Attitudes to rape

I believe the following are mitigating circumstances in rape (see first post):

  • Woman was wearing 'sexy' or revealing clothing.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman had many past sexual partners.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was drunk at the time (i.e. got herself drunk).

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman at no time clearly said "No" to sex.

    Votes: 22 33.3%
  • Woman previously flirted with the rapist.

    Votes: 7 10.6%
  • Woman was in a relationship with the rapist at the time.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman was married to the rapist.

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • Woman had consented to sex with the rapist on another occasion.

    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Woman had a reputation for being sexually promiscuous.

    Votes: 6 9.1%
  • None of the above.

    Votes: 37 56.1%

  • Total voters
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I have a Roman conception of sex. I view sex in terms of dominance and submission. I do not think submission is befitting a superior man. However, I am unsure if I'd rather be dominated by a man or a woman. With a man, raping me implies he is treating me as a woman and as a submissive, denying both my masculinity and dominance. But having my anus fisted by a woman implies also great shame, as I'm being subjected to domination by what is likely physically inferior to me (in terms of strength and other such things) and which is putting me in a submissive situation. The only thing preferable to the latter is that I am at least not engaging in a homosexual act.

In so much as I am not being subjected to a gay act, I prefer a woman to fist me. Pain I can stand and overcome.

I do not imagine many women view such things in my light.

silly how you think dominance is so important in sex. its clear from the accumulation of your views not just in this thread that you seem to find some ego boost to hearkening and identifying with perceived 'roman' ways of old. I think its quite pathetic and antiquated. Homosexual activity and rape was also a roman tradition and you kind of let it slip it would be violating to you and not your cup of tea. What you keep PURPOSELY denying or understanding is NO one likes to be violated or submitted against their wishes and to have to dominate someone into sex is a sign of inferiority on so many levels from a weak game towards your interest to undeveloped interpersonal skills and understanding and therefore is the opposite of real superiority. Of course, your a hypocrite just because you can be.
Replace the word 'impossible' with the words 'very difficult' and I'd say it's about right. Of course, like both of you... I'm just speculating.

Indeed, I am still waiting for the evidence.

But I have found this which seems to suggest I am wrong BUT I can't see any medical evidence to support the claim, just a c'laim'. I'll keep looking.

But I am willing to accept I may be wrong on this. Not like I am the oracle to male erections afterall...despite er.....(I shall elaborate not ;) )

interesting article

"Rape of males by females is widely, but incorrectly, considered impossible because male erectile response is seen as voluntary, when, in fact, it is involuntary.[1] Therefore, male victims of rape by females often face social, political, and legal double-standards [1]. Female rapists are usually seen as less culpable than male rapists by the courts due to these misunderstandings. In addition, male victims of female rape often endure a double-bind because men are considered to always want sex with any woman which means that female-on-male rape can be seen, by others, as consensual when in fact the female sexual predator uses coercion to commit the crime. In addition, since rape by females is much less well known than male-female rape, male victims of female rapists often find little support from rape crisis centers. Finally, since the incidence of female-on-male rape is on record at much higher rates (31% compared to 10%) in Canada, it is likely being substantially under-reported in the US.

In many countries, male rape is legally classified under a different law or name. However, the nature of the incident, and its consequences, are similar. It is said that male rape is taken less seriously as a result of the stereotypical views held about males in many societies, including modern Western society. Men's rights lobbyists are pushing for tougher male rape laws, and have gained some success, but many still feel that more work is needed to be done.

One element unique to rape of males by females, is that it is the only way that someone can be forced to parent a child against their will even when choosing not to engage in sexual acts or sexual acts with contraceptives. While a woman who is raped by a man who then becomes pregnant by him can abort the child forced upon them if they do not desire it, a man raped by a woman who then chooses to have the child can be forced to pay child support."
I'd just like to say this:

Adult male victims of female "rape" reporting it as rape? Absurd. Seriously.


I wasn't speaking of things purely in light of dom/sub related sexual activities, but yes, I know what you mean.
This is all I can find on you men and your erections and it is not very conclusive

"Understanding the causes of erection problems

What causes an erection problem differs from man to man. But research over the last 20 years has shown that there are several common causes of this medical condition, and we've detailed these here.

If you are worried that any of these conditions may be affecting you, please discuss it further with your doctor.

Medical causes
Several conditions can cause damage to nerves or restrict blood flow in the penis. This may therefore cause men to experience erection problems. These may include:

Heart disease
High blood pressure (hypertension)
High cholesterol
Kidney failure
Spinal injury
Multiple sclerosis
Prostate surgery

Psychological factors
Sometimes erection problems are associated with psychological factors like:

Stress and anxiety at work or at home
Dissatisfaction or conflicts within your relationship
Fear of failing to get an erection

I think its quite pathetic and antiquated. Homosexual activity and rape was also a roman tradition and you kind of let it slip it would be violating to you and not your cup of tea.

Homosexuality was common in Rome, but any activity which placed a man in a position of submission in a homosexual act was considered unbefitting. Receiving oral sex from a man was considered okay, but giving oral sex was not.

What you keep PURPOSELY denying or understanding is NO one likes to be violated or submitted against their wishes and to have to dominate someone into sex is a sign of inferiority on so many levels from a weak game towards your interest to undeveloped interpersonal skills and understanding and therefore is the opposite of real superiority. Of course, your a hypocrite just because you can be.

I never claimed rape was superior. But the person being raped is certainly not in a dignified position.

And Bells?

Please shut the fuck up. Your ad hominem filled nonsense is tiring. Go play in the sandbox with the rest of the preschoolers.
Indeed, I am still waiting for the evidence.

But I have found this which seems to suggest I am wrong BUT I can't see any medical evidence to support the claim, just a c'laim'. I'll keep looking.
Men get erections in their sleep, at the sight of an attractive woman, or for no reason at all. Even a paralized man can get an erection due to a feedback loop directly from the spine that requires no communication with the brain.

The point is, erections are involuntary. Ask any man about his teenaged years when he would get an erection for no reason whatsoever and have to hide it in class. Wearing sweats could be embarassing.
Men get erections in their sleep, at the sight of an attractive woman, or for no reason at all. Even a paralized man can get an erection due to a feedback loop directly from the spine that requires no communication with the brain.

The point is, erections are involuntary. Ask any man about his teenaged years when he would get an erection for no reason whatsoever and have to hide it in class. Wearing sweats could be embarassing.

I'm not arguing with any of this, I'm saying that when a man is at that exact time experiencing fear and trauma he can not get an erection. One of the common causes of erectile dysfunction is anxiety and fear so emotion does effect it. I want to see the evidence that says it does not. ie I am not interested in all the instances where an erection CAN occur, but the instances when it cannot.

There seems to be little evidence on that aspect. I guess the study where a female scientist asks a few men to undress, scares the shit out of them (by waving an axe dangerously around their genitals) and then demands they get an arection, has not been done?
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If only a woman would rape me, the world would be a far better place!

Only in your dreams.
What about a nasty old witch with rotten teeth and very bad personal hygeine going at your back door with a broom handle?

I'm tempted to post a link to the Orgazmo T-Rex scene (not related to the previous description, but not pretty! Funny, though. :) Trey Parker rocks.). Search Youtube.
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I'd just like to say this:

Adult male victims of female "rape" reporting it as rape? Absurd. Seriously.
You would not think it so absurd if it happened to you. And you'd be surprised how often it does happen. Lets just say you've gone out, met this woman, and she starts throwing herself at you and touching you. You're not really interested and you try to tell her no. She keeps pushing and starts touching your genitals. That already amounts to sexual assault. You keep trying to tell her no and push her away, but she just won't stop. You don't want to hit her because you aren't a violent person, so you keep trying to just push her off.

She pushes you back into a chair and unzips you and gives you oral sex. You're really not interested and have said no several times up to and at that point. That is rape. You don't know this woman. You don't know if she has any STD's she could pass onto you. She could have thrush in her mouth and you'd have no idea. She could have HIV and have a sore in her mouth and you'd have no idea. You keep saying no but she keeps on going. You try to push her off and she starts to nip at your penis with her teeth, and feeling a bit concerned, that she might actually bite down, you try to gently pull her off. You become aroused even though you do not find this woman appealing at all. You don't want to become aroused, but you are getting an erection. She jumps into your lap, without a condom and you ejaculate, even though you don't want to have sex with this woman. And yes it's still rape. Not only could you have contracted an STD, or AIDS from this woman, but a couple of months later she contacts you and lets you know she's pregnant and that you're the father. You now have to face the next 18 years paying child support for a child you did not want from a woman you don't know, don't like and who pushed yourself on you. Hmmm..

