Australian Concentration Camps

Originally posted by James R
Recently, the US prison population surpassed the 2 million mark. In other words, 1% of the population is in jail. This would be equivalent to locking up the entire indigenous population of Australia.

On the matter of detention, the US also has a far from clean record. Look at all the detainees at Guantanamo Bay, who have been held without trial for over a year.

no need to get defensive. responding with american faults is pointless. most critics would be happy if a more humane system were adopted. if not, me and others would spend hrs happily bashing to aussies to pulp.

errr........ about the locking up of abos....... freudian slip perhaps?

I am an Australian made up of Greek, Italian, Irish and English. My father came to Australia on a boat, and my grandmother on my mums side, a country so young can not have, xenophobia which means fear of foreigners: an intense fear or dislike of foreign people, their customs and culture, or foreign things. Am I fearful of my father he was a foreigner, or dislikes my cultures, Australia is known as a multicultural society.
As for the standards of the instiutions where they are being held till they get processed, (which means find employment and find accommodation for them). One of the main reasons the standards got so poor was in the riots that the detainees held.
If they detainees had the choice where would they rather be the place in which they fled or in a facility where they can sleep and be fed?
If a counties budget allows an amount of money for asylum seekers the only the way they can make it better is to accept less people on to our shores. Although that would be another thing that could be complained about isn’t it.
I think if an American wants to give shit to Australia about a humanitarian issue, I will teach them a little proverb "don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house"

<i>errr........ about the locking up of abos....... freudian slip perhaps?</i>

Not at all. I used that example to contrast the number of people in US jails because the population fractions are the same. I do not in any way think that indigenous Australians ought to be locked up - quite the opposite in fact. They have a disproportionate amount of interaction with the justice system right now.

BTW, most do not take kindly to being referred to as "abos".
BTW, most do not take kindly to being referred to as "abos".
I don't take to kindly to it being of koori descent :mad:, but then sticks & stones........
your from up north are you?


the aborigional guy i met a while ago said that to tribes from melbourn thats a swear word:p
All other tribes are swear words:p, not that koori's a tribe.
I don't usually use it, but it's the general term around hear lately.....
North of Melbourne, yup
Originally posted by Jolly Rodger
I think if an American wants to give shit to Australia about a humanitarian issue, I will teach them a little proverb "don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house"

why thanks pop! you be full of wisdom

an observation: aussies get defensive and seem to be in denial of all things racial in their society. americans are not. we delight in exposing the inequities in our society. you do not.

*valid? not quite?

*hurl away! i predict it will hurt you more than it does me
<i>aussies get defensive and seem to be in denial of all things racial in their society. americans are not. we delight in exposing the inequities in our society. you do not.

*valid? not quite?</i>

No. Australia, on the whole, is a much more egalitarian society than the US. We do not have the same kind of racial problems as are seen in the US. For most people here, race is not an issue.

On the other hand, I'm not about to say that nobody in Australia is a racist bigot. We have our fair share of those.

We also have plenty of people here who are quite outspoken about inequities in our society. In that respect, we're not so different from the US.
Australia, on the whole, is a much more egalitarian society than the US.

actually i think i would agree (even tho i wouldnt really wanna get into the specifics of such a statement)
Originally posted by spookz
why thanks pop! you be full of wisdom

an observation: aussies get defensive and seem to be in denial of all things racial in their society. americans are not. we delight in exposing the inequities in our society. you do not.

*valid? not quite?

*hurl away! i predict it will hurt you more than it does me

So you are American, I think you should read me post again race is not shit to me mate. all i said there are a lot of things you should be chasing up your own government about. Before hurling shit Australians way over it humanitarian issues when clearly your country is so FUCKED
aussies get defensive (spookz)

see! i told you so! i knew it!

well enlighten the "fucked" americans. how are you guys more egalitarian?

all i said there are a lot of things you should be chasing up your own government about. (jolly)

i do and still find the time to screw with you aussies
spookz=stupidity and naiveness

Originally posted by spookz
aussies get defensive (spookz)
see! i told you so! i knew it!
well enlighten the "fucked" americans. how are you guys more egalitarian?
all i said there are a lot of things you should be chasing up your own government about. (jolly)
i do and still find the time to screw with you aussies

This thread is having a go at Australia, not America buddy watch out I think you are getting a bit defensive there. Think about your argument, your asking “how are Australians are more egalitarian than America.” Unless you have lived in both places how could you compare? Good work buddy

You really have no idea, next time you meet an Australian ask them what background there next door neighbours are, i have three all of different background, Indian, Chinese and African all on my level in my apartment complex, but if I were to ask them what nationality they are they all say Australian, i put the question to you again how could Australians be egalitarian when Australia is made up of all different types of races?
I think you should concentrate bit harder on your own country because winging (that is what you are doing) over all the fucked up things your country has done, would take a lifetime. And then you wouldn’t have to stir up us Australians.
Dude, Atomic Bomb,
Game Set Match Fuck wit

Not many people like Americans it is something you are just being told on TV, you dumb fuck. I am not getting defensive for Australia, just beside myself over your stupidity and naiveness.
Re: spookz=stupidity and naiveness

This thread is having a go at Australia, not America buddy watch out I think you are getting a bit defensive there.

what what?

