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i could swear that is what i was sharing; the miracle was from Joseph making a good choice.

Rather, the miracle being from the immaculate conception and birth. :)

how is it that you are believing that a lineage of a human being could be from an adoption?

I am believing it because Joseph was also a nice person properly startled by God's kid?

Perhaps for a paper trail of physical rights but of blood line, that doesn't apply. And since there are no records of either a paper trail of births throughout the lineage of either parent; then the whole ideology of Jesus being of the bloodline of David is open to opinion rather than facts.

Depends. Was Mary a descendant of David? And, ultimately, does it really matter in any conceivable way?
Rather, the miracle being from the immaculate conception and birth. :)

but common sense shares 'magic is not an option'

i would rather grant Joseph the honor of accepting a child with circumstances as being miraculous, than believe Jesus was the son of God because the nicene council voted it in.

see the difference: one is practically absolute in knowing the capacity of human compassion while the other is based on the intent to create a God from a human being.

I am believing it because Joseph was also a nice person properly startled by God's kid?
We all God's kids (we live within existence and alive because of the same 'light of life')

perhaps you think God is separate from you (perhaps why you 'left the garden')

Depends. Was Mary a descendant of David?
not to me or in anything i can read unless from strange religiously bound interpretations.

most everyone knows women were practically possession back then (and why joseph was even exposed to mary, aften becoming prego; she has no people who claimed her as family)

And, ultimately, does it really matter in any conceivable way?

the story changed by nicene was concieved (by men/women)

the conceptions; of misinterpretations, impositions to the writtings and intent of the dogma............... are all matters of 'created' information.

IT really DOES matter in every concievable way; as the ideology still lives corrupting the minds of many.
A correction to your thinking: in your opinion, the Nicene Council changed this story. Ultimately, it's also interpretable from the NT. Thus, your opinion is your own.

Why are you so worried about the religious observances of others? Is there some creed that isn't corrupting that you think everyone should switch to?
can you share that?

Luke 3 does not!

in fact, that whole idea of using luke to correct matthew is foolish

No wait. He was her cousin, although he was much older than her [married for 40 years and widdowed, before he married her, and his first marriage was late]. Their fathers were brothers, Josephs father was Heli and Marys father was Joachim [heli is sometimes referred to as Mary's father but I think its because he was her father in law]

When forty years of age, Joseph married a woman called Melcha or Escha by some, Salome by others; they lived forty-nine years together and had six children, two daughters and four sons, the youngest of whom was James (the Less, "the Lord's brother"). A year after his wife's death, as the priests announced through Judea that they wished to find in the tribe of Juda a respectable man to espouse Mary, then twelve to fourteen years of age. Joseph, who was at the time ninety years old, went up to Jerusalem among the candidates; a miracle manifested the choice God had made of Joseph, and two years later the Annunciation took place
No wait. He was her cousin, although he was much older than her [married for 40 years and widdowed, before he married her, and his first marriage was late]. Their fathers were brothers, Josephs father was Heli and Marys father was Joachim [heli is sometimes referred to as Mary's father but I think its because he was her father in law]

can you share that in scriptures versus post scripture analogies?

basically, you offering an opinion (perhaps i was not the first nothing the inconsistancy of Matthew 1)

i am asking for something other than the New advent (catholic) rendition
A correction to your thinking: in your opinion, the Nicene Council changed this story. Ultimately, it's also interpretable from the NT. Thus, your opinion is your own.

how so.....?

each of the OPINIONS i shared are from scripture.

just because scripture doesn't point out that; that if Jesus was not of Josephs blood, then jesus is not from Josephs blood line

that is from common sense which means no one needs to tell me something else unless it can be found within the same literature.

i could care less what opinions people have if it is inconsistant with reality

Why are you so worried about the religious observances of others?

i could care less what people believe.

i care what people represent as true (and be false witnessing) that can damage others (fibs are why the world is divided)

Is there some creed that isn't corrupting that you think everyone should switch to?

the same 'creed' most every religious teacher said; no false witnessing.

for example; Jesus said. (per bible) ..... matt 16:20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

so if anyone calls him the Christ, then then going against Jesus himself......

Not really, no. The passages you cite are being misinterpreted by you. First, the minor technicality you cling to has already been easily explained. The second passage you cite is evidence of His humility, rather than a doctrinal change. How do you explain Jesus describing God as His Father, and stating that "no one goes to the Father except through Jesus?

As for your supposed concern that other people are believing something you describe as a fib: if you are really so concerned for the well-being of others, why not let them believe as they choose? Should others be as concerned about your own religion? I imagine there are a few passages in your holy book that might cause people a great deal of concern. I certainly agree that false witnessing - by some people at least - is heinous. I can think of one such doctrine. Like a mere man, for example, that sets himself up in a holy book as an equal with God. (!) Reprehensible, isn't it?
Not really, no. The passages you cite are being misinterpreted by you.

i didn't misinterpret.... i posted them from 'youngs literal translation"

would you like a link?

common sense tell anyone that jesus had no bloodline to joseph; just by the idea (belief) that mary had an immaculate conception

because if joseph had not touched mary, than matthew was incorrect to assume joseph bloodline was to david; (as the torah prophecized)

First, the minor technicality you cling to has already been easily explained.
what minor part?

it claims joseph is to david's blood and that joseph did not touch mary

the OTHER idea you are trying to use is that mary was related to joseph and using a different book (luke) to address such a MISINTERPRETATION.

The second passage you cite is evidence of His humility, rather than a doctrinal change.
i am not claiming that was changed; i can see many translations and see to read it and understand it; then jesus was not of Davids Bloodline thru Joseph

How do you explain Jesus describing God as His Father, and stating that "no one goes to the Father except through Jesus?
God is the father to all mankind; you, me, jesus, darwin and charles manson

can't change that, so nothing special about that comment.

i tink that back when, since hercules was using that, that u and i are supposed to believe that any man can be better than another, if he be god's kid directly

"no one goes to the Father except through Jesus?

notice it is the knowledge that is important, because Jesus is not here except within the spirit of what he left (by choice, he gave to mankind)

so most every human being on earth will of does know the name and the basics of what he said. I personally believe he meant 'christ'..... because not a human being alive will comprehend life without the light

As for your supposed concern that other people are believing something you describe as a fib: if you are really so concerned for the well-being of others, why not let them believe as they choose?

like i said NO PROBLEM.. believe as you wish

but shut up when speaking (representing something as truth, but is not: false witnessing)

that is not your right, nor any on this whole globe: period!

Should others be as concerned about your own religion?
each should be responsible for their actions; i could care less what they believe when their beliefs DO NOT IMPOSE adversely to existence.

as for my beliefs; you are reading them

I imagine there are a few passages in your holy book that might cause people a great deal of concern.
which one?

Origins of species? The KJV of bible, the Youngs translation; the torah; the quran; tantric, upanishads, thoth, mayan............. Principia... tesla, bose, einstein, zoroater, confuscius, jesus, muhammad.....

i honor the four colors of mankind (all of gods childrens works)

so which to you wish to articulate in.... just because i read a book does not mean i say :GOD IS WITHIN:

i know better ( i have the biggest book ever written; the internet)

how about you?

I certainly agree that false witnessing - by some people at least - is heinous. I can think of one such doctrine. Like a mere man, for example, that sets himself up in a holy book as an equal with God. (!) Reprehensible, isn't it?
which one?

That Maitreya guy in New mexico? Or perhaps Ted Haggard? The Pope?

