Attraction Paradox - Zero Point Theory

Please provide an example where you justify any of your claims with sound logic. Remember how I asked you to show an actual paradox arises with zero? You couldn't. Instead you just asserted it and ignored my correction about the nature of zero within mathematics.
if one looks a little deeper into the nature of the math:
+1 + (-)1 = 0 immediately one can be confronted with the nature of a simple paradox of both positive (+)x values and negative (-) x values existing simultaneously without anhilation to zero.
If the universe was set up this way it woud not exist as the result is..uhm
It is what is implied in the equation that is missing that allows the universe to exist.

I refer to the ever present time factor


where t = time duration
or another version of the same logic:


where t = time duration

So when you say that +1 + (-1) =0 is NOT a paradox it is because you are axiomatically assuming the existance of time and I am presuming that you know this already. [which you obviously don't]
If you take time out of the equation implied or otherwise you have absolute zero [ nothingness - oblivion - unconsciousness - centre of gravity.]
..quite simple really...
so refute the logic if you can...
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What ratio-nal or logic shown in the following two diagrams can't you make sense of...

The constancy of the zero point regardless of metric:



The Zero point pressure analogy:



Ah yes, secret societies. Tell me, was 9/11 an inside job? Did Osama kill JFK? Was it a secret Space Nazi craft from the planet Niribu which crashed at Roswell?

I posted my comments about the "blind eye" phenonema not just for your benefit Alphanumeric, but for those who are wondering WTF! is going on regarding your's and others incapacity to comprehend the simple logic put forward and have a vested interest in Zero Point Theory's ultimate success or failure.
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The fact you are citing star wars as evidence for your theory is hilarious! Anyway:

I apologise if my apparent confidence has disturbed you.

On the contrary, I am not in the slightest disturbed by you.

I do have a close friend who suffers excruicating fibromyalgia to the extent that even staying in bed with serious painkillers [opiates] is not adequate. Fortunately for her, the bouts of symptoms being revealed are infrequent but she has suffered this condition most of her post pubescent life. She also suffers from depression due to the intractible nature of this condition. [ she is extremely gifted intellectualy ]

This is an appeal to anecdote. In any case, it doesn't sound much like fibromyalgia to me (I cannot be considered an expert, I will admit). My understanding is that FM is a chronic condition, not a recurrent one.

Once zero point theory is understood and accepted, therapy can be made available for this and similar conditions.

The Fibromyalgia is caused primarilly from her muscles tensing due to a percieved psychic threat against her freewill. [long term reactive tensing will cause intense fatigue in the muscles of a "compression" type not "extension" type]

This is why people dismiss your ideas out of hand. There is no evidence whatever for this being true

What people do not realise is that when a person is being unduely influenced whether they be a high achiever in sport or intellectual arenas such as physics [ Stephen Hawkins - motor neurone disease, Tesla - psychiatric conditions and so on] they are subjected to influences that their bodies may not be able to manage adequately. Especially if they show any signs of savant-ism or significant potential in this regard.

The man's name is Stephen Hawking, and the few disabled scientists say nothing about the thousands of able bodied scientists that work on similar things

I have a grandson who has demonstrated similar.

Again, appeal to anecdote.

Once it can be shown the nature of social psychic function there to dysfunction most of these chronic conditions can be treated in ways that allow better management of those influences regardless of whether those influences are of a positive loving kind or negative "hateful" kind.

According to Zero point theory extended: Asthma for example is caused by a persons socio-psychic sensitivity [via the zero point ] striking the Thymus gland causing swelling and the desire to terminate breathing via the stimulation of the Laryngeal nerves. Again it is usually a loving influence that provokes the attacks as the person must maintain freewill at all times and even the pressure for them to breath applied by someone else good will intentions is sufficient to trigger a freewill protection response. The advent of the pandemic of Child hood incidence of asthma is I believe directly related to the parents fear of the child dying in it's sleep [SIDS]. Applying instinctive and sometimes deliberate "will" pressure to keep the child breathing and once the psychic connection is fully established the child is both dependant on the support and rejecting the influence simultaneously.

My 28 year old daughter suffers this condition with occassional hospitalisation required. One of the reason I separated from her mother when she was only 4 yo was because I felt I was in someway over influencing her breathing and I had to leave them so that she could go on.