Think about your argument,

i have an argument? which is?

your asking “how are Australians are more egalitarian than America.”

cant follow a thread?

Unless you have lived in both places how could you compare? Good work buddy

perhaps studies have been done? is that your modus operandi? unless you have firsthand experience, you remain clueless?

You really have no idea, next time you meet an Australian ask them what background there next door neighbours are, i have three all of different background, Indian, Chinese and African all on my level in my apartment complex, but if I were to ask them what nationality they are they all say Australian,

hehe (do they smell?)

i put the question to you again how could Australians be egalitarian when Australia is made up of all different types of races?

thanks goofy one, for making my point. (try a dic)

I think you should concentrate bit harder on your own country because winging (that is what you are doing) over all the fucked up things your country has done, would take a lifetime. And then you wouldn’t have to stir up us Australians.
Dude, Atomic Bomb,
Game Set Match Fuck wit

oh oh! its on now!!!:D (you umpiring a game you are playing?)

you dumb fuck.

i am gonna hound your ass so bad (cross your t's and dot your i's)

I am not getting defensive for Australia, just beside myself over your stupidity and naiveness.

super! i like that. be prepared for more "stupidity and naiveness". i wanna see you apoplectic. i am gonna give you ulcers, i will turn you into a raving, drug addled lunatic

*try hallucinogens to rewire your brain, you are all over the place
give us your huddled masses

<li>With federal immigration reform at a standstill, state governments are moving ahead on issues that have practical but profound consequences in the daily lives of millions of undocumented migrants.

<li>In recent months, at least 39 states have considered more than 100 bills that affect immigrants' access to driver's licenses. According to the National Immigration Law Center, 18 states have taken up proposals to make it easier for children of illegal immigrants to pursue a college education.

<li>In Utah, conservative Republicans pushed through a bill last year that opened state colleges and universities to undocumented students who had lived in the state for three years and could meet admission requirements.

<li>Kansas and New Mexico approved statutes that allow immigrants to get licensed without a Social Security number.

<li>Oklahoma, Washington and Illinois passed bills making it easier for the children of undocumented migrants to attend college. In Florida, Republican Gov. Jeb Bush supported the idea, but the bill stalled in committee.

<li>In Utah, Republican state Sen. Howard Stephenson was a sponsor of the 2002 Utah bill that allowed children of illegal immigrants, Silvia Salguero among them, to attend state colleges.
"Every citizen who buys a flat of strawberries for $16, or who enjoys a cheap hotel room or an inexpensive restaurant meal is essentially demanding that people come across the border illegally to fulfill their economic request," Stephenson said.

<li>In Congress, Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) has introduced legislation to repeal the 1996 provision and create a means for undocumented students to obtain legal residency. Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) is expected to introduce a companion bill in that chamber.

<li>The Bush administration has not taken a position. "We think there are a number of interesting ideas for reforming our immigration system," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan. "There are additional aspects to the legislation beyond the matter of in-state tuition, and we would want to take a look at those aspects."

<li>But some opponents of accommodating undocumented immigrants have said the White House is quietly cheering for states to expand benefits.

<li>"The states are in fits and starts, bringing about a kind of illegal-alien amnesty, and there are a lot of folks in the administration who understand that and agree with it," said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies. "They look the other way while the states bring about an amnesty on their own, presenting Congress with a fait accompli." (Ricardo Alonso-Zaldiva)
Not many people realize how xenophobic Australia is. So strong is their fear of Asian immigrants making the white majority a minority (or just smaller majority) that they have actually begun putting illegal Asian immigrants into concentration camps, or Detention centers as they are calling them.

These people are apparently held against their will, for an indefinite period of time, can be prosecuted for attempted escape, and even face time in another jail. On top of this they are apparently fined by the day for their troubles, as well.

I can't believe the absolute crap that people have festering in their tiny brains.

These 'refugees' are actually CRIMINALS. If they were real refugees, they would be granted refugee status, and not be in the detention centre. We actually welcome REAL refugees. These criminals snuck into our country ILLEGALLY.

Australian 'concentration camps', huh? Ignore the fact that these CRIMINALS are getting fed, have shelter, and access to basic medicine. Refugees can bitch all they want. If they are true refugees, you would think that they would be grateful, since the detention centres should be much safer than the country they were 'fleeing' from.

What a load of crap. Australia is xenophobic. Have you tried going to Melbourne (or any other large city)? Maybe you will notice all of the Asians which came here LEGALLY, and are welcome here. Listen buddy, why don't you actually visit Australia before spinning crap? You know nothing. We are a multicultural society.

My own mother is an immigrant. She done things the right way. She waited for her visa, and came here legally. She is a citizen. Anyone who is prepared to come to our country LEGALLY and become a citizen is welcome here.

