Authority of the scriptures...

My answer would currently be the same as this, but given so many do believe in the divinity of the scriptures I am endeavouring to find out why they do.
But so far, of the people who have responded to this thread, only one is a believer, which is a shame as it means we can only ever really discuss in a manner that reaffirms our positions.
We all are likely to make sense to each other as we likely share the same thought process.
Maybe I was hoping for some diversity.
Jan, for example, cries out to discuss scripture yet, while the thread is but young, he/she (which is it?) is noted by absence.

And babble is good, as long as it gets the mind working. :)
It does seem that way, but I think it is also perhaps merely describing the result rather than the cause?
By that I mean is it that these personality traits drive the people, or are the traits merely the result of something else?
Apologies, I may not be being too clear as I try to put my rambling thoughts into words... but I think I'm working myself into the realms of psychology and I'm not sure I want to go there yet. :)
Isn't almost everything? ;)

Haha yes you were rather obviously coat-trailing for Jan with this thread, but I bet he won't play. This is a discussion I think he will want to avoid - his frequent accusations that others are "afraid" to think, of this and that, notwithstanding. :wink:
Yeah, embrace ignorance and stupidity. You'll be happier that way.

Like Donald Trump supporters, I suppose. :rolleyes:

I voted for Trump , not because he have a plan or program. I voted because I am tired of political BS of the 2 Party politician that play a game between them selve and don't give much about the people
In the past a rise of a third party was initiated by Ross Parrott but it did not get any place .
I voted for Trump , not because he have a plan or program. I voted because I am tired of political BS of the 2 Party politician that play a game between them selve and don't give much about the people
In the past a rise of a third party was initiated by Ross Parrott but it did not get any place .

I voted for Trump , not because he have a plan or program. I voted because I am tired of political BS of the 2 Party politician that play a game between them selve and don't give much about the people
In the past a rise of a third party was initiated by Ross Parrott but it did not get any place .
In Trumps favour he is not a professional politician but that does not mean it will result in benefit to "the people".
Politics is all about how you slice up the pie it is not about feeding the hungry, housing the homeless or healing the sick unless there is a powerful lobby group pushing either of those addenda.
I hope he gets in and builds his great wall it will make a great tv show and in time it can be used to keep people in... Just in case folk may start to want to leave.
In Trumps favour he is not a professional politician but that does not mean it will result in benefit to "the people".
Politics is all about how you slice up the pie it is not about feeding the hungry, housing the homeless or healing the sick unless there is a powerful lobby group pushing either of those addenda.
I hope he gets in and builds his great wall it will make a great tv show and in time it can be used to keep people in... Just in case folk may start to want to leave.
I think Carlin had the perfect solution to all our problems:
He and Donald share the same script writer... is that what you are saying?
Maybe The Donald saw this clip and said; "Hey, that's not a bad idea, instead of deporting 10 million illegal aliens, why don't we fence them in, we did it before with native Americans". Of course at that time we were the illegal aliens.

Oh and during WWII we *interned* legal Japanese US citizens.

Actually, such conditions effectively still exist with Puerto Rico, where Puerto Ricans are US citizens, but without the Constitutional rights of other US citizens, because of *cultural* differences. Ain't that a crock?.

Personally I find that very disturbing.
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I voted for Trump , not because he have a plan or program. I voted because I am tired of political BS of the 2 Party politician that play a game between them selve and don't give much about the people
In the past a rise of a third party was initiated by Ross Parrott but it did not get any place .
OK, but he's playing a different game. It's the acquisition of power game.
timojin said:
I voted for Trump , not because he have a plan or program. I voted because I am tired of political BS of the 2 Party politician that play a game between them selve and don't give much about the people
In the past a rise of a third party was initiated by Ross Parrott but it did not get any place .
Yes, in view that Ross Parrott never existed and there is no word "them selve".
Maybe The Donald saw this clip and said; "Hey, that's not a bad idea, instead of deporting 10 million illegal aliens, why don't we fence them in, we did it before with native Americans". Of course at that time we were the illegal aliens.

Oh and during WWII we *interned* legal Japanese US citizens.

Actually, such conditions effectively still exist with Puerto Rico, where Puerto Ricans are US citizens, but without the Constitutional rights of other US citizens, because of *cultural* differences. Ain't that a crock?.

Personally I find that very disturbing.

Perhaps the Puerto Rican prefer to be the way they are , otherwise their identity, like the native American
Perhaps the Puerto Rican prefer to be the way they are , otherwise their identity, like the native American
You better read up on the news about Puerto Rico, and their rights as US citizens.
And while you're at it look up Puerto Rico, Guam, Northern Marianas, U. S. Virgin Islands and American Samoa.
All these US citizens can fight for the US, but they can't even vote.
There are currently about 5 million US citizens who are not eligible to vote in Federal elections due to their place of residence.
3,878,532 - Puerto Rico
563,059 - Washington, DC
154,805 - Guam
108,612 - Virgin Islands
69,221 - CNMI
57,291 - Soma
These individuals have no voting representatives in congress.
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Please can we keep this on topic.
Interesting may people's views on us politics be, they have naff-all to do with the thread.
Please can we keep this on topic.
Interesting may people's views on us politics be, they have naff-all to do with the thread.
Sorry for the diversion. It was just intended as a historical correction. As a legal permanent resident myself, I avoid political speech as much as possible.
Good question.
Apologists would probably claim that they do all speak of the same, and interpret things from each so as to make it seem that way.

Jan certainly claims that, arguing that all 'scriptures' contain/reveal the same definition of 'God'. But that's an expression of Jan's own beliefs and of the teaching of the tradition that Jan has been most influenced by (I believe that Jan is a Hari Krishna).

In real life, not all religious scriptures even have a single creator-god. The Buddhist canons (there are several Buddhist canons containing many thousands of 'scriptures') don't.

The 'scriptures' that do have a single creator-god don't always describe that god the same way. In some cases, the original gods gave birth to a whole race of subsequent gods, so having an initial cosmic progenitor doesn't necessarily imply monotheism.

Nor do the traditions that recognize these various 'scriptures' as authoritative believe that all of the creator figures in other traditions' scriptures are all identical with their own. It will be hard to find a Jew or a Christian who believes that Tiamat, the primordial goddess of chaos in the Enuma Elish, or her son Apsu who created heaven and earth, are somehow identified with Yahweh from the Hebrew scriptures.