Atlantis-->Earth? Nuclear weapons destroy us?

I also heard about the green glass thats been found in some deserts. Some people think its asteroid craters and others think its nuclear glass.

Supposedly this glass is like the glass that was made when the first atomic bomb went off and thats what started this theory.

Anyone know more?:)
I don't know anything about this at all,however I think that if could invent things to replace things like natural resources and many other things,we might be able to go on and on without comeing to an end but Earth is another problem,I wondered if it will be able to last forever?:bugeye:
The earth should be fine for a few more billion years.

Until the sun turns into a red giant thats when the planet has to worry.

But people need to be careful to make sure the planet can support human life. If theres to much pollution, climate change, or destruction from various sources the creatures on this planet will change and we will have to adapt in order the survive.
I find Atlantis being blown up by a nuclear attack is very much believable

Why else is there so much lead in the ground these days? Lead is not a natural product.
Actually lead is a natural product, as anyone with a bit of scientific knowledge will tell you. Lead is formed by nuclear fusion in the sun. Hydrogen atoms fuse together to make helium, which then fuses to make heavier and heavier elements. Lead can also be made when uranium decays completly. Plus when flying monkeys from Orion bring it to earth. ;)
In no possible way could that ever happen, being that if it did happen there would still be traces of their "advanced" technology, and i mean actual publicly given references, not "top secret" things that the government leaks out that someone heard from a friend who heard from a friend, who heard from his comic book dealer, it would be a major find and it would be heavily publicized
I think that there has been some evidence of technologically advanced races in the past. As yet, we have not even tried to complete a pyramid to prove how they were built. Yes, there are explainations, so why haven't we tried it ourselves...?
All this AND more!!!
In Egypt, an antiquity was found (by whom and when, I am unsure), that was belived to be an early form of battery. This was no more than a copper plated wooden pole, and a separate, lead lined cylindrical vessel. And, also in Egypt, who can forget the pictures contained within the hieroglyphics at the temple of Abydos. These pictures seem to show;
A Helicopter
An antennae
An aeroplane
A submarine or tain:eek:
Originally posted by Xaque
Actually lead is a natural product, as anyone with a bit of scientific knowledge will tell you. Lead is formed by nuclear fusion in the sun. Hydrogen atoms fuse together to make helium, which then fuses to make heavier and heavier elements. Lead can also be made when uranium decays completly. Plus when flying monkeys from Orion bring it to earth. ;)

Lead is only as natural as it's found in nature, not produced in it. As you say, forming of lead can only be done when uranium disintegrates completely in an explosive manner together with helium. The elements Thorium and actinum share the same characeristics as uranium as well.

The lead that comes from the uranium has 124 neutrons in the nucleus, that which comes from thorium has 126 and that which comes from actinium has 125. So we have three isotopes of lead. Lead as found in nature is usually a mixture of these three types suggesting to me that somekind of thermonuclear activity has occured on this earth as there is nothing that i can think of that could naturally produce this element as abundant as it is in the earth's crust.
Hears the helicopter hierogliph picture:
