Attack on UN headquarters


Registered Senior Member
Maybe not the best thread to be in but since there is a lot of east/west in here...

What do you have for comments on the attack on the UN headquarters in Bagdad?

I mainly target this question to the arab people in here.
These must have been some confused amature terrorists, what the heck had the UN done so far except try to administrate the reconstruction... they havnt even really goten down to that yet.
Originally posted by Flores
Maybe you should ask, what the heck had the UN not done so far.


Lets blow up people that doesnt please us
Originally posted by Judas

Lets blow up people that doesnt please us

Perhaps you should start with yourself, simply get your head out of the gutter, and apply your lack of prudence in treating others comments and blow me personally up for asking an innocent valid question on giving an account on what have an organization not done so far?
Originally posted by Flores
Maybe you should ask, what the heck had the UN not done so far.

Flores, would you please enumerate for us the things that the UN has not done so far?

I honestly dont know why somone with a terrorists point of view would want to attack the UN HQ when they are currently bairly involved in all the things in the middle east that have been sturing up all the bad blood recently.
Originally posted by Flores
Maybe you should ask, what the heck had the UN not done so far.
Do you really think so? What level of 'not doing' justifies the attack in your eyes? What subset of infidels are you willing to take out for inaction? Or is your inaction simply cowardice?
Speculation is ....

Early speculation is that it has something to do with Iraqi resentment toward the UN for the years of sanctions.

Unfortunately, it turns out they blew up the guy who had the wherewithal to save them from the Americans, or so it goes.

Tiassa :cool:
Shit happens. Maybe the lack of brain on the terrorists can cause some not-so-well-thought actions...
Excuse me you people, Reality check for once.

I can't believe that the news here make any deal out of any bombing in Iraq. For god sake, Iraq is a war zone, you don't expect to have nightly concerts in a war zone do you? Or is it only the US with the right to bomb and not make news and when a non US fire happens, it's damn terrorism. So Mr. Bush's double standard is completely accepted by everybody? When we kill the Iraqis, it goes like, today our heros accomplished and killed more terrorists, and when one of our soldier dies, it's the damn terrorist who killed our hero. Mr. UN headquarter dude job description was just like any soldier. He was in a war zone providing aid. Shit happens, people die in wars by millions, it's crazy to make a big deal about one person....Actually it's flat out disrespectfull to lower a flag for one person, while hundreds die daily and not even get the midnight news. This is disrespectfull to all veterans.

Does anyone of you know what is going on today? The US government is renovating the plane that was used to throw the bomb on Heroshima......We are honoring the darn plane that killed millions.....Politics make me sick....
Originally posted by ScrollMaker
In Japan they have musuems and merchandise about being bombed. They act like it was an honor.

Any other way and they would be called terrorists or worse communists.
Originally posted by Flores
Perhaps you should start with yourself, simply get your head out of the gutter, and apply your lack of prudence in treating others comments and blow me personally up for asking an innocent valid question on giving an account on what have an organization not done so far?

Perhaps YOU should start with YOURself. Simply get YOUR head
out of YOUR ass.

Are you that ignorant that you cant tell the differnce between
bombing people responsible for genocide and bombing civilians?
If we lived in the 1940`s, would you say it would be wrong to bomb Berlin?Why cant democrasy bre imposed with bombs?
It worked for Germany. DO i need to remind you that Germany
were responsible for 2 ww`s? Take a look at Germany now!
Take a look at Japan now. Read some Japaneese history.
Se how the Japaneese were before WW2.And look at em
now. they were nuked TWICE, and now they are the strongest
echonomy in Asia. How bout that? They learned the hard way!

Puts things in perspectie.....doesnt it?
Judas, here we go again. Once again you impress me with your incredible way of express yourself.
My dear browned faced Judas:

My post was directed toward peope who are interested in a reality check and you are not remotely associated with that list. You need to get your nose out of the monkey's butt in the future, and yes I'm the monkey, or I might just crap all over you.

PS... It would help if you stopped showing your ignorance for once and started looking at life real data instead of the stupid made up nonworking models that you are fed from first grade....What's next, are you going to tell me that Washington DC is recieving thank you letters from the native indians for showing them what civilization is all about....

But, afterall, little innocent donkeys grow up to be bigger louder asses and I really have no good news or hope for your case.
Originally posted by Robban
Judas, here we go again. Once again you impress me with your incredible way of express yourself.

next time, stick to religion, this thread have no place on this forum, or are you too chicken to discuss politics in politics forum with politics posters.

And while you are at it, wipe that brown spot on your nose, Judas is leaking again.
Re: My dear browned faced Judas:

Originally posted by Flores
yes I'm the monkey

What's next, are you going to tell me that Washington DC is recieving thank you letters from the native indians for showing them what civilization is all about....

I knew you were a monkey all along. Yes, i do belive Washington
Dc receives thank you letters from the Native Indians.

I do not wish to lower myself to your level, involving name
calling and labeling. I suspect youre nothing more than a mere
child. That doesnt receive enough attention from mom and dad.

You bore me.

Kind Regards Judas.
Resident Bad Guy.
Originally posted by Flores
next time, stick to religion, this thread have no place on this forum, or are you too chicken to discuss politics in politics forum with politics posters.

And while you are at it, wipe that brown spot on your nose, Judas is leaking again.

Isnt this topic located in the religion folder?
Im not afraid in having a serious debate with you.
As long as you explain the reason for your opinions.

Try me, and ill slapp you so hard you would like it.
Re: Re: My dear browned faced Judas:

Originally posted by Judas
I suspect youre nothing more than a mere
child. That doesnt receive enough attention from mom and dad.

Thanks for the compliment. A US governmnet employee, MS, in environmental engineering, working happily mother of two loves to hear such compiliments regarding her age. And, don't worry about my parents, my PHD ex-mehcanical engineer professor dad has purchased the house next to me to dedicate himself as a full time nanny to my children. I can't ask for more.

Here's some photos courtesy of the happy flores family, now go grow up, get a career and make some babies.