Awesome Alternate History compilation!


This video encompasses history as told through many ancient documents. It seems to be a compilation of alternate history in an hour long video.

I highly recommend it. It is an hour long but very fast paced and will give you many topics to research further into if you find an interest.

Many things are true, such as the Oddly advanced knowledge of the Sumerians despite the fact they have the earliest known writing of our history. Astrology was even taught in Sumerian culture, although that is also considered a woo science.

If you are interested in Ancient technology, Psychic phenomenon, or are simply interested in ancient stories then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS VIDEO.


I must say that I have studied many earlier civilizations in my search for PSI explanations, and know that Thoth, The Emerald tablets, The Sumerians, and many other sources they get their stories from do say this is how it was, and you can google any aspect of that video you find interesting.

Obviously any references to Aliens, and Psychic abilities, and Kundalini, and Body Electric sources, are considered woo. I do believe in these type of events though so I can agree with about 80% of this video.

I hope everyone enjoys it if only from the storytelling perspective of our forefathers. I think it is awesome how they have condensed thousands/millions of hours worth of reading/translations/archeology/religion, etc into a short 1 hour video. They seem to go from topic to topic every minute and each of those topics you could find many books on. Enjoy, and thanks to the creators of it.

It does recommend books from time to time, but I would not consider them spam as it is only further reading on specific areas. I also have doubts about areas as well, as will everyone most likely, but it is fun and concise.
This video encompasses history as told through many ancient documents. It seems to be a compilation of alternate history in an hour long video.

I highly recommend it. It is an hour long but very fast paced and will give you many topics to research further into if you find an interest.

Many things are true, such as the Oddly advanced knowledge of the Sumerians despite the fact they have the earliest known writing of our history. Astrology was even taught in Sumerian culture, although that is also considered a woo science.

If you are interested in Ancient technology, Psychic phenomenon, or are simply interested in ancient stories then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS VIDEO.


I must say that I have studied many earlier civilizations in my search for PSI explanations, and know that Thoth, The Emerald tablets, The Sumerians, and many other sources they get their stories from do say this is how it was, and you can google any aspect of that video you find interesting.

Obviously any references to Aliens, and Psychic abilities, and Kundalini, and Body Electric sources, are considered woo. I do believe in these type of events though so I can agree with about 80% of this video.

I hope everyone enjoys it if only from the storytelling perspective of our forefathers. I think it is awesome how they have condensed thousands/millions of hours worth of reading/translations/archeology/religion, etc into a short 1 hour video. They seem to go from topic to topic every minute and each of those topics you could find many books on. Enjoy, and thanks to the creators of it.

It does recommend books from time to time, but I would not consider them spam as it is only further reading on specific areas. I also have doubts about areas as well, as will everyone most likely, but it is fun and concise.

1) Why would you search for psi explanations via other civilisations ?

2) 1 hour .. too long for my available bandwidth. Is there a text of it ?
@ Lakon,
1) Why would you search for psi explanations via other civilisations ?

2) 1 hour .. too long for my available bandwidth. Is there a text of it ?

1) My look at other cultures and History to provide some PSI explanations and theories ie. (Chinese- CHI, India- Prana, etc) are simple research and curiosity.
We know the Great Egyptian Empire fell to Rome and the Great Roman Empire "fell" to The Vatican through fraud (Forgery of Constantine). We know the Vatican carried on vicious attacks against all literature and knowledge of anything not supporting The Catholic beliefs. For Example: Nostradamus allegedly used certain drugs when entranced, but we will never know which ones because they were lost to book burnings. Our western views have been heavily censored.

Non-Catholic cultures would be the only practical places to look for PSI methodology such as the Kundalini with its Chakras. It is interesting that some aspects of Kundalini meditation etc match up with Sex Magick (Witches like Aleister Crowley) and the teachings of Ancient Egypt. All three cultures used sex magick, but I think the majority of westerners have no clue as to what this even entails.

2) That's a shame. I love my internet too much to be limited, however perhaps save this for a rainy day when you can log on at McDonalds or a library.

Look at the following quotes..
In a city that has no watch dogs, the fox is the overseer

Flatter a young man, he’ll give you anything;

Throw a scrap to a dog, he’ll wag his tail.

A sweet word is everybody’s friend.

If you take the field of an enemy, the enemy will come and take your field.

Conceiving is nice; pregnancy is irksome.

For a man’s pleasure, there is marriage; On thinking it over, there is divorce.

How many are from this century?
How many are since Christ was allegedly born?
Are some from before Christ was born?
Are some from 5000-8500 years ago?

All of those sayings sound like they could have been written in the past century, yet they were all written over 6000 years ago. This is fact, and is not subject to a skeptics stance. These are found literature from an old civilization that was incredibly advanced in everything from taxation to its legal systems and advanced mathematics (they used sliderules, had algebra, and could calculate the space in a cube and angles in a triangle) and astronomy. It is history, and a very hard to swallow one.

Although many may disagree with much of what is being said, the facts are true that most of it has been said repeatedly by various cultures and transcriptions. This is history based on how ancient civilizations told it. The Sumerians knew VERY ADVANCED astronomy including the "Precession of the Equinoxes" which skeptics find hard to swallow because it takes thousands of years of watching the stars to realize Earth has a wobble. The Sumerians are the oldest civilization we know of, yet they knew about the Precession of the Equinoxes from day one of their existence and have many detailed writings about space and include many stories about space travel.

Do you know where astrology comes from? It was never invented by some scam artist, it was already an intact system that has appeared in various older civilizations including The Sumerians. These ancient civilizations taught history that includes much we think must be impossible woo. This video encompasses much of these ancient history lessons, and if the Sumerians taught with Ipads then this video might be shown in their classroom.

