Before 'Big Bang'.? Before Life.?

Crunchy Cat said:
Thanks Leo. I think it was 'quark' that was being reffered to and not 'quirk' :).
When the universe is maximally deflated, I have never seen any model showing that old matter would somehow survive. I have seen a couple of models
that suggest when the first primary inflation occurs a bunch of matter and
anitimatter are generated and cancel each other out to varying degrees;
however, these models never postulated that information from the last
universe was in any way preserved and translated into the new one. Is
there any cosmology media that I can view that has more information on
on matter presevation?

You are referring to theoretical models. We live in an actual universe that is strewn with Heavy Elements where they 'theoretically' do not belong. The easiest explanation is that all of the Conditions for the Big Bang were met before all of the last collapsing universe had quite melted down into the pure atomic stew, and so when the Big Explosion occurred, all that unassimulated matter was tossed out, giving us not a "Model" but our present mixed and dirty universe.

Oh, thanks for the 'quark' thing. I guess my way of remembering it was to think of quirk, and the memory tool turned out to be too insidious.
Crunchy Cat said:
No current model can
cover it all. Some future model may.

d__No. i see it that ANY model can only ever BE A model. it can never represent the whole

Model's of time
and human emotional perception are from two different fields, hence they
are different (as you have correctly pointed out).


I see, kind of like the 4 primary seasons on Earth. They change over time.
While 'cylical' doesn't exclude change I can see how 'spiral' symbolically
includes it and is aesthetically more attractive.

d__apparently the image of the spiral is THe earliest discovered image!

Yep, it's really cool stuff. People are still exploring it all and keeping abreast
with current cosomology events can help satisfy that interest.

d__there was a fascinating serions about M-theory on Uk Tv a little while back

Ahhh, in this case 'YOU' seems to be referring as sentience / conciousness.
In this scenario, 'YOU' is the result of a complex network of chemial and
electrical impulses (the brain). There is evidence that supports this and
no evidence that contradicts it. Before that brain goes live, 'YOU' does
not exist. After all activity in the brain ceases, 'YOU' does not exist. I
hope this makes sense.

d__kind of. of course this thread is called before BB? and before Life? meaning..we just DO NOT KNOW. it is not certain. it is indeterminate, ambiguous. i feel in my heart of hearts that the real radcial revolution must come from us EMBRACING ambiguity

I think I understand what is being expressed here. If we're talking about
feeling alienated from nature then this is more of the result of how we
evolved (as a species) and the environment we are in. Living in high rises,
programming computers, maximizing productivity, stock markets, ... these
are all human inventions. As a species we have an inherent satisfaction
with hunting and gathering (farming). Of course we have created an artificial
environment for ourselves and many people feel out of sync with nature. In
the past few hundred years we've introduced increadible environmental
pressures on ourselves and are self-focusing natural selection towards
modern life. Those who cannot adapt will be unhappy and less likely to
procreate. Those who can will be happy and more likely to procreate.

d__ i see it more as deliberate patriarcahl oppression on the people. it is something really happening. it is alright to say and feel 'YES. i AM oppressed. this is NOT written into 'natrual evolution'!

On a sidenote, a fact and reality are one in the same. Reality shows us
how things are (the fact). If we choose to accept something else as
true then reality at some point may come and contradict our acceptance.
If I believe that I cannot be harmed by fire then reality would contradict
my belief the moment I stepped into a raging fire.

d__'facts' to m are cold hard things. unflexible and unorganic. sure they look alright set in stone, but REAL life is a breating thing which has sometimes short gasps. to reassure needs a loving outlook, not a factsheet

"So you are being a bit superior here claiming that that is wrong and modern science is right, right?...that UNLESS one is a professional scientist one cant wonder or voice this wonder, and explore about things, cause it wont be authentic--as the scientists exploration is.

The response is defensive and not aligned to what my original post stated.
What can be seen is that my post was interpreted as a threat and met
with defensiveness.

And one of our interpretations is closer aligned to the truth (good ol'
facts / reality). It's interesting to note that people with better alignment
tend to have a natural advantage in today's science-tempered culture.

d__they are harder. more indoctrinated. are they to be my role models, and the homeless to be my scapegoats?

In the time of crusades (or equivelant), this may have been a disadvantage.
I can just see Einstein being burned alive for heresy.

d__which means that the science REACTION wan;t to REAL spirituality, but to a FALSE spirituality. this is the problem i see with science. for when they 'rightly' through that out, they also through original spirituality out also. though maybe unconscious of doing so.

Poetry is a fun means for creative expression. I've written some for school.
It's a good exercise for the brain and can elicit some very satisfying

d__Feeelings are important

Science enables us to experiment with reality, make observations of reality,
predict outcomes of reality, and create things in reality. Cell phones and
GPS units are inventions based on scientific knowledge. The fact that they
work as expected validates the 'correctness' of the models they are based
on. There is no phiolosphy involved here. Reality is what it is.

d__well that is what i am disputing. sure i can see cell phones. i can also seethe immense advertizing of them to children even though there is evidence they may HARM children. THAt is reality.
Look, science don't come on its ownsome. like the theocratic paradigm before where religion merges with State, so it is with science and State. with that inevitably comes a philosophy. a paradigm. in our case materilistic and mechanistic.

