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Matthew 1....

first few passages go over the lineage of David to Joseph, then to Jesus.

but then at the bottom

shares this

23`Lo, the virgin shall conceive, and she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,' which is, being interpreted `With us [he is] God.'

24And Joseph, having risen from the sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him, and received his wife,

25and did not know her till she brought forth her son -- the first-born, and he called his name Jesus.

Ok, they just met?

But if no know her, how Jesus of his lineage?

is there something i am missing here?
Our interest, perhaps?

are yu a deciever of truth?

an oppressor?

anyone who would deceive another based on their own beliefs rather than truth and absolute commitment to not being of false witness?

do you care more for your own beliefs than the absolute commitment to the future, life and the Love of others over yourself?

then you and i are enemies!

because your interests, are of YOUR needs, beliefs and selfish isolation. (theological beliefs by men, not god)

me here, for them, the new, our children, life itself; to awaken (born again)

if it hurts, then you are getting rap'd for sure

'truth' enables life with LOVE: fight it an be extinct
Matthew 1....

first few passages go over the lineage of David to Joseph, then to Jesus.

but then at the bottom

shares this

23`Lo, the virgin shall conceive, and she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,' which is, being interpreted `With us [he is] God.'

24And Joseph, having risen from the sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him, and received his wife,

25and did not know her till she brought forth her son -- the first-born, and he called his name Jesus.

Ok, they just met?

But if no know her, how Jesus of his lineage?

is there something i am missing here?
M*W: No, you're not missing anything that millions of christians have also missed.

"23`Lo, the virgin shall conceive, and she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,' which is, being interpreted `With us [he is] God.'"

Not sure, but if this statement is from Isaiah, it has been misinterpreted by millions of blind believers. If this is from Isaiah, the author was talking about the upcoming birth of Isaiah's son, whatever his name was. Maybe it was Immanuel. Who know?

My own personal opinion is that bible sayings all boil down to astro-theological interpretations and astrological metaphor.
Matthew 1....

first few passages go over the lineage of David to Joseph, then to Jesus.

but then at the bottom

shares this

23`Lo, the virgin shall conceive, and she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,' which is, being interpreted `With us [he is] God.'

24And Joseph, having risen from the sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him, and received his wife,

25and did not know her till she brought forth her son -- the first-born, and he called his name Jesus.

Ok, they just met?

But if no know her, how Jesus of his lineage?

is there something i am missing here?

Yes. Know means having conjugal visitations. He didn't screw her until after her son was born. Someone else 'knew' her previously.
Matthew 1....

first few passages go over the lineage of David to Joseph, then to Jesus.

but then at the bottom

shares this

23`Lo, the virgin shall conceive, and she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,' which is, being interpreted `With us [he is] God.'

24And Joseph, having risen from the sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him, and received his wife,

25and did not know her till she brought forth her son -- the first-born, and he called his name Jesus.

Ok, they just met?

But if no know her, how Jesus of his lineage?

is there something i am missing here?


This might clear it up for ya.

Jesus lineage is supposedly from Mary his mother.

I think the bible list the lineages of both Mary and Joseph.

Not that i am aware of.

Going to OT to define, NT is rediculous.

Women were possessions in the first century.

To me, the miracle of the birth could be that Joseph was a stud of compassion "for life" over the laws of the land. (church and their beliefs)
Yes. Know means having conjugal visitations. He didn't screw her until after her son was born. Someone else 'knew' her previously.

kind of common sense

that is why, i note that if Joseph accepted a women with circumstances; HE is who made the miracle (a choice to allow the child a chance)
kind of common sense

that is why, i note that if Joseph accepted a women with circumstances; HE is who made the miracle (a choice to allow the child a chance)

Sounds like Joe was a pretty good guy. Bringing up someone else's kid, being the father and role model. If the story is true, Mary got knocked up, her reputation was at stake, avoided punishment by claiming it was God's kid. An excuse by the way that shows remarkable intelligence on her part. It was a one of a kind, I think it hasn't been tried successfully since.

