being alone

Silent Bob

Registered Member
How would you spend most of your time, alone, or with others. I have always had a problem with being alone. In fact, if a day goes by without hanging out with a friend, I get frustrated and can begin to cry. This is an extreme to those who like company... but it's just the way I am. some people tell me I need to learn to enjoy being alone, but honestly I don't see the reason why it's any worse than people who always want to be alone.... I just need people. The girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with left me just last week, so that's why I am thinking about this. With a new job, and little time... I don't know. How do you people feel?

"I got drunk with Mousillini and woke up a Communist!" -anon
After being in the rat race of humanity it is nice to be by yourself. I have been getting to where I really don't want to see to many people. I exist just fine without all the hassels that come with people. Call me a loner. It's ok. If you can not stand yourself then who will you stand? There comes that time when you must be with only you. If you can't handle that then you're in a world of hurt!

My sympathies on your love life.
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I would definitely have to have a balance. But I will say that if people were constantly around me I would go crazy.
You become accustom to the life you live. I was a loner, but then I made a family. It's a part of me now.
There are different people in this world (of course). But I myself, don't need tha stimulation of other people to keep me sane.
I'm a looner, and proud of it, because its who I am.
I don't see why you brought this subject up?
Everyones different, so theres no point in asking a question with too many answers, because we are all different.

But sorry for the stuff going on in your Love Life.
Welcome to Sciforums, alienXV90.

I agree that beyond generalities the question is meaningless. If you are looking for general patterns then it does indeed have meaning.
Originally posted by Silent Bob
The girl I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with left me just last week, so that's why I am thinking about this. With a new job, and little time... I don't know. How do you people feel?

"I got drunk with Mousillini and woke up a Communist!" -anon

How would you spend most of your time, alone, or with others. I have always had a problem with being alone.

<b>Howardistic answer:</b> Both. I would spend some of my time with friends, while spending other times alone. Actually, I prefer my solitude. The most intelligent conversationalists that I have ever found is my alter inner voice. Almost without exception, all others tend to aggravate the 'fuckin' hell out me (excuse my french).

I do not ever feel alone, even though I personally do tend to drive yapping, everyday idiots away from me. It's not that I hate these types of people, but that I consciously become/feel debilitated by most peoples incessant bragging, posturing, lying, manipulating, complaining,........BS!!!(bullshit)...

But Aka Howard/yours truly didn't come from the same apple barrel that most idiots come from. I came from the much more sarcastic basket of apples that were discarded for being a different color. Alone????? You are only alone if you lose your passion for knowledge & truth, my sorrowful friend.

In fact, if a day goes by without hanging out with a friend, I get frustrated and can begin to cry. This is an extreme to those who like company... but it's just the way I am. some people tell me I need to learn to enjoy being alone, but honestly I don't see the reason why it's any worse than people who always want to be alone.... I just need people.
<B>Howards..isms & life experiences</B> I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HAPPY TO VISIT WITH COMPANY, BUT EVEN HAPPIER WHEN THEY LEAVE!!!! When people can't get the hint to leave, that's when I get close to cryin!!!!!!! And Jesus, some people never get the hint!!!!! Yo Bob, what you need is to find your place in this world, not that I have yet. ...... okokokok...ok! :rolleyes: try the following:

1) find a quite place for inner meditation;
2) empty your mind of all thoughts (concentrate only on your breathing);
3) don't worry or consciously think of your needs or problems (in meditation, as the answers will come to you), and
4) after some quite time (perhaps several meditation sessions), your sub-consciousness will begin to surface your true search for happiness, or the real reasons why you are unhappy.

<i>AS I understand human consciousness, the human emotion of emptiness is the bodies way of addressing an inner need and longing for companionship, or belonging and purpose. Losing the soulmate of your dreams is the obvious reason for your despair, bob. Many before you have felt the same way, and many will follow!</i>

BUT TAKE IT FROM HOWARD, BOB. <I><B><U><FONT COLOR="RED">WOMEN ARE LYING LITTLE NASTY WHORES!</U></B> Chances are that the little cu**nt was scr**ewing 50 other guys while she was doing her little virgin act for you!!!!!! </i>That's how they are bob. Get used to it & quit sniveling bob!!! They are ALL bitches! The main reason that women hate to be called bitches is because they know it's true, AND THE TRUTH HURTS ! ! ! !:cool: :D :cool: </FONT COLOR>

So you can continue to be this little whore's sorrowful, longing tampon, bob, or you can finally come to the conclusion of all the rest of the male population has & become a man. And trust me bob, the little c**nt would be happiest if you spent the rest of your life longing for her, while she "HAD HERSELF A GOOD TIME (with every......?????......... <b>Question: How are a womans legs like a morgue?????...........Answer: Open for every stiff that cums through the door!!!!!" </b>:D

Become callus bob, or die!!!! Or be a pussy whipped moron the rest of your life!!!