I have read Sumerian texts (translated), and books from Thoth (Egypt Mystery schools), and have heard much of these stories before from various sources. This is a fast moving and thought provoking video, and recommend it to all even if only to give you topics for further study.

Instead of watching the video you could find Sumerian written history. You can find Sumerian books/stories on many subjects. Here is a list of some available Sumerian topics from at least 6000 years ago.

kingship and priesthood

“the holy measuring rod and line”,

shepherdship, quiver, dagger and sword

loosening and binding of the hair

art of love making, art of prostitution, procreation

truth, the art of being forthright

slanderous and adorning speech

the art of song, resounding musical instruments

arts of power and treachery,

deceit, plundering of cities

lamentations and rejoicings of the heart

the art of kindness

crafts of the wood and copper worker

crafts of the scribe, builder and leather maker

perceptive ear, power of attention

holy purification rites

fear, dismay, consternation

kindling and putting out of fire

counseling, giving of judgments, making of decisions

“bitter-toothed lion”

assembled family


the making of beer!

You can find a 6000 year old recipe for beer, or learn of their musical instruments and songs. Amazing to me, and I have been lost for days reading their writing most of which can be found for free on the internet.

The Sumerian language is the oldest sophisticated form of writing in existence, and dates from at least 3400 B.C.E (5412+ years ago possibly 8500+). These early writings, however, are neither crude nor primitive, and no other source as been identified as to where it might have been developed. As Laurence Gardner has said in Genesis of the Grail Kings [2], “It appeared in a complete and composite form, as if from another world, in the style known as cuneiform (wedge-shaped).” [emphasis added] “There are now tens of thousands of clay tablets and cylinder-seals containing Sumerian texts describing everything from taxation and administrative records to essays and literature. It is a unique phenomena.”

Sumerian Astronomers could convey measurements so accurately in their language..
With modern computer programmes that can simulate trajectories and reconstruct the night sky thousands of years ago the researchers have established what the Planisphere tablet refers to. It is a copy of the night notebook of a Sumerian astronomer as he records the events in the sky before dawn on the 29 June 3123 BC (Julian calendar). Half the tablet records planet positions and cloud cover, the same as any other night, but the other half of the tablet records an object large enough for its shape to be noted even though it is still in space. The astronomers made an accurate note of its trajectory relative to the stars, which to an error better than one degree is consistent with an impact at Köfels.
The observation suggests the asteroid is over a kilometre in diameter and the original orbit about the Sun was an Aten type, a class of asteroid that orbit close to the earth, that is resonant with the Earth's orbit. This trajectory explains why there is no crater at Köfels. The in coming angle was very low (six degrees) and means the asteroid clipped a mountain called Gamskogel above the town of Längenfeld, 11 kilometres from Köfels, and this caused the asteroid to explode before it reached its final impact point. As it travelled down the valley it became a fireball, around five kilometres in diameter (the size of the landslide). When it hit Köfels it created enormous pressures that pulverised the rock and caused the landslide but because it was no longer a solid object it did not create a classic impact crater.
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@ Lakon,

1) My look at other cultures and History to provide some PSI explanations and theories ie. (Chinese- CHI, India- Prana, etc) are simple research and curiosity.
We know the Great Egyptian Empire fell to Rome and the Great Roman Empire "fell" to The Vatican through fraud (Forgery of Constantine). We know the Vatican carried on vicious attacks against all literature and knowledge of anything not supporting The Catholic beliefs. For Example: Nostradamus allegedly used certain drugs when entranced, but we will never know which ones because they were lost to book burnings. Our western views have been heavily censored.

Non-Catholic cultures would be the only practical places to look for PSI methodology such as the Kundalini with its Chakras. It is interesting that some aspects of Kundalini meditation etc match up with Sex Magick (Witches like Aleister Crowley) and the teachings of Ancient Egypt. All three cultures used sex magick, but I think the majority of westerners have no clue as to what this even entails.

2) That's a shame. I love my internet too much to be limited, however perhaps save this for a rainy day when you can log on at McDonalds or a library.

Look at the following quotes..

How many are from this century?
How many are since Christ was allegedly born?
Are some from before Christ was born?
Are some from 5000-8500 years ago?

All of those sayings sound like they could have been written in the past century, yet they were all written over 6000 years ago. This is fact, and is not subject to a skeptics stance. These are found literature from an old civilization that was incredibly advanced in everything from taxation to its legal systems and advanced mathematics (they used sliderules, had algebra, and could calculate the space in a cube and angles in a triangle) and astronomy. It is history, and a very hard to swallow one.

Although many may disagree with much of what is being said, the facts are true that most of it has been said repeatedly by various cultures and transcriptions. This is history based on how ancient civilizations told it. The Sumerians knew VERY ADVANCED astronomy including the "Precession of the Equinoxes" which skeptics find hard to swallow because it takes thousands of years of watching the stars to realize Earth has a wobble. The Sumerians are the oldest civilization we know of, yet they knew about the Precession of the Equinoxes from day one of their existence and have many detailed writings about space and include many stories about space travel.

Do you know where astrology comes from? It was never invented by some scam artist, it was already an intact system that has appeared in various older civilizations including The Sumerians. These ancient civilizations taught history that includes much we think must be impossible woo. This video encompasses much of these ancient history lessons, and if the Sumerians taught with Ipads then this video might be shown in their classroom.

I have read Sumerian texts (translated), and books from Thoth (Egypt Mystery schools), and have heard much of these stories before from various sources. This is a fast moving and thought provoking video, and recommend it to all even if only to give you topics for further study.

Instead of watching the video you could find Sumerian written history. You can find Sumerian books/stories on many subjects. Here is a list of some available Sumerian topics from at least 6000 years ago.

You can find a 6000 year old recipe for beer, or learn of their musical instruments and songs. Amazing to me, and I have been lost for days reading their writing most of which can be found for free on the internet.

