Banning religion?

United for Communism

Marx & Lenin Forward
Registered Senior Member
Religion is outdated, ignorant, and the cause of great conflict and hatred; and to boot, it is the tool of the capitalist class, used to exploit the worker.

"Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich man" - Napoleon Boneparte

I'm all for principles of freedom of religion and all, but wouldn't it be for the overall good of the people if we just ban it, deal with the whining that comes, and within a generation or two, be free entirely of religion?
Because you are suppressing the freedom of the right to choose. Religions won't just "go away" if you try to outlaw them. Religions are needed by billions of people but in a Democracy you can be and think anyway you so want. Forcing the will of the people to stop something they believe in will only cause many more problems. It is much more advantageous to allow Religions to flourish and keep educating people with the truth about science and the natural way we evolved so that over time people will become understanding, if they so choose, as to what the truth is.
UofC appears to be a big fan of limiting personal freedoms and imposing his own ideology. He'd be right at home in Stalinist Russia.

The very reasons communism does not, and never has, worked.
UofC appears to be a big fan of limiting personal freedoms and imposing his own ideology. He'd be right at home in Stalinist Russia.

The very reasons communism does not, and never has, worked.

Well, you see, the road to paradise lies along a path that requires brutal repression. But in the end it will all have been worth it, even though the path to get there required the liquidation of over 50% of the population.

I have nagging suspicions that the person posting all of this is not at all sincere, but instead a persona adopted for the sole purpose of stirring up shit on this forum.
Well, you see, the road to paradise lies along a path that requires brutal repression. But in the end it will all have been worth it, even though the path to get there required the liquidation of over 50% of the population.

I have nagging suspicions that the person posting all of this is not at all sincere, but instead a persona adopted for the sole purpose of stirring up shit on this forum.

Well, then you are wrong.

There are people who believe force can be used for good. I am one of them. Would you like historical examples of when force has been used for good?
Well, then you are wrong.

There are people who believe force can be used for good. I am one of them. Would you like historical examples of when force has been used for good?

Show me where those empires are today, oh that's right they were overthrown by force weren't they and the beat goes on.
Well, then you are wrong.

There are people who believe force can be used for good. I am one of them. Would you like historical examples of when force has been used for good?

If you are indeed sincere, then you are useless.

I cannot share the hopes of the Bolsheviks any more than those of the
Egyptian anchorites; I regard both as tragic delusions, destined to
bring upon the world centuries of darkness and futile violence. The
principles of the Sermon on the Mount are admirable, but their effect
upon average human nature was very different from what was intended.
Those who followed Christ did not learn to love their enemies or to
turn the other cheek. They learned instead to use the Inquisition and
the stake, to subject the human intellect to the yoke of an ignorant
and intolerant priesthood, to degrade art and extinguish science for a
thousand years. These were the inevitable results, not of the
teaching, but of fanatical belief in the teaching. The hopes which
inspire Communism are, in the main, as admirable as those instilled by
the Sermon on the Mount, but they are held as fanatically, and are
likely to do as much harm. Cruelty lurks in our instincts, and
fanaticism is a camouflage for cruelty. Fanatics are seldom genuinely
humane, and those who sincerely dread cruelty will be slow to adopt a
fanatical creed. I do not know whether Bolshevism can be prevented
from acquiring universal power. But even if it cannot, I am persuaded
that those who stand out against it, not from love of ancient
injustice, but in the name of the free spirit of Man, will be the
bearers of the seeds of progress, from which, when the world's
gestation is accomplished, new life will be born.
Don't you think I would like peace? Peace is always preferable to war.

My point was that force can be used for good; this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not I want peace or war.
Don't you think I would like peace? Peace is always preferable to war.

My point was that force can be used for good; this has nothing whatsoever to do with whether or not I want peace or war.

Only Tyrants, Dictators and Facists know that they can use force to keep their citizens under their thumbs and downtrodden. When has a dictator used force for good, again please give me a link.
People will always believe in something.. period. Weather that be nothing,a gold goat, or something logical like a creator.
Besides, this isn't about banning religions; it's about banning competing religions. The religion of Marxism doesn't tolerate competition.
"Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich man" - Napoleon Boneparte

Are you arguing that more murder would be a desirable outcome?

I'm all for principles of freedom of religion and all, but wouldn't it be for the overall good of the people if we just ban it, deal with the whining that comes, and within a generation or two, be free entirely of religion?

I think you'd be pretty upset if someone banned communism and all the whining associated with that. If you want the freedom to believe what you want, you have to grant others that same right.
If you want the freedom to believe what you want, you have to grant others that same right.

Communism does not agree with this.
Besides, this isn't about banning religions; it's about banning competing religions. The religion of Marxism doesn't tolerate competition.

What is the religion of Marxism? I think a pretty simple idea for a religion that all can aply is this. God is the creator, and these are his morals (morals of being a good person). Other than that leave it to yourself to find answers.
There are people who believe force can be used for good. I am one of them. Would you like historical examples of when force has been used for good?

Anytime force is used,it is a bad thing.

no matter how well intentioned the motivation is.

I have always been the type to resist force, no matter what the intention..
..If God was forced down my throat,i would not believe
..if atheism is forced on me i would also resist that..
If someone tried to force me to take 1 million dollars, i would resist..(but i seriously don't know how long i would resist that one..)
Well, then you are wrong.

There are people who believe force can be used for good. I am one of them. Would you like historical examples of when force has been used for good?

Your in luck today . It is your lucky day . You can call it your personal day of the lord for you have just come up against the power of God . " That be Me " I am the power of god so you will have to kill Me first . Can you do that ? Many thought they could . No one succeeded yet and if I continue to have my way you <<"will never">> . I'm extremely easy to find and Many know my name . I protect the oppressed and oppressed protect Me . They know my name well because they call it daily for Me to stand . So I stand before you this day . Lets party ! Missoula that is were I can be found