If you think that some 6/66 guy (birth month/yr) is the bad guy, they you are not reading your own books.

i always like to ask; if the good guy was walking right now and you bumped into him; what would you expect?
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i didn't misinterpret.... i posted them from 'youngs literal translation"...because if joseph had not touched mary, than matthew was incorrect to assume joseph bloodline was to david; (as the torah prophecized)

You don't understand. Answer a question: is Jewish identity traced exclusively patrilineally, or also via the mother? What house was Mary of? You are making, moreover, a massive deal of a simple "adoption" in an attempt to score points.

the OTHER idea you are trying to use is that mary was related to joseph

NO. Please back up and re-think. No one is alleging the genetic relationship of Joseph to Mary. Stop trolling, please.

i tink that back when, since hercules was using that, that u and i are supposed to believe that any man can be better than another, if he be god's kid directly

Well, clearly He was a nice guy. So maybe God's kid was indeed better.

notice it is the knowledge that is important, because Jesus is not here except within the spirit of what he left (by choice, he gave to mankind)


like i said NO PROBLEM.. believe as you wish

but shut up when speaking (representing something as truth, but is not: false witnessing)

that is not your right, nor any on this whole globe: period!

So what is the false witnessing here? That you think there's a conflict in one of the NT books? It's already been explained. So tell me what the "false witnessing" part is. Frankly, I would call it the simple failure to completely address lineage in that section, which is frankly, not what the NT is about.

each should be responsible for their actions; i could care less what they believe when their beliefs DO NOT IMPOSE adversely to existence.

Define. Whose existence? In what way? Doctrinally? Corporeally? In expression?
You don't understand. Answer a question: is Jewish identity traced exclusively patrilineally, or also via the mother? What house was Mary of? You are making, moreover, a massive deal of a simple "adoption" in an attempt to score points.

if the score was important; then i will be the loser

notice, i don't care about scoring points. I could care less about changing YOUR MIND.

Each will make their own.

So what is the false witnessing here?

the line to david.

That you think there's a conflict in one of the NT books?
most all of them

It's already been explained. So tell me what the "false witnessing" part is. Frankly, I would call it the simple failure to completely address lineage in that section, which is frankly, not what the NT is about.

what is the NT for, then. I bet i clear it up in one line

Matt 16: 20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

so what is your witnessing part?

Define. Whose existence?
All of mankind, life; GOD.

In what way?
a misdirection is a 'loss to the common'

but of course...... see what Jesus charged and what people believe........... when comparing, do you see the conflicts?

Corporeally? In expression?

Mass: the 'corporeal' (energy affixed in time; the ankh (the loop; time) basically what E=mc2 suggests as well; see fission)

Energy; light (the life between all mass)

Time: the transcendent

Meet; The trinity!

All mass, all energy, all time: the boss! (existence itself, our creater; ONE)

We live within the body.

Be a cancer (selfish) or part of the heart beat; either "contributing" to the whole; or fade to extinction

kind of basic
if the score was important; then i will be the loser

notice, i don't care about scoring points. I could care less about changing YOUR MIND.

I thought you were pissed about 'false witness'. Were you witnessing falsely.

the line to david.

So what? We've talked about that.

what is the NT for, then. I bet i clear it up in one line

Matt 16: 20 Then did he charge his disciples that they may say to no one that he is Jesus the Christ.

I bet you don't. Why did he do that? Did he say "Because I'm not"? Nope.

Confucious say: kind of basic.
I thought you were pissed about 'false witness'. Were you witnessing falsely.


i don't do what i do for points or even to make someone 'less than'

i am not trying to dominate anything, anyone or choice

it is best to allow each a chance at reality and let them think but when fibs decieve and people claim, the good of it but in fact create a greater divide; then i claim foul and offer info to assist.

if i had the perfect terminology already in mind and capable; i would not be on this site or any, still in the process of learning.

the core frame; the math, the life, the light, the understanding, and the ever lasting life; they can all be combined and grounded

learning how to convey that is where i taste my own toes once in a while

So what? We've talked about that.
and to allow that awareness to set in, then to begin the humility of perhaps being capable of addressing in an objective fashion, then progress can ensue.

ie... to realize the earth rotates, then folks began to seek the description derived in math (copernicus to a newton) so that the knowledge can evolve.