Sumerian Astronomers could convey measurements so accurately in their language..

My initial question stemmed from the fact that you said ..

I must say that I have studied many earlier civilizations in my search for PSI explanations ..

.. whereas in other posts and threads, you seemed to me to be fairly accepting of Psi and explanations thereof, in this civilisation, in the present.

No Matter.

About your other stuff, above, I got a feeling that humanity has risen and fallen not just over thousands of years, but tens of thousands, and maybe even hundreds of thousands of years.

It is the singular characteristic of all civilisations, concerning knowledge, that they think they have reached the height of it (as we do, I suppose today) and that those gone before were inferior. The bigger they are though, the harder they fall.

One more thing - you seem to always be critical of Catholics, pointing out the autrocities commited by them in past times. But all power structures have been more or less brutal. Consider yourself lucky you're not living under an Islamic caliphate and that the Catholics, Orthodox, et al, conspired to overthrow the Ottomans not so long ago.
@ lakon,

I do subscribe to some PSI topics based on probabilities, however our (western) civilization has no accepted explanations for PSI so I am unaware of the ones you speak of. I am not sure what is so hard to grasp here?

Accepting PSI probabilities in western culture does not mean anyone has great theories here.

Imagine it like we could see effects of gravity, but could not prove it as a science because no theory existed. Maybe by looking at how the Sumerians viewed gravity we might come up with a way to measure gravity and prove it exists.

I am not sure how else to explain this. I was an Engineer not Teacher.

If you were in a History class in Ancient Sumer you would be taught we came from Aliens and are psychic and we were created to serve the Alien race. This is what they taught their chldren 5400+ years ago. This is not my story. It is theirs. Feel free to explore their vast library.

@ Lakon,
I also think Humanity has risen and fallen more than current Historians would like to admit, and this is why looking at history as taught by people 5400+ years ago is so interesting. This was an advanced civilization saying pretty clearly they thought we were Engineered by aliens. Fun stuff.

I may seem harsh on Catholics because they were resposible for the fall of Rome which was responsible for the fall of Egypt and likely destroyed hundreds of thousands of books on subjects dealing with PSI. I also think that PSI beliefs can have a god in them, but I certainly do not buy into any religion that I have seen. The Catholics were murderous, and they had repeatedly attacked the Muslims. The muslim war doctrines likely exist because of them.

Religions. Uck! They all try to rewrite history, and it just doesn't fit with my want for knowledge.
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@ lakon,

I do subscribe to some PSI topics based on probabilities, however our (western) civilization has no accepted explanations for PSI so I am unaware of the ones you speak of. I am not sure what is so hard to grasp here?

Accepting PSI probabilities in western culture does not mean anyone has great theories here.

No, I speak of no accepted explanations of Psi today. I was merely remarking on the juxtaposition, of, on the one hand, your personal conviction concerning Psi, and on the other hand, your comment that you were searching for explanation / proof of it in ancient civilisations. Semantical, I suppose - don't worry about it.

Imagine it like we could see effects of gravity, but could not prove it as a science because no theory existed. Maybe by looking at how the Sumerians viewed gravity we might come up with a way to measure gravity and prove it exists.

I am not sure how else to explain this. I was an Engineer not Teacher.

How did the Sumerians view gravity ?

If you were in a History class in Ancient Sumer you would be taught we came from Aliens and are psychic and we were created to serve the Alien race. This is what they taught their chldren 5400+ years ago. This is not my story. It is theirs. Feel free to explore their vast library.

You know, I know little about Ancient Sumer - it's never something that's occupied me. I was starting to get a little interested, until I read you comment above, which seems ridiculous, and sounds contradictory. An ostensibly most superior race, according to you, yet one that beleived it was created to serve another race .. and what's more, an alien one. If I was a superior human being, I wouldn't think I was created to serve another race.

@ Lakon,
I also think Humanity has risen and fallen more than current Historians would like to admit, and this is why looking at history as taught by people 5400+ years ago is so interesting. This was an advanced civilization saying pretty clearly they thought we were Engineered by aliens. Fun stuff.

Without I having to become embroiled in a study that would take me a long time (which I don't have to devote to it) can you point to a precis of this fabulous Surerian race, and one that might have some semblence of credibility ?

I may seem harsh on Catholics because they were resposible for the fall of Rome which was responsible for the fall of Egypt and likely destroyed hundreds of thousands of books on subjects dealing with PSI. I also think that PSI beliefs can have a god in them, but I certainly do not buy into any religion that I have seen. The Catholics were murderous, and they had repeatedly attacked the Muslims. The muslim war doctrines likely exist because of them.

Religions. Uck! They all try to rewrite history, and it just doesn't fit with my want for knowledge.

I think you have it topsy turvy there. There is 1.7B Muslims in the world today, and if they had their way, you would not be living in the relative freedom you presently enjoy. You would be living in a hard line Islamic caliphate, and any resistance or non adherence to their doctrine would be met with extermination, as was proven for over 400 years until only recently, during the Ottoman Empire. Study THAT empire a little too.
@ Lakon

I was not making history up about The Catholics help in turning Islam into a warring religion. It is well documented fact, and you could start a discussion in the History thread if you like, or study the Catholic Crusades.

Here is an excerpt that explains in better words, from googling,

At the present time, it has become impossible to deny the atrocities committed during the Crusades. There are documented cases of mass slaughter on route in northern Eygypt, where Crusaders pulled Muslims from their homes and hiding places and killed them in way words could only begin to describe. There was extensive looting, looting to the point where people, lead by Richard I of England, were decapitated in search of precious gems. Cases of cannibalism have also been reported, by the likes of the scribe Guibert of Nogent in his book Historia Hierosolymitana. Such acts did not do well to augment ties between the Muslims and Christians. In fact, these acts seeded foundations of hate, that would evolve to where they are at the present day[8], with aggressive Muslim sects claiming a Jihad, on the predominantly Christian western world.

