Background to Ethnic Genocides

GeoffP said:
Einstuck, are you some kind of freaking Holocaust denier?
No truck with you, then.

Dear Geoff: If you would just scroll a mere 6 posts prior to yours,
you would see irrefutable evidence that I DONT deny the Holocaust.

Please at least read my posts before starting false rumours.
It looks so tacky.
DDT is what nearly wiped out malaria, not vaccines.
I won't get into whether or not bad vaccines contributed to polio.
Disease in the West was not wiped out by vaccines however.
The cases began to decrease before vaccines could have had an impact.

The main cause commonly accepted as to disease control and mortality
is clean water, sewers, and a modern understanding of hygene and effective sterilization techniques (not birth control, the disinfection of hands, instruments and operating rooms).

Good essay: A very good proof point for evolution. Survival of the fittest.

the real point is
how we react to the emergency:
There is no emergency – this has been how mankind has evolved. I.e. this is normal. It isn’t good but that’s how it’s been for millennia. But we shouldn’t expect anything else from an undirected and largely random process. Another good proof point for the non existence of omni-benevolent deities.

will we repent and enact Christian principles of charity,
Clearly that doesn’t work. Charity merely perpetuates a state of dependence, but it is a powerful weapon used by Christianity to recruit more victims to its fold. But remember Christianity once ruled the world and then of course things were far worse, life was short and harsh – that was known as the dark ages. Fortunately we’ve moved on.

or cross over to the other side and wait around, hoping no one notices us, or that someone else will help the half-dead victim?
Nope - the solution is a mechanism that will ensure an equitable distribution of wealth and power – we simply haven’t developed the technology yet to make that happen. But we are trying and at least we have democracy in many countries which is far from perfect but a move in the right direction. Now that the tyranny of Christian repression is way behind us we at least have a hope. However, the other great darkness of the world, Islam, may yet gain nuclear weapons and then all bets are off.
Einstuck said:
Dear Geoff: If you would just scroll a mere 6 posts prior to yours,
you would see irrefutable evidence that I DONT deny the Holocaust.

Please at least read my posts before starting false rumours.
It looks so tacky.

Yeah. Sure does. And I must be so wrong about you! Why, you aren't a Holocaust denier. Anyone can see that. Especially the part where you try to break it down into a "mere" six digits.

That does indeed look kind of tacky. Like where you say you don't deny the Holocaust, but then you type it with quotes around it, like this: 'Holocaust'.

In the same vein, would I be right or wrong if I described you, verbatim, as a 'Holocaust denier'?

Look, if you're going to cut-and-paste from "Stormfront", at least cut off the nasty bits. It looks so...tacky...when you forget.

Don't be such a clown.

If I really was a Nazi, I wouldn't pussyfoot around denying the Holocaust. What a gay (physics nerd type) thing to do.
Any real Nazi worth a s**t and with even one testicle (like Unohoo)
wouldn't deny the Holocaust: they'd brag about it, and maybe inflate the numbers just a smidge.

Besides, I haven't the time to run around joining the Western Guard or the Brownshirts. I'm too busy with my own Jewish conspiracy to take over my neighbour's Enron shares, oh yeah, and I have an important meeting later with Bush over at Camp David (which we own) to do a little nip and foreskin tuck. He seems to be hanging embarrassingly low in the Masonic Sauna,
and the other Jews are beginning to wonder if he's really one of us.

Now if you'd accused me of hanging out in bars, hoping to latch onto a material girl shiksa,you might have had a case: I feel a strange psychological urge right now to spank some German wench until she shouts her 'safeword',
"VunderJuden! Da Da"
Any real Nazi worth a s**t and with even one testicle (like Unohoo)
wouldn't deny the Holocaust: they'd brag about it, and maybe inflate the numbers just a smidge.
'No True Scotsman' logic fallacy. It is quite possible to be a 'real' Nazi, while not bragging about the Holocaust.

Then again, is it any surprise that an idiot such as yourself would not only commit yet another logic fallacy, but also not have a clue about the Nazis.
Einstuck said:
By the way, I've probably read more books than you've seen strolling through a reference library.
reading a lot of books is one thing, but learning from them is another.
you quite clearly have'nt.
Einstuck said:
Don't be such a clown.

