Baby Boxes

True but as I said, how far do you want to bend the conventions and laws? At what point do we say "if you do that you are a murderer and you will get life"

As I said there are teenagers being abandoned in hospitals in the US, is that ok?
How about an employer firing an employee? Should they be worried that the employee they fired might suddenly go home and kill there whole family from dispare at losing there job and not being able to pay the morgage and buy food? Should we ban employers firing employees to prevent this?

Where do you say enough is enough, this is your responsibility, if you commit murder you will go to jail?
I probably was unclear in what I ment by responsibility there, all I ment is that they should have there birth certificate atached or at the very least the hospital records so they can be identified. That's the only thing I think needs to be changed, the ability to walk away is fine but if you are saying that someone would kill a child over a piece of paper then they deserve to be in jail, no ifs buts or maybes
As I said there are teenagers being abandoned in hospitals in the US, is that ok?

No, but it's a bit less of an issue, since a teenager won't die if you leave them outside the door of a hospital.

How about an employer firing an employee? Should they be worried that the employee they fired might suddenly go home and kill there whole family from dispare at losing there job and not being able to pay the morgage and buy food? Should we ban employers firing employees to prevent this?

No, because they are adults.

Where do you say enough is enough, this is your responsibility, if you commit murder you will go to jail?

I don't think anyone is saying "murderers should not go to jail." They are saying that it's better to prevent infants from dying to begin with; baby boxes are one way to do that.

Consider condoms. One theory on their use states "don't tell kids about them! If they don't know about them, they will be more likely to contract HIV, and that's scary, so maybe they will be scared away from sex." That has been proven pretty conclusively to not work, nor is anyone actively promoting such theories any more.
True but as I said, how far do you want to bend the conventions and laws? At what point do we say "if you do that you are a murderer and you will get life"
The boxes were brought back into use because of the number of newborn babies that were abandoned to the extremes and left to die or killed outright.

If it means bending the laws and conventions to ensure those children are not killed, sure. What it does is ensure that those parent(s) do not become murderers in an extreme time or situation.

As I said there are teenagers being abandoned in hospitals in the US, is that ok?
Of course not. Child abandonment is never "okay".

However as has already been pointed out, a teenager will not die if left outside a hospital or fire station. A newborn child can and will die if left to the elements without any protection.

While child abandonment is not okay, something needs to be put into place to ensure that parents who do abandon their children are able to do so safely and without the death of the child.

How about an employer firing an employee? Should they be worried that the employee they fired might suddenly go home and kill there whole family from dispare at losing there job and not being able to pay the morgage and buy food? Should we ban employers firing employees to prevent this?
Because this is somehow the same as this situation?

Where do you say enough is enough, this is your responsibility, if you commit murder you will go to jail?
You can say it. No one is saying that is not the case.

The baby box ensures and allows for babies to not be murdered because it is an alternative to parents who are that desperate. Do you think those parents are going to become loving and caring parents if those boxes aren't there? Or are they just going to leave their baby in the trashcan or dump it somewhere to leave it to die, Government help or no Government help?

Society's responsibility should also be about ensuring the most fragile be protected and if these baby boxes ensure some are not murdered, then they can only be considered a good thing. The UN should keep its noses out of it. Local Governments saw the need for these boxes when they were finding babies who had died after being abandoned to the elements or thrown away in garbage bins. The baby's right to life is paramount over that of a birth certificate. If we were to follow the UN's reasoning here and the rights of the child to know who its parents are and its identity, then adoption would be illegal in all cases where the mother does not sign the birth certificate with her full name and refuses to see the child afterwards (same with the father).