Lest not forget, that the Muslim world evolved out of the Catholic world, in fact, the Christians of Habasha, an area located in modern day Ethiopia, gave protection to early Muslims. The two religions began on extremely good terms. With the Crusades however, the relations between the two religions soured[9]. In acts of propaganda, European states portrayed Muslims as bloodthirsty savages, especially the Saracens, portrayals that evolved to their current state, where the western media shows Muslims to be a religion to be feared, according to Michael Frassetto in his book Western Views of Islam in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Further, colonialism in the Islamic world also lead to resentment, as western products such as cigarettes have created fatal addictions, and the western attitude towards democratic absolutism contradicts their values in Shariah Law. Frassetto further contends that colonialism was made possible by the familiarity of the land gained by the Christians. In the present day, the religion of Islam is not on the best of terms with the Christian world, that is to say, it is not the same as it used to be in the infancy of Islam, though efforts are being made resolve differences between the two bodies such as The War on Terror assisting Sunni Muslims in Iraq, and bringing freedom to other Muslims in the formally totalitarian states

Islam started in the 7th Century and threatened the Catholic Church.


Now about SUMER.

The religion of Sumerians is quite simple. The Sumerians practiced something called "Polytheism". They built a pyramid-like structure called "ziggurats", which consisted of four platforms. At the top of the ziggurat, there was a small temple which was where they worshiped their gods. They had astronomical bodies, such as the sun, too. Although their gods were unpredictable, the Sumerians thought out was to discover the gods held in store for them. Like all human cultures, the Sumerians were struck by the wondrous regularity of the movement of the heavens and speculated that this movement might contain some secret to the intentions of the gods. The Sumerians believed that aliens came from another planet. Every thousand years their planet came close enough to earth for them to travel here. Their atmosphere was made mostly of gold and was thinning. They mixed their DNA with monkeys to create Australopithecines. They continued to modify smarter and smarter life forms to mine Earth's gold for them, explaining why our change from monkeys as being as the fastest evolutionary change. It also explains why the Sumerian's origins are unknown, and why they were the most scientifically advanced civilization. If it weren't for the Sumerians we would not have bronze or the wheel, and it's quite possible that without their contributions to science, other civilizations wouldn't have even reached the bronze age.

Here is a nice summary of their achievements and beliefs according to translations so far.

Not only did they seem to know about Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, but also they described Uranus and Neptune as “watery twins” with “blue-green” color. When Zecharia Sitchin reported this in 1976, every astronomer on earth believed his account was utter nonsense. Then, in 1986, when the Voyager satellite passed Uranus to photograph it for the first time, it was, indeed, found to be watery [its surface was a kind of slushy ice] and it was colored blue-green. “Three years later, in 1989, Voyager reached Neptune, the ‘twin’ of Uranus. A few months earlier, Sitchin had written an article detailing precisely what Voyager would find, based on the Sumerian texts. He submitted it to magazines around the world, several of who published it; however, none in the heavily co-opted U.S. dared to. Surely enough, Voyager found Neptune was just as the Sumerians had claimed: a blue-green ball of slushy ice!”[7]

Sumerians also created an efficient system of mathematics based on the number 60 (called sexagesimal). It enabled them easily to divide into tiny fractions and to multiply with equal ease into the millions and to calculate roots and raise numbers by any power. The 60-second minute and 60-minute hour are two vestiges remaining from the original system. So are the 360-degree circle, the 12-inch foot, and the dozen.”

another planet in our solar system, so far not discovered by modern science, that comes around only once in every 3,600 years. Their inhabitants came to earth and, by gene-splicing and genetic manipulation of themselves with Neanderthals [or Homo erectus], created modern man for the purpose of slave labor.

The tablets are not as easily to find online as a project had funding dropped from what I see, but many of their stories contain space travel and aliens. Annunaki from the planet Nebiru (planet X). I am not saying it is true, or should be taken literally, but I am just saying that the Sumerians believed it.

Perhaps their talk of a great flood means they really came from a continent that was destroyed or sinking from natural or man-made disasters. It has been hard for historians to locate where they came from, but there are many theories. I don't believe in planet x myself.
@ Lakon

I was not making history up about The Catholics help in turning Islam into a warring religion. It is well documented fact, and you could start a discussion in the History thread if you like, or study the Catholic Crusades.

Here is an excerpt that explains in better words, from googling,

Islam started in the 7th Century and threatened the Catholic Church.


Now about SUMER.

Here is a nice summary of their achievements and beliefs according to translations so far.

The tablets are not as easily to find online as a project had funding dropped from what I see, but many of their stories contain space travel and aliens. Annunaki from the planet Nebiru (planet X). I am not saying it is true, or should be taken literally, but I am just saying that the Sumerians believed it.

Perhaps their talk of a great flood means they really came from a continent that was destroyed or sinking from natural or man-made disasters. It has been hard for historians to locate where they came from, but there are many theories. I don't believe in planet x myself.

1) I am most underwhelmed.
2) You didn't say what their theory of gravity was, although earlier you said they had one.

A clear question - would you prefer to be living in a theocratic, Islamic caliphate today ?
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I think the video would have made a lot more sense if he just said that the orginal inhabitants of Earth just came from Battlestar Galactica. I think it would explain a lot, like how we evolved into a sentient race in a period of only about five thousand years. Maybe they are just hiding the truth right in front of our faces. It would probably take a lot of "woo" out of the explainations in the video, lol. But, then Battlestar Galactica was set to be 50k years ago, oh well I tried.
@ prof. Layman,
I also found many aspects of the video a little silly sounding, but it is a nice compilation of cross referenced beliefs held by ancestors, and who knows how much is true? Sounds like the Sumer people believed battle star galactica arrived and then turned apes into humans to serve them. Thanks for watching.
I did find many topics there worth researching further, and am having a fun go at it still.

