
Have you read the Book of Mormon cover to cover?

  • yes, and I'm anti-Mormon

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • No, and I'm andti-Mormon

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • yes, I'm indifferent/not antiMormon/Mormon

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I'm indifferent/not antiMormon/Mormon

    Votes: 12 75.0%

  • Total voters
No, I'm indifferent/not antiMormon/Mormon
I have nothing against them and I just ignore them when they come knocking around

Altho I do find the whole two year thing when you're 18 is a bit harsh!!
My friend has to do that (family) but he is planning on moving away as he does not want this belief forced on him.
He is being forced by parents. He is dead set against it as he doesn't really have the same beliefs.
I've heard that when you turn 18, you are sent somewhere in the world to spread the word of mormons, in others preach and go around knocking on doors for two years
My dad use to invite them in and talk religion with them tell they were thoroughly bored or scared and left on their own accord. My step mother would also but in at times and tell my dad: “Stop wasting these people’s time!”
My father is a Buddhist but he is versed enough in the bible from up bringing in a catholic school that he can give good Christians heart attacks with his quotes…

No he is not a Christina I would die in terror if he were refured to as such!
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I have some distant relatives who decided to become M many years ago and of course I was invited along to their services. This was while I lived in the UK. One of them became fairly senior in their local group and one of the younger members did a tour of evangelizing in the US. That was my first real contact with Ms.

I have had Mormons call on me many times since and I have usually invited them in for a chat. Fortunately they won't drink tea or coffee which is good since neither do I. One couple thought I was ripe for conversion and insisted on about 10 repeat visits. That was really quite interesting. But they were really shocked when I didn't break down and cry at the end of all their emotional preaching, as that is what usually happens, so they said.

More recently, last year, a couple called but it wasn't a good time so I made an appointment for them to call back at a later specific time. And I did tell them I was atheist first. I didn't expect to see them again but they did come back and we had a very nice chat. They clearly were not equipped to deal with my, very polite, enquiries and questions, and of course requests for evidence and verification. And they left looking very confused. I hope I did some good and made them reconsider their claims, but probably not since they were young and totally brainwashed.

I now have two BOMs. I have the second because I couldn't find my first version when the last visitors called so they insisted on giving me another, sigh!

When I studied the history of M and how it effectively started with a confidence trickster I found I couldn't believe how so many people could be so gullible and naive to believe in this total gibberish. I still feel that way to this day. Totally unbelievable.
The missions are proselytizing. I agree, he shouldn't be forced to do it, but everyone I've talked to that have gone would have done it over again. Women can do it two, and when your old and retired you can do another one with your wife. You know the ones that go to other countries will learn the language in six weeks? The government once did a study to find out how.

It's nice that people are not crying fire and brimstone in this thread, the first time I posted about my religion in this forum I got my head bit off, chewed, and handed back.Any of you been to one of our meetings?
Well since you put it like that... :D

My mother and step father's next door neighbors are Mormons. The guy has 3 wives (though only one legally) he has 11 kids! Every night in the summer we can hear a whistle blowing every 2 mins and we hear children running around. We think they are training for the apocalypse :D

I once new a "M" girl she was a real @#$%^ Why is it that so may christains think they can pratice their religion and yet still be @$$holes but think there saved anyways? :mad:
I don't have a copy yet, mainly because I can't figure out how to get one without having to talk to any Mormons or give out my address, LOL.

I'm curious as to what they believe, but at the risk of sounding like an ass, I think it's a lot of crap wrapped up in a new version of an old religion. I think everybody has the right to believe whatever whacked-out crap they want to though, and I believe in some pretty whacked-out crap myself, so I'm pretty sincere when I say that.

But I hate the book thumpers, whether its' the bible or the b.o.m. or their superwitch great-granny's grimoire.
Like all religions, we have some nuts and buttheads, and it sucks, because they give us a bad name.

You can probably barrow a copy from the library.

What do think BOM brings to the Christian concept that is truly new and worthwhile.
What do [you] think BOM brings to the Christian concept that is truly new and worthwhile.
The answer requires that you at least consider that it's true, perhaps a problem for some people.

The B.O.M. contains the story of the ancestors of the current Native Americans. It covers Christ's visit to the continent, and Nephi and other writers in it included excerpts from the Bible that they thought was important, and as those sections were not copied and translated nearly as many times as the other texts, contain phrasings and verses not in the bible. There were also prophets there, and they had revealed to them things that were not given to the Jews.
Originally posted by Gifted
The answer requires that you at least consider that it's true, perhaps a problem for some people.
Like South American archaeologists? What do you believe to be true about the Nephites and Mulekites?