Science is
the best tool we have to understand it and do stuff with it.

d__A tool. not 'the best'

It's a fact that all information is processed by a person's emotional
center first. It's a fact that people have emotional needs (they want to feel
happy, they don't want to feel accused, they don't want feel heavy
obligation, they want to feel heard, etc.). It's a fact that people feel (it's
another survival mechanism).

d__but you make it SOUND like a machine. this is what i am pointing out. that is THe philosophy of science!

The reason all this knowledge exists is because of science. It helps
us unco
duendy said:
Crunchy Cat said:
Science is
the best tool we have to understand it and do stuff with it.
d__A tool. not 'the best'
It is the only tool.

The only way to find out the nature of Nature is to test it, and see what it tells us. Having found out the nature of Nature in our tired old mechanistic way, we can then actually make use of the knowledge we have so gained. This is in fact what happens all the time, and resulted first of all in an understanding of hygiene that saves lives, millions more lives than the mantra "cleanliness is next to godliness" ever did. Otherwise, any medical advancement is made by that means, any technological advancement which (among other things) allows me to communicate with you even if we were thousands of miles apart (and not the 200 we actually are!) is made by that means - and finally, the true nature of the way Humanity has spent the last 100 or so years damaging the Earth and the environment, was discovered solely through the methods of science.

In your belief system, you take hallucinogenic drugs and have a mystical experience in which the nature of nature is "revealed" to you. Obviously there is no point my saying that this is worthless nonsense! But lets say that one of your hallucinatory revelations told you to mix up the bark of an Amazon tree with the crushed bodies of ants from India to obtain a cure for cancer. That's great, and you wake up with a mission to save the world. Unfortunately, you really can't be sure that the bark-and-ant thing will actually work unless you test it. Even if you don't test it, the very fact that it will either work or not work will be a scientific test. After all, if you try it on 3 people and they not only do not get cured for cancer but actually die through the administration of the potion, you are not (unless you are a lunatic or a conman - and such lunatics and conmen have been with us always) going to carry on administering the potion just because the Goddess told you about it in a dream, are you?

duendy said:
d__but you make it SOUND like a machine. this is what i am pointing out. that is THe philosophy of science!
There is not as much philosophy in science as so-called philosophers of science would have you believe. Science is merely the acting out of the human tendency to try stuff out in order to satisfy our curiosity - and furthermore it is the only method that works - ie that gives us useful knowledge that we can apply. You can denigrate Science as mechanistic all you want, but Science is not actually an entity that can succumb to such analysis. Scientists will carry on finding out what actually works, and applying it. What else can they do?
Leo Volont said:
You are referring to theoretical models. We live in an actual universe that is strewn with Heavy Elements where they 'theoretically' do not belong. The easiest explanation is that all of the Conditions for the Big Bang were met before all of the last collapsing universe had quite melted down into the pure atomic stew, and so when the Big Explosion occurred, all that unassimulated matter was tossed out, giving us not a "Model" but our present mixed and dirty universe.

Oh, thanks for the 'quark' thing. I guess my way of remembering it was to think of quirk, and the memory tool turned out to be too insidious.

That's correct. I am referring to theoretical models. The one point I am
not understanding is why heavy elements should not be able to exist. The
'recombination' period would have created the foundations for all elements
(heavy included). Any references for further reading would be greatly

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Based on all those previous responses, the one thing that becomes evident
is that science is being interpreted as an obsticle to emotion. Something
that will prevent a person from achieving emotional satisfaction and
well being. This interpretation appears to be resulting in a substitution of
emotional thinking in place of science as a tool for understanding the
Universe because it 'feels better' and is much more attractive to an emotional

If the goal is to 'feel' good and embrace the attractive, then explaining the
Universe with emotion is a valid way to go. If the goal is to understand
and embrace truth then science is the way to go.

Just for the heck of it, I thought I would list a few accomplishments that
are a result of science:

* Smallpox vaccines
* Prozac
* Computers
* Airplanes
* Satellites
* Credit cards
* Movies
* Cart racing
* Laser tag
* Paint ball
* Smoke detectors
* Sunblock
* Showers
* Microwave ovens
* Digital watches
* Keyboards
* Electric guitars
* Karioke
* Radio
* Telepones

and the list goes on and on. There are items that preserve and protect life,
improve quality of life, provide entertainment, enable communication, save
time. These are the innovations of people, people who were inspired.
Leo Volont said:
We live in an actual universe that is strewn with Heavy Elements where they 'theoretically' do not belong. The easiest explanation is that all of the Conditions for the Big Bang were met before all of the last collapsing universe had quite melted down into the pure atomic stew,
Please provide a solid reference or two for this notion. All my reading tells me there is not a significant issue with the quantities of heavy elements. Your remarks on this are interesting, but quite surprising to me. Thanks.