It is also a fairly modern situation, exasperating relative minor incidence from around 1985/86 when it appears that most of these new-age conditions seemed to seriously emmerge.

So I do understand your concern about my so called "arrogance" and I am sorry if I have distressed you in some way.

I really don't have anything to say other than this is an outrageous load of tripe. You excusing walking out on your family because you thought you were the psychic cause of your daughters breathing problems is both pathetic and comical. Maybe that's the excuse you came up with in an attempt not to feel like a loser absentee father and now you just believe your own dogma, but it's pretty pathetic nonetheless.
The fact you are citing star wars as evidence for your theory is hilarious! Anyway:

On the contrary, I am not in the slightest disturbed by you.

This is an appeal to anecdote. In any case, it doesn't sound much like fibromyalgia to me (I cannot be considered an expert, I will admit). My understanding is that FM is a chronic condition, not a recurrent one.

This is why people dismiss your ideas out of hand. There is no evidence whatever for this being true

The man's name is Stephen Hawking, and the few disabled scientists say nothing about the thousands of able bodied scientists that work on similar things

Again, appeal to anecdote.

I really don't have anything to say other than this is an outrageous load of tripe. You excusing walking out on your family because you thought you were the psychic cause of your daughters breathing problems is both pathetic and comical. Maybe that's the excuse you came up with in an attempt not to feel like a loser absentee father and now you just believe your own dogma, but it's pretty pathetic nonetheless.

So what is special about Stephen Hawkins case... do you know?
do you or any scientist know what causes motor neurons disease?
are you able to comprehend the simple logic displayed above or not?
Are you able to apologise for your claim that no logic has been presented?
Or is your sheer arrogance an appeal to authority?
Do you understand the difference between arrogance and confidence?

and above all why do you hate yourself so much?

You do realise you can't win this game you are playing... don't you.?
look at the logic presented and then apologise ... thanks.
So what is special about Stephen Hawkins case... do you know?
do you or any scientist know what causes motor neurons disease?
are you able to comprehend the simple logic displayed above or not?
Are you able to apologise for your claim that no logic has been presented?
Or is your sheer arrogance an appeal to authority?
Do you understand the difference between arrogance and confidence?

There is a great deal of projection here. Most notably in the next bit:

and above all why do you hate yourself so much?

What makes you think I hate myself?! I am not about to justify myself to you so believe what you want, but what in my posts on this thread leads you to suspect that?

You do realise you can't win this game you are playing... don't you.?
look at the logic presented and then apologise ... thanks.

When you present a logical argument, then I'll apologise. In the meantime get in the feckin sack.

What is rather funny is your inabiity to deal with the logic presented... so who's the Quack, me or you?

Some of the arguements to support ZPT in image form as you appear to have a preference for diagrams over written text.

The constancy of the zero point regardless of metric:


The Zero point pressure analogy:



where t = time duration

Also it is worth noting that over 1160 views of this thread have been undertaken and your behaviour no doubt is ...uhm...worthy of consideration...both currently and historically

Now please don't let you self hatred compromise your intellectual stability.... eh?
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Dara is amazing! Have you ever had the good fortune of seeing him live?
yeah..ignore the logic presented by ZPT and join the ranks of "Quackery"!:D

BTW embedding video in a post is easy..... just click on the video icon and paste in the You tube URL...
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Regarding Stephen Hawking:

Motor neurone disease (MND) is the name given to a group of diseases in which the nerve cells (neurones) controlling the muscles that enable us to move around, speak, swallow and breathe fail to work normally. With no nerves to activate them the muscles gradually weaken and waste. The patterns of weakness and rate of progression vary from person to person. While some people can live a long time with MND, the average life expectancy is 2 to 3 years from diagnosis.

and as you know Stephen has defied the odds considerably. He has maintained his life well beyond the typical mortality period. [In fact if I am not mistaken he holds the record for surviving this condition.]
any thoughts on how he did this and how he continues to do this?

You can't even answer the simple and obvious question:

Why do humans have to achieve sleep [unconsciousness - zero point] on a regular basis to support their own lives?
ZPT can explain this human need.

You do realise that on average a human being spends nearly 30+% of his life asleep ...don't you?
So if you are so clever ...answer the question..or step down and allow someone else to...
and an apology IS required before I can seriously consider discussion with you any further.
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