Ban Fox Hunting?

Ban Fox Hunting

  • YES!

    Votes: 29 64.4%
  • NO!

    Votes: 15 33.3%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters
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Why then, do fox hunters claim they keep fox numbers down? they do find and kill lots of foxes.

Yes, fishing and hunting are both cruel, but nowhere near as brutal and pointless as fox hunting.
Okay, maybe they do kill loads of foxes through fox hunting. I always thought that was an excuse invented to justify fox hunting. By the way Im indifferent to fox hunting, I really didnt care that it was banned but it does concern me that other field sports will be banned also.

Do you not agree that banning shooting and fishing is the next logical step as protesters look for the next thing to ban? It appears so to me that it could easily be justifyable on the basis that its cruel and barbaric because it doesnt require the use of any high-tech gizmos to do the killing like in humane abatoirs but the use of a simple tool - thus making it seem more barbaric and it causes pain. How many towns people actually shoot anyway so its not like your losing a popular sport, I can certainly see shooting being banned next in Britain.

Okay, maybe they do kill loads of foxes through fox hunting. I always thought that was an excuse invented to justify fox hunting.
No i think your right they dont even average 1 per hunt, thing is they are vermin for killing chickens, so why dont they just protect the chickens better? if the fox digs under the chicken coup then submerge a plank of wood at the bottom to prevent it, they just want their sick and brutal fun, vermin and keeping numbers down is the excuse for it.
Do you not agree that banning shooting and fishing is the next logical step as protesters look for the next thing to ban?
I agree but dont support that next step i think the reason most people are ok with other kinds of hunting is if its done for food or for an actual purpose, i dont think anything should be hunted just for fun i think thats sick and brutal and we might as well hunt humans if you want fun, it would certainly be more sporting.
i remember listening to my uncle talk about hunting and how they have to hunt or the deer will overbreed and take over. but whitewolf got me to thinking about this. she's right. we have eliminated the natural predators that keep huntable animals in check. the problem is that people are unwilling to live among other animals unless they are on leashes or have a cute furry tail. a bear gets into someone's garbage...OH MY GOD GET YOUR CHILDREN INDOORS and then you have a bunch of wannabe hunters from new jersey out trying to shoot it. these predator species are not dangerous to humans until we do something to them. wild wolves do not attack or eat humans. neither do bears. big cats don't hunt humans (although they are more dangerous if you bother or frighten them). if you can walk past a small cat without jumping out of your skin, why can't you ignore the mountain lion that has come down into the town? it's not trying to eat you.

captain, there are plenty of people who would be in favor of that.
p.s. a vegan friend of mine likes to joke...with a lip piercing and a straight face...about how cruel fishing is because you put a hook through the fish's lip.
Captain, I agree with you that people would try and get other hunting types banned, although fishing is cruel, the fish are usually caught to be eaten.
Only fox hunting should be banned for the moment, untill such a time comes where fishing becomes a pointless cruelty.

Hmm, id imagine if you put a lion in the middle of a town, there'd be a rather big decline in the towns population :D
Hey, look at it another way, youve got something that can be done quicker with a man with a gun, but the British, (english especially) manage to get dressed up and have a day out an contribute money to the local economy. not to mention the waste meat disposal capabilities of a pack of hounds.)
So, Whilst I dont like many of the people who take part on hunting, i dont really think it should be banned. Just make sure they dont dig the fox out, or torture it, etc.
captain, there are plenty of people who would be in favor of that.
Yes, usually townies that have only seen real animals on television and have no grasp on the real concepts of the countryside.

Captain, I agree with you that people would try and get other hunting types banned, although fishing is cruel, the fish are usually caught to be eaten.
I know more people that go out to catch fish to throw back than for eating. So they inflict pain on the fish for absolutely no practical purpose. Its cruel.

Star_One said:
Why then, do fox hunters claim they keep fox numbers down? they do find and kill lots of foxes.

