Authority of The Church: what can be KNOWN of GOD

Lawdog said:
genocide is not wrong on the part of God, only man. God has total and absolute dominion over all that he created.
Genocide is defined as the elimination of attempted elimination of an entire generation of an ethnic, religious, racial, political, or economic group, in a fashion that would cause thier destruction.
It is a Crime Against Humanity as decreed by the Geneva convention, and is a crime condemned by both the UN and NATO. In short, Genocide is wrong, no matter who or what does it.
And even if your "god" held "total and absolute dominion" over everything, that still wouldn't make it right. Infact, it would make it worse, and that would show your lord for what it truly is: a tyrant.

You know that it is wrong to do so, humans have no such right concerning divine mysteries. Learn humility.
No. I bow to no tyrants, neither man nor god.
Sic semper tyrannus!
Lawdog said:
Buddha does not offer salvation

Exactly what proof is there that Jesus offers salvation? Texts? Texts cannot prove anything, and alas, I was referring to the Old Testament, long before "Jesus"
Buddha offers enlightenment, which is a kind of salvation that one can really experience in this life. I think Jesus offerred the same thing in another flavor. The trouble is this is a too subtle and rare philosophy for the masses. Christianity is a degenerate form of Jesus' teaching dumbed down for the common retard.
Hapsburg said:
And even if your "god" held "total and absolute dominion" over everything, that still wouldn't make it right. Infact, it would make it worse, and that would show your lord for what it truly is: a tyrant.
Ok, so how do you know that genocide is wrong? Whats your basis for morality?
Society states genocide is wrong. Most people in the world agree that genocide is wrong. It is the destruction of fellow men on Earth, reducing the population. It is due to society and civilization that we come to the fact that genocide is wrong.
Society states????? most agree??? Thats a basis for morality? the Nazis formed a society. they agreed.

You must answer better.
Lawdog said:
Ok, so how do you know that genocide is wrong? Whats your basis for morality?
Thous shalt not kill. Will that do? Is God entitled to violate his own laws? If so, how can He expect His imperfect creations to respect them? I think He's asking too much.
The commandments are from some Jew.
In a sense, all inspiration is from the same source that produced you, so I guess you could say they came from God, if God is a metaphor for the vast unknowable complexity of the universe.

"Society states????? most agree??? Thats a basis for morality?"
Pretty much. That's what religion does anyway, they set up a system of values, often ostensibly based on some higher principles, in your case the authority of an alleged human representative of God.
Lawdog said:
Ok, so how do you know that genocide is wrong? Whats your basis for morality?
I wouldn't want anyone doing that to me. How is that for a starting basis for morality?