If I really was a Nazi, I wouldn't pussyfoot around denying the Holocaust. What a gay (physics nerd type) thing to do.
Any real Nazi worth a s**t and with even one testicle (like Unohoo)
wouldn't deny the Holocaust: they'd brag about it, and maybe inflate the numbers just a smidge.

Errr, no, they'd understate the numbers or pretend it didn't happen.

Now who's doing that...Einstuck?

But at least you have a sense of humour, though a skewed one. Don't feel too bad. Hitler couldn't paint, either.


Einstuck said:
Don't be such a clown.

What a gay (physics nerd type) thing to do.

Now if you'd accused me of hanging out in bars, hoping to latch onto a material girl shiksa,you might have had a case: I feel a strange psychological urge right now to spank some German wench until she shouts her 'safeword',
"VunderJuden! Da Da"

People who pick on gays , often have homosexuel tendencies ....

You even feel, that you have to claim to us, that you are straight in the last
sentence .......Why ?
Einstuck said:
I feel a strange psychological urge right now to spank some German wench until she shouts her 'safeword',
"VunderJuden! Da Da"

A gay sadistic nazi jew, who do not think , that the menorah of Herod is holy :bugeye: ??????????

Am I to believe this ?
Please say it is not true !!!
How long have you been jewish , Einstuck ?
As a Jew myself, I have to stick up for Einstuck here;
you all seem to have accepted what the media has
fed you regarding historical "facts" and of the numbers
regarding the holocaust, without doing any fact-finding
for yourself... this amounts to faith doncha-know~

Jews were an important part of Germany's wartime labor force, and it was in Germany's interest to keep them alive.
Many extermination claims that were once widely accepted have been quietly dropped in recent years.

At one time it was alleged that the Germans gassed Jews at Dachau, Buchenwald and other concentration camps in Germany proper. That part of the extermination story proved so untenable that it was abandoned more than 20 years ago.
Today no reputable historian, not even those who generally accept the extermination story, believes this figure. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer said in 1989 that it is time to finally acknowledge the familiar four million figure is a deliberate myth. In July 1990 the Auschwitz State Museum in Poland, along with Israel's Yad Vashem Holocaust Center, suddenly announced that altogether perhaps one million people (both Jews and non-Jews) died there. Neither institution would say how many of these people were killed and how many died as a result of disease.

It is often claimed that all Jews at Auschwitz who were unable to work were immediately killed. Jews who were too old, young, sick, or weak were supposedly gassed on arrival, and only those who could be worked to death were temporarily kept alive.

But the evidence shows that, in fact, a very high percentage of the Jewish inmates were not able to work, and were nevertheless not killed. For example, an internal German telex message dated Sept. 4, 1943, from the chief of the Labor Allocation department of the SS Economic and Administrative Main Office (WVHA), reported that of 25,000 Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, only 3,581 were able to work, and that all of the remaining Jewish inmates -- some 21,500, or about 86 percent -- were unable to work. Archives of the Jewish Historical Institute of Warsaw, German document No. 128, in: H. Eschwege, ed., Kennzeichen J (East Berlin: 1966), p. 264

This is also confirmed in a secret report dated April 5, 1944, on "security measures in Auschwitz" by Oswald Pohl, head of the SS concentration camp system, to SS chief Heinrich Himmler. Pohl reported that there was a total of 67,000 inmates in the entire Auschwitz camp complex, of whom 18,000 were hospitalized or disabled. In the Auschwitz II camp (Birkenau), supposedly the main extermination center, there were 36,000 inmates, mostly female, of whom "approximately 15,000 are unable to work." Nuremberg document NO-021. NMT green series, Vol. 5. pp. 384-385

These two documents simply cannot be reconciled with the Auschwitz extermination story.

The evidence shows that Auschwitz-Birkenau was established primarily as a camp for Jews who were not able to work, including the sick and elderly, as well as for those who were temporarily awaiting assignment to other camps. That's the considered view of Dr. Arthur Butz of Northwestern University, who also says that this was the reason for the unusually high death rate there. Arthur Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century (Costa Mesa, Calif., 1997), p. 124

Princeton University history professor Arno Mayer, who is Jewish, acknowledges in his 1989 book about the "final solution" that more Jews perished at Auschwitz as a result of typhus and other "natural" causes than were executed. Arno Mayer, Why Did the Heavens Not Darken?: The 'Final Solution' in History (Pantheon, 1989), p. 365.

Perhaps the best known Auschwitz inmate was Anne Frank, who is known around the world for her famous diary. But few people know that thousands of Jews, including Anne and her father, Otto Frank, "survived" Auschwitz.