You know this idea of fox hunting to keep the fox population in line has got me thinking a bit. We have foxes in the US, but we don't have Fox Hunting, yet somehow, those foxes aren't overrunning our farms and homes. They aren't boiling out of the forests to destroy agriculture as we know it. But then I also know next to nothing about the breeds of foxes present in the US vs. the UK, and am none to well versed in fox population statistics, so I suppose this should all be taken with a grain of salt.
Personally i think you've got it right, nature keeps them in check in the US without need for hunting.
In the UK foxes are a common occurance in towns and cities, this is mainly due to litter louts just throwing food on the pavement. Foxes are litrary overrunning towns and cities as well as the countryside. Humans have a big part to play in this I suppose.
Overrunning towns and cities? I have only seen one in the last few years, and that was because someone left food for it in the garden, and what about rats overrunning towns and cities? There are billions of them if they ever decide to leave the sewers.
If we clean up after ourselves and stop hunting foxes nature will keep them in check, they dont have an unlimited food supply and when the population is too high they will die out.
I'm British and fox hunting's a part of our heritage.
However, I voted YES to ban it. We don't need it in the 21st Century.
And foxes are kinda cool...!

The Flemster.

because it's disgusting, retarded, idiotic, moronic, stupid, pathetic, a waste of time, a waste of foxes who are beautiful and in danger of being extinct...

and anyone who votes "no - it should be kept" should be covered in fox scent and sent out to be torn to pieces by poor inocent dogs who are trained to hunt them down. Then their skins should be hung from trees and spat on by passers by who then go on to stomp on their graves. And if there really is a God, then he shan't be merciful and shall pack them off to Hell where their souls shall be condemned to an eternity of pain, suffering and having their asses speared by tridents.

This goes for any type of sport hunting, non-esquimos with expensive fur or crocodile or snake coats/hats/blankets/shawls/gloves/boots, all the defenders of bullfights, shark hunting, rhino killing, elephant killings, whale hunters, tiger hunters of any other fucking bastards with no respect for anything.

And I'm being merciful here.
Bastards. Bastards. Bastards. They disgust me.
That was quite a tirade. What is special about Eskimos that they should be allowed to continue hunting? Their reasons, cultural heritage, are the same as the British fox hunters reasons. They don't have to do it, they could get with the 21st century program and stop killing animals, but they cling to this practice because it is their heritage. What is different here?
Esquimos are like south american indians and african tribes - you can't inforce a so called "civilization" on them, or a culture because they have their own views and necessities. As for the British - who parade themselves as educated, everyone knows that only the rich pompous bastards with nothing else to spend their fucking time on go to the fox hunts. It's the most pathetic thing in the "civilized western world" after wars. You can't pretend to be educated, attempt to uphold some sort of judiciary system and defend the human rights if you're not intelligent enough to undestand why SPORT hunting and fishing is disgusting, despicable and outright moronic. It's an offense to dignity and those who are truely educated.

Hunting and bullfighting is a tradition here and I hate the Portuguese as much as any other nations or individuals who do anything that comes close.
That still sounds like a double standard to me. If the Eskimos can hunt because they apparently don't know any better, I think the British can claim it too.
whitewolf said:
I am all for hunting, because man naturally has hunted for fur and meat and bones for thousands of years.
I am against hunting if it changes the ecosystem.

Yeah retard; I can tell you're really smart.

You're all for hunting because its tradition? Great. Let's abolish courts and stone people to death. That used to be a tradition. Let's sacrifice children when it rains to appease the Gods. What a brilliant tradition.
Lets stop evolution and live in caves. Brilliant idea, mate.
How about shoot the idiots that defend hunting? I say that tradition should be started.

You're against hunting when it changes the ecosystem? Wow eh, that's a REALLY inteligent comment. When does killing animals faster than they can reproduce NOT damage the environment?
SpyMoose said:
That still sounds like a double standard to me. If the Eskimos can hunt because they apparently don't know any better, I think the British can claim it too.

The pompous rich British fox-hunting bastards are a disgusting section of the so called "upper class" and NOT a seperate culture. Please; I beg you to make use of your brain.
At what point should they be defined as a separate culture? They have different lifestyles jargon and mannerisms.
The Flemster said:
I'm British and fox hunting's a part of our heritage.
However, I voted YES to ban it. We don't need it in the 21st Century.
And foxes are kinda cool...!

The Flemster.

Way to go Flemster - we are clinging on to British heritage and ethnic identity and you want to rid a part of it. If we don't stop the threat now in 20 years or so we will be looking at this country and thinking - what was world war 2 all about - we've lost our land.
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