@ Lakon,
Underwhelmed at the advanced Technology, Mathematics, Astronomy, Laws, Language, Poetry, Literature, etc. from over 5000 years ago. Why are you even looking at a thread concerning history if you are not amazed by stuff like that? My wife could care less about Sumer as well, but she doesn't make posts about it.
(Especially since you said you do not have the bandwith to even watch the video. Why waste energy/bandwith on topics you don't find interesting.)

I actually never said the Sumerians had a theory for gravity. I said "maybe if", as I was trying to make a comparison about looking at ancient beliefs about PSI, which had took you several posts to grasp already.
However Sumerians did have complex physics theories based on sound and music. We know light can behave in waveform like sound (except transverse), so maybe they knew more than us, or maybe they were completely in left field. We do know the math they developed (algebra, calculating area of triangles, etc) are still in use today, as is the 60 second minute and 60 minute hour.

The Sumerians constructed a remarkable Theory of Everything based upon music, a base-60 number system, and symmetry concepts. These Sumerians didn't have supercomputers but they were able to incorporate into their theory much more than physics and cosmology. Below, E.G. McClain provides some insight into ancient Sumerian thinking:

"In ancient Mesopotania, music, mathematics, art, science, religion, and poetic fantasy
were fused. Around 3000 B.C., the Sumerians simultaneously developed cuneiform
writing, in which they recorded their pantheon, and a base-60 number system. Their
gods were assigned numbers that encoded the primary ratios of music, with the gods'
functions corresponding to their numbers in acoustical theory. Thus the Sumerians
created an extensive tonal/arithmetical model for the cosmos. In this far-reaching
allegory, the physical world is known by analogy, and the gods give divinity not only to
natural forces but also to a 'supernatural,' intuitive understanding of mathematical
patterns and psychological forces."

To understand the role of musical theory in modeling the cosmos, one must realize that it involves: "the definition of intervals, the distance between pitches, by ratios of integers or counting numbers." For the ancient Sumerians music was a tool that helped them describe the cosmos.

(McClain, Ernest G.; "Musical Theory and Ancient Cosmology," The World and I, p. 371,
February 1994. Cr. L. Ellenberger)

So yes the Sumerians did have physics whether we agree with them or not. Obviously we do not at this point because they believed a full moon could influence behaviour of people. Astrology ORIGINATED in SUMER, and it is considered as a highly woo subject to many. This is not something I am making up. This is history. If it underwhelms you then I can understand, as I know many who are not impressed by history. My wife didn't even know stars were distant suns when we got married. History and Science is not for everyone I guess.

As far as choosing Catholics or Islam I would choose neither. If the church had not forged documents to gain rule of Rome,
perhaps Christianity and Islam could have developed less militantly as the Catholics are forced to do today. If I would choose religions I would pick Buddhism, followed by Hindu.

The Islamic Religion was FORCED to become militant with their Jihad because the Catholics were marching through every country killing all non-believers and many believers ("Let god sort them out" was a real Catholic Decree). It is history. You can believe what you like, but that doesn't and will never change the facts.
The quote was actually "Kill them all (Men, Women, Children). God will recognize his own."
This was spoken by a Monk who was an official representative of the Pope concerning an ENTIRELY CHRISTIAN TOWN. The Cathers were CHRISTIANS but did not recognize the pope as their leader. Imagine if you were another religion or Pagan and saw them coming.

Kill them all and let god sort them out seems like a very cruel T-Shirt Slogan, but it came from the Catholic Church. Cheers!



People like catholics because they don't know history imho.
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@ prof. Layman,
I also found many aspects of the video a little silly sounding, but it is a nice compilation of cross referenced beliefs held by ancestors, and who knows how much is true? Sounds like the Sumer people believed battle star galactica arrived and then turned apes into humans to serve them. Thanks for watching.
I did find many topics there worth researching further, and am having a fun go at it still.

@ Lakon,
Underwhelmed at the advanced Technology, Mathematics, Astronomy, Laws, Language, Poetry, Literature, etc. from over 5000 years ago. Why are you even looking at a thread concerning history if you are not amazed by stuff like that? My wife could care less about Sumer as well, but she doesn't make posts about it.
(Especially since you said you do not have the bandwith to even watch the video. Why waste energy/bandwith on topics you don't find interesting.)

I actually never said the Sumerians had a theory for gravity. I said "maybe if", as I was trying to make a comparison about looking at ancient beliefs about PSI, which had took you several posts to grasp already.
However Sumerians did have complex physics theories based on sound and music. We know light can behave in waveform like sound (except transverse), so maybe they knew more than us, or maybe they were completely in left field. We do know the math they developed (algebra, calculating area of triangles, etc) are still in use today, as is the 60 second minute and 60 minute hour.

So yes the Sumerians did have physics whether we agree with them or not. Obviously we do not at this point because they believed a full moon could influence behaviour of people. Astrology ORIGINATED in SUMER, and it is considered as a highly woo subject to many. This is not something I am making up. This is history. If it underwhelms you then I can understand, as I know many who are not impressed by history. My wife didn't even know stars were distant suns when we got married. History and Science is not for everyone I guess.

As far as choosing Catholics or Islam I would choose neither. If the church had not forged documents to gain rule of Rome,
perhaps Christianity and Islam could have developed less militantly as the Catholics are forced to do today. If I would choose religions I would pick Buddhism, followed by Hindu.

