
Have you read the Book of Mormon cover to cover?

  • yes, and I'm anti-Mormon

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No, and I'm andti-Mormon

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • yes, I'm indifferent/not antiMormon/Mormon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'm indifferent/not antiMormon/Mormon

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
Hey look at me! [doing a handstand]

I've read the BOM cover to cover, several times. I've also read the Bible cover to cover (literally, including the appendices). I've read the Doctrine & Covenants, which is a continuation of revelations from the Mormon church. The Book of Abraham, several church-sponsored books, many such things. I'm pretty sure that <b>Randolfo</b> has read all this as well, he seems to be pretty up on his references.

I've been to the Temple to do Baptisms for the Dead, Washing & Anointing, Endowments. I've gone to Japan for two years to preach Mormon theology and taught daily in the Japanese language.

I've worn the temple undergarments (no longer for obvious reasons); passed, blessed, and partaken the sacrament. Given talks, prepared lessons, gone home-teaching. Participated in confirmations, blessings of healing, ordinations. Prayed countless times concerning every conceivable thing within the church. Sung both in the church and out on the street (in Japan only on the last one, though).

Been blessed directly by others (literal not figurative), called to many positions within the church, performed many 'laying on of hands'. Attended brother's Temple Wedding Ceremony. Basically everything else.

Alas, no longer.
what is with all the wives? I just want to know?
That was because iriginal doctrine was being reintroduced. If you've read the Bible, polygamy wasn't exactly forbidden. Some people decided they didn't like it, and made it illegal. The church then stopped the practice. If you know a Mormon practicing polygamy, he/she's sinning. I don't know if I could handle more than one wife(haven't even tryed one, so I can't be sure).
Well As long as you have one wife and are not training for the apocalypses your ok in my book.

If you have multiple wives here in the states: those wives must be pretty stupid to agree with sharing you with others. Having children with such idiots would result in all your progeny be total morons… so it is best to find just one intelligent woman over several blonde ones.
Men, all this copy cat religions have been jacking up the whole point of spreading the good news...

I havent read all of the book of mormon but I have read enough to know that it is full of it...I mean they denied historical investigation on their religion (the leaders did) when it was questioned about John Smith talking to a frog, and mistaking it for an angel...(whatever it was, there was a case on this, publicly announcedfew years ago...)....

I am safe where Im at.....I dont need to be told by anyone anymore because unlike before, there are so so many false preachers nowadays...SO I PREFER TO KNOW THINGS ON MY OWN........I research them, before I can acknowledge them, and I advie everybody to do the same in this end times.......
those wives must be pretty stupid to agree with sharing you with others

Well, now, I disagree on that point. I'm a wife, and I've shared my husband with another woman before. He's shared me with other men before too. No, I'm not talking about wife-swapping or orgies, I'm talking about polyamoury - loving and being in a relationship with more than one person at a time.

It's not right for everyone, you have to look deep within yourself and be completely honest with yourself & your spouse as to just how jealous a creature you are, and that isn't easy for everyone. But once you set a few rules into place (rules designed to avoid hurt to any party), a person with the right disposition can have multiple loving relationships simultaneously, and each relationship is just as full of love and commitment as it would be otherwise.

As Robert A. Heinlein once said, "The plural of spouse is spice." :D

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of god, who giveth to all men liberally, But let him ask in faith, nothing waivering, for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed."
James(or is it John? Can't remember) 1:5-6