B.I.B.L.E. using the letters only


Atheism:is non-prophet making
Valued Senior Member
using the letters to make a sentence

some good ones here
can you think of any.

Bigger Insolence By Lesser Erudition
Blatant Ignorance But Little Else
Blithering Irresponsible Bigots Lacking Education
Best If Believed Less Extremely
Bastard Incarnate Boasts Lies Extravagantly
Be Idiotic But Leave Earth
Bumbling Incoherencies By Lowing Exigencies
Bestiality, Incest, Blood-Lust and Eating shit-bread.
Before I Buy, Lets Examine
Big In Bark, Little Else
Books In 'Brew, Largely Edited
Blood, Incest, Begats, Laughable Edicts
Bereft of Intelligence, Brimming with Lies and Enormities
Befuddled Imbeciles Believe Lies Easily
Boneheads Insist Bible Led Enlightenment
Book Is Better Left Excluded
bullshit indicted borg lies evil.
Buying Into Bunk Lies Evil
Bullshit Indicating Brains Lying Evermore
Bastards Idolizing Boring Laughable Entities
Bullshit Impressed By Lackluster Extrapolation
Believed If Brains Lost Early
geeser said:
Blatant Ignorance But Little Else

Best If Believed Less Extremely

Bastard Incarnate Boasts Lies Extravagantly

Bumbling Incoherencies By Lowing Exigencies

Bestiality, Incest, Blood-Lust and Eating shit-bread.

Bereft of Intelligence, Brimming with Lies and Enormities

Book Is Better Left Excluded

Bastards Idolizing Boring Laughable Entities

Best ones! :D
geeser said:
Best If Believed Less Extremely
Before I Buy, Lets Examine
Big In Bark, Little Else
Befuddled Imbeciles Believe Lies Easily
Believed If Brains Lost Early
i like these the best
Just curious, but why do y'all feel the need to mock the holy book of Christians? I mean, if you don't believe or don't have the faith, that's fine ...but should we mock the beliefs of others? Is that a nice thing to do?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Just curious, but why do y'all feel the need to mock the holy book of Christians? I mean, if you don't believe or don't have the faith, that's fine ...but should we mock the beliefs of others? Is that a nice thing to do?

Baron Max

I would consider it my moral duty to mock someone's faith.
Baron Max said:
Just curious, but why do y'all feel the need to mock the holy book of Christians? I mean, if you don't believe or don't have the faith, that's fine ...but should we mock the beliefs of others? Is that a nice thing to do?

Baron Max
M*W: Baron Max, where y'all from?
Baron Max said:
Just curious, but why do y'all feel the need to mock the holy book of Christians? I mean, if you don't believe or don't have the faith, that's fine ...but should we mock the beliefs of others? Is that a nice thing to do?

Baron Max
i was raised christian baron
want to have a test on who knows more about it?
And, interestingly, my guess is that, even while y'all are mocking and denigrating the beliefs of others, you also hold the idealistic notion that humans should quit making wars and conflicts, and love each other so as to make the world a better place.

How do y'all reconcile those two widely diverse viewpoints? Or is it just the simple, plain, ordinary ol' concept of hypocricy?

Baron Max
Humans should quite making wars? What fuckbrained idiot said that?
Warfare is what humans are best at. In war, you will the peaks of human performance and ability as well as the lows. In short, humanty does its best when at war.
Hapsburg said:
Humans should quite making wars? What fuckbrained idiot said that?

Well, Hap, it's obvious that you don't read much around here! It seems that everyone says that, hopes for that, except possibly you and I!

Hapsburg said:
In short, humanty does its best when at war.

I agree. But apparently it's only you and me that see that, Hap. And yet you've seen fit to make that respond to me ...as if I said anything different?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Just curious, but why do y'all feel the need to mock the holy book of Christians? I mean, if you don't believe or don't have the faith, that's fine ...but should we mock the beliefs of others? Is that a nice thing to do?

Baron Max
we mock/ make jokes of everything it's part of being human,
we have strong enough shoulder to take a bit of criticism, sticks and stones and all that.
dont be childish, it's just a bit of humour, your quite welcome to mock/make jokes back, it's truly sad if you find humour offensive
Baron Max said:
And, interestingly, my guess is that, even while y'all are mocking and denigrating the beliefs of others,
do you realize how much the word "holy" ******* pisses me off?