
Some ppl just says "there is no god otherwise why would my dog run away" or "there is no god because i dont have the strength of a bear and speed of a cheetah"...

Sometimes I feel like saying "theres no God because if there was, I would have a supermodel girlfriend by now and all my friends will be drooling" and that is not a joke, thats how greedy I bcame

All of us sees the flaws of the world differently. I have a toyota suv, but i wish i have a lincoln navigator with 28 inch rim. or a crippled guy might say "there is no god otherwise why will i b born with only one leg and 1 arm" think about this for a moment...why would God allow suffering?

Tony, since u know some bible quotes I will leave the answer to u, if u dont have it ill get the answer myself....
All of us sees the flaws of the world differently. I have a toyota suv, but i wish i have a lincoln navigator with 28 inch rim. or a crippled guy might say "there is no god otherwise why will i b born with only one leg and 1 arm" think about this for a moment...why would God allow suffering?

Im not talking about wishing Muscleman. Those are wishes. Im asking if God is so great then why does he let human suffering continue?
If God created everything then why did he make satan? Why is there bad if God can stop it? If God controls and knows everything then why is satan doing what hes doing and Gods just sitting back and watching?!

P.S. Stu its nice to see a reasonable response to one of my posts. Ive been dealing with muscleman in most of the religion threads and he is aggravating and calls me a child. Thank you for taking me seriously.
Well, unfortunately, the Bible doesn't appear to have an answer for that, even though it notes that, at the very end, he will be dealt with.

Cant Satan stop it from happening? If Satan knows its going to happen then why not just stop God, or better yet why doesnt God just stop satan now?

Im sorry its the plot holes in the bible that counfuse me.
Originally posted by stu43t
Satan can get destroy your life and he make you miserable, but Satan couldn't really care less about you. What he is after is a way to hurt God.

Any "erudite" person/scholar would agree that Satan is a mytholocial creature.

The Bible cannot be taken as "God's Word" - it was written by humans, it has some good literature, and many authors edited the Bible stories throughtout history, so what do you propose on the validity of each of the stories in the Bible.

The hardest story to defend is Noah and the Ark, it makes no sense whatsoever.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~
Any "erudite" person/scholar would agree that Satan is a mytholocial creature.

The Bible cannot be taken as "God's Word" - it was written by humans, it has some good literature, and many authors edited the Bible stories throughtout history...
What an odd day. I actually agree with TheChosen about something...
Originally posted by stu43t
I am an athiest you great tit, I just want to know why we are on this effing religious forum.

Originally posted by stu43t

I for one, do not believe that Satan is a mytholocial creature. He is represented in the evil that is all around you.

I have no desire to validate the Bible, I just have Faith in it, and to have Faith is all that is required.

Silly people.
The hardest story to defend is Noah and the Ark, it makes no sense whatsoever.

I think that bible stories are more like Asops fables. Your suppose to learn a moral or something at the end of every story.
The Noah's Ark story is basically a watered-down version of an older staory, taken from the Akkadians or some such. I heard the older story once, years ago, and it was far more complex and far more interesting.
Originally posted by stu43t

It appears to me that you are questioning and/or mocking my
faith in Christianity. If this is true then I have nothing further to discuss with you.

Did you or did you not say: "I am an athiest you great tit, I just want to know why we are on this effing religious forum."?
By the way, I'm not mocking your faith, I'm mocking your entire existence. Please stop breathing.
Noahs' ark, adam and eve, woman and the dragon, etc.

Noahs' ark, adam and eve, samson and delilah, woman and the dragon, etc. Genesis, psalms,numbers, revelation, etc.

The bible is a book of "parables", even Jesus uses parables, analogies, to explain the virtue in life. why? The apostles once asked him "Jesus why do u speak in parables, tell us the meaning" Jesus in turn said "For them it is given in parables because they have eyes but cant see, have ears but cant hear. But to you I give its meaning", my opinion is because they hunger for it and ask, while as some people are pigs and dont care about the word of God, "dont cast yur pearls to the pigs lest they shall trample upon it". Even Jesus stressed how God hates it when People reject his word, He said "when a household refuse the offer, wipe off the dust in your feet and walk away, verily i assure u that it would b better to lve in soddom and gommorah than in that town"\

it is like you offering a bum 1 billion dollars, and he refuse the offer, said "No!", dont believe u and just walk away, wouldnt that make u mad?

in summary, the bible is a book full of parables. Back then people say "I confronted a man who have a breathe spitting fire at every words he says, and when he walks, he swifts away every creatures on his path" but in modern times, what he is really trying to say is "he met Mike Tyson and talked to him, then when he left everyone got out of his way because they were scared of him".

you see the difference?

whats in the bible is written over 3000 years ago, how did u expect that to b applicable in modern language?

for the sake of the argument, let us just say that science REALY proved it wrong that there was no universal flood. But u know what, the bible is free of MORAL ERRORS, in latin "Nihil Obstat", and "imprimatur", the bible meaning "book" was first compiled by the magisterium, pope united with the bishops (magisterium) and it is free of moral errors,, why do u think its in latin? Because rome italy where it was compiled is latin..
*Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
If things were perfect and this guy named God ran things then I would believe it.

How would you know?

*Heres some more questions:*

Any question that begins "why would God let..." is basically answered by...

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both you and your seed may live:
(Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV).

EVERYbody gets to choose between life and death.

The way you have it figured out, if someone voluntarily chose life, that would be fine, but if they choose death, their choice would be overruled and they would be forced to choose life.

Guess what?
Your "ideal" scenario isn't what's happening.

*Why would GOD let a 7 week old kitten be BBQ?*

Who was doing the BBQing?

*Why would GOD let Hitler kill the Jews, his so called Chosen people?*

It wasn't a case of "letting" it happen, as it was making it happen.

And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
(Isaiah 3:24, KJV).

*Why would GOD let a sniper i Maryland kill innocent people?*

Who's pulling the trigger?
And, who's getting hit?

*Why would GOD let crack excist?*

I don't use crack.

*Why would GOD ignore everyones prayers?*

He doesn't ignore mine.

*Why would GOD let Charles Manson live but Martin Luther King die?*

In CM's case, perhaps to show how absolutely insane a person can get doing things the way CM did them.
In MLK's case, perhaps to show that a person should not be talking the talk, while screwing around on his wife.

*We must question the story logic of having an all-knowing all-powerful God, who creates faulty Humans, and then blames them for his own mistakes. *

In your theory "his" mistakes appear to be yours.
IOW, that's a backhanded way of blaming God for your own mistakes.

*If God created everything then why did he make satan?*

For testing purposes.

*If God controls and knows everything then why is satan doing what hes doing and Gods just sitting back and watching?! *

In actual fact, satan is actually doing very little.
People are creating most of the mess.

*If Satan knows its going to happen then why not just stop God,*

He has no power, except over unbelievers.

*or better yet why doesnt God just stop satan now?*

His job is not done yet.
"In your theory "his" mistakes appear to be yours.
IOW, that's a backhanded way of blaming God for your own mistakes. "

He has a point tony. God created humans to be curious and created Adam and Eve to be quite ignorant. It is as much his fault that they ate from the tree of knowledge as it was theirs.