You'd be amazed how often and how easily it actually happens and how many men are trapped this way. Many men don't come forward because people such as you, and many others, have this perception that it is impossible for a woman to rape a man. But the reality of it not only shows that it can happen, but it does happen. So when she comes forth and claims the baby as yours, you deny it of course, as most men would. You have a paternity test and it's proven to be yours. You claim she raped you and people scoff at you (imagine your own reaction at how absurd that a woman could rape a man and you'd get a fair idea) and claim that you're just saying that so you don't have to fork out the hundreds of dollars a month in child support. Now had you come forward when she'd committed the act and filed a report and possibly have charges laid against her, you'd have a better leg to stand on. But you didn't report the rape because you just don't think it's possible for a woman to rape a man (and many men feel the same as you).. you're a bit embarrassed, ashamed, guilty, as though your very future is threatened (and at this point it is due to said child being on the way and the possibility of an STD or HIV), disgusted at what happened to you, afraid (again you should be due to child and HIV and STD), etc. But unfortunately for you, society is filled with people such as yourself, and well, in the end you'd be stuck with much less money in your wallet each month and a future of having to pay a woman, who forced you to have sex, to raise your child. Now this prospect is actually rosy when one considers that it could get worse and she could have given you HIV instead. Then it wouldn't be 18 years, but a lifetime punishment.

No, an adult male, raped by a woman, is not as absurd as you might think. In fact the prospect and the reality of it is quite common and sometimes worse than that portrayed above.
What if a man originally doesn't want to have sex. Like, say it's a really meek male, who is coerced into sex by a larger and stronger woman. But then in the middle of it, he gets into it and says, "awe fuck it, she's beasty, but what the hell." Then he assumes the normal male role in sex. Then what. Is it rape?
Baron Max:

You must stay up late into the night typin' up all those damned words. Can't you spend just a little more time to condense your posts into something that's simple, straightforward and readable? If you did, I'm sure that not only would people be thankful, but you might actually change some opinions.

Just because you're lazy, Baron, doesn't mean everybody is.

From this thread, it is quite clear that a lot of people are in a terrible state of ignorance about matters surrounding rape, and probably sex in general. Porn sites are ubiquitous on the internet, but none of them educate people about rape. And obviously a lot of people carry around all kinds of crazy ideas.

The fact that Bells or I or a few other people put in time and effort to attempt to educate people here, some of whom have no interest in learning, is a good thing. If you're one of the people who isn't interested in getting an education, then nobody is forcing you to read our posts. I know nobody will change your mind. From things you've said, you sound like you also have some unsorted "issues" with women. You're far from alone in that, it seems. But you won't admit it, and my guess is you're too old to care enough to change. In some circumstances, you wear your views as if they were a badge of honour.

Your disdain of education is typical of the uneducated, and also not unusual. People who say "I ain't got no need for book learnin'" are a dime a dozen. It doesn't make you special. It just gives people who do have an education a reason to look down their noses at you.

What if a man originally doesn't want to have sex. Like, say it's a really meek male, who is coerced into sex by a larger and stronger woman. But then in the middle of it, he gets into it and says, "awe fuck it, she's beasty, but what the hell." Then he assumes the normal male role in sex. Then what. Is it rape?

Have you bothered to read the thread?

How difficult is it to get the simple message: rape is sex without consent?

Is the guy consenting to the sex? Yes. So, no rape. He's hardly going to complain of rape when he is a willing participant is he?

Apply just a little common sense.
James, education on a forum is more likely achieved if you apply some intelligence to the process, this involves...leaving out the insults and the adhoms, sticking to facts and providing sources to support those facts and try to be concise. Insulting, offensive adhom posters cannot educate when on ignore.

Meanwhile James back to topic

Do you have a link regarding your claim that men can provide an erection 'on demand' for an agrressive female who is threatening his life and to harm him etc, and is thus sufferring anxiety and fear etc.

NOTE: I was one of the first (if not THE first) person on this thread to acknowledge female on male rape. The ONLY reason this issue re erection arose ('scuse the pun) is because PJ likened male on female rape as MORE similar (physically) to female on male rape than male on male rape. I was saying it was more like male on male because it involves a MAN and penetration using a cock etc.

I made the point a man in fear of his life is unlikely to be able to produce an erection on demand as fear and anxiety are root causes of erectlie dysfunction. BUT if you have evidence to the contrary lets have it please?
James, education on a forum is more likely achieved if you apply some intelligence to the process, this involves...leaving out the insults and the adhoms, sticking to facts and providing sources to support those facts and try to be concise. Insulting, offensive adhom posters cannot educate when on ignore.

Meanwhile James back to topic

Do you have a link regarding your claim that men can provide an erection 'on demand' for an agrressive female who is threatening his life and to harm him etc, and is thus sufferring anxiety and fear etc.

NOTE: I was one of the first (if not THE first) person on this thread to acknowledge female on male rape. The ONLY reason this issue re erection arose ('scuse the pun) is because PJ likened male on female rape as MORE similar (physically) to female on male rape than male on male rape. I was saying it was more like male on male because it involves a MAN and penetration using a cock etc.

