Ban on HIV Positive Immigrants Lifted

It's expensive but your treated life expectancy after infection by HIV is 20 to 25 years.

So a 20 year old who contracts HIV can expect to live into his 40s at best (and if he has the money to pay for the medical care). That sounds like a pretty serious disease to me; and not one we should be voluntarily importing into America.

By the way, it is only contagious through exchange of body fluids.

Which is still contagious...
Ah yes the Obummer Administration is in full swing I see...this makes absolutely no sense at all!

What is written on the Statue Of Liberty again?

Send us your downtrodden, tired masses..something something.... aids infected seeking free medical care...

Yeah thats the ticket.

But does it really matter anymore as some 2,000 and more coming across Americas border everyday with HIV and other diseases seems to be the norm now.

Next they will require Americans to house HIV positive illegals or be thrown in jail.

Dude if free medical care is what they are seeking I think there are far better choices then the US like Britain Or Canada for starts.
Hell you can get into Canada if your are a serial killing rapist pedophile thrid world dictator with hate for all things Canadian. Just as long as you promise not to be bad or anything like that.