My suggestion to you is to save all your damned money, keep yourself in peak physical condition, learn everything about the subject that interests you the most~aka~find your bliss!!! That one thing in life that you do well at or enjoy. Follow it to it's ends & come to know ALL that there is about IT (THAT ONE(1) THING)!!! That is the measure of a man, bob. Once you have found that one thing, and become an expert, all the pus**y in the world will beat a path to bob's place!!!!! AND each following one will be more luvin & sweeter than the one before!!!!

Good luck!!!!

<i><font color="blue">***further reading:
- "The power of myth", by the late Joseph Campbell;
- "The truth about women", by the late Sam kenison;
- "Gilligans greatest hits", by Bob Denver;
- "Bills world almanac of pussy chasin", by President Clinton;
- "Love em, leave em, then drop em in a ditch", by Gary Condit;
- "Lovem, and drown em", by Ted Kennedy, and
- "The world according to Garp", by Robin Williams (caution: graphic reading for mature audiences only).</i></font color>
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Silent Bob
Give me a second.
Your to smart to stay a loner. You'll out wit yourself and end up married.
Yeah a bit of each
Welcome but give the guy a break.
your right but...
Howard not tonight! I got a headache
silent Bob
You get set into a pattern, that even if you don't like it eventaly becomes comfortable in some way or another. If you consider your ex as a friend, it gets more complex. Your friends, Her friends, or mutual friends and so on. Sorry not really an answer??
I enjoy being with my girl, my friends, or alone as they all have different benefits.

We've all got our "stupid bitch" stories but the lesson to learn is to not feel sorry for yourself. Neediness is bad.

The girl I'm with has told me about all her ex's and how she made them all cry and how mad she was at them for crying. If a girl says "it's over" look at her in the face, smile, give a single wave and say "'k bye!"

There are many fish in the sea. Have fun! If it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be. Move on to someone else.

Yep, good girls hard to find these days.

I would definitely agree with what howard said. Many of us can relate that post.

You just shouldn't let a girl take you over. You gotta be a man. Do what KalvinB said. Its pretty sweet seeing the look on their faces when they see you with another girl.

They all make out that men have everything to do with their problems. The fact is girls don't know what they want. Yet they accuse guys of not being in touch with their feelings. Well I aint in touch with my feelings and don't really want to be.

Silent Bob, Its never good to lose someone you really love. But better for this to happen before you're married then after. Divorce aint good.

Try not to depend on other people to keep your sanity. You have to be your own person. (Well, this is my philosophy) Don't worry if people don't care. We're not all the center of the universe. People aren't to be fed off. I think that if noone cares that normal. If someone takes an interest in me then thats a bonus.

Perhaps you will find another girl, maybe noone. But even with the latter you can die a happy man. Try not to base your happiness on another person. I'm personally not too worried if I don't get married. As my signature says. Whatever happens, happens. Go with the flow.

I hope this helps. BUt I don't mean to be hard on you, just telling you a bit of my philosophy on how I live my life and keep my sanity.

Hello to All,
Um, I'm not exsactly new, just changed my name, I'm Actrox.
Anyways, HOWARDSTERN man you must have a nerve to call
females bitches.
What's your logical motive behind that?. I don't get you. Not all girls are bitches, some are just money hungry, or just use you for whatever you have. But that's just who they are, and they can change. Females are a interesting subject.
I've figured out alot of stuff about them, that i'll share with you.
The big thing is shopping? am I right. They all like to go out and spend countless amounts of someone elses money.
But its like an addiction, type thing for them, well not so much that. But when their shopping, they dream about having this top, and wearing it to some party or whatever.
They think about how good they will look in it, or how good it would look on your sofa.