Being an American I can hardly understand such treatment of illegal aliens,
Being an Australian, I don't know how an American can critisize Australia. You have victimized the blacks, indians, and bombed countries just because they 'might have WOMD'. A classic example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Being an Australian, I don't know how American's can comment, since they don't know SHIT about the issue.
Before you can comment on Australia, maybe you should do a little research. We have quite an open immigration policy. Don't attack Australia with baseless claims.

but we don't want the poor people to die out in the desert!
You are so naive. Not every person who comes to this country is a true refugee. Therefore, they are criminals. They come here so that they can have an 'easier' life. Should I sneak into America because computers cost less over there?

Australia is not an overcrowded nation, I don't really see the big deal.
See. Some American's don't know shit. The middle of Australia is desert. And if we let every Joe in, this place would become overcrowded.

aussies get defensive and seem to be in denial of all things racial in their society. americans are not. we delight in exposing the inequities in our society. you do not.

aussies get defensive (spookz)

see! i told you so! i knew it!
We are not defensive. We are legitimately angry. When you go and attack Australia with a bunch of lies, dramatization, and plain bullshit, we get angry. I'm sorry that I like to defend my country when it is attacked by self-righteous know-nothings.

Well, jeez, I'm sooo sorry I don't like people just walking into this country as if they own the place. I'm soo sorry that I'm angry I have to pay tax for people who came here ILLEGALLY, and are not citizens. Who don't want to be Australian, but just want to be parasites and drain Australia dry.

They are criminals. They came to Australia seeking an easier life. They came here illegally. It is THEIR fault that they are stuck in 'concentration camps'. Maybe if they didn't try and take advantage of Australia's great legal system (which they don't deserve, since they aren't citizens), then they would reach a conclusion quicker. Instead, they stay in Australia for years, dragging their case through loads of legal shit.

Let's have a little logic here, people. If I wanted to talk to someone of chinese descent, where would I go? China. What about African descent? Africa. What about American descent? America. What about Australian descent? Australia.
Sadly, this simple logic is being violated when all the rabble from every corner of the Earth invades Australia.

I want to have some real Australians in Australia. If we let everyone in here, Australia will have to change its name to New AmericoAsioAfricoAnistan.

You think what we do is wrong? Fine. Maybe we should send all of these 'poor refugees' to America. See how you like it.

And before, someone was saying that we shouldn't critize America, while you are allowed to critize Australia. How typical. I would expect no less from a country who thinks it has the right to bomb innocents, yet when they receive the same treatment, say what a 'crime' it is. Some Americans should really look in the mirror before pointing the finger. Because the pot and the kettle are both black.
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Originally posted by Mystech
These people are apparently held against their will, for an indefinite period of time, can be prosecuted for attempted escape, and even face time in another jail. On top of this they are apparently fined by the day for their troubles, as well.

Are they surprised that they are imprisoned when they break the law? Whatever the fine is it should be doubled or tripled. Their criminality is costing Australian taxpayers quite a bit of money.

Originally posted by Mystech
Appalling, isn't it!?

Yes. I can't believe these illegals show such contempt for the laws of Australia.

Originally posted by Mystech
Being an American I can hardly understand such treatment of illegal aliens, after all, here in the good ol' U.S. of A. we go to lengths such as setting up water stations to facilitate Mexicans who are attempting to illegally cross our borders, hey they may be criminals, but we don't want the poor people to die out in the desert!

Get rid of the water stations. Why help people break the law? You might as well leave fully gassed getaway cars running in front of banks for potential robbers. Hey, they may be criminals but we don't want those poor people to die in a shootout with the police because they couldn't escape fast enough!
Originally posted by mountainhare
What a load of crap. Australia is xenophobic.

See. Some American's don't know shit. The . . . if we let every Joe in, this place would become overcrowded.

Well, jeez, I'm sooo sorry I don't like people just walking into this country as if they own the place. I'm soo sorry that I'm angry I have to pay tax for people who came here ILLEGALLY, and are not citizens. Who don't want to be Australian, but just want to be parasites and drain Australia dry.

They are criminals.

It is THEIR fault that they are stuck in 'concentration camps'. Maybe if they didn't try and take advantage of Australia's great legal system (which they don't deserve, since they aren't citizens), then they would reach a conclusion quicker.

What about Australian descent? Australia.
Sadly, this simple logic is being violated when all the rabble from every corner of the Earth invades Australia.

I want to have some real Australians in Australia. If we let everyone in here, Australia will have to change its name to New AmericoAsioAfricoAnistan.

I'm sorry, but you really haven’t made a good case for Australia not being a xenophobic nation with these comments.
See, the problem here is that people still don't get it.

You can go on and on about the difference in Australian attitudes towards legal and illegal immigrants... and they won't get it. You can go on and on about the reality of the financial status of most of these "refugees"... and they won't get it. You can go on and on about how the media blows conditions in holding facilities out of proportion, and about how the illegals themselves "stage" conditions... and they won't get it.

We've been here so many times before, and it's bloody annoying to see how you can enlighten people as to the actual conditions in these places and they still prefer to hold on to their cherished media-enhanced opinions and ignore reailty.