Aura - revisit


Staff member
Yesterday, I bruised my arm. I was wearing a long sleeve shirt so one can not see the bruise. Now, my favorite aura reader told me that I have a red aura spot on my arm (exact bruised location) which is otherwise deep blue.

Do we have a member who is also an Aura reader ?
Sometimes I can see my own aura or other peoples aura, but I don't know how to interpret them. Mine ususally has a very bright turqoise colour.
Hi Bebelina:

I can not see aura. I think females can, due to higher frequencies involved. Anyway, you should practice on that to improve the capability. Red means angry, damage etc. No aura or black haze aura means sick or death. Blue means good health. Evil people have red aura all around them. But I think the colors mostly provide the tissue/organ health of a person.

Purple - higher life force energy
Blue/deep blue - Good health
Green - Stress induced damage
Yellow - Caution - minor damage on way to healing or going the other way.
Red - Sickness, Cell repair activity
Black - Severe cell damage. Very low vital energy.

If a person has a black over all aura, then the life force is going out or a person is seriously ill overall.
Yes, I should practice on that. It would be nice to be able to diagnose people like that on the spot. You sire, are evil, because your aura is red. :D
Concerning seeing aura

How exactly do you see aura? i have a friend who says if he sits in the dark for long enough and see's someone its easier to see their aura. But he also says its often white? above you mentioned colours but not white... can you give us some more info?
As I said above, I can not see Aura but my friends do. I reason that somehow the eyes are sensitive to infrared and other wavelengths that drop down in frequency (doppler effect) and hence provide the color. It may be like color thermography. Since plants and even jewels such as emeralds and rubies produce aura, I think it is beyond the infrared that human body produces. There are cameras that can take pictures of camoflagued equipment and human body.
I got told i had a black aura, but i am in perfect health and was then?!:bugeye: I always tthought my source was a lying git though!:D
As long as your source did not ask money to change the aura color....:D

You could have flu then...or someone is yanking your chain or you could be an axe murderer....
Is this Aura a kind of Energy Radiation as part of balancing act?

Also KM i was wondering...

The fingerprints are somewhat like Magnetic Lines of force...Does that ring any Bell to you...(Soory for an off topic Question)...

Re: Concerning seeing aura

Originally posted by LephtShew
How exactly do you see aura? i have a friend who says if he sits in the dark for long enough and see's someone its easier to see their aura. But he also says its often white? above you mentioned colours but not white... can you give us some more info?

for the most part, there is a lot of practice that must be done. some people are able to do it naturally. there is an endless sea of literature on aura reading and excercises. one of the best one's that i have done is to take an object (leaf, hand, something like that) and place it on or in front of a white piece of paperboard. look (stare) at the object and allow your eyes to go out of focus. after a time you will notice a 'fuzziness' to the objects edge. the 'fuzziness' seems to take on it's own movement. after practicing for a while, you can tear off part of the leaf (please don't use a hand for this part :bugeye: ) and notice a change in the 'fuzziness' where the torn piece used to be.

basically, when you see an aura you are just looking at the objects energy field. that is why there is distress or glee at different times and situations.

hope this helps!!
Sorry for interrupting.But WHAT IS AURA EXACTLY?



And if above is true,you cant see Aura with naked eye!can you?

just wondering...


this topic is very subjective, so, remember, this is only my opinion gathered from reading and experimentation...

an aura is the energy radiated from any type of object. the reason the aura is visible is that the object and the air surrounding the object are vibrating at different rates. i like to think of the aura as the 'gray area' between the object and the air. kind of like visualizing a river see a river (which is water, of course) meeting with soil...between the water and soil is mud...the mixture of both. it is the gradient between the two.

anyway, when people speak of seeing colors of auras, they are actually seeing the energy that a particular object is emmiting. one day, if i am feeling good and nothing is bothering me, my aura may be green. the next, i could have the flu and parts of my aura could be red or brown. i am sure that at one time or another each of us has been in a room with someone we just know is in a bad mood, but have not been told. the aura projects the mood just as does body language or speech.

it is possible to see the aura with the naked eye, just as you would start to get what i like to call, TV-vision, if you stare at a white wall for an extended period of time. it works the same way...when staring at a white wall, after a while each color pixel starts to become visible, the wall, you see, is not white, but made of many different colors of light. some people can 'tune-in' naturally, some people have to work for it...

hope this answers your question! ;)
Yes,it does answer my question satisfactorily.Thanks...Interesting...Have there been any actual experiments on this which demonstrate the Energy Radiations like this.Swami Vivekanda often talked about this kind of Positive or Negetive energy ...

I was thinking...

If what Enig says is correct...Kms Friend was just pulling a good one on him.This is based on an assumption about the theory that Enig has mentioned.Kms friend saw Red Aura?well technically speaking he should have seen something near to Violet,like indigo or blue or Green may be ...since a cut or bruise will increase the energy levels of the area,isnt it?

Just curious...
Thanks.Most Interesting...I will get back here later(after reading Biophotons Stuff that i just got...),Anyways INTRO says Biophotons are not visible with naked eye!...
But it does Prove the Aura stuff right...just get back to you...

Originally posted by zion
I was thinking...

If what Enig says is correct...Kms Friend was just pulling a good one on him.This is based on an assumption about the theory that Enig has mentioned.Kms friend saw Red Aura?well technically speaking he should have seen something near to Violet,like indigo or blue or Green may be ...since a cut or bruise will increase the energy levels of the area,isnt it?

actually, it would have been red...the vibrations would have been at a higher rate (due to repair)....think of it as heat-related. when you put a pot of cold water on the stove, the vibration of the water is you heat it up, and it starts to boil, the vibration is very rapid.

so, the friend, was correct (at least from my standpoint)....
as far as the biophotons, you cannot see photons! (hehe)

but, the affect you can see....i don't know if it will 'prove' the aura to you or not, but the information is related to the aura...