Attack on UN headquarters

Re: Re: Re: My dear browned faced Judas:

Originally posted by Flores
Thanks for the compliment. A US governmnet employee, MS, in environmental engineering,

With stats like that,one could expect better spelling.
And thats coming from me, and English isnt even my native tounge.
Judas: Stop bein such a pain in the ass and try to be constructive in your posts. You just had you look up a missspelling in the posting.
Re: Re: Re: Re: My dear browned faced Judas:

Originally posted by Judas
With stats like that,one could expect better spelling.
And thats coming from me, and English isnt even my native tounge.

Perhaps you should stop expecting and assuming and consider the fact that it's not my native language either along with 4 more languages that I the fact that my keyboard is flying while my typing and I'm not about to go back and check for stupid errors because Mr. Judas have a thorne in his butt.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: My dear browned faced Judas:

Originally posted by Flores
Perhaps you should stop expecting and assuming and consider the fact that it's not my native language either along with 4 more languages that I the fact that my keyboard is flying while my typing and I'm not about to go back and check for stupid errors because Mr. Judas have a thorne in his butt.

Perhaps you should just stop beeing so damn millitant, then
perhaps life will be better. Its obvious to me that you have some issues.

Dont bother to reply. My opinion about you is stated above.
Originally posted by Judas
Perhaps you should just stop beeing so damn millitant, then
perhaps life will be better. Its obvious to me that you have some issues.

Dont bother to reply. My opinion about you is stated above.

YOUR OPINION ABOUT ME.......I'm laughing my heads off right now, this is fuckin hilarious. I suggest you wet YOUR OPINION ABOUT ME, squeeze it hard, and drink the extracted water, for that's how much it's worth....carefull to squeeze all the water out, you don't want to loose worth here.

oh, how convineant for you. You personally attack me, and when I give you your medecine back, you immediately gag. Perhaps next time you'll think twice before initiating a discussion with me.

And funny you say militant, would you start with yourself and stop giving me orders on whether I should reply or not. I reply when and to whoever I want, and on this instance I prefer to continue sticking your thorn deeper in your ass.
Flores, you should consider that people only start attacking you in cases like these because you say very stupid stuff.
Your point is well taken persol.....Do I assume that you are trying to take Judas place here, or do you wish to reconsider?
Originally posted by Flores
YOUR OPINION ABOUT ME.......I'm laughing my heads off right now, this is fuckin hilarious. I suggest you wet YOUR OPINION ABOUT ME, squeeze it hard, and drink the extracted water, for that's how much it's worth....carefull to squeeze all the water out, you don't want to loose worth here.

oh, how convineant for you. You personally attack me, and when I give you your medecine back, you immediately gag. Perhaps next time you'll think twice before initiating a discussion with me.

And funny you say militant, would you start with yourself and stop giving me orders on whether I should reply or not. I reply when and to whoever I want, and on this instance I prefer to continue sticking your thorn deeper in your ass.

Im glad the internet is offering you some joy in life.
Obviously, that is something your hard hitting husband is failing to do. Ohh and please.....spare me the bad metaphor. It just
makes you seam pathetic.

Ill have a burger and fries to go with that.
Judas is a troll song

Judas is a troll
He always wants some more
Judas here, Judas there
That troll is fuckin everywhere.

PS. Use the ring around the rosie rythem for best results.
Re: Judas is a troll song

Originally posted by Flores
Judas is a troll
He always wants some more
Judas here, Judas there
That troll is fuckin everywhere.

PS. Use the ring around the rosie rythem for best results.

And you are the sunlight that will make me burst?
You see, the more you hate me the more entertaining this get.
Your lack of understanding and people skills has gotten this debate where it is now. Creating poems about trolls?


Want me to make a poem and dedicate it to you?
Re: Excuse me you people, Reality check for once.

Originally posted by Flores
Does anyone of you know what is going on today? The US government is renovating the plane that was used to throw the bomb on Heroshima......We are honoring the darn plane that killed millions.....Politics make me sick....
and this has what exatly to do with the UN bomings?
QUOTE]Originally posted by Ren
and this has what exatly to do with the UN bomings? [/QUOTE]

I don't know what you are getting at, but I'll give you the benfit of the doubt and assume that you mean acquiring more information from me and not confirming your bias about my opinions.

Robban started a political thread in a religion forum, that is only allowed to survive so far because either Cris our moderator is asleep or because he's laughing his head off at this... Anyhow, I entered this thread because I'm sick and tired of the skewed mind sets regarding the whole war againest terrorism and the was in Iraq issues. it's my opinion that the news is selective, skewed, decietfull, and at best misleading in it's news making, and thus brain washing and subjecting it's citizens to few selected incidents that it chose to call headlines to saturate the minds of the viewers with biased information. I feel that news of the renovation of the plane that hit Heroshema deserves as much highlight as a stray bombing in a war ridden country.

I also feel that the covering of the war on Iraq is overly done for an evil purpose of destracting the people of more important domestic and international news, and my proof of this is that there is currently over hundreds of conflicts happening over the world, in which Iraq is so minute in the amount dead and destruction, yet we only hear what the anti middle east crowd wants us to hear....And people like you don't care or dare question anything else.

Here's just a 2001 list of conflicts, now it's your turn to justify why the big deal and skewed news about 15 dead in a country that the US announced a WAR againest.

List of 2001 World Conflicts

The National Defense Council Foundation's list of the 59 countries found to have endured serious conflicts this year:

Algeria: Internal strife and terror attacks caused by Islamic extremists (such as the Armed Islamic Group and the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat) and Berber secessionists in the Kabylie region.

Angola: Rebellion by UNITA.

