Atlantis-->Earth? Nuclear weapons destroy us?


Registered Senior Member
Atlantis, as we all know, was thought to bomb itself. Well, that's what I've heard. They made too many nuclear weapons or something, and it blew up on them. Does anyone think there's a good possibility that's how Earth might be destroyed or destroy living organisms on it?
Leaving aside 'Atlantis' (which somehow seems to have evolved in the past 100 years from Plato's bronze age society to an advanced super race!) there is - IMHO - a nil chance of mankind wiping out life on this planet with nuclear - or indeed any other - weapons.

Life is incredibly resilient, and we're not quite as all mighty as we sometimes like to think ;)
Asguard- yes, it is my belief that we need look no further for Atlantis than the ancient Minoan civilisation on Thera, wiped out by a volcano in about 1250bc.
Essan, you are right that humanity has not got enough weapons to seriously damage the ecosystem and wipe out life on Earth;
however give it time, and we may yet find a way.
SF worldbuilding at
Originally posted by eburacum45
Essan, you are right that humanity has not got enough weapons to seriously damage the ecosystem and wipe out life on Earth;
however give it time, and we may yet find a way.

Hmmm, you're right: I'd forgotten about the likes of self-replicating nanobots, our very own hegemonising swarm - still sci-fi, but maybe not for much longer.

Still, we know they didn't destroy Atlantis. If they did, neither we nor anythng else would be here...:eek:
Okay, I didn't mean to start up a conversation about Atlantis. I just gave an example. There are some people who believe that the weapons were the reason for Atlantis's destroyance. But leaving that aside, my real point was: do you think that maybe in a long time from now, we might blow ourselves up? I'm not talking about guns and stuff. I mean bombs or some chemical that we have created that might backfire and destroy humanity.
Destroy ourselves? Possible and - depending on your outlook - perhaps preferable. Though nowadays I'd say the accident release of a super-virus is the most likely means for self-annilation

Blow up the planet and/or destroy all life on Earth? Unlikely, unless we let loose the aforementioned self-replicators....
oh well, we're might get killed by an astroid. They send a probe to an astroid they found 3 times as big as the one that killed the dinosours. It also had craters bigger than scientists thought an astroid could have.
Atlantis as we all know... blah blah . no the only original information that was ever given was spoken by plato, which he heard as a young boy in egypt, after that everything you have heard is a crackpot scheme to believe there was some sort of super technology before us. and i guarantee that is not possible, some scrap of technology would have been found, nothing is that clean
Originally posted by vitaminA
oh well, we're might get killed by an astroid. They send a probe to an astroid they found 3 times as big as the one that killed the dinosours. It also had craters bigger than scientists thought an astroid could have.

where did you hear this? it would have to be closer to earth than mars
So we have to assume that there was an Atlantis, the people there progressed to the Nuclear Age, and then had a civil war and blew each other to bits. That's quite a leap of faith. If there so advanced, why didn't they go to the mainland and conquer all of Eurasia, and Africa, and Austrailia, and the Americas? Perhaps they were so advanced that they chose not to fight with their lesser mainland brethren. In that case, why did they create nukes at all. Jeez, what a load of nonsense.

think about the natural progression im pretty sure unless they were all hermits they most definately would have found north and south america and done something with it or at least colonized some other places, then again i have heard things about fish people in mayan legend or some such thing
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I think humanity could very well destroy itself. We got all the technology necessary to finish ourselves off. . . hopefully it'll never be used!
I'll try to talk a little about all this stuff:

First off if a super virus was released it could kill many but not all of the people on the planet. This is because no matter what the virus is there is always about 5% or so that will be naturally immune to it. At lest so far thats how its been.

Second there are asteroids alot bigger than the one that killed the dinosaurs. One is the size of Texas!:eek:
But they are in between Mars and Jupiter so they aren't really a threat. Its the near earth asteroids that are smaller but closer that are the main threat.

Lastly current Nuclear Bombs are way weaker than asteroids and even asteroids haven't been able to end all life on the planet.
But in the future there could be planet destruction bombs that could blow planets up. Good thing these types of weopons don't exist now!:eek:
Minoans = Atlantis

Here's a good explanation of the Atlantis/Minoan connection:

Both an earthquake and a volcano eruption happened within a rather short period of time. In concert they destroyed Minoan civilization and literally vaporized more than half of one of its islands. The Minoans started emigrating after the earthquake because they considered it a harbinger of a volcanic eruption. They sought refuge throughout the eastern Mediterranean area and were a diaspora of refugees for many generations. Therefore it was quite reasonable that the disaster is the source of the Atlantis legend and that the Minoans themselves were the Sea People, despite any seeming disparity in chronology. The Minoans were the oldest civilization that the Greeks had knowledge of (it does seem to be at least contemporary with Mesopotamia and Egypt), which fits their myth that Atlantis had been the site of the world's oldest civilization.

People who are searching for archeological evidence of Atlantis already have it on Crete, the center of Minoan civilization.
The Atlantis/Minoan link you described is true.

But there are other areas that are futher apart and older that could also have inspired the Atlantis story.

But what ever the insperation for Atlantis it has given people something to look for and due to looking explorers have found many other mysterys just as interesting as Atlantis.

North and South America may even have been partialy discovered because of Atlantis! :eek:
Because one theory is that Columbus was looking for Atlantis or at lest hoped to pass it on his way to try and find a northwest passage.
Instead he found America!:)

PS: Technically the Vikings found America before Colombus. Plus there where probably others that found it to.)) :D
Somwhere I read, the Chinese found America 40,000 years ago. Then 20,000 years ago, the mini ice-age killed off a lot of people here.

If there was an advanced civilization at our level of technology, it would exist 20,000 years after the end of each ice age such as

70 million years BC
36 million years BC
15 million years BC
3 million years BC

The other mega ice ages come every 200 million years.
I heard something to about a civilization before the ice age and before Native Americans came to America.

Supposedly some bones where found in South America that had a different genetic backround then the more recent peoples that came after the ice age.

Anyone know more?:)
Sodom and Gomorrah apparently were wiped out by nukes! Researches found green glass in the area; apparently the only way to get green glass is extreme heat! Can't give you much more than that because it's just hear say.
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