The 15-year-old girl and her father were deported from the Netherlands to Auschwitz in September 1944. Several weeks later, in the face of the advancing Soviet army, Anne was evacuated along with many other Jews to the Bergen-Belsen camp, where she died of typhus in March 1945.

Her father came down with typhus in Auschwitz and was sent to the camp hospital to recover. He was one of thousands of sick and feeble Jews who were left behind when the Germans abandoned the camp in January 1945, shortly before it was overrun by the Soviets. He died in Switzerland in 1980.

If the German policy had been to kill Anne Frank and her father, they would not have survived Auschwitz. Their fate, tragic though it was, cannot be reconciled with the extermination story.

Allied planes dropped large numbers of leaflets, written in Polish and German, on Auschwitz and the surrounding areas which claimed that people were being gassed in the camp. The Auschwitz gassing story, which was an important part of the Allied wartime propaganda effort, was also broadcast to Europe by Allied radio stations.
Nuremberg document NI-11696. NMT "green series," Vol. 8, p. 606

The head of the SS camp administration office sent a directive dated Dec. 28, 1942, to Auschwitz and the other concentration camps. It sharply criticized the high death rate of inmates due to disease, and ordered that "camp physicians must use all means at their disposal to significantly reduce the death rate in the various camps." Furthermore, it ordered:

"The camp doctors must supervise more often than in the past the nutrition of the prisoners and, in cooperation with the administration, submit improvement recommendations to the camp commandants ... The camp doctors are to see to it that the working conditions at the various labor places are improved as much as possible."

Finally, the directive stressed that "the Reichsfuhrer SS [Heinrich Himmler] has ordered that the death rate absolutely must be reduced." Nuremberg document PS-2171, Annex 2. NC&A red series, Vol. 4, pp. 833-834

There is no documentary evidence that Adolf Hitler ever gave an order to exterminate the Jews, or that he knew of any extermination program. Instead, the record shows that the German leader wanted the Jews to leave Europe, by emigration if possible and by deportation if necessary.

A document found after the war in the files of the Reich Ministry of Justice records his thinking on the Jews. In the spring of 1942, State Secretary Schlegelberger noted in a memorandum that Hitler's Chief of Chancellery, Dr. Hans Lammers, had informed him: "The Führer has repeatedly declared to him [Lammers] that he wants to see the solution of the Jewish problem postponed until after the war is over." Nuremberg document PS-4025. D. Irving, Göring: A Biography (New York: 1989), p. 349.

And on July 24, 1942, Hitler emphasized his determination to remove all Jews from Europe after the war: "The Jews are interested in Europe for economic reasons, but Europe must reject them, if only out of self-interest, because the Jews are racially tougher. After this war is over, I will rigorously hold to the view ... that the Jews will have to leave and emigrate to Madagascar or some other Jewish national state." H. Picker, Hitlers Tischgesprche im Führerhaupt quartier (Stuttgart: 1976), p. 456.

Indeed; it appears that rather than viewing Jews as inferior stock,
that Jews were considered racially tougher.

Thats ok; we won the war; the physical war,
and the war for the minds and souls.
ya'lls minds are certainly filled with "party doctrine",
and one more thing; you can cease and desist with
throwing the word nazi about, it only makes it apparent
that you don't know wtf you're talking about.
as a matter of fact,
isn't it a jailable offence
for those of you in Europe
to entertain the thought
that history might not be
exactly as you've been taught?

mmmm glad I live in the good ole u.s. of a.
where I won't be jailed for
"inciting racial hatred"
(against my own people even)
the pendultimate logical fallacy.

(I do have a bone to pick with Einstuck though):
Ashkenazi have a higher IQ than Shephardim,
and have a predominate place in Israeli Science
and education, where did you hear that we
were considered to be a "lesser breed" than Shephardim?
I'd be interested in cites if you have them.
(I do have a bone to pick with Einstuck though):
Ashkenazi have a higher IQ than Shephardim,
and have a predominate place in Israeli Science

Well, that's not the fault of us Sephardim.
The fact is, Ashkenazi midwives give them extra breastmilk.
And they're hotter too. But I'm not bitter...

Can you send me a few scientific photos on the difference in breast size
and shape between Ashkenazi and Sephardim please?
I know with your higher IQ your sources will be more exhaustive than mine.