Bangladesh: Violence surrounding the election.

Bolivia: Clash between government troops and coca farmers; Charges of government using paramilitary forces.

Burundi: Rebellion by FNL (Hutus) against Tutsi-dominated government.

Cameroon: Secessionist protests turned violent, army called out; border dispute with Central African Republic flared up.

Central African Republic: Failed coup against President Felix Patasse; Rebels under former Army Chief General Francois Bozize fighting the government forces, which are backed by Libyan forces. New to list.

Chad: Rebel group in North (MDJT) fighting government forces, want President Idriss Deby to resign.

China: Uighur Muslim separatists in Xinjiang province; violent suppression of Falun Gong movement.

Colombia: Drug war; rebel groups against government forces and paramilitaries.

Comoros: Violent coup on island of Anjouan, which declared independence four years ago.

Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire): Assassination of President Laurent Kabila; civil war featuring government forces (joined by forces from Angola, Namibia and Zimbabwe) against MLC rebel forces (backed by Uganda and Rwanda, who believe Congo was a breeding ground for rebels in their own countries.)

East Timor: Militia violence; election violence; religious violence (Muslims vs. Christians).

Gambia: Violence preceding the re-election of President Yahya Jammeh; Senegalese separatists in Casamance may also be operating there. New to list.

Georgia: Chechen separatists in Abkhazia.

Ghana: Ethnic and political fighting between the Mamprusi and Kusasi in Northeast; excessive violent crime. New to list.

Guinea: Cross-border attacks by RUF rebels from Sierra Leone backed by Liberia; refugee crisis.

Guinea-Bissau: Government forces fight with Senegalese Casamance rebels that crossed the border.

Haiti: Attempted coup against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and government raids in response; political violence; labor unrest.

India: Dispute with Pakistan over Kashmir; separatists in caste province of Assam.

Indonesia: Separatists in Aceh; ethnic violence on Borneo between Madurese and Dayak; political violence in East Java; religious violence on Sulawesi Island blamed on Laskar Jihad.

Afghanistan: Continuing civil war between northern alliance and Taliban forces; the U.S. military campaign against terrorism; one of the world's leading sources for opium trafficking.

Iran: People's Mujahideen continue violence; drug trafficking and related violence; political unrest due to war in Afghanistan.

Iraq: Air strikes by U.S. and allied aircraft enforcing no-fly zones.

Israel: The new intifada and the Israeli response to it; crackdown on terrorist organizations.

Ivory Coast: Attempted coup against President Laurent Gbagbo; attempted countercoup; mutiny within the army; violent election followed by political and ethnic violence.

Jamaica: Political related gang warfare in Kingston; army accused of instigating further violence when called out. New to list.

Kenya: Ethnic violence in Nairobi slums between Nubian landlords and Luo tenants. New to list.

Kosovo: Continued interethnic violence; drug trafficking; organized crime.

Kyrgystan: Kidnapping and murder by Uighur militants from Xinjiang province of China.

Lebanon: Israel strikes a radar station, shoots down a light plane, strikes Hezbollah operating in Lebanon.

Liberia: Dissidents of the United Liberation Movement fighting the government in North.

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: Ethnic fighting between Macedonians and Albanian National Liberation Army; organized crime. New to list.

Malawi: Political violence preceding election. New to list.

Malaysia: Ethnic violence between Malays and Indians; drug and gang violence. New to list.

Myanmar (Burma): Fighting between government forces and the Shan State Army, a guerrilla group seeking independence for the Shan ethnic minority.

Nepal: Maoist insurgency; murder of royal family.

Nigeria: Religious fighting between Christians and Muslims; ethnic fighting between Egon and Tiv groups.

Pakistan: Dispute with India over Kashmir; terror attacks/bombings.

Papua New Guinea: Mutiny by soldiers over army downsizing; violent protests over economic reforms. New to list.

Philippines: Muslim separatists; election violence.

Russian Federation: Chechnya conflict.

Senegal: Secessionist rebels continuing 18-year struggle in Casamance province.

Sierra Leone: RUF rebels and pro-government militias fight in the North; Guinea conducting anti-RUF airstrikes.

Somalia: Warlords undermining transitional government; possible terrorist haven.

Spain: Continuing terror attacks by Basque separatists.

Sri Lanka: Tamil Tiger separatist rebels; election violence.

Sudan: Christians and animists (SPLA) fighting Muslim-dominated government.

Tajikistan: Russian border guards skirmish with Afghans.

Tanzania: Political violence surrounding disputed election; separatist violence by Civic United Front in Zanzibar. New to list.

Thailand: Fighting in Myanmar has spilled over; terror bombings.

Turkey: Underground militant groups; ambush of soldiers; prison riots and related demonstrations; terror bombings; Kurdish rebels resume fight with army.

Uganda: Election violence; rural crime.

United Kingdom: Renewed violence in Northern Ireland.

United States of America: Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. New to list.

Uzbekistan: Repeated terrorist incidents, ambushes, narcotics trafficking. Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan associated with al Qaeda.

Yemen: Violence surrounding constitutional referendum; small arms proliferation; hotbed of Islamic militant extremism.

Yugoslavia: Ethnic Albanian secessionists in Presevo; narcotics trafficking; organized crime.

Zimbabwe: Violent land reform; election violence; violence against journalists; political fighting.
I most humbly appopogize for starting this thead in religion, but I must say it was rather amusing.

BUT I did have a point. Since quite some threads seem to end up in some kind of clash of civilizations between east/west I find it interesting to hear what the east-people has to say about such an event.

And since religion today is politics alot more that teology I thought it was not that missplaced after all.