Aura - revisit


Yes exactly Vibrations will be higher,and that would mean essentially a Higher energy level and that would imply a higher frequency levels...which is closer to Violet...

i suppose i would still have to go with red or brown, i tend to relate those to distress. violet is more of an enlightenment vibration. (to me anyway) or symbolizes contentment...but, yes, violet is a higher vibration...

Ive been able to "see" spots where someone was injured before... if for example they broke their leg a few years back, that spot seems to stand out like a flare in a dark closet. This actually happened to me when a good friend of mine came over, and i couldnt help but notice that spot on her leg. I asked her if she injured that spot on her leg earlier, and she had indeed broken that leg. :eek:
I can see auras fairly easy. The only problem I have is knowing what they mean. I can rarely see color in an aura. Only when there is a white background. every other time i see an aura its clear. kinda like when you stare at the the horizion on summer days when it has that wavy heat effect. I can see them but dont understand them truthfully.
I have read in some old texts like the AURA is spread in about 48 Angulam (~about 52 inches) around the body..and this is for an ordinary human being…or rather any human being..and for a divine soul..because of the practice of meditation..this gets reduced…and more over limits itself to the head…and this is the reason why most of the saints and divine people has been depicted with a high AURA to their head.

The book also says, AURA gets distributed too much when you lie down specifically without a pillow…there is a great chance that of your AURO getting diluted because of this…and this could also give you a pale look ! The AURA also shows a definite indication (very clear to a trained eye!) just few hours before your death..which is detailed in one of the Ayurvedic trext books…!

AURA also gets disturbed (even distributed) when we touch people who are very low in their AURA and even shows a clear indication when we meditate with them…sort of charge flowing from one person to another…To me I feel AURA is nothing but the light emanating from the soul..and those lucky ones who can read that…I bow before them !
[color=857a75]I'm not sure if I see auras but they do seem similar,they are like air particles that light up for a brief amount of time.Here's is what I've figured out:
light blue:hatred
red:libidinous energy
yellow-green:low self-worth
purple:hurt feelings
dark-blue: pensive/deep thought
pink: passion

There are also certain shapes,intensities,movements,and combinations of colors that denote different states.[/color]