Who in their right mind 2000 years ago would kill the apparent mother of God's kid? It's exactly what goes on in this have sincere doubts about the validity of a God but most people are afraid to question it openly. The people back then and today have bought into Mary's story. It probably inspired Pascal. Nothing's changed.
Excuse us psychotics, folks

Sounds like Joe was a pretty good guy. Bringing up someone else's kid, being the father and role model.

the choice of such was a miracle of them days

and if the child did something good, then way to go jo!

gotta question; is that lesson better then believing in all the utttttttter really strange ideas of magic and miracles?

What lesson is best, something we all can use or something that makes us lie to ourselves?
You're actually arguing which sort of magic is more likely in a debate about the Abrahamic religions?

Seek help.
You're actually arguing which sort of magic is more likely in a debate about the Abrahamic religions?

sorry............ little teddy; your comprehension left the building

the thread was on the self contradictions within the book of matthew about the lineage of Jesus

you lost all credibility

Seek help

Magic is not an option!
Bishadi, what is it you want here? I mean, it seems pretty obvious, but I'd like you to be honest about your intentions. You know - just to keep it straight with that honesty you say you believe in. You don't like the virgin birth idea, riiight? :D So say what it is you really want to say.
Bishadi, what is it you want here?
to enable each the capacity of understanding

and that first article is to address the misconceptions of being incapable of knowing.

I mean, it seems pretty obvious, but I'd like you to be honest about your intentions. You know - just to keep it straight with that honesty you say you believe in. You don't like the virgin birth idea, riiight?

it is a story.

lots of them in history

remember Hercules was the son of Zeus (god) and alcemena (human woman)

sure lots of old material, that was easy then to overcome with NEW truths

well, the truth of this matter (the thread) is easy to comprehend

and since this is a section on these subjects; i would rather see the material used to educate and enable 'truth' then to continue teaching in the fibs of beliefs.

all stories have lessons; i like the ones that can enable truth (in the real compassion for others) over the ideologies of conveying a dividing, misleading, misdirecting and false pretences of corrupt people

So say what it is you really want to say.

i do every day

i hate liars (any who 'false witness' and know it)
to enable each the capacity of understanding

and that first article is to address the misconceptions of being incapable of knowing.

It doesn't seem that way. Joseph calls Jesus being in his lineage cause he's a nice guy. It's really that easy.

all stories have lessons; i like the ones that can enable truth (in the real compassion for others) over the ideologies of conveying a dividing, misleading, misdirecting and false pretences of corrupt people

Which pretenses are these? Which corrupt people are you referring to?

(Are they the descendants of apes and pigs?)

I wish only to understand your point, Bishadi.
Matthew 1....

first few passages go over the lineage of David to Joseph, then to Jesus.

but then at the bottom

shares this

23`Lo, the virgin shall conceive, and she shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel,' which is, being interpreted `With us [he is] God.'

24And Joseph, having risen from the sleep, did as the messenger of the Lord directed him, and received his wife,

25and did not know her till she brought forth her son -- the first-born, and he called his name Jesus.

Ok, they just met?

But if no know her, how Jesus of his lineage?

is there something i am missing here?

What lineage was Mary? They are Jews, remember? Wasn't Joseph her father's brother?
It doesn't seem that way. Joseph calls Jesus being in his lineage cause he's a nice guy. It's really that easy.

i could swear that is what i was sharing; the miracle was from Joseph making a good choice.

Which pretenses are these? Which corrupt people are you referring to?

(Are they the descendants of apes and pigs?)

mankind evolved; so the descendant will be well within many species

otherwise; any who knowingly deceive are corrupt

has nothing to do with a devil or outside interferance, as each are responsible for their own actions (capable of choice)

I wish only to understand your point, Bishadi.

come on, what part of the thread have you addressed?

which questions have you answered

how is it that you are believing that a lineage of a human being could be from an adoption?

Perhaps for a paper trail of physical rights but of blood line, that doesn't apply. And since there are no records of either a paper trail of births throughout the lineage of either parent; then the whole ideology of Jesus being of the bloodline of David is open to opinion rather than facts.

It seems best to enable each to be responsible to being honest before weilding the power of life.