Backstreet boys?

Hahaha, that's a real good one Clarentavious!

It might be, looking at all the girls drooling over their "songs"and pictures. Seems like some of them go off by only seeing these backstreet boys on television. Has nothing to do with Music though. It's more backstreet trash...

the only thing they are good at is making unsuspecting people throw up

btw, the mainstreem pop/hip hop culture is destroying and brainwashing teen minds.
As it always has in the opinion of the elders. This opinion is a sign of aging...and I guess that's what is happening to me. I can hardly have MTV on in the background anymore, as I used to, because the "music" is totally unlistenable. All this wailing drives me insane....they are squeeling like they are in severe pain and it does not sound good.
There are no catchy melodies anymore, or are my ears just too old to catch them? What is wrong....with the world?!

nothing is wrong with YOU.

the market auditory simply is teens.
as you become older you start to think more and do not catch on slimy sugary melodies that are mass produced.
good music is hard to find nowadays, because the industry is feeding you with cheap junk

I'm listening to "Suite 706 - Serrano Anthem" right now
it is french, it is erotic (I mean it, slightly erotic, french now how to make good songs) and it's like trance.
like pagan?
get Ink(k)ubus Suk(k)ubus there were two "k" in one of them.

like trance?
Suite 706

like Mike Oldfield? and or electronics.
there is one his album tht is almost completely unknown, but I got it (in the local cd shop!, I never thought I could get it in Latvia, it's very rare talked about)
get Distant Earth.

what styles you prefer?

I could also advice you
martha and the muffins - echo beach
leonard cohen
I don't know what styles I prefer, as long as it's not r'n b, I dispise that.
Except Isaak Hayes, but he's more soul....and cool.
I want to hear something NEW!
Are there any new styles out there yet?

Bebelina, my personal hero, try Heather Nova. Very groovy. Or Skunk Anansie, if you like harder rock.
Well I am working on compiling a soundtrack of the original Baldur's Gate :) It may take a little while longer though, it takes a long time to convert AMC to wave files (sound format) - well, when doing alot of individual ones anyway.
Yes Bebelina, I agree with Adam. :) Good choice he has made here. Go listen to Skunk Anansie. Good chance you like it...:)
I'm sorry to dissapoint you, but I've heard Skunk Anansie and I can't stand her voice..I'm very picky with voices...have no idea why...but if a person has a to me sounding unsympathetic voice, everything is ruined, I can't listen to it. Like Jefferson Airplane, I wish I could stand HER voice, but no...
Heather Nova I have heard in a song with Eskobar, that was really good, a sad and beautiful song...'Goodbye' I think it was.
Then try: Crowded House - Don't Dream It's Over. :) Good Song and they've made several other good Songs.

Not a woman's voice either, a man's voice, in case it makes a difference...:D

Yes, that's an old classical hit from the 80's. I remember that they played that one at the end of school discos, and everybody hoped that somebody would ask them to dance. :)
Ah Beb.
Doesn't it feel like modern musicians are just trying to screw us over? Like from the mid eighties onward every musician stopped and said 'hey, why don't we pull a prank and suck for the next 20 yeras!' And they all did except for a few. Like it's big business trying to squeeze out shit and get the same (or more) money. Fuck, they're just trying to stone us with the price of......

stone us?

Well, they'll stone you when
You're trying to be so good.
They'll stone you just like
They said they would.
They'll stone you when
You're tryin' to go home
Then they'll stone you when
You're there all alone,
But I would not feel so all alone.
Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you when
You're walkin' on the street.
They'll stone you when
You're tryin' to keep your seat.
They'll stone you when
You're walkin' on the floor.
They'll stone you when
You're walkin' through the door,
But I would not feel so all alone.
Everybody must get stoned.

They'll stone you when
You're at the breakfast table.
They'll stone you when
You are young and able.
They'll stone you when
You're tryin' to make a buck.
They'll stone you and then
They'll say, "Good luck,"
Yes, but I would not feel so all alone.
Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you
And say that it's the end
Then they'll stone you
And then they'll come back again.
They'll stone you when
You're riding in your car.
They'll stone you when
You're playing your guitar.
Yes, but I would not feel so all alone.
Everybody must get stoned.

Well, they'll stone you when
You're walkin' all alone.
They'll stone you when
You are walking home.
They'll stone you
And then say you are brave.
They'll stone you when
You're set down in your grave,
But I would not feel so all alone.
Everybody must get stoned.

Yes Bobby. Everybody must get stoned!
I can hardly have MTV on in the background anymore, as I used to, because the "music" is totally unlistenable.

It is my sad task to inform you that you are aging. With that comes a lowering of tolerance for what is strange or new. Epecially in music. By now you like what you like and the rest doesn't measure up. I am afraid you will have less tolerance as time goes by. That does not mean you don't like music just that your tastes don't change as much as those around you of the younger generation do. You will be ok. Try a different station.
Yes, what's the old peoples station? :D
But they are more commercial now, than they were before, otherwise an artist like Britney would never have gotten a chance, not with that voice.
What happened to writing your own music?

Btw, I've been a member for one year now, so let me hear a chorus: "Get a life!!!"

How about some industrial music?

Nine Inch Nails

How about some rock with balls?

Instead of saying "Get a life", I would say, "Happy aniversary". Hope many more follow.

Now oldtimer, sometimes you can find what you are asking for on satellite tv, such as directv. There are stations with no commercials, no video, and they just play 'em one after another...