Avatar's 10,000th

Looks like some people, including myself, have some unfinished business, some unfinished symphonies and some unfinished sympathies here that keep us linger ...

But be that as it may -- rejoice!
spuriousmonkey said:
People with more than 1000 posts are all losers!

Question is, what exactly have we lost, or what are we losing?
Could it have been otherwise?
He's on 9,999 and offline... must be putting a lot of effort into the big 10K!
Trivia: Avatar joined 2 days after I did.

Anyone go a link to Tiassa's 10,000th?
Indeed, you were right, Pete. :)
I really did want to write something more valuable than a general reply as my 10000th post, so I made this thread.

Thanks for noticing my upcoming 10000, water
It's been mostly a very interesting, rewarding and funny time with all of you here,
and I have no intentions to quit until we remain.
It rather depends on what is meant by 10,000th. 10,000th actual post, or 10,000th post that counted? Remember that cesspool pots don't count
If there are any of my replies in the cesspoll, then they are very few.
Mostly just ridicules on the original poster. I've never intentionally posted in cesspool,
so I don't count them.
Well you may have posted in a thread which was a good debate, then lets say vince hijacked it and flew it into the cesspool. Thus nullifying the posts.