You just have to be very very observant, find the right girl. And understand her, I've found my perfect match!.

So maybe you've meet a few females that you'd class as bitches.. it dosn't make the rest of them bitches as you said.

Also... back to the thing about been alone or not?. I've noticed that most intelligent people don't need the stimulation of other people. Their mostly indipendant like myself.

That's a interesting fact, I thought I'd share.
I've an Idea for U

Pick up a book!! and start reading.

When I'm alone which is most of the time, I live on my own, I've got a girlfriend but she lives out of town, about an hour away.

So I read plenty, or spend the time here on Cyber land!. still reading posts such as yours though!.
You are not alone Silent Bob!

You have yourself for company!

Is it really that necessary to have someone around you all the time?

Have you ever sat on a beach and watched the tide come in, or the sunset, or the waves crashing constantly on the rocks? Have you ever watched the little creatures in a rock pool swim around in their daily lives? What about squirrels scampering around on trees foraging for food? Or trees themselves, really thick ones that have been around for hundreds of years. Do you contemplate what may have transpired around them all those years ago? Do you watch little soldier ants busily going about building their homes; or bees pollinating flowers so that we have the beauty of new flowers to look at each spring. What about watching distant thunderclouds light up with lightening, never knowing where it’s going to strike? The wonders of the world are right there in front of you and you yourself are a unique individual. You don’t need someone else to complete you.
Enjoy the solitude when you have it. Take a look inside yourself. It is only then that you can know yourself and appreciate your own spirit.
Ah, the wonders of nature. Many is the time that I have done most of those items that Teri 2 has mentioned. Except for the rock pool. Not many rocks around where I live.

I absolutely love to sit and watch a storm come in. The smell of the ozone in the air, the freshing of the breeze as it carries the front in. The jagged lightning running across the sky. For a real treat watch it from the ocean where there is nothing to block the horizon. Fantastic!

Got squirrels in the back yard. There is a feeder there I put up 5 or 6 years ago which has a plexiglass front. You can watch then go in and get the feed. And the ever restless humming birds, always trying to guard the feeder from the others. I can sit and watch them at any time. There is also a wind chime I hung about 20 feet off the ground in the same tree as the feeder is at. When the wind stirs you can here the most beautiful pure notes.
Silent Bob

What about getting a dog? They cry when you leave, are almost always excited everytime you come back home. Tjey make you feel special and won't reject you. They'll just love you for you. but if you treat them bad then they'll fear you which aint a good thing.

Well, thats our two Cavilier Kind Charles Spaniels. they love company. There content just to lie on your lap and love to play(well most of them). Our second dog only plays sometimes about our puppy gets upset if you don't chuck a ball or teddy bear or a coke bottle or something.
Silent Bob thinks he's alone

You're not alone, Silent Bob, you are surrounded by life!
The only difference is that not all of them can talk back to you.
Look around you, sweetie.
Not alone, Bobby Lee?

That’s right,

That pot-plant you just watered is a living thing, the grass you walk on is living, even the air you breath has living microbes floating around in it. Everything around us was once alive. Have you ever heard of dust mites? Under a microscope they’re creepy looking creatures but they are living off the skin cells shed from our bodies, which makes up most of the dust around your house.

There is a whole world of funny little creatures living among the foliage around you. Even moths have problems with other little mites that build up around their ears! You can’t see any of these little critters and I’m sure if you could you would think they were from another planet, but they are there.

Like it or not, we are surrounded. Watch a few documentaries, all these wonders are there to see. We humans haven’t even identified all the species living on this planet.

Go snorkelling, Bobby Lee, you’ll be looking at the far edge of another world! A wonderful mixture of animals that have adapted and thrive in their own particular habitats. Nature is all around you.

All of those plants and trees are giving us the oxygen to breath. Science and biology are wonderful things.

Once you realise what role the rain forests play in our existence you’ll understand the environmentalists, I guarantee it.
Bobby Lee

I seem to have stepped up on a soapbox to preach. I'm stepping down now. I hope I didn't sound like I was having a go at you, if I did, I apologise. Don't worry, this condition doesn't last very long. I'll be back to my cynical self in no time at all.


PS, But do try snorkelling if you haven't done it before. I went once in Fiji and wanted to stay under the water forever.