I bet you don't.
to some who wish to retain an idea rather than observing the implications (what is does to others and the rest of knowledge)

Why did he do that? Did he say "Because I'm not"? Nope.

don't tell me, jesus wanted the people to fib on his behalf.

when it is quite consistent by jesus' own (as many have quoted) that HE is not the last.

He knew that and always did.

But them afterward, created a god from a man but fail to see the message the man was sharing.

Having faith is to have faith "the truth will come'

as anyone alive can see and understand, the absolute in fact, has never walked on this earth and not a ONE has EVER known the NAME

(the last word to all arguments; the name of the boss)
don't tell me, jesus wanted the people to fib on his behalf.

That isn't even remotely implied. Would you please stop bearing false witness? Thanks.
That isn't even remotely implied. Would you please stop bearing false witness? Thanks.

i aint.............. i asked you a question. (without the question mark)

now can you see why people like you and me don't get along?

you just tried to impose a fib within a question (i asked) in which you are unaware that other people claim that is why Jesus said that; that Jesus did not want any implying he was the christ while he was 'per se' finishing the prophecy

i look at it this way; if Jesus was the last (the messiah) then i would have expected him to just finish the job enabling equality to all mankind

on the first pass
Same. Stop with the false witnessing. Sheesh. And spare me the "what ifs" crap - why didn't any of the other messiahs finish the job? Why would God even care or bother? And so on.
Same. Stop with the false witnessing.

twice now i asked what false witness PUNK (either answer that or go jump in a lake)

show me what false i witness


And spare me the "what ifs" crap - why didn't any of the other messiahs finish the job?
because not a one was capable of conveying

not a one had the material knowledge we do today

Why would God even care or bother? And so on.

If you call GOD an isolated entity rather than the trinity, then i can see why God is 'thinking' about it (to you)

i don't go there

Heck, why not read what (per se; SO NO FALSE witnessing) god said:

Gen 3: 22

And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

does that make you a god too?
You false witnessed about the line of David and its importance, PUNK. Are you blind? You know that it's not what you think it is, so why are you keeping with the falsehoods? "Not one had the material knowledge we had today" - they're Prophets of God, for crying out loud. God suddenly doesn't know?

Maybe you should go back to Theology.

You false witnessed about the line of David and its importance, PUNK. Are you blind?

pehaps you need to read matthew

Matthew 1
1 A roll of the birth of Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham.

maybe luke 1

32 he shall be great, and Son of the Highest he shall be called, and the Lord God shall give him the throne of David his father,

these are trying to fulfill the prophecy of zachariah from gabriel of the OT....

If you do not know the bible, then how can you say i am false witnessing what the bible is representing?

you may not BELIEVE what the bible shares and follow a preachers idea but i am not here witnessing you or YOUR belief, nor am i witnessing what any believe other than what is written; that any can read for themselves equally

what it does, it shares that some know and some don't know, what the books is actually sharing, in its own words; then any can read for themselves a consistant frame, then most all the bible is easy

and then the real lessons start to unfold

You know that it's not what you think it is, so why are you keeping with the falsehoods?

what false hood? name one?

"Not one had the material knowledge we had today" - they're Prophets of God, for crying out loud. God suddenly doesn't know?

now YOU BE false witnessing """""""they're Prophets of God, for crying out loud"""""""""

Darwin a "prophet of God" to me!

Same with Confucius.... Muhammad, Moses, Jesus, Einstein, Copernicus and ya all, gotta LOVE Galileo........... he has outlived EVERY liar who has discredited him for centuries and will forever!

To me, all of mankind is capable of being GOOD and give of themselves for the good of life, mankind and the evolution of knowledge

as that pinnacle is when that collective of knowledge can be combined into the pure principle; the "light of life"

and that final combining frame is what to have 'faith' in; that one day it will exist.

Maybe you should go back to Theology.


i do every day;

and i am having to return to the basics just to converse with you.

ie.... perhaps when you can define 'life' and applying the 'light of god' you then can sit side by side

but until then, notice even the basics and the quotes of bible are all that is really necessary to share how little you really know of bible (theology)