirs you can here the most beautiful pure notes.

I had a bird feeder in the back yard one time but it got smashed to pieces after I shot a 12 ga. round at the squirrel that was stealing the feed. Damn!:mad:
Shall I come and shoot you, you miserable idiot.....
What are you thinking, shooting at squirrels.
Man, are you pathetic......
just my opinion

Silent Bob, my friend,
So sorry to hear of your romantic losses. But I'm guessing the breakup might have had something to do with you're being too "clingy", am I right. It struck me that your thread question may have a not-so-hidden link to your problem with your ex. I'm the same way! When I'm in love with someone (and I am, with my wife), I want to be around them every minute. It's an infatuation, like an obsession, but not quite.

And when I'm not in love, I think I prefer to be alone. Most people bore me with wanting to talk about themselves and their amazing accomplishments. Or they're complaining, GOD I hate that. Enough whining already!

But not to worry Silent Bob, there will be others. Have confidence in yourself, be assertive and most of all, LIKE the person you see in the mirror.

Howard - ease up on the women! Guess where you'd be without the women in your life. Have some respect! Women are absolute Goddesses, angels on Earth, creatures of beauty, to be admired and revered. And yes, some are bitches.

Originally posted by Banshee
Shall I come and shoot you, you miserable idiot.....
What are you thinking, shooting at squirrels.
Man, are you pathetic......

I didn't say I hit the damned squirrel! In fact the little mother fu**er jumped out the way before I could get off the shot!:mad:
cool to be alone

What with having no brothers or sisters and changing schools every year, I endured a pretty lonely chilhood and I had to learn to cope with it, mind you I did marry young, at 19, maybe subconciously I needed the company.
During my work years I must have had face to face interaction with probably half a million people or more, but my friends were always very few, no more than 2 or 3 at any one time and I used to crave for more, but slowly I got used to the idea that due to my personal circumstances I wasn't likely to.
As I grew older and was let down badly by the majority of my friends, family, doctors, lawyers etc. I began to relish my own company and avoid too much interaction with other people because they drain me. I still wish to meet interesting, honest and intelligent people, but I face reality and admit that there really ain't that many. Even my wife, who is generally a 'people lover' has began to realise how selfish, dishonest, manipulative, envious and shallow most of them are and learnt to appreciate her time spent alone.
To be successful at being alone you need to do something creative to occupy your time and engross your mind. Paint, read, write, sculpt, compose, study and most importantly think. Learn to utilise your natural talents and expand your mind; you'll love youself for it.

I don't agree with Howards misogynist views regarding women, just because he was dumb enough to make the wrong choices, doesn't mean that all men are dumb or that all women are bitches.
But if you really love this girl then you should tell her and try to get her back. If you don't actually love her and are just feeling hurt and lonely then don't worry, take it like a lesson, learn from your mistakes and try to improve yourself for the next girl you meet. And learn to be discriminating.
Not a bitch

Yeah, I know a lot of bitches, but I am not.
I just don't like Howardstern because he likes it to f**k me up all the time.

Go away, leave me alone, killer!!!!:mad:

If you go on like that there is no woman who wants to live with you.
And no one has to be lonely, just sometimes you are alone and there is nothing you can do about it then.
But along the way you get other chances to meet somebody who is interested in you;)

My grand-mother told me, when I was younger, there is somebody for everybody on this Earth.
The difficulty is how long it takes til you meet him/her, and in between you can practise with other relationships, haha
Sorry, it is a stupid sentence, but I like it, so I let it there

But I do believe what my grand-mother said, there is somebody for everybody........
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Thank you

Thank you for the nice pictures.
I love squirrels :)

Thank you so much, these are very nice pictures.
You see, better take a picture then shoot at them.
I should have drawn rifle scope cross hairs on the pics

:mad: :mad: :mad: The look even better through a rifle scope!