The Islamic Religion was FORCED to become militant with their Jihad because the Catholics were marching through every country killing all non-believers and many believers ("Let god sort them out" was a real Catholic Decree). It is history. You can believe what you like, but that doesn't and will never change the facts.
The quote was actually "Kill them all (Men, Women, Children). God will recognize his own."
This was spoken by a Monk who was an official representative of the Pope concerning an ENTIRELY CHRISTIAN TOWN. The Cathers were CHRISTIANS but did not recognize the pope as their leader. Imagine if you were another religion or Pagan and saw them coming.

Kill them all and let god sort them out seems like a very cruel T-Shirt Slogan, but it came from the Catholic Church. Cheers!



People like catholics because they don't know history imho.

Earlier on you said;

Maybe by looking at how the Sumerians viewed gravity we might come up with a way to measure gravity and prove it exists.

So I've asked you several times - how did they view gravity, and I ask you now, how is that going to help us understand gravity ? Once again, I ask you to back up a simple thing and you're fudging.

Please stop posting more stuff about Sumer - for my sake. I continue to get more underwhelmed and incredulous with everything I read.

The only Christains who recognise the Pope are Chatholics. There are a great many other Christians, including Orthodox, whose doctine is virtually identical to the Catholic one, but who have their own Patriarchs. Do you hold a similar view about those multitude of other Christians, or just the Catholics.

There was front page news in my newspaper recently - a little Islamic child holding up a poster that said "BEHEAD THOSE WHO INSULT THE PROPHET". He was of course, aided, abetted and put into train by firstly, his parents, his immediate wider family, his culture, and finally his radical religion. You can't go on blaming the Catholics forever.

The Ottoman Empire is history too - one that you avoid commenting on. It started in fact, perhaps 700 - 800 years ago, and was defeated only a hundred years ago. They were utterly brutal to any opposition of their culture, religion, belief, etc, and murdered 'infidels' in manners which you can't imagine - your pretty pictures notwithstanding.

I have no particular truck with the Catholics, but it amuses me how you select the 'goodies' and the 'baddies' to suit your world view. Again, if you had only two choices - an Islamic caliphate world wide, or the situation extant. Which is it ?
I don't think religion was really responsible or the soul cause of the killing in the past. Both the religions you mention have the ten commandments that says, "Thou shall not kill". Then they went and did it anyways. I think it was just their inability to be able to follow their own religion to the letter. It is not like the religion said, "Thou shall not kill, unless you do it for me." Killing is what God said not to do, so then doing it would be something other than what He would want you to do. I would bet that all the people that kill in Gods name are all in hell, and God would be completely outraged if he asked someone at the pearly gates why did you kill this person, and they said that it was because God wanted them to.
I don't think religion was really responsible or the soul cause of the killing in the past. Both the religions you mention have the ten commandments that says, "Thou shall not kill". Then they went and did it anyways. I think it was just their inability to be able to follow their own religion to the letter. It is not like the religion said, "Thou shall not kill, unless you do it for me." Killing is what God said not to do, so then doing it would be something other than what He would want you to do. I would bet that all the people that kill in Gods name are all in hell, and God would be completely outraged if he asked someone at the pearly gates why did you kill this person, and they said that it was because God wanted them to.

The commandment is "thou shall not murder" not thou shall not kill. Murder is unlawful killing. Killing in war, executions and other situations are not proscribed. In the Catholic Church, the Pope is God's representative. So if the Pope thinks that God would want someone dead, then it is justified in the eyes of the church and is not murder. You can argue that some big bearded guy in the sky might not like it, but that does not stop it from happening. If he wanted to stop the killing, you would think an omnipotent being could do that. At the very least he could have told the Pope to stop doing that stuff in his name. But evidently that did not happen.
The commandment is "thou shall not murder" not thou shall not kill. Murder is unlawful killing. Killing in war, executions and other situations are not proscribed. In the Catholic Church, the Pope is God's representative. So if the Pope thinks that God would want someone dead, then it is justified in the eyes of the church and is not murder. You can argue that some big bearded guy in the sky might not like it, but that does not stop it from happening. If he wanted to stop the killing, you would think an omnipotent being could do that. At the very least he could have told the Pope to stop doing that stuff in his name. But evidently that did not happen.
If he did they would have just tried to kill him too. They did kill Jesus Christ. So then why would a bearded guy in the sky even bother?
@ Prof Layman,
The Catholic church has murdered (I dare to call it war) millions of people. From 1-5 million or more and many innocents, among them Cathers who were Christian families who simply did not recognize the pope as leader. Its like a Catholic church of today butchering a United Church. Add to that the Inquisition killings. There's one story about the streets of Jerusalem being filled with so much blood they reached the knees of horses. I am sure there are many good Youtube Videos about it. Ill find one quickly .
Nice 5 minute version put to a song
or full documetary here
remember "kill them all and let god sort them out"was quote taken in french from a POPE rep. (my last post). They added "unless an infidel" to "though shalt not kill".
The Catholics basically were trying to rule the world. They owned Rome through Fraud and then expanded capturing Germany, France etc. (Is France histories most captured country?). The Catholic church is held in line today by laws. but it was a military more than a religion at one point.

@ Lakon,
Why is it you have such a difficult time comprehending English?

I will try to explain it to you as if you were a small child, as you seem to lack comprehension.

I had to earlier "Dumb down" why someone would look towards Ancient Cultures for theories about PSI (Psychic phenomenon), because you couldn't grasp the simple logic of it.

So I made a comparison to attempt to demonstrate the concept.

I said
Imagine it like we could see effects of gravity, but could not prove it as a science because no theory existed. Maybe by looking at how the Sumerians viewed gravity we might come up with a way to measure gravity and prove it exists.

First of all (in that statement) I am comparing a known science (Gravity) with an unknown or possibly non existant science(PSI,psychic phenomenon).

Imagine means to pretend in your mind. I asked you to pretend in your mind that gravity theories don't presently exist. I realize we have gravity theories now, but for the sake of comparison you were supposed to pretend (imagine) that we don not have any theories currently about gravity.