I made the point a man in fear of his life is unlikely to be able to produce an erection on demand as fear and anxiety are root causes of erectlie dysfunction. BUT if you have evidence to the contrary lets have it please?

Hmmmmmmm, I find it funny that a bird is trying to argue this point. If you were a male(under 30 atlest) you would probably know that an erection can be induced under any circumstances.
Hmmmmmmm, I find it funny that a bird is trying to argue this point. If you were a male(under 30 atlest) you would probably know that an erection can be induced under any circumstances.

I have said this only a dozen times already so one more time won't hurt ;)

I am not talking about the times when you can...I am talking about the times when you cannot

Erectile dysfunction is when you cannot is not a mythical condition it is a real one.

Some men cannot get an erection when in female company for 'fear' of 'not getting an erection' etc, fear and anxiety hamper erections but I wondered if this was all the time when experiencing fear/anxiety or just a random thing.

Have you ever had an erection while experiencing fear/anxiety?
James, education on a forum is more likely achieved if you apply some intelligence to the process, this involves...leaving out the insults and the adhoms, sticking to facts and providing sources to support those facts and try to be concise. Insulting, offensive adhom posters cannot educate when on ignore.

Meanwhile James back to topic

Do you have a link regarding your claim that men can provide an erection 'on demand' for an agrressive female who is threatening his life and to harm him etc, and is thus sufferring anxiety and fear etc.

NOTE: I was one of the first (if not THE first) person on this thread to acknowledge female on male rape. The ONLY reason this issue re erection arose ('scuse the pun) is because PJ likened male on female rape as MORE similar (physically) to female on male rape than male on male rape. I was saying it was more like male on male because it involves a MAN and penetration using a cock etc.

I made the point a man in fear of his life is unlikely to be able to produce an erection on demand as fear and anxiety are root causes of erectlie dysfunction. BUT if you have evidence to the contrary lets have it please?

Intelligent argument is given only when the person show's a sign of understanding. You put me on ignore, then that's fine. No real skin off my nose. Although it makes you look even more silly when you keep asking the same question over and over again, even after the answers have been provided for you.. because you are so fond of the ignore function.

Fear, stress, anxiety.. all of it can produce an erection. And not just on demand. Those physiological feels can result in an erection and in many instances, they do. It's perfectly normal. Rape is rape. A man is just as likely to suffer from a woman raping him as he would if a man were raping him. The psychological damage, physical damage aside, can be just as bad and in some instances they can be worse. Because a man is less likely to be believed when he comes forward and he is more likely to be ridiculed for admitting to being raped by a woman. Physically he can be affected if she attacks him or uses violence against him (and even that can result in an erection). He, like the woman, also has to contend with the risk of STD's and HIV, as well as his rapist falling pregnant as a result of his rape and claiming child support.

Fear and anxiety are usually the result of erectile dysfunction and rarely the actual cause, although it can occur. How do you think most women rape their male victims? Stand there with a weapon and demand he simply "gets it up"? If a woman is holding a knife in her hand and manipulating his genitals, just the touch alone would probably result in an erection (unless he has a pre-existing medical condition such as 'erectile dysfunction which rendered him impotent or unable to maintain any form of erection). Just feeling afraid or literally being scared out of his wits can result in an erection. If you know of any doctors or nurses, paramedics etc, ask them. Many people get an erection as they die, even when they know they are about to die. Increased blood flow and adrenaline (a common result of fear) can result in the man's penis being erect. A lot of women use manipulation and some force to rape a man and that's just as bad. Using force is bad. Male rape by female offenders happens so easily and so often, but lack of education and lack of understanding in society prevents it from being reported. As a woman I am ashamed to say that rape has become a female issue, when gender bias should never exist in such a horrible crime. It affects the male rape victim just as badly as it affects the female rape victim.

As to the issue of penetration, some female rapists penetrate their male victims with knives, forks, ice picks, bottles (whole and broken), etc.

I was one of the first (if not THE first) person on this thread to acknowledge female on male rape.
And? Those of us who understand this issue know that a man can be raped by a woman and vice versa. We'd kind of assumed that the rest would also understand that it can happen and that it can be just as devastating on the male victim as it would be on the female victim.

Rape, regardless of the sex of the victim is a life changing and horrible event. As long as so many in society continue to question the validity of what constitutes a rape or how one victim suffers less simply because of their sex, etc, then we are more likely to have less people come forward to report a rape if it happens to them. We also face the risk of more suicides because people don't know who to turn to because so many say that 'it's absurd', 'impossible', 'not really that bad', etc.
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