

§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
What the hell is wrong with babies? Those little things just look so damn freaky! Did you see the avatar of a new member, a baby photo? It was fuggin scary!!! What kind of freaky-arse evolutionary joke would create a species which produced offspring which can freak out their creators? It's bloody unnatural.
I have seen plenty photos of cute babies. I don't any in JPEG format at this moment.

I was trying to post a photo of a very bad looking baby but something messed up horribly. :D
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Babies scare me.

I swear. Clowns merely give me the creeps. Babies are damned scary lookin'.

And the way they just staaaaaaaaree is damned freaky. What are they thinking? Are they plotting to take over the world or something?
Originally posted by Xev
Babies scare me.

Babies are damned scary lookin'.

Xev, Except ours of course :D

(I guess this is what tyler meant by flirty-esque joke)
just remember... babaies are like puppies.. they grow up and become thse stupid arrogant pricks that pride themselves on their knobs....

well, k... thats pessamistic.. i love babies, as long as i dont have to be in the presence of them

I really think i have evil on me...:eek:
Originally posted by Agent@5
just remember... babaies are like puppies.. they grow up and become thse stupid arrogant pricks that pride themselves on their knobs....

If you are a bad parent that could happen. You have to thank your parents you didn't end up like that. :)
babys are cool
they are cute

atleast they are after they are washed and stuff:p
Originally posted by Asguard
babys are cool
they are cute

atleast they are after they are washed and stuff:p

as long as you can give them back as soon as they smell!!
Originally posted by Agent@5
actually, i think my parents showed me how NOT to be....

Same as my parents too. They show me what exactly you need to do to fail a marriage. Since they are both very nice people, I learned that having a "nice" spouse doesn't guarantee good marriages....

I usually did the opposite of what they told me to do. I am fairly successful so far :D
corse i got to find a girl first

No, just clone yourself.


Xev, Except ours of course

Actually, I don't plan on having children. I plan on blackmailing people so that they give me money not to have children. :D

They'd either turn out like me (in which case I'd hate myself for doing that to an innocent child) or they'd turn out normal (in which case I'd be disappointed).
just remember... babaies are like puppies.. they grow up and become thse stupid arrogant pricks that pride themselves on their knobs....


Especially when they are 5 -10 years old they become really EVIL.

The usual scene is when I'm walking in the street with a bunch of people and a 5 year old kid approaches and he/she usually holds a kind of wooden bat or stick in his/her hands and out of the whole crowd he/she has to hit ME with it...

They freak me out...
Eww :p

At the moment, I am looking after a 'Baby Think it Over' for my Health and Human development class..
For 3 days, I have to carry around this realisticly heavy doll that can cry as often as every 15 minutes (the evil teacher put it on cranky for me). It can also cry for up to 35 minutes, and for this entire time, you have to hold a key in its back.
Needless to say, I got no sleep last, and my maths exam was suitably fucked up because of it..

On the bright side, it has made me realise..

I never ever ever ever ever want kids!!!

Babies are cute to their parents. I swear, it's an evolutionary thing to stop you doing stupid things to them. As Temporary_illusion, and any parent, knows they can cry and cry and cry. It does more than just unnerve you. It can drive you completely insane. It's at the point where you almost loose it that the 'cuteness' factor kicks in and stops you. Trust me, I know.

Our middle daughter was born with a Hiatus Hernia and spent the first year of life in considerable pain. She cried, a lot, even after doing all the normal things to calm them.

TI, it can be a lot worse. Plus your doll didn't want feeding every 3-4 hours then produce waste byproducts that need cleaning, at 3am, every night.

The worst time (other than all the time) is the 'Terrible Twos'. They start developing basic motor corrdination and some independance. Take a child with insatiable curiosity, is walking and learning everything at a phenomenal rate. Anything and everything they can get to is of interest. They copy everything you do. Try to stop then and tantrums ensue. Plus, if you try to help, they kick up a fuss with 'I'll do it' even if they can't.
That's how they learn to be smart, argumentative people like us on Sciforums.:D

Xev, I would be happy to have a baby like you. What's wrong with that? You would imbueing a child with a very intelligent mind like yours. Each one of us has a good thing within, and that is what we pass on to our children.

Frankly, I like babies only when they are squeaky clean. When they're, let's not talk about it! But I will clean up after the baby for the sake of its mother. As long as she chips in as well. ;)
Originally posted by Xev
Actually, I don't plan on having children. I plan on blackmailing people so that they give me money not to have children. :D

They'd either turn out like me (in which case I'd hate myself for doing that to an innocent child) or they'd turn out normal (in which case I'd be disappointed).

I also plan not to have children for the simple fact that I cannot stand ingnorance and tell me if I'm wrong but children are ignorant. Don't say oh, you were ingnorant once because I don't care and when I was in 5th grade I was already smarter than my parents. Babies do creep me out, they're just cute so you won't kill them.
They smell, they look weird, they grow up.

It's a miracle the species has managed to propegate itself for so long.

Xev, I would be happy to have a baby like you. What's wrong with that? You would imbueing a child with a very intelligent mind like yours. Each one of us has a good thing within, and that is what we pass on to our children.

I have an intelligent mind?

*Looks at shelf*

Oh yeah, there's that one in the pickle jar. :p

So, c'mon, won't anyone pay me to have kids? I've gotten a couple "THANK GOD!"s to "I'm not having children (and from athiests, too! whoowee, moving on up!) but nobody's offered me money.