If you are having comprehension problems still, try reading slower or multiple times.

Then I said
Maybe by looking at how the Sumerians viewed gravity we might come up with a way to measure gravity and prove it exists

Remember this entire gravity talk is me trying to "Dumb down" a previous comprehension issue you had regarding why would someone look at history for possible explanations about current science.

Now in this line I said "Maybe"
Maybe means Perhaps; possibly.
n. Informal
1. An uncertainty: There are so many maybes involved in playing the stock market.
2. An uncertain reply: It's better to receive a fast and honest no than a drawn-out maybe.

So I was suggesting it might (Do you need a definition of might?) be a way to find a theory if none had existed today.

@ Lakon still,
It is very sad, but I am actually "dumbing down" my "dumbed down" explanation on your last comprehension issue. If you had simply understood that some people might look to archaeology to possibly find new science explanations in the first place I never would have needed to give the gravity comparison.

@ Lakon still,

Even though you couldn't comprehend what the heck we are talking about here I know the Sumerians did have physics and theory have complex explanations of gravity that we cannot yet grasp. They had a "Theory of Everything" and I did already explain it to you, but obviously you couldn't comprehend that either.

@ Lakon still,

I had explained their gravity theory when I stated this IN MY LAST POST PRIOR TO YOU SAYING
So I've asked you several times - how did they view gravity, and I ask you now, how is that going to help us understand gravity ? Once again, I ask you to back up a simple thing and you're fudging. - Lakon

Not only was that bad comprehension, but you failed to comprehend their "THEORY OF EVERYTHING" was related to physics, GRAVITY, and the COSMOS, and is a complex system based on sound/music. I SAID THIS IN MY LAST POST WHEN I TYPED
However Sumerians did have complex physics theories based on sound and music. We know light can behave in waveform like sound (except transverse), so maybe they knew more than us, or maybe they were completely in left field. We do know the math they developed (algebra, calculating area of triangles, etc) are still in use today, as is the 60 second minute and 60 minute hour.

The Sumerians constructed a remarkable Theory of Everything based upon music, a base-60 number system, and symmetry concepts. These Sumerians didn't have supercomputers but they were able to incorporate into their theory much more than physics and cosmology. Below, E.G. McClain provides some insight into ancient Sumerian thinking:

"In ancient Mesopotania, music, mathematics, art, science, religion, and poetic fantasy
were fused (including gravity theories)
. Around 3000 B.C., the Sumerians simultaneously developed cuneiform
writing, in which they recorded their pantheon, and a base-60 number system. Their
gods were assigned numbers that encoded the primary ratios of music, with the gods'
functions corresponding to their numbers in acoustical theory. Thus the Sumerians
created an extensive tonal/arithmetical model for the cosmos (cosmos means The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole. and includes Gravity OBVIOUSLY)
. In this far-reaching
allegory, the physical world is known by analogy, and the gods give divinity not only to
natural forces but also to a 'supernatural,' intuitive understanding of mathematical
patterns and psychological forces."

To understand the role of musical theory in modeling the cosmos, one must realize that it involves: "the definition of intervals, the distance between pitches, by ratios of integers or counting numbers." For the ancient Sumerians music was a tool that helped them describe the cosmos.

(McClain, Ernest G.; "Musical Theory and Ancient Cosmology," The World and I, p. 371,
February 1994. Cr. L. Ellenberger)

So yes the Sumerians did have physics whether we agree with them or not. Obviously we do not at this point because they believed a full moon could influence behaviour of people. Astrology ORIGINATED in SUMER, and it is considered as a highly woo subject to many. This is not something I am making up. This is history. If it underwhelms you then I can understand, as I know many who are not impressed by history. My wife didn't even know stars were distant suns when we got married. History and Science is not for everyone I guess.

@ Lakon Still,


If you think I am being harsh in my explanations to Lakon try reading our exchanges from the beginning. Lakon could not comprehend why anyone would look to an ancient civilization to find theories or methodology for then accepted psychic phenomenon. This lack of understanding/comprehension lasted several posts, and eventually I dumbed it down by comparing it to someone seeking answers about gravity from them if gravity was an unknown. This was again lost on Lakons comprehension. I think I explained it well enough, and dumbing it down should not have been necessary. This is as close as I have come to being rude, and it is obvious I have repeatedly answered questions politely even when they arose from lack of comprehension. Read thread from beginning to understand.

@ Lakon Again,
I did not mind your lack of comprehension in these matters, because answering your questions (even if stupidish) allowed me to keep this thread on the main forum page for the last few days so everyone has had a chance to view it if they wished. This might continue, but since you obviously are "underwhelmed by history", and since you cannot afford the bandwidth to even watch the video this post is about, and since I have shown the Sumerians view on gravity despite it was not my intention, then you should be pretty much done here. If you have any more questions though, post them so I can keep this thread on the main Forum.
Last edited:
@ Prof Layman,
The Catholic church has murdered (I dare to call it war) millions of people. From 1-5 million or more and many innocents, among them Cathers who were Christian families who simply did not recognize the pope as leader. Its like a Catholic church of today butchering a United Church. Add to that the Inquisition killings. There's one story about the streets of Jerusalem being filled with so much blood they reached the knees of horses. I am sure there are many good Youtube Videos about it. Ill find one quickly .
Nice 5 minute version put to a song
or full documetary here
remember "kill them all and let god sort them out"was quote taken in french from a POPE rep. (my last post). They added "unless an infidel" to "though shalt not kill".
The Catholics basically were trying to rule the world. They owned Rome through Fraud and then expanded capturing Germany, France etc. (Is France histories most captured country?). The Catholic church is held in line today by laws. but it was a military more than a religion at one point.

@ Lakon,
Why is it you have such a difficult time comprehending English?

I will try to explain it to you as if you were a small child, as you seem to lack comprehension.

I had to earlier "Dumb down" why someone would look towards Ancient Cultures for theories about PSI (Psychic phenomenon), because you couldn't grasp the simple logic of it.

So I made a comparison to attempt to demonstrate the concept.

I said

First of all (in that statement) I am comparing a known science (Gravity) with an unknown or possibly non existant science(PSI,psychic phenomenon).

Imagine means to pretend in your mind. I asked you to pretend in your mind that gravity theories don't presently exist. I realize we have gravity theories now, but for the sake of comparison you were supposed to pretend (imagine) that we don not have any theories currently about gravity.

If you are having comprehension problems still, try reading slower or multiple times.

Then I said

Remember this entire gravity talk is me trying to "Dumb down" a previous comprehension issue you had regarding why would someone look at history for possible explanations about current science.

Now in this line I said "Maybe"
Maybe means Perhaps; possibly.
n. Informal
1. An uncertainty: There are so many maybes involved in playing the stock market.
2. An uncertain reply: It's better to receive a fast and honest no than a drawn-out maybe.

So I was suggesting it might (Do you need a definition of might?) be a way to find a theory if none had existed today.

@ Lakon still,
It is very sad, but I am actually "dumbing down" my "dumbed down" explanation on your last comprehension issue. If you had simply understood that some people might look to archaeology to possibly find new science explanations in the first place I never would have needed to give the gravity comparison.

@ Lakon still,

Even though you couldn't comprehend what the heck we are talking about here I know the Sumerians did have physics and theory have complex explanations of gravity that we cannot yet grasp. They had a "Theory of Everything" and I did already explain it to you, but obviously you couldn't comprehend that either.

@ Lakon still,

I had explained their gravity theory when I stated this IN MY LAST POST PRIOR TO YOU SAYING

Not only was that bad comprehension, but you failed to comprehend their "THEORY OF EVERYTHING" was related to physics, GRAVITY, and the COSMOS, and is a complex system based on sound/music. I SAID THIS IN MY LAST POST WHEN I TYPED

@ Lakon Still,


If you think I am being harsh in my explanations to Lakon try reading our exchanges from the beginning. Lakon could not comprehend why anyone would look to an ancient civilization to find theories or methodology for then accepted psychic phenomenon. This lack of understanding/comprehension lasted several posts, and eventually I dumbed it down by comparing it to someone seeking answers about gravity from them if gravity was an unknown. This was again lost on Lakons comprehension. I think I explained it well enough, and dumbing it down should not have been necessary. This is as close as I have come to being rude, and it is obvious I have repeatedly answered questions politely even when they arose from lack of comprehension. Read thread from beginning to understand.

@ Lakon Again,
I did not mind your lack of comprehension in these matters, because answering your questions (even if stupidish) allowed me to keep this thread on the main forum page for the last few days so everyone has had a chance to view it if they wished. This might continue, but since you obviously are "underwhelmed by history", and since you cannot afford the bandwidth to even watch the video this post is about, and since I have shown the Sumerians view on gravity despite it was not my intention, then you should be pretty much done here. If you have any more questions though, post them so I can keep this thread on the main Forum.

Oh, good God ! Now they had a theory of EVERYTHING .. music of the spheres and all that ..

The Old Kingdoms of Egypt went back 5,000 further prior to the Sumerians.

You have explained nothing, nor answered your gloss overs and idealisations. And your gnashing of teeth and wailing does not hide this.
Oh, good God ! Now they had a theory of EVERYTHING .. music of the spheres and all that ..
Now you understand it. Maybe they knew more than us in some areas.
The Old Kingdoms of Egypt went back 5,000 further prior to the Sumerians.

Actually in BC (means before Christ) time you need to look at the numbers in reverse order. A larger number BC like 4500BC means it was earlier than a number like 3150BC and older by over 1000 years. Unlike AD (After Christs Death) where Higher number (like 2012) is the oldest civilization.
I suppose it is an easy mistake to make, but still funny.

There are older civilizations according to them and other history, but none with writing.

Lumeria and Atlantis are alleged to have existed and pottery etc has been found in Turkey. Nothing comparable.

According to Historians Sumer is older than Ancient Egypt. Try Wikipedia maybe, or any reputable source.
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@ Prof Layman,
The Catholic church has murdered (I dare to call it war) millions of people. From 1-5 million or more and many innocents, among them Cathers who were Christian families who simply did not recognize the pope as leader. Its like a Catholic church of today butchering a United Church. Add to that the Inquisition killings. There's one story about the streets of Jerusalem being filled with so much blood they reached the knees of horses. I am sure there are many good Youtube Videos about it. Ill find one quickly .
Maybe this type of thing is what caused the degeneration of human intelligence that was mentioned in the original video at the start of the thread. I don't think not having a religion would have stopped them from doing the things they did. I think they would have done it anyways, but they would have only claimed it was for different reasons or purposes. There was a lot of big bloody wars before christianity. I don't think any christians agree with what they did, or beleive that something like that should be done again.

Actually in BC (means before Christ) time you need to look at the numbers in reverse order. A larger number BC like 4500BC means it was earlier than a number like 3150BC and older by over 1000 years. Unlike AD (After Christs Death) where Higher number (like 2012) is the oldest civilization.
I always wondered what they said before they used BC or before Christ. They couldn't have possibly counted down to His birth, and counted years backwards. What system was replaced by BC and AD?
@ prof.Layman,
There was no centralized or widely accepted measure of time before then.

Reminds me of the joke about the coins from 37BC.

The Mayans had their calendar. The Romans said in the year of so and so Ceasar, as did many nations with Royalty. I guess centralized years was one positive to the crusades.